The next morning, when Han Zhe woke up, Fang Ting had already prepared breakfast and called him downstairs to eat.

The small courtyard that Dad found this time had two floors. Li Hu and Li Yanyan each had a room downstairs, and the master bedroom upstairs naturally became the room of Han Zhe and Fang Ting.

"Come downstairs to eat, Azhe."

Fang Ting came up and kissed Han Zhe on the face, who was still sleepy, and urged him to get up, wash and eat.

As a result, just as she wanted to get up, she was pulled back to bed by Han Zhe and hugged tightly in his arms.

"Oh, what are you doing? Uncle and my mother are still downstairs, don't mess around."

Fang Ting had a bad premonition that Han Zhe was going to do something bad.

Although the two had made their relationship clear and had tasted the forbidden fruit, Fang Ting was no longer an ignorant girl who didn't know anything, but when she thought about the two old people downstairs and it was early in the morning, it really had a bad influence.

"What are you afraid of? Your mother likes me very much, and my father is not an outsider. Why do you care so much?"

"You should know that a day's plan begins in the morning. Morning is when I have the most energy. You are my woman, you have to be responsible."

Han Zhe said, and his hands began to untie Fang Ting's shoulder straps dishonestly.

"You, um..."

Fang Ting wanted to say something, but was blocked by Han Zhe's mouth and couldn't speak.

In desperation, she had to close her eyes, cater to Han Zhe, and linger together.

Half an hour later, the two came late and went downstairs to eat.

"Dad, where is Auntie?"

Seeing Li Hu drinking porridge alone in the dining room, Han Zhe asked curiously.

"Your mother-in-law is afraid that you are working hard, so she said she would fry two more eggs for you to make up for it."

Li Hu raised his eyebrows with a sly smile and continued to drink porridge.

"It's all your fault!"

Fang Ting blushed with shame, and hit Han Zhe's chest with a pink fist.

She has always been a good girl in front of her mother. Her mother must have heard what she did with Han Zhe just now. It's too embarrassing.

"Silly girl, you are an adult now, what's there to be shy about?"

"Azhe, sit down and have breakfast."

Li Yanyan came out with a freshly made fried egg, touched her daughter's head lovingly, and invited Han Zhe to eat.

"Thank you, Auntie."

Han Zhe was also a little embarrassed. After all, what he did to Fang Ting just now was heard by her mother, which was somewhat embarrassing.

Fang Ting was so shy that she didn't dare to look up.

Only Li Hu had a gloating expression.

"You don't have to be like this, Xiaoting. Mom is an experienced person. She knows that young people like you are passionate and it's inevitable that you will get angry. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Azhe, you and Xiaoting are in a special situation. Auntie has experienced this life and doesn't care about weddings, marriage certificates and other formalities. As long as you really love Xiaoting, treat her well and make her happy, that's enough."

"You don't have to consider my thoughts in the future. Just treat it as a couple."

Li Yanyan took the initiative to open up the conversation and open her heart to the young couple.

Han Zhe and Fang Ting realized that Li Yanyan really didn't care about those things, and she was not making fun of them, but just blessing them.

"Auntie, here is a bank card with 5 million in it. You can keep it and buy whatever the family needs. We just moved here, and you need to take care of many things. My father is a careless person, so you are more reliable for these trivial matters."

Han Zhe was grateful and handed the 5 million he got from the Han family to Li Yanyan.

This caused Li Hu to complain in dissatisfaction.

"Stinky boy, if you want to please your mother-in-law, there is no need to step on me. I am careless? How can you grow up so big and so strong? You are a conscienceless little bastard, you deserve a beating, right!"

Li Hu pretended to be angry and picked up the chopsticks in his hand to hit Han Zhe.

Han Zhe was fine, Li Yanyan was anxious, and hurriedly handed over the bank card and persuaded him.

"Brother Hu, don't blame Ah Zhe, this child is just afraid that I have no status in the family, and he feels uncomfortable in his heart. He doesn't mean to be unfilial to you. You take this money, you make the arrangements, I will listen to you."

Li Yanyan herself is a simple fishing girl, she doesn't have so many thoughts, she is very innocent and simple.

Even if she entered a den of thieves like the Fang family, she has always been a soft-hearted good person, and she is most afraid that others will quarrel because of her.

Han Zhe risked his life to break into Fang's house, rescued her from that den of thieves, took her in, and brought her to Haicheng to start a new life. She was very grateful.

If Li Hu and Han Zhe had a conflict because of her relationship, she would feel guilty.

"No, I'm kidding, sister."

"Oh, I'm a rough man and I don't know how to speak. Ah Zhe, you and your mother-in-law should talk about it."Hey, what are you laughing at, you little brat? You want to be beaten, right?" Li Hu was embarrassed. He was just teasing Han Zhe, but he was used to being careless and completely ignored Li Yanyan's sensitivity as a woman. He regretted it very much. As a result, Han Zhe, the little brat, was still laughing there. Li Hu was so angry that he really started fighting. The father and son fought. Li Yanyan was anxious at this moment. She wanted to persuade him again but was stopped by Fang Ting. "Mom, don't worry about it. That's how Azhe and uncle get along. Let them be." "As long as this card is given to you by Azhe, take it. Uncle won't mind." "Azhe and uncle are both very good people. They just like to joke. There is no other meaning. You will know it after you stay for a long time. "

After hearing Fang Ting's words, Li Yanyan felt relieved and put away the bank card.

Although a lot of things were moved in, there were indeed many things that needed to be purchased. There were many necessities for a family of four.

Li Hu and Han Zhe had had enough of the fight and came back to continue eating.

After everyone finished eating, Li Yanyan asked Han Zhe.

"Azhe, are you free today? If you are free, drive me there. I have to go out for a walk and buy some things for the house. I don't think I can carry them by myself."

Li Yanyan directly asked Han Zhe about the time. It was obvious that after Fang Ting's guidance, Li Yanyan had integrated into this new family and was no longer shy.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I really can't do it today. I have to go to that guy yesterday to ask for my wages. "

Han Zhe said with a smile, very happy that his mother-in-law was close to him.

"Oh, let's do it another day. By the way, how much wages does he owe you? I see he is as dirty as a refugee, and he even took our car back to Haicheng. Can he pay you back?"

Li Yanyan began to worry about Han Zhe.

"It's okay. It's just 300 million, which is a small matter for him."

Han Zhe said it as a matter of course, but Li Yanyan was shocked beyond words.

Han Zhe gave him 5 million to buy things in the morning, and now he has another 300 million in wages, and he said it's not much.

Is inflation so serious in the world now?

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