What is the concept of tens of thousands of super battleships? If it were on Blue Star, it would definitely create a strong visual impact.

However, in the deep space of the universe, even the Blue Star is like dust. These tens of thousands of super battleships only form a cubic structure in front of the second line of defense, aiming all weapons and equipment at the enemy's position.

When the United Solar System Civilization Fleet saw the opponent's movements, they immediately entered a state of preparation. All kinetic energy weapons were loaded, charged weapons were preheated, and they began to prepare for combat.

And Fermat's flagship was not idle either. It even used radio signals to simulate a section of the lingua franca of the United Civilizations of the Solar System, "Those who stand in my way will die."

Everyone was not surprised that the Kasa Cook Civilized Fleet could recognize Luo Xiu's lingua franca. After all, our own signals were all over the star field and could easily be captured by the other party.

And just when the two sides were at war with each other, there were new changes in Ferma's fleet.

A larger battleship flew over from the array. It did not aim at them from the side like other super battleships, but opened a hatch at the top of the battleship.

A device like a receiver emerged from the hatch.

"What is that?" People in the combat command room looked surprised when they saw the pictures coming back from the front line.

Only Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, 'Neutron Kill'. The other party actually made this thing. It seems that they have indeed mastered the core technology library of Cygnus Civilization.

However, he did not remind everyone that when he tried the lingua franca of the cruising fleet before, these people may have had doubts in their hearts.

If he explained the opponent's super weapon to them now, I'm afraid they would all think of him as someone from the cruising fleet.

Doubt is a seed. Although they may choose to do this carelessly because they are in a state of war, I am afraid it will cause endless trouble.

Moreover, Luo Xiu also wanted the people of the United Solar System Civilization to wake up. Although they have far more warships than the other side and have defeated the other side's fleet twice, it does not mean that they can always be invincible in the war.

The most fatal problem of a person or a civilization is not the backwardness of science and technology, but their blind arrogance.

This is the case with the Cygnus civilization. Because they have conquered countless civilizations and have more than twenty vassal civilizations, they are blindly arrogant and think they are invincible.

This is also the fundamental reason why their technological progress has been very slow over the years. It is also because of this that under the attack of more advanced civilizations, even the base camp of the cruising fleet was razed to the ground.

Just as Luo Xiu was thinking about this, a burst of white light came from the screen, and then disappeared.

This means that the equipment that took the picture has been destroyed.

Then the picture returned, but the perspective was obviously from a distant battleship.

In the picture, there was a gap in front of the fleet of the original solar system civilization. The internal structure of the dozen or so warships there was completely unusable and became floating objects in space.


There was a sound of air-conditioning sucking in the command room.

They didn't expect that the opponent's seemingly inconspicuous weapon could be so powerful.

I'm afraid it's even more powerful than the anti-matter weapons they have.

If the opponent continues to attack so recklessly, no matter how many warships they have, they will not be able to withstand such consumption.

Cao Guolin immediately came to Luo Xiu, then gave him a military salute and said: "Commander-in-Chief, the situation is urgent now. I request to go to war."

"Oh? What's the emergency situation? Is it just because of the opponent's weapon?"

Luo Xiu said lightly.

"That's right, we have no defensive weapons here that can withstand the attack of this super weapon. It is extremely unwise to fight the opponent in a frontal formation. I request to lead a fleet to attack them from both sides."

Cao Guolin said seriously.

"Yes, the enemy's firepower is too strong. A frontal attack is tantamount to seeking death."

"I have long said that you cannot use a dense formation to start a decisive battle with the opponent from the beginning. After all, the cruising fleet is the top combat power of the Cygnus civilization, and it is not something we can resist."

"What's the point of talking about it now? Let's think of a way. We can't let the opponent's super weapon continue to fight like this, otherwise our morale will hit rock bottom before the battle is over."

Everyone in the combat command room began to talk about it.

