I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 642: Mad Myrtle

Two years ago, Rove met Myrcella in the Black Lake, and when he was treating her for vertical scales, he accidentally learned from her that Gryffindor had gone to their tribe a thousand years ago to take away some important things. s things.

Later, Rove specifically asked the Sorting Hat about this matter.

The sorting hat is said to be a key, hidden by Gryffindor somewhere in Hogwarts with a mermaid mark.

But Rove searched Hogwarts for a long time, but he didn't see the so-called mermaid mark. He thought that as time passed, the mark had been erased long ago, but he never expected...

It was hidden on the wall of the prefect's bathroom!

Rove walked to the wall excitedly, staring carefully at the mermaid in the frame:

She was sleeping soundly on the rocks, her two golden tails slapping the water gently, her long hair brushing her face, trembling slightly with every breath she took.

The mermaid seemed to have noticed something, she opened her eyes suddenly, and saw a handsome young man staring at her closely.

She was frightened and subconsciously turned over and jumped into the water.

Rove waited for a while, but the mermaid didn't come out, so he picked up his wand and tapped on the picture frame, looking for where the key was hidden.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded. "She ran to the women's bathroom next door."

Rove turned his head and saw a gleeful female ghost, crossing her legs, sitting on a faucet and staring at him.

"Myrtle?" Rove raised his eyebrows lightly, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to help the prefects check their health." Myrtle said shyly, "I have studied a little medical care before."

"Is it limited to male prefects?"

"No, there are also prefects." Myrtle said happily, "especially those girls with small breasts, fat bodies, and acne-prone faces. They all need my inspection and encouragement."

Rove rolled his eyes. Myrtle herself was not good-looking and was often ridiculed by Peeves. She turned around and found a girl who was uglier than her to "whip".

She knows "revenge".

Myrtle winked at the boy from behind her thick glasses, "Rove, you haven't visited me for a long time, but my bathroom is always open for you."

"The fourth grade is very busy with studies." Rove casually made an excuse.

"Oh... I understand... busy going to the Christmas ball with others." Myrtle grabbed a pimple on her chin and said sadly:

"It breaks my heart that you didn't invite me."

Seeing that Myrtle was about to cry again, Rove quickly changed the subject and said:

"You just said that the mermaid went to the women's bathroom next door?"

"Yes, I just came from next door." Myrtle floated up and sat on the platform of the bath, with her legs together, she winked at the boy and said:

"Don't be fooled by her, every time you meet a handsome guy, she will show her head and look at them in the shower, this little slut..."

Luo Fu secretly slandered, these words were more like Myrtle's self-introduction, and he asked again: "Are you familiar with her?"

"I'm not familiar." Myrtle shook her head, "I don't know the mermaid's language, so I can't communicate with her, can you?"

"A little bit," Rove said.

When he helped Myrcella cure vertical scale before, he was rewarded with the mermaid's language.

"Then can you teach me?" Myrtle asked cheerfully, "I want to learn foreign languages ​​with you."

"Of course." Rove laughed, "As long as you go to the bathroom next door and call that mermaid back, I'll teach you the mermaid's language."

Myrtle hesitated, but after a while, she shook her head and said, "A group of girls came to the women's bathroom next door. I don't want to see them again."

Myrtle hates witches who are prettier than her, and the witches next door are all prettier than her, and even a few of them make her feel ashamed just by glancing at them.

Myrtle doesn't want to go back and get stimulated!

Since Myrtle didn't want to go, Rove couldn't force it either. He planned to take a bath while waiting for the mermaid's return.

"Myrtle, I'm going to take a bath," Rove said. "You can go now."

Hearing the word "bath", Myrtle trembled with excitement. She shyly looked at the boy and said:

"Rove, do you need me to help you check your body? I have read countless people in the past half a century, and I can help you refer to it. Compared with your peers, whether your physical development is faster or slower... "

"No need." Rove refused, "My body is very healthy."

"Then take it off." Myrtle covered her thick glasses and promised, "I promise I won't spy on you."

Myrtle put on a posture that I am a female hooligan and I am afraid of someone, and sat by the bath waiting to admire the boy's ketone body.

Luo Fu had no choice but to let her go.

He turned on the faucet, sprayed various bubble baths mixed with hot water, and began to take off his clothes.

Rove was only halfway off when Myrtle suddenly began to moan in a low voice:

"Roff, don't...don't do this," she said, "stop it, stop it, oh please...don't take it off again."

"I can't take it anymore, don't take off your clothes and tease me anymore. If you tease me again, I will turn against you. Don't, don't, don't... ah~"

Myrtle's face changed suddenly, and she rushed to Rove, her cheeks were flushed, and she said excitedly:

"Okay... Take off your clothes quickly, take off all of them quickly... If you don't take off, I will lose my face."


Rove ignored Myrtle's madness, took off his clothes, and swam in the hot, frothy water.

The more than one hundred faucets inlaid with gemstones are also extremely interesting. Each faucet can spray different bubbles, and there is even a faucet that will flow fresh milk.

Rove decided to build such a large bathroom in his box, of course, the kind that can be used for mixed bathing regardless of gender.

Rove also climbed the gangplank and took a couple of solid Filipino dives, and Myrtle seemed to pass out with excitement every time the water splashed on her body.

Her scream was loud enough to wake up the entire Hogwarts, so that Rove had to quickly take his wand to block the sound.

Otherwise, the students who passed by heard the yell, and might suspect that something indescribable happened in the prefect's bathroom.

It's a pity that Rove didn't wait for the mermaid after playing for more than an hour.

When he left the bathroom, Myrtle reluctantly went back to the next-door women's bathroom.

She was full of confidence again, ready to show off to the young children next door.

After Rove took a shower and returned to his box, he quickly walked into a cabin.

There were shelves full of jewels and silverware enough to make a goblin squeal like a myrtle.

These silverware have been lying quietly for a thousand years, and they will finally come in handy tonight.



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