I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 62: The Cursed Golden Country! (Subscribe!)

"Have you been a soldier before?"

"Forget it." Luo Ji looked at the gun in his hand, then put it away.

"If you want to find a job, I can help." Karina said.

"What job?

"You know, reporters are usually chased by strange people, and I just saw you are good at this kind of thing. Besides, if you encounter such a dangerous thing again, I will be safer with you by my side.

"Do you want me to be your bodyguard."

Haha "No. It's a photographer and bodyguard. I give you this number every month." She stretched out two fingers.

"Twenty thousand?"

"Ah, I don't have that much money, I can only pay you two thousand...Don't think the salary is not high, it is all because the capitalists control everything. Their annual salary is more than one million US dollars, if When that day my salary rose from 3,000 to 10,000, I will give you 7,000!" Karina said hurriedly, thinking Luo Ji felt that the salary was low.

"No, it's okay. Two thousand is enough for me to live, and your total income is three thousand. Is it really appropriate to give me two thousand?"

"If you can protect me and take more valuable photos, maybe you won't worry."

"Okay. Can the salary be paid on a daily basis?" Luo Ji asked, because his non-compulsory transformation is only one day, so he plans to run after he finishes his job.

"Huh?" Karina thought she had heard it wrong: "If you use it in a hurry, it's not impossible. If you are in a hurry to spend money, I can help you advance."

"No, no, no, it's too much trouble. But when I need something, can you buy it for me?

"I'm afraid that I won't have an identity certificate. Okay, I can buy it for you."

Hear here.

Luo Ji felt something was not quite right. Why is this female reporter so friendly and enthusiastic to herself.

"By the way, who are the people who just hunted you down?"

"Ah, this.... They are the bodyguards of the congressmen. They chased me to get back evidence of wiretapping and receiving hui. But thanks to you, they are all finished now. Just submit this as evidence in court, and then do it again. With news reports, I can directly get a bonus of more than 2 million yuan. You said that more than two million yuan, can I hire you for a year?"

"Of course, no problem." Luo Ji nodded. Although he doesn't care about money, he needs the identity of a female reporter to do some trouble for himself.

"By the way, how old are you this year~?"

"It's 30." Luo Ji said casually, because the body he disguised looked only twenty-five or sixteen years old.

"Are you sure it's not in your early twenties?" Karina said somewhat unexpectedly. Luo Ji's appearance looks quite young and handsome, with outstanding temperament, which is very depressing.

"You can say as much as you want.

"It's weird, anyway, go to my house first."

Immediately afterwards.

Luo Ji got in the female reporter's car and drove in the direction of her house.

Because Luo Ji does not have a fixed address, the female reporter will definitely encounter some troubles during this period, so she simply let Luo Ji live in her home, and Luo Ji did not refuse.

But don't get me wrong.

The two get what they need, the female reporter needs a sense of security, and Luo Ji needs a real-world network system.

That's right.

Through the prediction card, Luo Ji probably guessed what his next form transformation is.

It may be some kind of technological creature, but the most obvious guess is the Autobot.

This is good news, because Autobots can move freely in the city, and at the same time can invade network systems to read maps, navigation, required information, and so on.

Therefore, use this form to invade and investigate the Ouroboros base of the European headquarters.

As for the third district, it is thousands of kilometers away from here, and it has already been sealed off by the whole territory, and further investigation is meaningless.

After arriving near the apartment where the female reporter lives.

Luo Ji got out of the car, put on a hat, and walked towards the room where she lived.

"Oh, I lost the key! What should I do!" The female reporter suddenly looked wrong, and she didn't find the room key after searching her whole body.

"It's okay." At this time, Luo Ji found two wires from nowhere, then poked a few times in the keyhole, and the door opened.

"What the hell!" The female reporter looked at him in astonishment, but she didn't expect Luo Ji to do this.

"Don't worry, it's just a little trick in life.

"Life tips...you won't steal everything from my house while I'm asleep?"

"Do you think that's possible.

"It's very possible!" the female reporter said seriously, but smiled: "I don't have anything valuable in my house anyway. As long as the photos in the camera still exist, it doesn't matter if you steal them all."

Luo Ji shrugged and said nothing.

The female reporter’s room was fairly tidy, but it was messy except for the work place.

The decorations were everywhere. Luo Ji looked at a model of a ship, and then scanned other places. Then he found a photo with an old map fragment on it.

"Have you heard of Francis Drake?" the female reporter asked suddenly.

"I know, he was a figure in the Elizabethan era. On July 23, 1579, he reached the Mariana Islands and then started the second voyage around the world after Magellan. Drake is famous throughout modern history. Not only a great explorer, but also an expert in maritime tactics, affecting the entire modern navy.

Luo Ji recalled the deeds of celebrities in the past, and then said: "But Drake failed in the expedition in 1589, and his life began to decline, and eventually died of illness in Panama in 1596.

"Hmm, it seems you know a lot. But do you know the treasure left by this legendary character?"

At this time, the female reporter poured two cups of iced coffee and handed it to Luo Ji.

"What treasure?" Luo Ji asked.

"In that ancient mysterious sea, there is a city made of gold in the legend. It is called the Golden Country, and tens of thousands of people rush to infinite treasures."

Then the female reporter hummed a strange ballad: "Man dying for money~ Man dying for money, the end of the treasure is the hometown of greed. The land of gold~ the dream of wealth, leading to the cursed treasure...


"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm in the play. That photo is said to be a map to the "Cursed Golden Town". If you are interested, you can study it.

at this time.

When Luo Ji looked at the map on that photo, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[System: Unlock side missions and find the map leading to the "cursed golden town"!]

[Description: This type of task will be randomly triggered when the host is exploring the world, and it will be rewarded quite generously when it is completed. There are some special props and evolution materials in the treasure. "


Luo Ji exclaimed. This was the first time he heard the task prompted by the system.

Although Qian Wang's) seems to be an optional exploratory task.

"What's wrong?" The female reporter looked over unexpectedly.

"It's nothing." Luo Ji took a sip of coffee, very strange inside.

Since there is a cursed golden town in the mysterious sea, will it trigger the curse of the Pharaoh by going to Egypt?

Could it be said that when the werewolf went to Eastern Europe, what triggered the story of the vampire castle?

This world is getting more and more weird!

Luo Ji wondered whether every transformation would cause a change in a certain part of the world, or whether it existed in the first place and only discovered where they were after being transformed.


Luo Ji checked the time on his watch. It was 21 o'clock in the evening.

time flies.

I met a female reporter, followed her to complete the submission of the photo evidence, and then drove back home, a whole day would pass.

In the next few hours.

He is about to start a new transformation form, and there is a high probability that he will do it in this room, for which Luo Ji needs to prepare in advance.

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