I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 167 Triple Star System

Alpha Centauri, also known as 'Namen II' as defined by Blue Star humans, is located in the constellation Centauri. It is a triple star system and the closest star system to the sun.

The total apparent magnitude of Nanmen II is about -0.27. The brightest of the three stars, Nanmen A, has an apparent magnitude of -0.01 and a total absolute magnitude of 4.4. Blue star civilizations traditionally regard it as The third brightest star in the sky.

Since it is a triple star system, the system has three stars, namely Nanmen A, Nanmen B) and Proxima Centauri.

Although Proxima Centauri is far away from the other two stars, it is usually considered a member of this stellar system. It is only 4.24 light-years away from the sun and is the closest star to the sun.


The mechanical ascendant next to Ferma looked at the Alpha Centauri star in the star map model. This galaxy composed of three stars is really too close to the solar system. The distance of four light years is too small for the unknown civilization. It doesn't seem to take too long to arrive.

After all, even they themselves can sail a distance of four light-years in only about ten years when using the hyper-acceleration state.

It is precisely because of this that this mechanical ascendant feels that this triple star system, which is rare in the universe, is not a good place to go.

In his opinion, this way of sailing was tantamount to sending himself into the opponent's attack range, which would only make their fleet of only 20,000 warships more dangerous.

"Isn't it too dangerous here? In this case, we are really too close to each other."

After thinking for a while, the mechanical ascendant still raised his question to Feiferma.

After hearing the question from the ascendant, Fermat said: "The triple star system can conceal our existence very well."

"As long as we remain silent during the voyage, when we reach the triple star system, the three stars will be our best barrier."

"Although the distance is closer, it is precisely because of the close distance that the other party cannot detect our existence."

In fact, if Fermat's words were heard by members of Blue Star Civilization, they would definitely be able to tell the secret in one sentence. That is what members of Blue Star Civilization often say, the most dangerous place is the safest place.


Although Ferma explained it this way, another mechanical ascensionist was still a little worried.

After all, this is related to the safety of 20,000 warships, and among these warships, there are a large number of members of the Kasaku civilization.

These people were also the former tribesmen of the two mechanical ascendants.

"That's it." Ferma raised his mechanical arm and stopped another mechanical ascensionist from saying, "Even if you escape, it's too late."

"The other party must have detected the direction we evacuated before. If we pursue from that direction, we can find the target star system we set before."

"So this target is no longer usable."

Apart from this place, the only place that can provide a large amount of energy, have a short distance, and allow the main fleet to build a star gate is indeed Alpha Centauri that can be considered.

"Let's go. As long as we can avoid each other's detection, we still have a chance."

Fermat does not feel that his main fleet has no hope of survival at all. Although Alpha Centauri is indeed too close to the opponent, this is also his fleet's last hope.

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Ferma was not prepared to dwell on this issue for too long. The anti-mechanical ascendant who could control the life and death of 20,000 ships raised his mechanical arm and pressed on the star map, causing the star map model to disappear. In this bridge.

"There is a more important thing now, which is to contact the base camp and ask them to retain a star gate chain that passes through the two spiral arm material belts."

For this main fleet, the most important thing now is not the hidden problem, but the information from the previous base camp about the implementation of the 'material-free zone' plan.

After this information was conveyed to the bridge, the pressure on the two ascendants was very high.

Because after the materialless belts of the two spiral arms really appear, the star gates that were originally in the materialless belts will be destroyed accordingly. This also means that all ships in the Orion spiral arm will not be able to jump through the star gates. Back in the Cygnus spiral arm.

If they are really trapped in the spiral arm of Orion by then, when the other party's civilization begins to expand outward, it will be a matter of time before they are discovered.


The mechanical ascensioner didn't worry about which star system to go to after Fermat's reminder.

After being attacked by space warships several times, the main fleet has completely failed to carry out the 'silent voyage' required by the Cygnus civilization.

"The connection has been established with the base camp." Just ten seconds later, the mechanical ascender responsible for contacting the base camp had opened the communication channel between the main fleet and the base camp.

At the same time, in the solar system, within the time it took for the space battleship to arrive at the star gate ten light-years away from the outer reaches of the Oort Cloud, Luo Xiu had already led the Blue Star humans to complete a major development step.

The number of star ports that originally only existed on Blue Star, the Moon, Mars, the asteroid belt, and the Kuiper Belt has now increased to no fewer than ten.

Compared to Starport, Luo Xiu controlled the manufacturing of the main fleet. After all, even if it is manufactured, the gap between the rest of the cruising fleet is still very huge.

After previous combat encounters, Luo Xiu felt that the Xia Qi-class battleship could work wonders against the cruising fleet. After all, through conventional combat, Luo Xiu's ship would never gain any benefit.

The Xia Qi-class battleships carrying anti-matter annihilation bombs can cause devastating blows to local battleships. But after these few battles, Luo Xiu felt that if the cruising fleet revived and attacked the solar system again, the effectiveness of the antimatter annihilation bomb might be greatly reduced.

Luo Xiu only had this idea mainly because the cruising fleet itself had very sufficient technical reserves.

When the opponent discovers that it has a single attack method in the solar system, the cruising fleet can defeat the defense of the antimatter annihilation zone by dispersing the fleet, attacking from long distances, etc., causing devastating damage to Luo Xiu's fleet and the planet it controls. blow.

Therefore, while Luo Xiu was reducing ship manufacturing, the Lunar Research Base's research on space energy has never stopped.

However, space energy is too high-end for the current Blue Star civilization, so high that these Blue Star humans don't know where to start for a while.

It is precisely because of the inability to obtain a breakthrough that Luo Xiu's research on space energy has been stagnant.

After the unexpected appearance of the first space battleship, Luo Xiu never saw another ship that could crush civilized ships.

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