I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 349 Only the Wounded Eagle Sauce Appears

After the end of Halloween, the enthusiasm for Rove's killing of Peter has not disappeared, but has become more and more intense with the passage of time.

The main reason is the promotion of the Ministry of Magic.

When Fudge is being interviewed now, two of the three sentences are not about Rove, and half of the sentences have to mention Dumbledore, and the remaining half of the sentences have to praise his own wise leadership.

I don't know, I thought that Rove and Fudge worked together to capture Peter, and he knew how to take advantage of the situation.

The "Daily Prophet" also reports on Rove all day long. After all, he is the darling of traffic, and readers like to read news about him.

If Dumbledore hadn't stopped him, the group of Western reporters who were running fast would have rushed into Hogwarts to interview him.

The students are also eagerly discussing how Rove killed Peter. Everyone seems to know some exciting inside stories.

But in fact Rove was tight-lipped and never leaked anything.

It's really not that he was hiding it and trying to whet everyone's appetite, but that this matter is strange, especially the mysterious patron saint... It's really hard to disclose the details to the outside world.

The most excited was Professor Trelawney, who couldn't wait to announce to the students in her first class after Halloween that the "dead lion" she predicted...was Peter Pettigrew!

When Justin questioned her for referring to Professor McGonagall, Professor Trelawney claimed that he was just reminding Minerva to be careful about Peter.

Although Professor Trelawney is suspected of sophistry, the dead lion she predicted did appear.

Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, she got a group of loyal followers anyway, and purified and crystallized them.

Hannah and Susan are typical crystals. They often go to Professor Trelawney's small building to open a small kitchen in their free time.

When they came back, an inexplicable sense of superiority would appear on the faces of the two of them, as if they already knew something that others didn't.

Rove was tricked into an MLM organization in his previous life. Every time he finished his brainwashing, he thought he had mastered the wealth code, and he also looked at others with that expression.

As it entered mid-November, the weather became colder and grayer every day at Hogwarts, ice floes appeared in the Black Lake, and frosty leaves whispered in the ears of the students.

Peter's heat finally dropped as slowly as the temperature, and the little wizards all set their sights on the upcoming Quidditch match.

As the first Gryffindor Quidditch team to prepare for this season, they are the favorites to win the championship this year, pointing to the Quidditch Cup.

This year is the real point of the sword, not the fantasy moment like in previous years.

The reason is simple, Sirius just gave them the whole team, updated with the latest version of Nimbus 2010.

In comparison, apart from Rove, the best broom for the Hufflepuff players is Cedric's Nimbus 1700, and some people even use the Comet 260...

Even if Guanglun Company squeezes out toothpaste every year, it squeezes out several generations of absolute difference!

Sirius is so rich that even the turf on the Quidditch field has been replaced with World Cup turf. It is said that when he falls on it, there is a magic buffer to reduce injuries.

It was the first time for Professor McGonagall to feel the charm of krypton gold. It seems that it is not a bad thing to have an outstanding alumnus who is rich and generous.

Now that even the broom and turf have been changed, there is no reason not to win the championship now, right?

Professor McGonagall chatted with Wood for half an hour in the office and gave him a death order to lead the team to win the championship this year.

As soon as Wood got hot-headed, he swore on the spot that if he didn't win the championship this school year, all Gryffindor Quidditch members would be single for the rest of their lives.

This oath could not be described as vicious. Anyway, when Wood and Harry mentioned this matter, they almost broke three legs and sent him physically single in advance.

Gryffindor replacement Nimbus 2010 is indeed a big deal, but not the most surprising thing.

Two days before the start of the Quidditch match, the students were having lunch in the auditorium when they saw hundreds of long-eared owls flying into the auditorium.

All the students looked up, and they saw the owls flying to the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables respectively, carrying two slender packages on their backs.

Rove was drinking cream of chestnut soup when the owls swooped down and dropped the package in front of him, knocking the crispy hot bread and the eel pie to the floor.

Rove frowned, picked up the package, and gently tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a beautiful, shiny broomstick.

McMillan was eating bacon and almost popped his eyes when he caught a glimpse of the broom.

"Running Gorgon! Is that a Firebolt?! I must be dreaming!"

"It must be the Firebolt...I saw it in the window of Diagon Alley." Justin swallowed, "Such a beautiful broom, with beautiful lines...I won't remember it wrong!"

It was indeed a Firebolt. The handle was crafted from ash wood. The overall shape was streamlined and extremely exquisite. On one end of the broom, there was a hand-engraved golden registration number... 7!

In other words, it is the seventh Firebolt produced worldwide.

"Rove, did you buy this?" Justin's voice was trembling.

The last time he was in Diagon Alley, he asked the clerk the price of the Firebolt... that was the amount of Galleons that he never dared to imagine in his life.

Justin always thought that Rove's family had no money, they were just ordinary families, otherwise, how could they open a Celia's magical animal store in Hogwarts to make a little money?

Now it seems...it's really hidden.

"I didn't buy it." Rove shook his head and said, "This is a gift from Sirius."

"Professor Black..." Justin looked up enviously at the position of the faculty and staff, what a big dog.

"Can I touch it?" McMillan asked expectantly.

"Of course." Rove nodded.

McMillan wiped his palms, but it still felt oily, so he hurried to the bathroom to wash his hands again.

When he came back, he found that the students from the entire Hufflepuff dining table had surrounded Rove.

Everyone stood beside him, admiring the Firebolt from a close distance. It exudes a strong Garen smell just by being there.

Not only Rove, Harry, the godson of Sirius, also received a Firebolt.

Malfoy, sitting at the Slytherin table, was almost mad with jealousy at the sight.

Although his family could afford Firebolts, his father was obviously unwilling to spend so much money to buy a useless "toy" for his son.

After all, a Firebolt cost more than all of Slytherin's Nimbus 2001s put together.

Draco, who always claimed to be rich, was suppressed for the first time in terms of money.

The most confused ones are the Ravenclaw eaglets.

Gryffindor has Nimbus 2010; Slytherin has Nimbus 2001; even Hufflepuff has a Firebolt.

They're all going the krypton gold route, and Ravenclaw has nothing but a pile of junk... nothing!

Only the world where Eagle Sauce was injured appeared.



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