I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 273 The magic wand is fast and accurate within seven steps

The sound of footsteps, the creaking of leather against wood, echoed through the quiet corridors.

With the help of the dim light, Helen could clearly see the face of the visitor.

With smooth blond hair, shining blue eyes and a faint smile, the witch immediately recognized this handsome and extraordinary boy...

Rolf Scamander!

Helen narrowed her eyes, she thought about Aurors coming to catch her, thinking about Carlos bringing a group of sailors to stop her, at least some "zealous" wizard... But she really didn't expect it to be him!

Under the flickering firelight, Helen's eyes flickered, and Rove smiled and said, "You don't need to look for it, I'm the only one here."

Helen immediately relaxed, she was just a little wizard, just before she left, she still had one vote to arrest him.

Such a handsome boy, no matter whether he is imprisoned to play slowly or sold to a rich woman, he can sell for a price not lower than that of the mermaid.

But Helen still asked strangely, "Why are you here? Did Skander tell you anything?"

"No." Rove shook his head and patiently explained: "Earlier, I used the disillusionment spell to follow Skander, quietly entered Ni's room, and witnessed your transaction...the transaction of that mermaid."

"Impossible!" Helen screamed.

She installed a magic lock on the door, which is not only defensive, but also detects invisible wizards, and its effect is better than a looking glass.

If a wizard wearing an invisibility cloak or a disillusionment spell enters the room, the magic will be triggered, and she has caught many dark wizards by relying on that thing.

Rove smiled. He was wearing a modified version of Voldemort's same "scarf", which could effectively block the detection of magic items.

Can you be stronger than the Dark Lord's magic?

Helen suddenly raised her wand and shot a red light. Rove turned his head to one side and easily avoided the Stunning Spell.

Rove glanced at the slightly glaring hole in the wall in the distance, then looked at the horrified witch, and said with a smile, "You can't hit it at this close?"

The young man looked at the extremely embarrassed Mrs. Helen, walked forward slowly, and said with a pleasant face:

"I've heard wands are fast at seven paces, and wands at seven paces...fast and accurate!

Then I will come closer, and you must not disappoint me. "

Scamander was only a child, Helen reminded herself, he couldn't hide forever, one hit...the fight was over.

But no matter how Helen casts magic, Rove can always dodge and move deftly, and her spells always pass by his shoulders and arms.

It didn't take long for Helen to be out of breath, almost exhausted from the torment, and the sweat dripped down her cheeks, blurring her eyes.

And every time the young man avoided the spell, he would deliberately shake his shoulders and ridicule... Helen couldn't help trembling all over, and her heart was full of despair.

The happiest time to hunt prey is not the moment of killing the prey, but the process of playing with it.

It's like a cat catching a mouse, not killing it so quickly, but teasing and torturing it repeatedly.

Mrs. Helen felt like she was a prey now, and the boy was deliberately torturing and playing with herself!

Helen was distracted, and Rove was only one step away from her. He grabbed her arm, crashed all the way, smashed open the wooden door, and returned to her own room.

Helen staggered and fell on the hard floor. Rove grabbed her hair with one hand and pulled her head back, while the other hand reached for her throat.

Helen's wand was blown away, and she could only fight Rove with her bare hands like a Muggle, but her nails scraped the boy's body like scraping.

Helen was taken aback, and only then did she notice that Scamander's skin had turned silver-gray, like dragon scales... What kind of magic is this? !

Mrs. Helen was so pinched that she was almost out of breath. She punched him one after another, but it was like hitting a thick wall.

The young man was punched a lot, as if he didn't realize it, but Helen's fist was bleeding.

Helen raised her knees violently, and pressed hard against Rove's abdomen, hoping to give him a fatal blow.

But it was as if she had kicked on a rock, and it was...harder than anything she'd ever seen.


The bones are broken!

Helen's leg was broken! !


Helen was completely desperate, she was about to faint from the pain, and begged for mercy loudly:

"Let me go, I can give you Galleons, Galleons you can't imagine!"

Rove smiled and said, "Idiot, I caught you, isn't your Galleon mine?"


Helen cried and asked, "What kind of enmity do you have with me?"

"The mermaid you sold to the mysterious circus, her name is Misanla." Rove grabbed Helen's hands, twisted them violently, and broke her arms neatly.

"she is my friend."

Rove stood up, patted the dust off his body, looked at Helen who was about to faint, and finally said in a low voice:

"There are also abductions of women and children... they all deserve to die!"



The news that the mysterious circus owner was brought under control spread throughout the entire Mayflower the next morning.

Last night's performance was very successful. Everyone was still looking forward to the mermaid, but Skander was arrested unexpectedly.

At first, the wizard still regretted it, but when he heard that Skander released the Kabulo dragon, and he also released a fire dragon, no one sympathized with him... Instead, he wished for him to die immediately!

Even though Carlos repeatedly assured everyone that this was only possible and that a trial by Aurors was needed, the passengers didn't care.

Human nature is like this, if it's not about you, you can hang it high and say a few innocuous and reasonable words, but if it involves your own safety, you will easily go to extremes.

People don't know if Skander is the murderer, but the fear makes them assume he is, and there is a danger... just eliminate the danger.

Anyway, everyone doesn't want to be on the same boat with him again!

Many wizards proposed to punish Skander according to the laws of the high seas.

There are many kinds of punishments on sea ships, the most common one is whipping, in addition to "walking on the springboard", "exile on a deserted island", and "drag the keel" which makes people discolored.

The so-called dragging the keel is to use a long rope to tie the hands of the erring sailor tightly, and then throw it into the sea. Because the position where the sailor fell into the sea is too close to the hull of the ship, he will be "pressed" by the hull of the ship.

Of course, there are also wizards who proposed to use artillery and dog execution against Skander, which obviously came from a wizard from the north of a certain peninsula.

Carlos had a headache. He was worried that Skender would be killed by the angry passengers before he arrived in the United States.

As for the instigator, Rove, he didn't really care about this matter, or rather, he didn't have time to care about it. After all, all his energy was almost drained by the mixed-race Veela.



(It was blocked, so I had to modify some extreme content, alas.)

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