I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 225 The Location of the Diary

Since Mrs. Pince was attacked, this bathroom has been temporarily disabled, and few people come, why is there a sound now?

Rove raised his wand, walked carefully into the bathroom, and saw a large puddle of water seeping out from the crack in the compartment door.

He gently pushed open the wooden door of the compartment, and found that Myrtle was standing upside down, with her head stuck in the water of the toilet, her legs pointing up, her tongue outstretched, her mouth crooked and her eyes slanted...

"What are you doing with this posture, Myrtle?" Rove leaned against the wooden door and couldn't help laughing, "Playing as a water ghost, or practicing 'Lu Youqi'?"

Myrtle quickly turned around, floating in the air and said:

"Rove, why did you come in? This is the women's room... Ah~ I found that you like to go into the women's room? Is this your unique hobby?"

"Although it's a bit abnormal, but..." Myrtle said shyly, "I don't mind."

"First of all, this bathroom is out of service, no female students will come here."

"Secondly," Rove said slowly, "I came in to see if anyone was attacked because I heard the sound of ping-pong, ping-pong... It's understandable."

"I didn't say you were spying on me on purpose." Myrtle blinked at him through the thick lenses, "Don't be so nervous."

"Why are you here?" Rove stood at the door of the cubicle, looked around, and frowned slightly, "Don't you always stay in another dilapidated bathroom?"

"This is my new place." Myrtle floated in the water tank of the toilet, holding her chin and saying:

"The original one... after the underground was burned, the smell always permeates up the pipes, it smells terrible!"

After Voldemort used the Fierce Flame Curse last year to set the Chamber of Secrets on fire, he could indeed smell the strange smell for a long time, but...

Rove quipped: "You, a ghost, can smell burnt?"

After hearing this, Myrtle burst into tears: "Rove, you are hurting me with words! I know I'm dead... I can't breathe... You don't have to remind me like this... Woohoo..."

"Myrtle, you are too sensitive." Rove said helplessly.

"Sensitive? That's because no one really cared about me!" Myrtle cried out, grabbed her hair with both hands, and said with a choked voice:

"When I died...it took a long time for people to notice...nobody cared about me at all!"

"Don't cry." Rove glanced outside the door and said, "I'll disturb Madam Pomfrey later, she doesn't have a good temper."

"It's okay not to let me cry, you should come and visit me more often, I haven't seen you for a long time since Halloween." Myrtle muttered, fumbling in her robes for a handkerchief.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend? Harry and Ron." Rove observed the bathroom, and replied casually, "Or two, not enough for you to be happy?"

"Ron is so ugly. I feel uncomfortable seeing the dense freckles on his face. Harry is not emotional, and he is also a little heartbreaker!" Myrtle wiped her eyes melancholy and said:

"I have already decided to get rid of them. Among the male students at Hogwarts, you are the most handsome and worthy of me! Are you and Ms. Gray also separated?

I haven't seen you guys walking together for a long time. "

Rove didn't want to discuss Helena, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "What was that sound just now? I heard it right at the door."

"A big fat mouse," said Myrtle in a miserable voice:

"It was scary to look at, scurrying around in the cubicle and finally getting out of the toilet... I am most afraid of rats."

"It's okay, I can't bite you anyway."

"You're hurting me again!" Myrtle sobbed in grief, rose into the air, turned around, and fell headfirst into the toilet bowl, splashing the water on the floor, and was gone.

Judging from the dull sobs, she should be hiding in the sewer.

Rove didn't care either, he turned and left, just took a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, turned around stiffly, staring at an item in the compartment.

The boy suddenly laughed.

He discovered something that he and even Dumbledore had inadvertently overlooked.

Flush toilet!

On the night Mrs. Pince was attacked, Rove sealed off the surrounding walls with water jets, which seemed to form an absolute "secret room", but in fact it was not that secret... Isn't the toilet connected to the sewer?

It's just that the hole was so small that Rove ignored it at the time. But no matter how small it is, it is still a hole, enough for a mouse to get in and out!

No wonder that guy rushed into the cubicle the first time, so it was to get into the toilet.

There was only one last thing left to determine, and that was how the diary got from Percy... to the guy.

Rove turned and walked out of the bathroom, striding towards the distance. He walked through the corridors and buildings, and soon came to the fourth floor before slowing down.

Because of the fight with Malfoy, Ginny was punished by manually cleaning the hallway, and she was standing on a ladder, holding a rag, carefully cleaning the glass.

Luna was standing on the ground, holding the ladder for Ginny. She was still holding a bucket in her left hand, and a clean rag was on her right arm. There were strings of pebbles around her waist, which made a soft noise.

There is a copy of "The Quibbler" on the window sill, but the breeze blows, the pages are turned randomly, and the content cannot be seen at all.

Rove walked towards the two, stretched out his left hand to help Ginny hold the ladder, and helped Luna read "The Quibbler" with his right hand.

"Rove, why are you here?" Ginny wiped the glass and creaked it.

"I came to you to ask something."

Ginny quickly slid down the ladder. The little girl raised her head, deliberately looked left and right, and then said in a low voice, "You need money for information."

Rove, who was angry and funny, rewarded her with a heavy chestnut, and said softly:

"Ginny, George and Fred told me that Percy locked himself in his room during the summer..."

"I know what Percy is doing!" Ginny hurriedly raised her hand holding the rag, and said with a smile:

"He's in a relationship with Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw prefect, and he's been hiding in his room during the summer and writing to her..."

Rove was stunned for a moment, this was not what he wanted to ask, but it still explained Percy's abnormality.

"So, he left the auditorium on Halloween and Valentine's Day to go on a date?"

"Yes." Ginny nodded and said, "He also told me not to tell others."

Rove snorted, pondered for a moment and said, "I have something else I want to ask you."

"whats the matter?"

"George and Fred told me that they blew up Percy's room, leaving him without a place to sleep for several days." Rove said softly:

"Where did Percy sleep at the time?"

"Squeeze in the same room with Ron and Harry." Ginny said as a matter of course:

"There are only five rooms in our house, one for me, one for my parents, one for George and Fred...Percy had no place to live, so he could only squeeze into the small attic with Ron."

Sure enough... the diary was discovered by that guy at that time?

"Why are you asking this?" Ginny asked strangely.

"Nothing, thank you." Rove smiled with satisfaction, he had sorted out all doubts.

The boy took out a Galleon from his pocket, but after thinking about it, he was also a poor man, and he had to raise a little assistant, Shirley, so he couldn't be extravagant.

He replaced Garen with two... Nat.

Rove handed Nat to Ginny and Luna respectively. He showed a generous expression and said with a smile:

"The rewards for the two of you, children's family... use it to buy candy, you're welcome."




(Chapter 2 tomorrow morning.)

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