I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 605 Lava Dragon!

In the early morning, the pale mist surged and filled the whole field.

A blue bear beast ran in the mist, its hands and feet touched the ground, running like thunder, far faster than wild horses.

Luo Fu and Shirley sat on the back of the Grizzly Bear, looking at the surrounding scenery. As the sun rose slowly, the hazy white mist slowly dissipated, and the vast wilderness slowly unfolded in front of their eyes.

Last night, although they slept in a simple shelter, Rove held the fragrant and soft Shirley, and slept quite sweetly.

If it wasn't for the Beaver family next door, who wake up early in the morning to be a "lumberjack", he would probably have to sleep for a while and go back to the cage.

Looking at a map of the Forbidden Forest, Rove suddenly frowned and said, "We need to change direction and go to the volcano."

Xue Li was puzzled when she heard the words: "Aren't you going to find Fu Rong?"

The original plan of the two of them was to find Furong, which was closer, and then take her to the volcano, and Hermione was near the volcano. The four of them happened to get the dragon crystal together to complete the first competition.

But Rove suddenly changed his mind.

"I just used magic to detect the location of Gallon on Furong's body." Rove explained:

"She started to move towards the east, the target is probably a volcano, we just go there."

Xueli nodded. Since Furong is going to the volcano, they don't have to take a long way to pick her up.

Luo Fu suddenly pulled the rope tied to the Grizzly Beast, and ordered: "Go east!"

The blue bear beast stopped in a hurry, scratched several ravines on the ground with its claws and feet, then turned around and ran eastward.



After breakfast, the Quidditch field was full of students again.

Yesterday's game made them excited and excited. Even at night, a group of students sneaked out of the dormitory, wanting to continue watching the game.

However, the professors had anticipated this kind of thing a long time ago. They guarded the door ahead of time, caught many students who were traveling at night, and deducted a lot of college points.

Everyone sat on chairs and whispered to each other. They all wanted to know how many warriors were left after the night.

"After a day and a night of competition, four warriors have been eliminated so far!"

Host Ludo Bagman's voice was magically amplified and echoed throughout the Quidditch field.

"Coincidentally, these four students are all Beauxbaton's warriors."

Many students burst into laughter, and Mrs. Maxim, who was sitting in the referee's seat, also sullenly looked very unhappy.

That's right, only four warriors have been eliminated so far, and they are all Beauxbaton's wizards:

One of the students was Poliaco, Lucas and Kuhn who came across Durmstrang and were forced to use distress bombs.

There are also three students looking for the ghost grass, involved in the battle between Rove and the mud ichthyosaur, hit by the mud of the mud ichthyosaur, unable to move their bodies, and finally forced to leave.

Five out of four, and the other schools have not yet withdrawn from the Warriors, which makes Maxim very embarrassed.

"Fleur Delacour is now the only remaining seedling of Beauxbatons." Ludo looked at the magic curtain and said loudly:

She got lost in the cave all day yesterday, and found the copper dragon in the middle of the night, and got the golden egg. "

"She seems a little sleep-deprived now, but she still left the cave early and seems to be going to the volcano."

"Although Beauxbaton is miserable, the situation of other schools is not good either." Ludo paused and continued:

"Poliarco and Lucas of Durmstrang met Scamander yesterday and were seriously injured and incapacitated. They have no emergency bombs yet, so they can only survive in the dangerous Forbidden Forest.

Kun, who was not injured, had abandoned them and went to find the golden egg alone. "

Hearing Ludo's words, Karkaroff's face was as ugly as Maxim's.

Dumbledore said yesterday that the Hogwarts warriors would not give up on their injured classmates, and he also believed that Durmstrang's students would not do so. Unexpectedly, Kuhn turned around and slapped him in the face!

But before Kuhn left, he released some defensive magic on the two of them, which was the only good news.

"Krum used the avalanche to trap the Great Snow Lord White Rabbit and got the golden egg from it. He's already approaching the swamp and intends to look for ghost grass." Ludo said.

Hearing Krum's name, his fans screamed and cheered, and Ludo had to increase his voice:

"Harry appeared in the territory of the Romanian Longhorn. He has a Firebolt. As long as he lures the Longhorn out of the lair, it shouldn't be a problem to get the golden egg. But seeing him clutching his stomach, did he eat something bad?"

"Ron Weasley is miserable. He broke his leg and was trapped on the top of the mountain and couldn't get down. He looked in poor condition and was at risk of hypothermia..."

Ludo is very worried about Arthur's youngest son, but Arthur has six sons, so it doesn't matter if one of them has an accident, and it can reduce some financial pressure.

"Scamander and Swinton wasted an afternoon yesterday, but the two of them are still far ahead of the other warriors, and they are now heading to the volcano to get the dragon crystal.

If the Grizzly Beast was faster, they might run into Granger, she's right under the volcano..."

Hermione, who was so hungry that she didn't have much strength, stood at the foot of the volcano and looked into the distance:

A gigantic mass of ash, slag, and charred rock, from which rose a steep, conical mountain towering into the sky.

It spouted billowing thick smoke, and the part that rose to the high altitude meandered eastward, and at the same time, a large number of billowing smoke clouds floated down along the mountain, spreading and covering the entire land.

There was a strong smell of sulfur in the air, and it would burn into the lungs if inhaled, and Hermione had to use the Bubble Curse on herself.

Although Hermione was very hungry, she still had to climb the mountain. Fortunately, the mountain was not too high. She stopped and stopped, and finally approached the top of the mountain.

The girl carefully searched for the dragon crystal, and at this moment, a hot, pulsating, viscous magma spewed out from the crater, like the tortured earth, squeezing out disgusting pustules!

Hermione turned pale with fright, is the volcano about to erupt?

But the volcano did not erupt. Instead, accompanied by a huge roar, a magical creature flew out of the crater:

It has a lizard-like appearance, covered with black and red scales, and a pair of crimson eyes that look like magma, and a row of black spikes grows on its tail.

Hermione recognized it immediately, it was a lava dragon!

The lava dragon threw the magma on the ground like a soggy dog ​​throwing water, and held a large black stone in its mouth.

Hermione immediately became excited, because that was the dragon crystal that the warriors needed to collect.

As if eating chocolate, the lava dragon crushed the dragon crystal in one bite, swallowed it into its throat, and a large amount of debris fell to the ground.

Hermione was hesitating about how to get the dragon crystal, but the lava dragon suddenly turned and stared at her.



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