I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 505 The Versatile Korean Minister of Magic

The players of the Korean Quidditch team dared to challenge the American wizards, and even made them kneel under the national flag to repent, which made Rove feel a little unreal.

For a moment, he even wondered if he went back a thousand years ago and affected some things, causing the butterfly effect.

But it can't affect so much, can it?

Just when the boy doubted himself, Fudge had brought him to a gymnasium.

This is a specially built gymnasium for this Quidditch World Cup, but the shape is a bit weird, and it looks like a sailboat from a distance.

"Isn't the shape very bold, very similar to the ones in the ancient runes..." Fudge wanted to drop the book bag in front of the young man to show his erudition, but suddenly got stuck.

Rove heard the Minister speak about the ancient rune, he looked at the shape of the building again, raised his eyebrows and said, "(Bate)?"

"That's right, (Bate)" Fudge said hastily: "The meaning of home... makes athletes and spectators feel as if they have come to home."

Fudge wiped the sweat from his forehead, and repeated the pronunciation several times silently, complaining to himself that it was so hard to remember, if he couldn't remember the pronunciation in front of the leaders of other countries, he would really be humiliated.

"Rove, you are good at ancient magic literature."


Of course Rove learned well. After all, he learned from Nico’s notes. He looked at the building and exclaimed:

"That said, it's really a bold design, both in terms of aesthetics and its deeper meaning."

"I specially invited the famous magic architect I.M. Pei to design it." Fudge became proud again, as if he had drawn the design drawings by himself.

"Have you ever heard of I.M. Pei? The guy who built the glass pyramid at the entrance of the Louvre!"

Rove nodded.

"Many French people hate IM Pei, especially French Minister of Magic Abel, who claims that the pyramid at the entrance of the Louvre is a scar on the face of Paris." Fudge said with a smile:

"That's why I deliberately asked him to design, and when Abel came to watch the French team's game, I would piss him off!"


Rove scratched his hair, okay... Britain and France are blood feuds, and they breastfeed each other in the newspaper every day, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with doing so.

Fudge added:

"The gymnasium can hold 100,000 wizards and 500 Ministry of Magic staff, and it has been busy for a whole year.

Every inch of this place has been cursed to repel Muggles, and whenever Muggles approach this place, they will suddenly remember the urgent matter and walk away in a hurry..."

"The cost is not small, right?" Rove asked.

"Not only is it not small, it is several times over budget." Fudge sighed, "For this reason, the Ministry of Magic even borrowed some Galleons from Gringotts, which is simply heavily in debt."

"However, as long as this World Cup can be successfully held, it will definitely pay back."

Advertising, gaming, and tickets are all major sources of money, and they can also stimulate the local economy. No matter how you look at it, they are all profitable businesses.

Of course, the premise is that the World Cup can be held smoothly without any accidents.

Last year, when Pettigrew Peter escaped from prison, Fudge nearly suffered a cardiac arrest.

This vicious Death Eater has escaped from prison. If the news spreads, wizards may not dare to watch the game, which will affect ticket sales.

"I have transferred many Aurors to the arena." Fudge still said confidently: "There will be no mistakes."

Rove was not as optimistic as Fudge, especially when looking at the sailboat shape of the stadium, what he thought of was the word "capsize".

In the words of Professor Trelawney, this is a bad omen!

The two walked into the gymnasium and walked along the stairs to a room, when a wizard came face to face.

He wore a long robe, a snub nose that looked as if it had been broken, round blue eyes, and short blond hair.

Rove recognized the man immediately, it was Ludo Bagman.

Ludo looked very excited, he walked and jumped, as if there were springs under his feet.

"Hey, Connelly, I was trying to find you at your tent."

"Oh, Ludo." Fudge looked at the man and hurriedly asked, "Why are you here? Aren't you dealing with the dispute between South Korea and the US team?"

"It's been dealt with." Ludo said with a smile on his face: "I just held a field adjustment meeting and called the Minister of Magic of South Korea, Park Changra, and the Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports of the United States."

"what's the result?"

"The Minister of Magic of South Korea took the initiative to apologize, and also flatly denied that the American Quidditch team had eavesdropping tactics."

Fudge was stunned and said, "No more?"

"Of course it's more than that." Ludo clicked his tongue and said:

"In order to ease the atmosphere, the South Korean Minister of Magic also sang "American Pie" at the banquet. You were not there at the time. I don't know how good he sang it. It seems that he has specially practiced it."

"That's really versatile." Fudge sneered with some disdain, and said, "Didn't the Korean players ask the American players to kneel under the national flag to repent?"

"The South Korean player who asked the United States to repent has been permanently suspended." Ludo shrugged, "In short, the United States has forgiven South Korea."


After listening to Ludo's words, Rove breathed a sigh of relief. This is the world line in his impression.

Fudge was a little bit dispirited. Back then when it was still the Great Empire, there were a bunch of young men like this in England. Now that things are going downhill, they all ran to be dogs for the United States.

He could only comfort himself secretly: "No matter how powerful the U.S. Ministry of Magic is, it is also the son of England!"

Seeing that Ludo's eyes always fell on Rove, Fudge took the initiative and said:

"Come on, Rove, let me introduce you. This is Ludo Bagman, the director of the Sports Department."

"Hello, Mr. Bagman." Rove smiled.

Before Fudge could speak again, Ludo had already eagerly held the boy's hand and said excitedly:

"No need to introduce, the famous Rolf Scamander, from last year to this summer, the report has not stopped.

Is there any wizard in England who doesn't know this genius boy... Rove, I'm your big fan. "

Rove raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Mr. Bagman, I am also your fan. I often learn your Quidditch skills through photos of your previous games."

He really isn't a business bragging.

In the British wizarding world, Ludo is also well-known.

He is a legend of the Wimbourne Hornets, the best batsman ever, helped the team win the League Cup three times in a row, and then retired his No. 58 jersey.

As a hitter, Ludo has used his foul-making skills to the extreme. Apart from other things, just the two skills of giant swing and diving are enough for Rove to learn for a lifetime.

Especially diving... Lu Duoguang's collection can cut out more than an hour of video.

Hearing that Rove is his fan, Ludo looked very happy, and asked again: "What are you doing?"

"Go see a doctor for those magical creatures." Rove lifted his suitcase.

"Oh, then don't bother." Lu Duo was afraid of being infected, and hurriedly said: "I'm leaving first, and I'll go see how the preparations are going!"

After Ludo left, Fudge led Rove to a long corridor and saw many rooms on both sides.

Fudge led Rove to a door, and there was a nameplate on it with the name of the magical creature written on it:


Rove took a deep breath. According to Fudge, Bulgaria had brought one hundred and eight Veela...he happened to be missing a few in his box.



(Thanks to the big guy "Dreams Don't Last Long" for the reward.)

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