I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 69 Luo Ji: Countess, you have to add money!

"Authentication is successful, ID Charlie! Level 3 transferee, loading information about Ouroboros...

The process is probably to use the Black Crow small robot to steal Charlie's authority, and then Luo Ji's ontology hacked into the network to find information about ouroboros.

However, I don't know if I don't check it.

When it was found, Luo Ji discovered that the force of this Ouroboros was greater than he thought.

With Charlie's authority, only short-term content can be intercepted.

Even so, it is amazing, such as keywords "triple companies", "mega multinational corporations", "the world's three giants", "global monopoly-level interest groups" and so on.

However, the true "Ouroboros" is not just an enterprise.

It was formed by the merger of the "big three companies". Ouroboros is just one of the "code names" of the plan, a small part of it.

Moreover, this global monopoly-level interest group is very powerful, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one in the world.

The company involves many countries, about a dozen "eight sevens seven", of which Long Guo is also among them. On the surface, it is an international super monopoly. In fact, it involves most of the high-tech fields including drugs, medical hardware, defense industry, etc. Technology industry.

He not only has the world's top medical technology, but also has many other identities.

For example, it also has its own military department and research department. The real source of benefits comes from secret industries such as unknown high-tech military technology, life engineering, and biological weapons, including many top-secret plans that cannot be made public.

For example, in addition to the "Ouroboros Project", there are also the "Tinder Project" and so on...

It is now known that the "Ouroboros Project" is a research on the biochemical weapons of the super soldier strengthening potions.

The "Tinder Project" is more outrageous. It is in the "Fifth Zone", located in the super shipyard in the ice and snow of Antarctica.

But it does not involve graduated weapons, nor does it involve military departments. It is built for industrial purposes. Most people can't guess it.

Because it is a spacecraft, it is a secret aerospace project in progress!

Because of this, as a giant business machine involving many fields, Sanlian does not belong to any country.

But in most prosperous cities in developed and developed countries, there are their companies, and many elites around the world have chosen to work for Sanlian Company.

On April 12, 1969, Sanlian Company was formally established, and the logo of the company's internal senior management was the "Double Ouroboros".

However, this badge is only known to high-level internal personnel, so the true appearance of this mysterious and huge giant is rarely known. The reason why it can have a huge status and power in the global society is naturally indispensable for all aspects of support.

"Sanlian's medical technology is No. 1 in the world!"

"Sanlian's military industry is No. 1 in the world!"

"Sanlian's safety inspection is No. 1 in the world!"

Suddenly, Luo Ji's mind came up with many voices from former colleagues and the Internet.

"Sanlian Company Sanlian Company!?"

Is it a coincidence?

Luo Ji remembered.

More than a month ago, before he turned into a North Sea Giant Monster for the first time, he took a plane across the North Pacific, and the place he went was to establish a cooperative relationship with Sanlian Company.

At that time he was the deputy director of an IT company.

Own a pivotal position in the company and maintain an excellent and good social image.

Looking back on it carefully, Luo Ji recalled the details of the time. The purpose of his trip to Europe at the time was to bring some important data from the company to Sanlian. Then there was an accident halfway through, a plane crash, and death in the sea.

"The plane crash Sanlian Company... is getting more and more bizarre!"

At this moment, Luo Ji subconsciously used the authority to search for the name "Luo Ji".

Then there was no problem, but when he went to search for the name of the flight he was taking, the information page that popped up showed a description that was slightly different from the news.

At 8:35 in the morning, the plane took off from the airport and headed for Europe. When passing through the North Pacific, a sudden explosion caused damage to the aircraft's engine and the aircraft lost contact. It was confirmed that it crashed in

Luo Ji did not keep watching from behind.

Because his attention was on the "explosion", but according to his memories, the plane did not explode at that time, but encountered a strong air current.

But when I think about it carefully, I did hear a strange noise at that time. Not long after that, the plane had a strong tremor.

It's not right, it's not right how to think...

But now there is no way.

Because Charlie's authority can only access these.

It seems that if you want to know what happened to that plane, you have to continue to investigate.


For Sanlian Company, Luo Ji is familiar and can no longer be familiar.

If Sanlian is the real giant behind the scenes, and the so-called "Ouroboros Project" is also a small part of the project, perhaps Luo Ji will be busy.

Because he also knew that trying to shake such a huge giant can't be solved by just one or two accidents.

He wants to solve the Sanlian Company and eradicate all the evils...

This is not for anyone.

But for himself, at least he must die to understand.

It's too unreliable to fool everyone by saying "the plane had an accident due to an unknown cause".

It seems to start from here.

Luo Ji made up his mind to thoroughly investigate Sanlian Company!

As night fell, two rows of dim electric light poles were shining brightly.

Luo Ji is making a call at this time.

The Autobot started calling a contact from an unfamiliar number.

About ten seconds later.

On the other side of the phone came the voice of a lady full of magnetism, apparently the Countess Asena who was thousands of miles away.

"Hey~ What a coincidence, you actually remember to call me, what happened to you?"

"Do you know Sanlian Company?" Luo Ji asked.

"I've heard, what's wrong? And why your voice has become so strange." Asena seemed a little surprised, hearing mechanically synthesized sounds for the first time.

"Don't worry about it. Tell me, what kind of baby you have been robbed? To tell you the truth, the task you entrusted is much more complicated than imagined. Ouroboros is just one part of the Sanlian company. That's it!"

Luo Ji directly pointed out the words clearly.

Let him deal with Sanlian Company? Yes!

However, you have to add money!

"Okay. Now that you know something, I will tell you a story."

Hearing Luo Ji's excitement, Countess Asena's voice gradually softened, and she said slowly: "At the beginning of the eighteenth century, a captain was driving near the glacier. As the 4.1 huge ice block fell into the abyss, it fell to the ground. Buried in a cavity under the ice, he found a huge body of a creature and found in his hand a cube with unknown language symbols and pictographic patterns on the surface."

Hear here.

A strange idea faintly popped up in Luo Ji's mind.

Is it a "fire source"?

This is ridiculous!

But the Countess Asena’s voice did not stop. She went on to say: “That thing has huge energy and emits some blue light, which makes the people and animals around become weird, and the life expectancy seems to be taken away. The same, the whole body was draining pus and turned into blood...People were afraid of that thing and called it the Deathly Hallows, but the captain who got it at the time had undergone a unique change. He became more manic than before. , With greater strength, even if it is injured, it will quickly heal itself!"

"All of these are changes brought about by that Deathly Hallows!"

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