Fang Ting was very moved, hugged Han Zhe tightly and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you, Azhe. You are so good to me!"

From an outsider's point of view, Fang Ting must be the happiest woman in the world.

She is beautiful, has a wealthy family, and the Fang family is well-connected in both the black and white worlds. There is no need to worry about her personal safety, and as long as Fang Ting is willing, she can become a big shot in Jiangcheng at any time.

But those who really understand Fang Ting will know that Fang Ting has never disdained to have these.

Her mother is a very ordinary fisherman's daughter. When the Fang family was not yet prosperous, she fell in love with Fang Shizhong, who was still a gangster at the time, and later married and gave birth to her.

In addition to inheriting Fang Shizhong's strong courage, Fang Ting also inherited his calm and indifferent temperament.

She will never waste three meals a day, and she feels very good with simple tea and plain food.

Whether it is a mansion or a bungalow, as long as there is a bed to sleep on, it will be fine.

So even though everyone knew that she was the eldest daughter of the Fang family, she still lived in the school, got along well with her classmates, never put on airs like an eldest daughter, and never used her family's power to bully anyone.

It was because of this that people like Gu Zhenzhen had the illusion that Fang Ting was easy to talk to, and it was okay to make trouble in front of her, so Gu Zhenzhen dared to provoke Fang Ting.

It was not until she touched Fang Ting's reverse scale and received the critical hit from Fang Ting that she realized how vulnerable she was in front of the eldest daughter of the Fang family.

Even Fang Ting didn't have to do anything, a phone call could make Gu Zhenzhen, who was so proud, breathless.

But Fang Ting didn't care about all this at all, she just wanted a free and happy home.

Everything in the Fang family was her bondage.

The halo contained in the four words "Miss Fang" that outsiders saw was nothing more than a shining shackle for her.

She once thought that there would never be a day to break through in her life.

But when she met Han Zhe, everything changed.

Fang Ting was glad that she had persisted and waited for the person she loved most, Han Zhe, who was a ray of light in her life.

Just for this, accompanying him to go crazy and die with him became so natural.

"Oh, what are you doing!"

Fang Ting was still moved, and was suddenly picked up by Han Zhe like a princess, which scared her.

"It's not enough to just thank you with your mouth."

Han Zhe smiled evilly and teased Fang Ting.

"Then what do you want me to thank you with?"

Fang Ting bit her lips tightly, her eyes were charming, and she asked knowingly.

"Don't you know?"

Han Zhe was so aroused that he couldn't help it anymore. He put Fang Ting on the bed and started a lovemaking battle.

"This stinky boy is really careless. He still has the mind to do these things now."

The old man next door, Li Hu, shook his head in his room, laughing and crying, and then fell silent again.

Although Han Zhe was taught by himself and his strength was unquestionable, he was still worried.

Li Hu took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Boss, you finally found me!"

An excited voice came from the other side, and the shouting made Li Hu unconsciously hold the phone farther away.

"Okay, be normal, megaphone."

"I'm looking for you because I want you to do me a favor. Tomorrow at 12 noon, at the Island Restaurant, you..."


After getting up in the morning, Han Zhe and Fang Ting prepared breakfast for Li Hu. After eating, Han Zhe went out.

Don't have the intention to harm others, but be on guard against others.

Han Zhe decided to go to the vicinity of the Island Restaurant first to check the terrain and make preparations.

This is also what his father Li Hu taught him, pre-war reconnaissance, never fight an unprepared battle.

"There are crossroads less than 300 meters on both sides of here. It is located in a busy street with a large flow of people and open terrain. If something happens, you can quickly hide in the crowd and get rid of the enemy."

"The Island Restaurant has a total of five floors. The rooftop terrace is a glass house. It is not sealed on all four sides. In addition to the staircase, the escape ladder can be used for retreat. The building of the telephone company next door is so close that it can also be used as an alternative plan."

"There are about 50 hidden enemies that can be ambushed. This is not to mention the enemy's two-handed preparation. There must be at least hundreds of people arranged to block the retreat route."

"The possible distribution places are here, here, and..."

Han Zhe leaned against the street lamp on the overpass, observing while taking out paper and pen, and began to draw and make plans.

He was busy and serious, and suddenly a young man with luxurious clothes but messy hair came over.

He looks handsome, but the look in his eyes seems a bit abnormal.

"What's wrong with you?"

Han Zhe frowned and asked.

"Something happened."

The other party was not embarrassed at all and said it as a matter of course.

This confident look gave HanZhe was completely confused.

"Then tell me."

Han Zhe put away the paper and pen and looked at the other party.

"Have you heard of the Haicheng Zhao family?"

The other party asked, with a hint of pride between his eyebrows.

"Of course I have heard of it."

Han Zhe nodded. In Longguo, it is estimated that no one would not know the Haicheng Zhao family.

If the Fang family is the first wealthy family in Jiangcheng, then it is nothing in front of the Haicheng Zhao family. At most, it is just a small shrimp.

It's not that the Haicheng Zhao family is very rich, but it has tens of billions more than the Fang family and has just joined the ranks of wealthy families with hundreds of billions.

But the problem is that the Haicheng Zhao family is the patriarch of all the Zhao families in Longguo.

The Jingmen Zhao family, the Nanhai Zhao family, the Longyou Zhao family, and the Fengcheng Zhao family, these either have assets of hundreds of billions, or are powerful in the political arena, and their influence is distributed throughout the country. As long as the Haicheng Zhao family wants, there is nothing they can't do in Longguo.

That is the real top wealthy family in Longguo.

But Han Zhe didn't understand why the other party suddenly talked about the Zhao family with him.

"I am Zhao Tianji, the eldest grandson of the Zhao family in Haicheng."

The other party tidied up his messy hair and tried to make his words look more convincing, but his weak appearance and the action of constantly pursing his lips made him look like a beggar who had been hungry for several days.

"You don't need to report your identity, just tell me your request directly. I don't have much time, and I have something to do later."

Han Zhe urged, he really didn't want to deal with the boy in front of him.

"Okay, then I'll make it short!"

Zhao Tianji was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Han Zhe to react like this. After a brief confusion, he continued.

"I was hunted by my enemies for some personal reasons. All my bodyguards died, my ID card and money were lost, and I haven't eaten for two days."

"If you treat me to a meal and send me back to Haicheng, I will give you 100 million as a reward. How about it?"

Zhao Tianji was proud and confident. He didn't believe that Han Zhe would refuse. After all, it was 100 million. Who could refuse such a temptation?

But 100 million was just a drop in the bucket for his identity as the eldest grandson of the Zhao family.

As long as he could return home safely, he didn't care at all.

And Han Zhe began to look at Zhao Tianji carefully, thinking of a very classic telecom fraud.

I am Qin Shihuang, send money!

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