Luo Xiu saw it in his eyes, but didn't say anything. This phenomenon is normal. As long as you are in decline, no matter what the reason is, someone will always think it is your fault.

Only Luo Xiu knew that this was Ferma Fleet's trump card, and he showed it from the beginning. It seemed that the opponent was indeed at the end of its rope.

So he said to Cao Guolin: "Commander Cao, your idea is very good, but as the commander of the Blue Star Fleet, I cannot let you execute this order, control the system, and issue orders to the people on the flagship of the Blue Star Fleet. They used two formations of warships to launch a double-team attack on the enemy fleet from both sides."

"The command has been confirmed and sent."

Luo Xiu stood up at this time and waved his hand to calm everyone down, and then said: "Calm down, everyone. Judging from the two battles between me and the cruise fleet, this super weapon is already the opponent's biggest trump card. Otherwise, they have It won’t be used, and I guess this kind of weapon cannot be used for a long time, and there won’t be a lot of it.”

"Also, let me emphasize that this is war, and there will be sacrifices in war. All those who go to the battlefield, including you and me, must have this awareness. Everyone should return to their posts. If I continue If you hear someone spreading remarks that shake the morale of the military, you will be punished as treason."

Luo Xiu's words directly calmed the crowd. The others looked a little ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything and they all returned to their posts.

Cao Guolin and Xue He looked at each other, but their faces showed a look of relief.

They were really worried that Luo Xiu wouldn't be able to suppress these people, but now it seemed that they were worrying too much.

Although Luo Xiu usually looks very kind, he is still very imposing at critical moments.

The situation was indeed as he expected. The super weapon neutron killing of the ten civilized ships in the array was retracted into the hatch after only using it ten times. Then these civilized ships returned to the array. It seemed that they were going Recharged.

However, in this short period of time, the United Solar System Fleet has lost nearly a thousand Qinhuang-class battleships.

Although it is only a small part compared to the millions of main battleships, the blow to morale is indeed very large.

The people from Proxima Centauri and the starship civilization can say that some of the crew members from Blue Star collapsed.

But just when these riots were about to spread, the mechanical ascenders on the ship who were originally responsible for war reporters suddenly took action.

Their arms transformed into plasma lightsabers, killing the terrified crew members and preventing the situation from getting worse.

Although the captains were dissatisfied with the casual killing of these mechanical ascendants, they also knew that this was the best way to do it.

Morals and rules are the most useless in war. Everything is for victory and survival.

Moreover, these mechanical ascendants are also Luo Xiu's direct subordinates. Except for Cao Guolin, no one dares to say anything to Luo Xiu, the commander-in-chief of the solar system civilization, even behind his back.

The United Fleet of Solar System Civilizations came to a brief stagnation due to the first wave of offensive by the Ferma Fleet.

But they immediately began to fight back. The doors of all Qinhuang-class battleships opened, and dark kinetic energy turrets stretched out.

The antimatter annihilation weapon drew a beautiful line in space, directly piercing the hull shield of the Ferma super battleship, and then where they touched, all matter disappeared.

And they seem to have a very good understanding of the structure of the super battleships cruising in the fleet. Every blow is either hit in the power room or in the ammunition compartment.

With just two shots, this seemingly extremely powerful super battleship quickly exploded, and then turned into a big fireball with blue flames.

Ferma, Austin and others who were originally watching the battle on the flagship were still celebrating because of the attack of the civilized ship.

After all, they have even built civilized ships. Although the number is not large, only about fifty, the attack effect is indeed very satisfactory.

But soon their smiles froze, because the opponent's counterattack turned out to be so sharp.

"How can these guys be so stubborn and dare to fight back in the face of our super weapons? Commander, why don't we send out all the civilized ships?"

Austin asked as he looked at the screen with eyes wide open.

