I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 169 The Old Smith House

Rove sat on a chair and ignored Helena's invitation to dance.

Wouldn't it be foolish to dance with a ghost?

But the colder Rove's attitude was, and the more he ignored her, the more enthusiastic this woman was, so enthusiastic that she seemed a little cold-faced and hot-ass.

You like a thousand-year-old goddess with others; you like a thousand-year-old goddess who is someone else's licking dog... Obviously, the latter is more harmful.

So in order to stimulate Barrow, Helena also changed from her previous aloofness, and kept her attitude to the lowest level when facing Rove.

If he really wanted to resurrect her, Luo Fu didn't dare to think that she would deliberately do something with him...to further stimulate the bloody Baro.

Poor... But remembering that Barrow was also a licking dog when he was alive, Rove is not pitiful anymore.

"Rove, you're here too!"

Suddenly, two big living people emerged from the ghost pile. They saw Rove as if they saw the organization, and ran towards him excitedly.

Rove turned his head and saw that it was Harry and Ron.

Unlucky for Harry, he didn't really want to attend the Deathday Party.

But that day he participated in Quidditch training in the rain, and when he returned to the castle, he was covered in muddy water and was caught by Filch.

Nick rescued Harry, and took advantage of the opportunity to invite him to attend his death day. Harry looked down and saw him, he couldn't refuse, so he agreed and brought Ron

But after the death day dinner, they regretted it. The two of them were about to escape...unexpectedly, they saw Luo Fu.

"I heard that the anniversary of Nick's death is very interesting." Rove explained vaguely, "Just come and take a look."

"You're disappointed after reading it?" Harry whispered, "It's really boring."

"That's right, it's far worse than a Halloween dinner." Ron on the side also complained: "Is there music playing on the dance floor? It's as bad as noise!"

"And the rotten food!"

Ron pointed to the dining table not far away. On the table were rotten meat, charred cakes and a lot of maggot-filled haggis.

"It's disgusting!" He made a motion of vomiting, "We shouldn't be here, Harry, hurry back.

Nick is dead, there is no need to take care of the mood of the dead...they are just ghosts. "

Ron spoke quickly, but when he turned his head, he saw Ms. Gray beside Rove. He suddenly stammered as if he was choking on rotten food:

"Who is this?"

"Ms. Gray, the ghost of Ravenclaw Tower." Rove introduced.

Ron stared blankly at Ms. Gray, blushing and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean you just now... My name is Ron Weasley!"

But Helena didn't speak, she just ignored Ron, looking at him as if she was looking at the haggis full of maggots on the dining table.

Ron blushed even more.

"Rove, that ghost of Slytherin, seems to be staring at you all the time."

Harry didn't notice this scene, but saw the bloody Baron in the distance, and he reminded in a low voice, "Did you offend him?"

"Maybe it's because I'm jealous that I'm young." Rove grinned, "I'm jealous that I'm still alive and he's dead."


With the sound of a hunting horn, the band, which creaked like a saw, stopped suddenly, and twelve ghostly horses galloped out of the walls, each with a headless rider on it.

The twelve ghost horses ran to the center of the dance floor, stopped abruptly, stood upright on their hind legs, and then kicked their hind hooves and rushed forward.

The horse in front was a huge ghost with a bearded head held under its arm.

Ghosts sat on the other eleven horses, and they weren't all wizards, there were vampires and goblins and... house-elves, but all of them had their heads cut off.

Here comes the Headless Hunters, a famous British ghost group, but they only recruit ghosts whose heads and bodies are separated.

Nearly Headless Nick applied, but was rejected because he didn't meet the qualifications.

"Welcome, Patrick." Nick greeted him.

"Oh my god, my dear old man, long time no see!" Patrick laughed, "Is your head still glued to your neck?"

"Hey, for Merlin's sake, give me some face, tonight is my death anniversary dinner!" Nick put his arms around Patrick and said:

"Watch out I kick your ass hard with my boot! I swear, I'm going to do it!"

The two laughed wildly and patted each other on the shoulder.

"Here we come." Helena whispered, "Rove."

"Harry, I have something to pay, let's go first, you two continue to play here."

Rove stood up and followed Helena towards the group of headless ghosts.

Both Harry and Ron looked at each other, and Ron even looked at Ms. Gray and exclaimed:

"Seriously, she's really extraordinary, why doesn't Gryffindor have such a beautiful ghost!"

"I don't know what relationship she has with Rove." Harry whispered.

"I know what the relationship between the two of them is."

Out of the ground suddenly a squat ghost appeared, her face half-hidden by thick long hair and pearl-colored glasses.

"Who are you?" Harry asked curiously.

"My name is Myrtle, and I am the ghost of Ravenclaw." Myrtle looked at Harry shyly and said, "I know the relationship between Rove and Ms. Gray."

"what relationship?"

"Well, it's not suitable to say it here, there are too many people." Myrtle said cautiously: "Harry Potter, you came with me and went to my place... I will tell you this secret again."

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, anyway, they were ready to sneak away, and they could just take this opportunity to get out of the banquet.

"Let's go then." Harry and Ron stood up.

Myrtle giggled.

Rove, you are looking for Ms. Gray behind my back, so don't blame me for stealing men behind your back... You were the one who abandoned me first.


Rolf and Helena travel to Headless Hunt to find a house-elf ghost.

It was so old, its head seemed to have been chopped off by an axe, and the wound was still uneven.

"Oh, Miss Ravenclaw, long time no see!" The house elf immediately bowed respectfully after seeing Helena.

"Rove, his name is Cole, and he was a house elf of the Black family." Helena explained:

"Cole cut off his head according to the tradition of the Black family, but turned into a ghost after death."

"Hello." Rove greeted, "Have you seen the house elf in Hufflepuff?"

"I saw it once when I was young." Cole said softly, "I also saw its portrait later."

"Where did you see it?" Rove asked.

"Smith's old house, sir." Cole said respectfully, "I saw that portrait in the guest room when I followed my master to visit the Smith's house."

"The Smith House?"

Rove was lost in thought.



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