Boom! !

Su Chen's reminder made Lin Qingge's face change suddenly


Of course, she knew Mo Jinghong's taboos. There were people who were lucky before and found various reasons to come to Moqing Peak to satisfy her curiosity.

As a result, after being found out by Mo Jinghong, the third leg of those people is still broken.

Previously, she brought Lin Yi directly over

It's not that Lin Qingge forgot these, but she thought

With her recommendation and Lin Yi's own talent, Mo Jinghong would have given him a chance even if he didn't directly accept Lin Yi as his disciple.

Naturally, Lin Yi's third leg will not be abolished just because Lin Yi stepped on the magic piano peak.

But now Mo Jinghong is angry

If Su Chen really poked this thing out.

That can't be said...

"What do you want to do!!"

Thinking of the danger that Lin Yi's big brother might face with a broken leg, Lin Qingge's eyes suddenly turned cold, staring at Su Chen's face as if a layer of frost had condensed

Su Chen doesn't care

One step closer to Lin Qingge, the two of them are just a stone's throw away

Dark clouds half covering the moon

A light fragrance hits the nose.

"Junior Sister Qingge, it seems that you haven't figured out the current situation."

"You said before that you need to know who you are"


Su Chen raised his hand to lift Lin Qingge's white chin

Roughly, he pulled Lin Qingge's indifferent face in front of him.

"Do you recognize it clearly?"

The two looked at each other, and the tips of their noses almost touched each other.


Lin Qingge's eyes widened instantly, not just because of Su Chen's frivolous behavior.

It's because what Su Chen said reminded her of something that she had always ignored.

"Su Chen woke up Jinghong Shizun in the middle of the night, but what he got was just a scroll from Shizun. Shizun didn't mean to punish him at all..."

"How is this possible!!"

Don't say it's Su Chen

Even if she did such a thing, she would be punished.

"Why doesn't Master Jinghong..."

Recalling the relationship between Mo Jinghong and Su Chen just now

Lin Qingge's beautiful eyes tremble

Very thoughtful.

Gradually I have a bad guess in my mind...

Seeing that Lin Qingge had realized the point of the matter, Su Chen's mouth twitched.

Again sincerely ask

"Hey, Junior Sister Qingge, you shouldn't want your big brother, Lin Yi, to be known by Master Jinghong about entering Moqing Peak?"

Lin Qingge seemed to suddenly come back to his senses.

Slowly staring at the man in front of him only felt a chill wrap around him.

Miaoman's delicate body trembled involuntarily.


"It's been so long, why haven't you come back?"

"Is sister Qingge okay?"


After knowing that Su Chen was deliberately hiding old silver coins pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, Lin Yi couldn't sit still more.

A pair of hands are held in my arms from time to time, and my back is behind my back from time to time...

Walking up and down, wandering constantly, wanting to go up the mountain but a little hesitant

He has also heard the legend of the three legs.

"If something happened to my third leg accidentally, wouldn't it be sad..."

"The happy life of him and his sister Qingge will be gone in the future"

"But if you don't go up..."

"The enemy is dark and I am clear, if that guy Su Chen suddenly attacked my sister Qingge, I'm afraid that sister Qingge will be hurt by accident!"


The anxious Lin Yi could only keep his head up

Look at the thriving red apricot tree on the mountain.

Praying that things are going well and things aren't as bad as he thought....

"Teacher, you don't have to worry."

"I'm just guessing what happened to Su Chen as a teacher, and even if it's true, he's also Mo Jinghong's disciple, and he can't do anything too much to Qingge, don't worry..."

The snake in the sea of ​​knowledge is really annoyed by Lin Yi.

It's hard to say a word of comfort


Sheyou's words made Lin Yi's eyes light up.

"No matter what, younger sister Qingge also has the cultivation of the half-step Spirit King, and Su Chen's cultivation according to your teacher is not only in the sea of ​​​​Qi.

Even if it is a sneak attack to stab my sister Lin Qingge, it is really unlikely."

It turns out that what Lin Yi has been worried about is not the kind of 'stabbing' accident

Instead, he was worried about whether Su Chen would really take out his spear and stab Lin Qingge.

It's our minds that are dirty

"It's just that I haven't been back for so long..."

Lin Yi was still a little worried.

Not only worried about Lin Qingge

He was also worried about whether he could successfully worship Mo Jinghong as his teacher.

If he can be covered by a female emperor and Shizun, he will be able to walk sideways in the future, with a bright future.

But if not...


"It doesn't matter, I still have younger sister Qingge. As long as younger sister Qingge is around, with my Lin Yi's talent, I can make a fortune in the Demon Sect."

It can be seen that Lin Yi is still very confident in his talent.


While Lin Yi was anxiously waiting

There was a rustling of leaves from above.

A green leaf fell on Lin Yi's head.

Green and green, with a little bit of cold dew on it.

"Lin...Lin Yi big brother..."

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