I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 377 Wolfsbane Potion

It’s already the third year of studying History of Magic. Although it’s really cool to deduct Slytherin’s house points every time, but after a long time, Rove will still correct it with Professor Binns:

His name is not Skadi, his name is Scamander!

But I don't know why, even after correcting it many times, Professor Binns still calls the wrong name.

It can only be said that this Slytherin student named Skadi may be as handsome as Rove, and he owes Professor Binns a lot of money, otherwise he would not be so obsessed with it.

After class, Rove did not leave immediately, but stayed alone and asked:

"Professor Binns, I don't understand something about the history of magic, and I want to ask you for advice."

It had been hundreds of years, and this was the first time a student asked him questions after class. Professor Binns's already cold soul suddenly felt a little throbbing.

"Oh, what's the question? Mr. Skadi!"

"I think you just said in class that Lady Rowena Ravenclaw fell ill and died, and Bathilda Bagshot's A History of Magic says the same thing."

Rove paused, lowered his voice and said:

"But I've heard another theory. It is rumored that Ravenclaw was killed by other wizards. You and her were colleagues back then, do you know?"

Professor Binns was stunned for a moment, and he stared at Rove vigorously, as if he had never looked at this student carefully before.

"Who did you hear that from?"

"Ms. Gray, that is Helena Ravenclaw." Rove whispered: "She said you told her the news."

"Did I say that?" Professor Binns' eyes became confused, and he tried to recall:

"It's been too long, I can't remember many things before..."

"Think again?"

Professor Binns stared at Rove and said, "It seems to be a student, he told me back then."

"Which student?" Rove asked excitedly.

Professor Binns was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's been almost a thousand years, how could I still remember it."

Well... even if he remembered, that student would have died a long time ago, and his bones must have been turned into ashes.

Rove sighed, and asked about Slytherin again.

The basilisk belonged to Slytherin, and it is very likely that he made the basilisk into a Horcrux.

But Professor Binns didn't get much useful information, so Rove had to rush to the Potions classroom.

Anyone can be late for class, except Snape!

When Rove arrived in the classroom, he saw a cauldron with purple smoke on the podium.

Professor Snape was standing by the cauldron, holding a silver knife, handling a brightly colored flower.

Rove sat beside Shirley, and he asked softly, "What's going on?"

"I don't know either." Shirley shook her head and said, "After I came to the classroom, I saw Professor Snape brewing potions there."

Rove narrowed his eyes. This was the first time that Snape had never brewed potions in class before.

Looking at the purple magic plants placed on the console, Rove whispered, "That's wolfbane."

Chachasmaea, also known as Sichuan chamaejasma, is a poisonous magic plant with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and it is also the main material for brewing chamaejasma potion.

Of course, it also has a unique name... Broken Heart Grass.

After taking the love potion by mistake, taking Broken Heart Grass can be used to relieve the effect of the drug.

This is the wonderful effect that Newt discovered back then.

He used to help breed the horned camel that was about to become extinct, but the other party didn't cooperate, so he used the love potion violently.

Once, Newt accidentally took the love potion by mistake, and accidentally discovered that the heartbroken grass had a miraculous effect, which helped him relieve the abnormal state.

As for how Newt resisted the effect of the love potion before taking the heartbroken grass, Rove dared not say, nor did he dare to ask.

It was the first time for the young wizards to see Snape brewing potions, and they couldn't help staring at him.

Snape didn't say anything else, his knife skills were really good. He cut so many chamaejasma chamaejasme at a fast and steady speed, and every piece of herb was cut as thin as a hair.

With such skillful hands, it would be a pity not to be a cook... At least he is good at shredding potatoes.

After Snape put the wolfbane into the cauldron, he looked towards the students through the steaming steam, and said in a cold voice:

"Who knows how to deal with a werewolf?"

This question was obviously beyond the outline, and the students all fell silent, but no one answered him.

"No one knows?" Snape said with a sarcastic smile on his face, "I never thought that third-year students would not know how to deal with werewolves."

"Professor Snape, we haven't learned about werewolves yet." Hannah raised her hand and replied, "We've been practicing the Patronus Charm recently."

Snape snorted coldly: "This only shows that your progress in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is very backward. I will write it down and tell Professor Dumbledore."

"Maybe Professor Black has been in Azkaban for too long, and he is not qualified for this position, and needs a more experienced teacher to replace him."

"But Professor Black is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we have ever had." Susan murmured softly.

The rest of the class murmured their agreement.

With a terrifying look on Snape's face, he sneered and said:

"You are easy to please, but Professor Black did hide his secrets and didn't give you the magic he is best at."

"What magic, Professor Snape?" Padma Patil of Ravenclaw asked curiously.

"How to identify and deal with werewolves." Snape laughed maliciously.

"Blake is a werewolf expert. You may not know that when he was in school, he had a relationship with a werewolf that went beyond friendship. This illegal relationship lasted for more than ten years.

No one knows werewolves better than him! "

Professor Snape paced slowly in the classroom, he said slowly:

"Maybe you can ask him how to kill a werewolf in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Don't let go of such a good opportunity."

Everyone whispered, apparently discussing who this werewolf who had an illicit relationship with Professor Black was.

"So, who can tell me how to deal with werewolves?" Snape looked at Rove and said:

"Scamander, you just killed a werewolf not long ago, maybe you can pass on some experience to everyone?"

All the students turned their heads to look at Rolf, who killed the notorious werewolf Fenrir Greyback last summer... Everyone knew about it!

"A werewolf who turns into a wolf has high magic resistance and defense power, and is also very fast. It is very irrational to confront him head-on."

Rove stood up and said:

"If you can restore the human form spell, you can temporarily turn the wolf-shaped werewolf back into a human, which is a good way.

Holding sharp blades...such as daggers and swords made by goblins, can also pierce their skin. "

"Of course, there is another way, which is to give the werewolves the wolf poison potion."

"Right." Snape grinned. "Potion of Wolfsbane... This is the potion I will teach you to brew in this class!"

"Isn't it something we can make?" Hannah questioned in a low voice, "Even if there are many potion masters, it's impossible..."

"It's okay, I don't expect you to be able to brew it." Snape lowered his voice and said:

"But Professor Dumbledore asked me to help brew a wolf's poison potion for a werewolf.

The principal is in a hurry, if you have a well-made wolfbane potion, I will give it to the principal first. "

Everyone took a breath, are you brewing wolf poison potion, or are you trying to poison that werewolf to death? !



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