"No, father, no."

"I don't want to be a eunuch."

"Father, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"Wife, Yanyan, Xiaoting, please help me beg father."

"I am your husband and father, you can't do this to me!"

Fang Shizhong woke up immediately.

He yelled at everyone, asking whoever he could ask for help, asking whoever he could ask for help.

In any case, he wanted to save his life first.

But maybe he really did a lot of bad things. Among so many people present, the most likely person to help him was his father, but now he stood on the opposite side of him because he wanted to curry favor with Han Zhe.

No one at the scene was willing to say a word for him.


Fang Tianhao didn't waste time talking to him, just picked up a knife on the ground, and castrated Fang Shizhong completely with one knife.

Fang Shizhong screamed in pain, and his voice was very shrill.

Even the hostile Han Zhe and Li Hu couldn't help but feel cruel, and felt a chill in their crotch.

"You beast, you still have the face to beg for mercy."

"Forget how I taught you."

"If you are wrong, you must admit it, and stand at attention when you are beaten."

"You are sorry for Yanyan and hurt him so deeply. This is your retribution."

Fang Tianhao is indeed a ruthless man. He held the thing he had just cut off from his son Fang Shizhong in his hand, his hands were full of blood, but he could still teach his son a lesson with righteous words.

Just when everyone thought that Fang Tianhao had done this enough, he once again unexpectedly did something that shocked everyone.

"Xiaoting, Yanyan, I know you will think I am a self-torture tactic. I left his dirty stuff here and then sent him to the hospital to sew it up."

"But I want to tell you that I, Fang Tianhao, either don't do it or do it to the extreme."

"Since I said I want him to pay for this, I won't let him have the possibility of recovery."

Fang Tianhao opened the window and threw the dirty stuff into the sea with all his strength.

"Mine! Mine is gone, completely gone!"

"Mine, puff..."

Fang Shizhong roared a few times, and he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted again.

Fang Tianhao also walked back again, looking at Li Yanyan and Fang Ting with a righteous face.

"Xiaoting, Yanyan, I have explained to you in the most cruel way."

"But I also know that even so, it can't compensate you and your daughter for one ten-thousandth of the suffering you have suffered in the Fang family for so many years."

"And you didn't do it, not because you forgave this beast, but because you didn't want to dirty your hands."

"It doesn't matter, I'm here."

"He is my son. I didn't teach him well, so I should deal with him."

"You mother and daughter can tell me what you want to do with him. I will do it myself. No one will criticize you for any gossip afterwards."

Fang Ting and Li Yanyan were completely stunned after Fang Tianhao finished speaking.

Han Zhe, Li Hu and Tang Zhe also began to admire Fang Tianhao, the old guy.

No wonder this old guy was able to bring the Fang family to today's power and status step by step from the dock.

This guy is not only cruel and ruthless, but also decisive.

He took action against his own son, that's so straightforward.

Han Zhe, Li Hu and Tang Shuai thought about it from different perspectives. They definitely couldn't do it anyway.

For a moment, none of the three knew what to say, and finally left it to Fang Ting and Li Yanyan to decide.

"Mom, what do you think?"

Fang Ting was completely stunned by her grandfather, and she was a little unsure, so she looked at her mother Li Yanyan.

To be honest, no matter how bad and scumbag Fang Shizhong was, he was still her father after all.

Seeing that he had been punished so miserably, Fang Ting softened her heart.

Although he didn't want to admit it and didn't want to have anything to do with Fang Shizhong anymore, the hatred in his heart had indeed been put down.

And Li Yanyan also wiped her tears, and finally bowed to Fang Tianhao and said sincerely.

"Father-in-law, thank you for venting my anger today and helping me get justice for so many years."

"No matter how many wrongdoings Fang Shizhong has done, he is Xiaoting's father after all."

"If we really say that he should die, even if Xiaoting didn't do it, his reputation will be tarnished."

"So let's end this matter here."

"From now on, he and I are no longer husband and wife, and Xiaoting will continue to live with me."

"Please completely erase Xiaoting and me from the Fang family."

After hearing this, Fang Zhong felt a sense of shock.

The old man miscalculated this time.If the wife and the eldest daughter were finally wiped out from the Fang family, completely severing their relationship with the Fang family, then the old man's plan would fail, and the master's life would not be in vain.

But no matter how anxious he was, he dared not say a word.

After all, with Fang Tianhao here, he had no right to speak in front of so many outsiders.

He could only hope that Fang Tianhao had some tricks up his sleeve to turn the tide.

But who would have thought that Fang Tianhao actually sighed sadly and nodded.

"Alas, good child, don't say that."

"In the final analysis, it is our old Fang family that has let you and your daughter down. It is natural that you still have resentment in your heart."

"Since you have made up your mind, I will promise you on behalf of this rebellious son that I will go through the divorce procedures with you as soon as possible."

"In the future, whether you and Xiaoting continue to live here or want to come back for a vacation, it's up to you."

"I, an old man, welcome you at any time."

Fang Tianhao said so much, and it was difficult for others to say anything more.

Li Yanyan and Fang Ting bowed to Fang Tianhao again to express their gratitude.

Fang Tianhao waved his hand, his face painful, but he didn't say anything more, and let Fang Zhong carry Fang Shizhong and leave directly.

A Bao, who was trembling with fear, finally chose to follow.

Although he might be punished if he went back, Liu was more afraid in front of Han Zhe and Li Hu, the two evil spirits.

It was not until he got out of the door and got on the helicopter that Fang Tianhao regained his normal complexion and calmly gave orders to Fang Zhong.

"Ah Zhong, notify Jiangcheng Hospital to perform surgery immediately."

Fang Zhong was startled, then nodded and started to make a phone call immediately.

Fang Tianhao looked at his biological son Fang Shizhong, who was already unconscious and pale, with a helpless look and a trace of guilt.

"Silly child, don't blame your father. There is nothing we can do about it."

"You have already lost your legs and become a cripple. Losing another life will not have much impact on you."

"But this can improve the relationship between our Fang family and Han Zhe and others, so it is worth it."

"Don't you always want to do something for the prosperity of the family?"

"This is the only thing you can do now."

"I think you will be very relieved."

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