Qin Qingxian stared at the letter-passing jade pendant in his hand seriously.

to find out the truth of the matter

Su Chen, on the other hand, stared at Qin Qingxian's downcast face, with two thoughts flashing in his heart.

the first is

He found

"Sure enough, just like the Sword Ancestor Order that I can take out from the inheritance world, this inheritance world is located between the virtual and the real, and it can carry both the spiritual body and the physical body."

Just now he sent in the heart-shaped jade pendant to verify this.

This discovery surprised Su Chen inwardly.

This inheritance world is much safer than a storage ring or something.

Become one with him in his sea of ​​knowledge

There is also such a sword ancestor sitting in the town

"Who dares to break in!"

In the future, he plans to move all the main treasures here, and put some unimportant things in the storage ring.

This can also be considered to solve the problem that he is uneasy about holding heavy treasures such as the real dragon immortality medicine, and always feels that it is not safe to put it anywhere.

The second is.

Su Chen is thinking

How would Qin Qingxian treat his relationship with him at this moment!

"is it possible....."

Su Chen is thinking

Qin Qingxian was silent.

For a time, the inheritance world is silent...

And at the same time.

outside world.

In a transparent room.

After all the little uncles that he hid were received in the storage ring and stored

Looking at the bookshelves that were almost emptied by himself, Lin Qingge breathed out a sigh of relief.

"It should be fine now..."


"It's rude to look at other people's bookshelves without my consent."

"But yes, after all, you..."

Lin Qingge's muttering voice, who was walking towards Su Chen with his delicate lotus feet, suddenly stopped.

Watching Su Chen sitting at the table

Eyes slightly closed, no plans to eat with chopsticks

Instead, it seems to be in a state of waiting for someone to serve.

Lin Qingge suddenly remembered some familiar plots.

She got it again!

Immediately, Yu Xia, whose Leng Yan face had not yet subsided, surged up again.

Su Chen, who once again secretly spurned in his heart, said twice

"This beast!"

"How can there really be such people in this world?"

"Forget it when you go to bed at night, forget it when you get up in the morning, and forget about being in front of my big brother Lin Yi.

But you can't even eat..."

Lin Qingge bit her pink lips.

Looking at Su Chen's eyes full of shame and anger

But he still resisted the shyness and twisted his slender waist and walked towards Su Chen.

Because Lin Qingge understood.

If she doesn't do this kind of thing, Su Chen will threaten her Lin Yi's big brother's life later.

Until then, he is not going to give in!

Therefore, Lin Qingge, who insisted that Su Chen could not get any extra coolness from himself, was still as he had made up his mind at the beginning.

Anticipate Su Chen's prejudgment, and never give Su Chen the opportunity to enjoy the process of conquering her and humiliating her!

She wants to send the results directly to Su Chen!

Su Chen didn't know that Lin Qingge's inner drama could be so rich.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be confused for a while.


Inherited in the world.

Looking at the beautifully shaped messenger jade pendant

Qin Qingxian was expressionless.

But those eyes are constantly flickering, showing the turbulent inner waves.

There are already two blushes on the cheeks

If it weren't for the fact that Su Chen was right in front of her, she would need to maintain her master's demeanor.


At this moment, Qin Qingxian was about to curse out loud regardless of his image.

"What the hell is she doing?!!"

"Could it be that Xiu Taishang's obsession with Dao Xiu went into the devil's way!!"

"It's okay to say such things, but still posting such photos..."

"Is this really still me!!"

Although Qin Qingxian couldn't insist on reading all the content in it just now, he already understood the cause and effect of the matter.

The three views are about to collapse!

Rao is such a cold and indifferent character, she can't help but curse!

"How can the self in three thousand years degenerate into such a state!!?"

"It shouldn't be!"

Think about the unsightly chat content between yourself and Su Chen in it.

Qin Qingxian felt ashamed of herself.

"It's really shameless!"

"To pretend to be tender and fall in love with such a child, and to post such shameless pictures all day long

Go crazy!

This deity is definitely cultivating crazy! "

Although Mo Jinghong didn't do any special treatment on the photos in the past, but Mo Jinghong and Qin Qingxian's stature are almost the same.

Basically there is no difference, and...

The current Qin Qingxian is just Qin Qingxian three thousand years ago. Who knows if there will be any new changes in his body after three thousand years.

In addition, these pictures are originally images and pictures passed on through the jade pendant.

It is impossible to convey too much information about a person's body.

So even though Qin Qingxian has eyes that can see through all falsehoods

But you can't tell what's fake from a picture!

with constant self-doubt

Qin Qingxian's long sword on Su Chen's neck also slowly moved away.

Su Chen was also relieved.

He was really afraid that Qin Qingxian would accidentally kill himself when he was excited.

if so

That would be too sad

"But it seems that the results are good now. Master Qingxian has calmed down, and he shouldn't do anything irrational next?"


Smell the aroma close at hand

Su Chen coughed twice, and the old face was a little red:

"cough cough"

"That, Master Qingxian, what should I call you in the future?"

"Should I continue to call you Shizun or Xian..."


Su Chen's voice brought Qin Qingxian back to his senses, and the changing eyes

The final focus is on Su Chen's face

Knowing what Su Chen was going to say, she blushed, and her eyes were a little flustered.

Some mouths said:

"What does this deity do to me!"

"go out!!"


Su Chen still wants to struggle


Bang! a sound

There is a huge repulsive force in the inheritance world.

Su Chen's consciousness was instantly repelled before he even finished speaking.


Fallen leaves return to mud

Qin Qingxian looked at the small courtyard that had become empty again, her chest heaving up and down.

Looking at the place where Su Chen disappeared, there was still a lot of trance in his eyes.


"It's absurd"

"How can this be?"

"It's crazy to fall in love with the apprentice you just accepted."

"My deity, are you really the one who has been obsessed with Dao Xiu's ignorance..."

Consider the chat history between the deity and Su Chen.

Qin Qingxian felt ashamed for herself.

I have an idea in my mind.

She is looking for an opportunity to let Su Chen go to Jianzong

Check with your own eyes to see if the deity's mental state is normal!

"Otherwise, how could such an abnormal thing be done?"

I just thought of Su Chen again.....my new apprentice who hasn't been warm for two days

Suddenly want to become the object of his deity online dating for three years

Qin Qingxian couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

How will she face Su Chen in the future, and in what capacity will she face Su Chen?

As Su Chen said

"Do you want him to call himself Master or Fairy Sister..."

"Is it really ridiculous to be a Taoist companion with him!"

"How could I have called it out...but the deity...how did you say it out..."

Tangled contradictions.

Qin Qingxian, who had never been confused and doubted, tried this kind of taste for the first time in his life.

For her, who never thought of finding a Taoist partner

She really doesn't know how to solve this question!

Even sitting under the tree alone, she wondered if the deity had new insights after landing in the Emperor Realm!

"That's why I was with Su Chen..."

Various guesses and thoughts kept flashing through Qin Qingxian's mind.

Like pebbles on a calm lake

rippling ripples

Unable to calm down for a long time.

"Master, wait!

And outside.

Su Chen, who was kicked out too soon, wanted to go in and justify himself.

But consciousness has just returned to the physical body.

Su Chen suddenly noticed something was wrong.

It was as if something fragrant and soft was sitting on top of him.

Nose slightly moved.

The familiar body fragrance made Su Chen suddenly open his eyes.

"Qing Song!!"

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