I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 340 Hermione, who has repeatedly gambled and lost

Halloween is here,

In the morning, in the Hufflepuff lounge, there is a tantalizing smell of roasted pumpkin.

Although the smell was very strong, the little wizards still held back and resolutely refused to go to the kitchen to get breakfast.

I'm full now, what will I eat in Hogsmeade later?

A student like Justin, who had never been to Hogsmeade, listened to McMillan showing off there all day long, and his expectations were already full.

He didn't even eat dinner yesterday, deliberately keeping his stomach open, just waiting to start working today.

The laziest little badgers on weekdays also arrived at the auditorium early for an unprecedented time, which made the students in other colleges look surprised, thinking that they got up late.

Filch soon arrived, standing at the door, holding a long piece of parchment, checking the student list.

Those little wizards who didn't sign the application form or signed it on their behalf, but wanted to pretend to be fake, would be caught by his ruthless iron hands.

Therefore, Shirley is very dangerous now... At least Hermione thinks so, especially when she is holding Shirley's application form and staring at the crooked font, she feels even more dangerous.

Hermione tilted her head, looked at Rove and said, "What are you signing this for? Primary school student fonts? Filch will definitely find something wrong with you!"

"If you find it, you will find it." Rove shrugged, and said indifferently: "At most, he will report it to Professor Flitwick, deduct points for Ravenclaw, and put Shirley in confinement."

Hermione rolled her eyes and said, "It's so easy for you to say, anyway, it's not Hufflepuff points deducted, nor is it confinement."

She turned her head to look at the girl with ponytails, and said anxiously, "Xue Li, he must be tricking you on purpose."

Hermione has been cheated by Rove many times, and she is full of justice, and she is very worried that Shirley will repeat the same mistakes.

"Hey, who is cheating... Don't slander the honest people." Rove couldn't laugh or cry:

"Well, Hermione, let's make a bet, I bet Filch won't find anything wrong."

"If I lose, I will ask Professor Flitwick to bear all the punishment, and I will pay for all your consumption in Hogsmeade today.

If you lose, you will pay for my consumption... how about it? "

Hermione narrowed her eyes and thought about it carefully. Rove struck while the iron was hot and continued to persuade:

"What a bet, Hermione! If I win, Shirley will go to Hogsmeade, and you'll be very happy.

If I lose, you can still earn a lot of money from me, and I will bear the punishment, so you are still happy...Looking at it this way, you don't lose if you win or lose. "

Hermione snorted slightly, Rolf's words seemed to make sense.

Seeing that she was moved, Shirley tried to dissuade her, "Hermione, don't bet with him..."

As a result, Xue Li was gently held by the ponytail by Rove. He lost his silent eyes and said with a smile, "Xue Li, don't talk... You must not help each other, it is fair and just."

The girl with the ponytail snorted, stuck out her tongue quietly, and still quietly gave Hermione a wink to tell her not to agree.

Hermione silently weighed the pros and cons. While thinking carefully, she caught a glimpse of Filch catching a few students. She probably felt that Rove was doomed. She nodded and said:

"Tell me in advance that you are not allowed to use magic such as confusion spells."

"Whoever uses it is a puppy." Rove agreed without hesitation.

Soon, Filch came over, and Rove handed over his application form, and he handed it back to the boy without even looking at it.

Rove handed over Shirley's application form again, and Filch just glanced at it briefly before returning it.

Hermione looked confused. Filch just looked at other people's application forms and wanted to compare them with a magnifying glass. Why did he get here so loose?

Rove's next move shocked Hermione even more. He held the application form, pointed to his signature and said:

"Mr. Filch, are you sure you don't want to read it again? Some people say that the signature looks like a child's font, and it was signed by me... Would you take a closer look?"

"Nonsense!" Filch waved his hand and said, "I read it very carefully, it wasn't signed on behalf of me! Alright, I'm going to check the next one."

"..." Hermione was dumbfounded, can this still happen? It must be fake Filch.

"How did you do that?" Hermione frowned.

"Not long ago, someone robbed Filch's office." Rove explained in a low voice, "I was the one who woke him up."

Rove has been giving free medical treatment to Mrs. Norris, and the relationship between him and Filch has been good.

After rescuing Filch last time, his attitude became very eager. Of course, he turned a blind eye to signing such a trivial matter.

Hermione became annoyed, she swore this was the last time she would bet with Rove.

She swears!

Shirley comforted Hermione, while Rove looked at Neville, who also looked very nervous.

"What's the matter with you, Neville?"

"Hannah asked me to meet at Hogsmeade." Neville said distressedly, "I don't know where to hang out with her."

"Sure, it's developed to this point." Rove patted Neville on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I'll teach you."

He began to teach the experience of dating, and Neville took the quill and wrote down the content.

"Don't go to the Shrieking Shack, it's just a crappy house and not haunted at all.

You can take Hannah to the eighth haunted house, there are many real ghosts working part-time, and the environment is scary and depressing.

At that time, Hannah will definitely hug you in fright. "

Neville stopped writing and asked with a frown, "Is Haunted House No. 8 really scary?"

Rove couldn't help rubbing his forehead. If the two really went to the haunted house, it would probably be Neville who was so frightened that he hugged Hannah.

"Leaving the haunted house, you can go to Madam Puddife's teahouse for a sit, there are all lovers, the atmosphere is more ambiguous..." Rove lowered his voice and said:

"Under the urging of perfume and hormones, everyone is more impulsive and can do things that they would not normally dare to do."

Neville was more interested in this, and he asked curiously, "Rove, have you ever been to Madam Puddieff's teahouse?"

"Not really." Rove shook his head.

"why are you not going?"

"I have severe autism, and I don't like to go to such crowded places." Rove said softly.


Rove really doesn't like to go to places with many people, he prefers places with few people, such as... hotels.

With just two of them, his autism would never have happened.

After Filch finished checking the application form, the students all got into the Thestral carriage and drove towards Hogsmeade.

The thestrals were fast and arrived at Hogsmeade very quickly.

At this time, the village has taken on a new look, with huge pumpkins and bats hanging upside down in every shop.

Many ghosts also appeared in Hogsmeade, and the streets were full of pearly transparent figures.

"Where do we go first?" Hermione asked listlessly.

"Let's go to Honeydukes first." Rove smiled and said, "Let's finish the breakfast first."

Rove, Shirley and Hermione walked along the road towards Honeydukes.

But unexpectedly, Honeydukes, who has always been very popular, is empty at this time, with almost no students.



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