I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 785 Luo Fu’s fiancée

As the saying goes...beautiful women are like jade swords and rainbows.

Luo Fu's soft jade is warm and fragrant in his arms. He has fully understood the meaning of the first half of the sentence, but he cannot carry out the second half of the sentence with full force and sword energy. It is indeed an extremely painful thing.

But there is no way, Shirley is too young.

She has just turned fifteen, and is like a young flower. Although it is already unparalleled in beauty, it has not yet reached the stage of blooming.

Rolf couldn't, and didn't want to, pick her now.

However, Luofu's restraint also made him suffer a lot tonight.

Shirley, who was not a good sleeper, crawled straight into his arms after falling asleep and clung to him like an octopus.

With only a thin layer of silk between them, Luo Fu could fully feel the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms, how graceful and exquisite it was.

Every touch and rub was a great temptation and test for Luo Fu who wanted to feel calm.

Under such high-intensity "torture", Luofu barely managed to fall asleep in the second half of the night, so in the early morning of the next day, he was extremely sleepy and naturally could not get out of bed.

Shirley woke up early, but she didn't get up. Instead, she turned sideways and stared at Luo Fe, who was close at hand.

She called the boy's name twice, and when she saw that he didn't wake up, she stretched out her fingers and gently stroked his cheek.

Rolf was still sleeping, and Shirley blinked her cunning eyes, quietly reached out to pick up her wand, whispered a spell, and conjured a quill.

Shirley took the quill and drew a cute Niffler on that handsome face that could drive all the girls at Hogwarts crazy, and then she wrote:

Shirley Roff

Shirley smiled contentedly, kissed Rove gently on the forehead, then got out of bed gently and went to the bathroom to wash up.

But after a while, her panicked screams came from the bathroom.

Rolf was awakened while lying on the bed. His sleepiness disappeared immediately. He picked up the wand on the bedside table, jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom.

Luofu rushed into the bathroom in a few steps, looked at Shirley who was standing in front of a huge dressing mirror, and asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

Shirley pointed at her neck and said in a somewhat urgent voice: "Rolph, look here..."

Luofu squinted and saw several extremely clear red marks on the girl's snow-white neck.

Luo Fu recognized at a glance that it was the strawberry mark he left last night, but it was the first time for Shirley, who was young and ignorant, to see it. She looked panicked and said:

"It wasn't available last night, but it was available this morning."

Luofu looked at the panicked girl, tried not to laugh out loud, walked quickly to her side, first pretended to check the strawberry marks, and then said with a serious face:

"This is trouble."

Hearing what Luo Fei said, Shirley's heart tightened, "Am I suffering from some disease?"

"No, this is a scar caused by the bite of some kind of magical creature."

Hearing this, Shirley tried to think back. Apart from feeding the animals in the box yesterday, she had no contact with any strange magical creatures.

She couldn't help but ask: "Do you know what magical creature bit you?"

Luofu pointed at himself and said with a wicked smile:


Shirley was still puzzled. Rolf reached out and touched her delicate collarbone and said:

"This is a hickey I left last night. Don't worry, it's just normal."

After hearing the boy's explanation, Shirley looked blank. She didn't expect that just a simple kiss would leave such a mark.

Seeing that Luo Fu didn't seem to be lying, she breathed a sigh of relief, then looked in the mirror again and said worriedly:

"How long will it take for it to disappear?"

"It's hard to talk about." Luo Fe leaned into Shirley's ear and said softly: "It can be as short as ten or eight years. If it's serious, it may not go away in a lifetime."


Luo Fei smiled playfully and chuckled: "I lied to you, it will be gone in a few days at most."

"That's long enough." Shirley sighed softly: "We can only use magic to block it, otherwise we won't be able to get out."

"When I kiss you again in the future, I will be gentler." Luo Fu said with a smile on his face:

"Well, as an apology, you can also plant a few strawberry marks on my neck, so that we can be even."

As he spoke, Luofu raised his chin high and pulled down the collar of his pajamas, exposing half of his shoulders.

Seeing this, Shirley suddenly remembered the shameful things Luo Fei did to her last night. Her cheeks started to get hot unconsciously. With her eyes that were slightly rippling like spring water, she rolled her eyes at Luo Fu and whispered. road:


Rolf grinned, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly saw in the mirror that there was a Niffler drawn on his cheek, with a line of small words underneath.

When Shirley saw that Luo Fu had discovered it, she couldn't help but smile proudly. She made a playful face and said softly:

"I didn't draw it, it must have been done by some kind of magical creature... maybe it was the Sniff who stole the key to the box last night."

Luo Fu laughed dumbly, looked at himself in the mirror, and said, "Don't tell me, the painting is really pretty."

"If it looks good, then keep it." Shirley smiled sweetly.

"Okay." Luo Fu nodded and said, "I will go back and walk around the reporters. If any reporter asks, I will say that it was my fiancée who painted it."

Shirley's pretty face was blushing, and water could drip from her breakable skin. Then she saw Luo Fu pointing to the word "Shirley" in the line "Shirley Luo Fu" and said with a smile:

"Look...my fiancée still left her name."

The embarrassed Shirley couldn't bear Rolf's love words and almost ran away.

Now that Rolf was up, he was not ready to go back to sleep. He and Shirley stood side by side brushing their teeth and washing their faces in the same wash basin.

While washing their faces, the two of them laughed and played again, making their clothes wet.

Seeing Shirley's wet temptation, Rolf almost failed the test again.

After washing, Rolf helped Shirley put her ponytail back into place, and the house elf Janey also brought breakfast.

After they finished eating, they left the room and went to the deck together.

At this time, the Mayflower was still sneaking in the deep sea, and the ship was enveloped by a huge bubble.

Around the bubbles, many large and small fish can be seen, "escorting" the Mayflower:

There are sea bream with two black lines on its body, goby with purple spots on its back, sea dragon fish with a mouth that looks like a flute, and some snipe-billed fish with bodies up to one meter long...

They chased the Mayflower's light, swimming, playing, and jumping around the hull, competing for speed.

While walking on the deck, Shirley held Rove's arm and looked at the bubble wrapping the Mayflower with a shocked face, asking, "What is that?"

"A special magic coating." Luo Fu explained: "It can ensure that the magic ship can dive into the bottom of the sea."

"Similar to a wizard's head soaking spell?" Shirley guessed.

"Yes, but it's much stronger than that." Luofu said with a smile: "As long as the attack is not too severe, this kind of magic coating will generally not break."

"What if it breaks?" Shirley asked curiously.

"If it breaks, the boat is also waterproof, and nothing will happen as long as you don't leave the cabin," Rove said.

Of course, if there is another attack by a magical creature like the Cabronosaurus like it did two years ago, even if the Mayflower is waterproof, it will not be able to withstand it.

Luofu looked up at the sea water around him and said secretly:

"You won't have such bad luck on this trip, right?"

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