I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 588 Our reporter Rita Skeeter reports for you!

Chapter 588 Our reporter Rita Skeeter reports for you!

Although Harry hadn't read the newspaper yet, he could tell from what Malfoy read that it must be outrageous.

If he gave the newspaper to Snape and read it in public, Harry felt that he might never be able to hold his head up again in this lifetime.

He immediately crumpled the newspaper into a ball, and when he was about to tear it up, Snape strode over. He stared at Harry and said ruthlessly:

"Potter, give me that thing quickly, you don't want Gryffindor to be deducted 100 points because of you, do you?!"

Harry gritted his teeth, and finally reluctantly handed over the newspaper. Snape took the Daily Prophet, reopened it, glanced at it a few times, and clicked his tongue.

Then, he cleared his throat and read in a voice that everyone could hear:

"My name is Harry Potter. Strangers call me The Boy Who Lived. Enemies call me Pot. Friends call me Harry. Today in this special interview, I want to reveal a secret that has been hidden for many years."

"I... am a premature baby, born with extraordinary talent, on the day I was born, a phoenix flew to my bed.

When I was three or four months old, I started a magic riot, which once caused a huge fire at home; when I first came into contact with Quidditch at six or seven months, I knew it without a teacher, and even my father was no match for me;

Defeated the mysterious man one year after he was born, and still has his mark on his forehead..."

Harry froze. He had never said these words, not even in private, let alone in an interview!

Regardless of Harry's reaction, Snape continued reading:

"I spent a lot of time wondering, I came to the world in a hurry, and I have wasted fourteen years, when will I be able to fully redeem my magical talent that even mysterious people fear.

Today I finally understand - the Triwizard Tournament - is for me! "

There was muffled laughter in the classroom, and Harry tried not to look at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, though the three of them fell to the floor trembling with laughter.

"Last night, my dear papa told me to..." Snape paused, baring his teeth, probably trying to smile, which made his face look greasy.

"Oh my God, Potter, have you made any mistakes again? James Potter has been dead for thirteen years, why tell you... Oh, it turned out to be a dream."

The laughter in the dungeon grew louder. Not only the Slytherin students, but even the Gryffindor students couldn't help laughing when they heard this hell joke.

Snape's thin lips also twisted into a malicious smile. He glanced at Harry and read:

"My father entrusted me with a dream to win the Tri-Strong Cup, so as to comfort his and my mother's spirit in heaven, I will definitely win the championship, because my parents gave me strength.

I know that if they could see me now, they would be very proud of me... Yes, I still cry for them sometimes at night, and I don't feel ashamed to admit it..."

Snape moved his gaze away from the newspaper again, and landed on Harry's eyes again, with a blank expression on his face, he said:

"Potter, you're still crying for your parents in the middle of the night? Oh, this is the first time I've ever heard of such a thing.

Give Potter one of your handkerchiefs, Malfoy, so he won't cry in Potions class. "

"Yes, Professor Snape!"

Malfoy stood up excitedly, and threw a rag beside the cauldron to Harry, but Harry, blushing, didn't take it, and let the rag fall to the ground.

Just ten minutes ago, he thought that the most terrifying thing in the world was the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, but he has changed his mind now.

The ten fire dragons combined were not as scary as this article, and what was even more frightening was that Snape read the article in public.

He read the article in a playful tone, pausing after each sentence to make the students laugh enough.

Harry felt his face burning and his heart beating. He was sitting on pins and needles, his back was thorny, and his throat was stuck in his throat. His toes were already embarrassingly digging a hole in the ground.

This unprecedented sense of shame quickly spread to Ron beside him... because Rita Skeeter described the two of them as an inseparable and loving young couple in the article.

"Weasley, like Harry, is also one of the top students in the school. He is also the warrior of this Triwizard Tournament. They are also the only couple warriors..."

Snape sneered: "Potter, when did Weasley and Weasley become the top students in the school? Why didn't I know about this? I'll go back and ask Professor McGonagall, she might know."

Harry stood up abruptly, trying to snatch back the newspaper and stop Snape from continuing to humiliate him, but Snape took a step back and said:

"Ten points deducted from Gryffindor, sit down for me!"

Harry had to sit back on the stool, and Snape continued to read:

"In an interview, Roseanne Weasley generously admitted her relationship with Potter... Yes, I like Harry, no one is closer than the two of us."

"Harry is staying at my house this summer, and we share a room - my parents won't object of course - and they consider him family.

Weasley was still half happy and half complaining, and compared to Harry, she seemed like an outsider.

Our reporter Rita Skeeter reports for you! "

Snape showed an indescribable expression. He looked at Harry and Ron, as if he didn't expect that the two of them had such a shit-stirring relationship.

Such a heaven-defying thing made Snape, who was looking for fun, feel like he had eaten chocolate-flavored shit.

"Ron, what are you talking about in front of that woman?" Harry said angrily.

"Where am I talking nonsense, didn't you sleep in the same room with me during the summer vacation?" Ron argued, "I'm not telling the truth?"


Snape interrupted the quarrel between the two, and said coldly: "Although I don't discriminate against homosexuals, it doesn't mean you can have sex in my class, and Gryffindor will deduct another ten points."

"We're not making love!" Harry glared at Snape.

"Oh, so the relationship broke down?" Snape said sarcastically, "I'm sorry, but please also deal with emotional disputes after class."


Hermione sat by a cauldron, watching the scene with lingering fear.

She was wondering why Rove hated Rita Skeeter so much, and refused to accept her interview.

I totally understand now.

Hermione couldn't imagine how distorted and edited it would be if her name, Rove's or Shirley's name appeared in this article.

It's scary!



(Thanks for the rewards of the three big guys "The Day I See the Flowers Blooming", "I Want to Compete with Tiangong" and "A Tall Chicken".)

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