I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 315 Maliciously Flipping the Bound Edition

The news of Greyback's death hit the headlines of the "Daily Prophet", and then spread throughout the UK at the fastest speed.

This werewolf with countless crimes, he didn't like to kill people all his life, so he had to bite people, especially underage children... It can be called a wizard's nightmare.

His death came as a great relief to all, especially the hurting wizarding families.

But here comes the question, who killed Greyback?

The Daily Prophet's words were conclusive, and it was Rolf Scamander who did it, but this news was even more outrageous than Greyback's killing.

That's right...Rove did catch the Death Eater Peter not long ago, and turned the case for Blake, becoming a hero.

But Peter was acting like a mouse at the time, and the danger of catching him was actually not that great.

Greyback is different, he is a real vicious person, and he is also a more dangerous werewolf after transformation.

If we say that catching Peter depends on brains, and killing Greyback depends on strength... Does a thirteen-year-old boy have this strength?

But the Ministry of Magic quickly confirmed the report, and gave a photo of Rove stomping on the corpse of a giant wolf.

With the endorsement of the Ministry of Magic, it caused a lot of waves for a while. After the photo taken at Nicol's funeral last year, this photo has completely become popular... It has been widely circulated in the magic world.

No one paid any attention to Peter, as if he had never been there, and all eyes were on Greyback.

The Ministry of Magic also began to publicize the significance of Greyback's death. He transformed himself into the number two Death Eater.

And these slogans were used on Peter a month ago.

It's not that there are no newspapers who flip through the bound volumes, but this kind of "malicious" flipping through the bound volumes has undoubtedly been warned by the Ministry of Magic.

As the existence that killed Greyback, Rove once again enjoyed overwhelming publicity. This summer, he is the most beautiful boy.

If it was about catching Peter, the wizard thought that Rove was too young, and at most he could only give him a second-class Medal of Merlin.

So now there is no objection, everyone thinks that he deserves a First Class Merlin Medal.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Rove.

After this attack, he became more cautious and began to stay at home, spending his days at home with Shirley and Hermione doing...academic research.

It's really academic research. Hermione made a complete preview plan and urged Rove and Shirley to study.

But this is summer vacation.

Therefore, how to get out of her "claw" and secretly do something you love is the main research topic for Rove and Shirley in the rest of their time.

Soon, the summer vacation was coming to an end, and Hogwarts was finally about to start school.

September 1st,

early morning,

Rove walked out of the house, and Shirley was standing at the door, holding a black suitcase in her hand, waiting for the boy.

Rove doesn't carry the boxes by himself anymore, and Shirley has to do many things for him.

What is a female assistant! (Tactical back)

After Hermione locked the door, she walked side by side with the two towards the door.

Two unmarked cars were parked on the side of the road, with several wizards in suits on the upper body and shorts on the lower body standing beside them.

They are all Aurors, here to guard the safety.

This group of people had all witnessed the process of Rove dissecting a werewolf, and they couldn't help muttering in their hearts. If they were in danger, it wouldn't be clear who would protect who.

After getting into the car, Rove raised his head and looked around. The space in the car was expanded with the traceless stretching spell, and many protective magics were covered around it.

The driver smiled and said, "Mr. Scamander, this curse-proof car has withstood the harsh magic test. Mr. Fudge likes it very much and has been using it for his own use."

"Can you guard against Avada Kedavra?" Rove asked curiously.

"Uh... I'm afraid this can't be done."

Rove suggested: "You can put a lot of rats in the car's mezzanine, so you can make an anti-Avada Kedavra car."


It was the first time for Rove to ride a curse-proof car, and the effect was estimated to be similar to that of a bullet-proof car.

It's a pity that no one came to attack until they arrived at King's Cross, which disappointed the young man who wanted to see the effect.

After getting out of the car, they bid farewell to the Aurors, and the three of them walked through the railing and entered platform 9 smoothly.

A scarlet steam train was parked next to the platform, constantly puffing out smoke, and the platform was full of wizards sending off their children.

For safety reasons, all three of them wore sun visors to cover their cheeks.

But Rov's iconic black leather suitcase was quickly recognized by the students, and immediately attracted everyone's strong onlookers.

On both sides of the train, many students poked their heads out of the window and looked at Rove with surprise and awe in their eyes.

There are still many students who did not squeeze into the front row, so they could only step on their luggage and stretch their necks to wait and see.

The most exaggerated ones are those students who are clever in their hands and feet, climbing directly to the top of the train to watch.

There are also some newspaper reporters who are staying around, wanting to interview Rove... During the summer vacation, they have not found a chance, and now they are in a hurry.

"What happened?"

At this moment, a tall wizard squeezed out from the crowd, he was wearing a black Hogwarts robe, with a shiny silver badge pinned to his chest, which said "HB".

"What are you all doing here? Leave immediately." Percy pushed through the crowd and shouted:

"Hurry up, I am the new president of the Boys' Union, Professor McGonagall's most reliable right-hand man, and I even have the right to report directly to Principal Dumbledore!"

Percy emphasized his status as "Chairman" again, and wiped the badge on his chest lightly, as if it was the Order of Merlin, First Class.

Seeing Rove, Percy immediately squeezed over. He held out his hand solemnly, as if meeting Rove for the first time.

"Rove, it's great to see you here, I heard about you during the summer vacation...I'm very happy for you, it's amazing."

Percy seemed to be afraid that Rove would not see him, and wiped the badge on his chest again.

"Hello, Percy." Rove held back a smile, shook hands with him, and said softly, "Have you become the chairman of the male student union?"

"Yeah, I'm the second in our family!" Percy was very happy, but tried to put on a plain face.

Rove frowned suddenly and said, "Your badge..."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Percy said proudly, "I wipe it with essential oil every day."

"It's very clean, but..."

"You want to touch it, don't you?"

"No, I want to remind you..." Rove stepped back immediately, "Your badge is smoking."


The boy quickly pulled out his wand, waved it lightly, and summoned a radiant magic shield in front of him, blocking him and the two girls.

The magic on the badge disappeared and turned back into a big dung egg. Immediately afterwards, there was a roar, and the smell of rotten cheese and rotten eggs filled the platform.

A moment later, Percy growled through the smoke.


I'm going to kill you! ! "



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