Ferma didn't even look at him, but Qiong on the side explained: "We have a limited number of warships equipped with neutron killing. Now sending them out will destroy the enemy's warships, but it will also allow the enemy to understand our firepower." At the upper limit, these civilized ships are our trump card, and they were sent out this time just to demoralize the enemy."

"I just didn't expect the people of these solar system civilizations to be so tenacious."

Qiong looked at He Mian, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

"Huh, what are you stubborn about? They are just bumpkins who have never seen the world. I really don't understand where they got the technology of this anti-gravity weapon. And their weapons seem to be very primitive. If we master With this kind of technology, it must be more powerful than this."

Austin curled his lips and sneered.


Fermat finally spoke.

"Just now was just an appetizer. The war has really begun now. The control system has detected the enemy's movements. It seems that they want to protect us from both sides. Austin, bring all the former congressmen to realize your glory. I I’ll give you two thousand super battleships and ten battleships equipped with neutron killing devices.”

"Yes, Sir Commander, I have another question. How many warships did the other party dispatch?"

Austin bent down and asked softly.

"One hundred thousand ships."

Fermat said lightly.

When Austin heard this, he almost fell to the ground.

"And there are 100,000 ships on one side." Ferma added.

Austin's face was extremely ugly. Wasn't this asking them to die?

He voluntarily gave up his position as speaker to the other party, but he didn't expect that he would be treated like this.

But even though Austin thought so, he still walked out slowly.

After Austin left, Fermat looked at Qiong and said, "Don't you have any objections to my arrangement?"

Qiong said in a deep voice: "I am just the commander's assistant. I am only responsible for making suggestions and will not have any opinions."

"Haha, that's good. Do you know why the people around me keep changing and you are the only one who keeps following me? Because you are very knowledgeable and smart enough. Now come and help me analyze it. Judging from the current battle situation , what are our chances of winning?" Ferma said with a smile.

At this time, Qiong took a few steps forward, came to the front of the screen, looked at it for a while and then said: "Less than 30%, even if we have super weapons like civilized ships and neutron killing, the opponent's tactics are also very obvious, that is Spreading our firepower will prevent us from forming a firepower advantage. If we can produce enough civilized ships in another two years, then this war will be much easier for us."

Fermat nodded, then sighed and said: "You are right, but we don't have two years, and our opponents will not give us this time, so now I want you to think of a way to help me improve my winning rate. To one hundred percent.”

"Shouldn't the control system be better at this kind of thing?" Qiong asked with some confusion.

"It's just a machine and can only analyze battles that have already happened. But in the past, we have always been fighting smooth battles, and the situation has always been one-sided, so in this situation, it is of no use. This is why I always The reason why the tribesmen who opposed Kasa Cook from the beginning cannot all undergo mechanical ascension, otherwise we will end up with the same fate as the cruise fleet base camp."

Facing Qiong's question, Fermat said seriously.

"Yes, I understand." Qiong lowered his head and said.

"Okay, these are all digressions. Now tell me what you think."

It was the first time that Fermat spoke his true feelings to other people, and his expression became much more relaxed.

"The enemy controls such a huge fleet, and the pressure on the command system must be very high, so I guess their control system should implement hierarchical management, so there should be subtle differences between the control systems, and this difference is very important to us. It's an opportunity." Qiong explained to Ferma.

"Oh? How do you say it?"

Fermat's eyes lit up and he asked.

Qiong saw that Ferma was interested, so he continued: "As long as we find the breakthrough point of this huge fleet in front of us, and then concentrate on the elite battleships and civilized ships in the fleet, we can break through to the vicinity of Proxima b in one fell swoop, and use the firepower of the civilized ships , we can completely make Proxima b disappear before the other party can react. By then, the fleet without the command system will be just a piece of loose sand, and we can defeat it one by one."

Hearing this, Fermat also nodded and said: "You are right. In fact, I have had this idea before, but there is one difference between us. That is, I don't want to destroy Proxima b, but I want to control the leaders of these guys. In our hands, let this fleet be used for our use."

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