Fang Shizhong was furious and completely collapsed.

He had no love for Li Yanyan, only possessiveness.

But the more such people are, the more abnormal they are.

He felt that Li Yanyan was not a person, but his private property, which others could not touch.

When Fang Shizhong's leg was not lame, he was a gangster in Jiangcheng.

With the power of the Fang family and his personal prestige, no one dared to touch his woman.

But now his leg is lame, and his status in the Fang family is gone, and he is in a state of extreme inferiority.

So Li Yanyan and Li Hu just said a few words and smiled at each other, and he felt that Li Yanyan had betrayed him, and his heart collapsed instantly.

He wanted to kill Li Hu, he wanted to take back Li Yanyan, and torture this bitch, the lowly fisherman's daughter, this is the end of betraying him.

"Yes, sir."

"Brothers, grab your weapons and start."

With Abao's order, eight cars, thirty brothers jumped out, and walked towards Han Zhe's house aggressively.

Abao pushed the wheelchair and followed with Fang Shizhong.

Li Hu and Li Yanyan were talking when they heard gunshots at the gate.


The door lock was broken by a shot, and then a group of people, some with guns and some with machetes, rushed in ferociously.

"Fuck! How dare he come to our house to make trouble."

"Master, don't worry, I'll deal with him."

Tang Shuai, who was eating watermelon, couldn't bear it at the time, and pulled out the knife behind him and was about to start.

In his heart, whether it was his elder brother Han Zhe or his master Li Hu, they were all people he respected.

They dared to come to their house to make trouble, which was simply too much, and he had to teach them a lesson.

Who knew that Li Hu would hold him down.

"Put away the knife, don't mess around, it's not your turn to show off here."

Li Hu looked at everyone. He was not sure what the other party's intention was, so he was not sure how to deal with them.

Although he was not afraid of the other party, he had to figure it out to know if there would be trouble later.

So he kept his troops in place and waited for everyone to enter the room. He saw the person sitting in the wheelchair and was sure that this person should be their leader.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with so many people coming to my house?"

Li Hu asked with a cold face, ready to take action at any time.

But before Fang Shizhong in the wheelchair could speak, Li Yanyan was so scared that she trembled and spoke.

"Fang, Fang Shizhong!"

Li Hu was startled and looked at Fang Shizhong again.

It turned out that this was Han Zhe's father-in-law, Fang Ting's biological father, Fang Shizhong.

"Bitch, you still have the nerve to call my name?"

"Are you surprised that I came here? Are you surprised that I caught you having an affair? You are a slut who can't stand loneliness. You hooked up with this man after just coming to Haicheng. Are you worthy of me?"

Fang Shizhong roared angrily, staring at Li Yanyan as if he wanted to eat her.

Li Yanyan was frightened and retreated repeatedly. He had an instinctive fear of Fang Shizhong.

This was because Fang Shizhong's years of abuse of him brought him a stress response.

And just as he was retreating, a pair of slender hands supported his shoulders.

Li Yanyan looked back and saw that it was her biological daughter Fang Ting.

"Xiaoting, I..."

Li Yanyan wanted to say something, but Fang Ting smiled at her like the sun and gave her an encouraging look.

"Mom, don't be afraid, you haven't let him down, you don't have to be afraid of him, I will take care of everything in the future, I won't let him bully you again!"

After saying that, Fang Ting stood directly in front of Li Yanyan, staring at Fang Shizhong, glaring, with a strong momentum, not inferior to his father at all.

"Master, sister-in-law is so awesome!"

Tang Shuai couldn't help but admire, with an excited face, a look of watching the fun without minding the big deal.

"Shut up! Don't talk, let Xiaoting handle it herself."

Li Hu scolded, and said no more, leaving the home court to Fang Ting.

Although he had some understanding of Fang Ting's family affairs, Fang Ting and Han Zhe were not married after all, so some things were better handled by themselves.

However, if Fang Ting sought help, Li Hu would not hesitate to help.

If you are joking to move my daughter-in-law, I will kill you all here.

"Little bastard, you are willing to come out."

"Don't think that just because you rely on Han Zhe, I, as your father, can't control you."

"Take your mother with you and come back to Jiangcheng with me immediately, otherwise I will make you pay for it."

Fang Shizhong was very angry.

It's fine that outsiders don't take me seriously, but my wife is looking for a man behind my back, and my daughter is also against me.

If a tiger doesn't show its power, it will take itself as a sick cat.

TodayHere, he wanted to strengthen his position as a husband and take back his dignity as a father.

"Fang Shizhong, I have long severed ties with the Fang family and you. I am not your daughter, and you have no right to say that to me."

"I can also tell you clearly that even if I die, my mother and I will never step into the Fang family again."

"You don't have to threaten us. We are not afraid of you."

When Fang Ping said these words, he held his mother Li Yanyan's hand tightly.

He used his belief to give his mother strength, telling her not to be afraid of this bad guy, and that he, as a daughter, would accompany her to face it together.

Perhaps this telekinesis really conveyed to Li Yanyan.

Li Yanyan overcame her fear of Fang Shizhong in her heart, held her daughter Fang Ting's hand tightly, stood shoulder to shoulder with him, looked directly at the ferocious Fang Shizhong, and said every word firmly.

"That's right. Even if we die, we will never enter the Fang family again."

The mother and daughter's firm attitude made Fang Shizhong even more angry, and he cursed again.

"You two bitches, how dare you talk to me like this."

"I am your husband, I am your father, I am your master, you should listen to me in everything, and you can never resist me in your life."

Fang Shizhong looked at Li Yanyan, with some grievances in his anger, and questioned loudly.

"Especially you, Li Yanyan!"

"Am I not good to you? You are just a fisherman's daughter! It was me who fell in love with you and made you the eldest lady of my Fang family."

"I gave you a life of wealth and glory, and a life of luxury."

"Everything you eat, wear, use, and carry is paid for by me."

"I treat you so well, but you betrayed me. You disappoint me so much."

Fang Shizhong said it as a matter of course, with a fierce momentum. He thought Li Yanyan would be ashamed and couldn't raise her head, and dared not look at him.

But who knew that Li Yanyan would sneer after hearing what Fang Shizhong said.

This time, he looked at Fang Shizhong with no fear, but contempt.

"Be good to me? How dare you, a devil, say you are good to me?"

"I was raped by you, and I was trapped in the Fang family for so many years! Do you still want me to thank you, a rapist?"

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