I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 79 South America! Mysterious Manor!

"What the hell is this!!!"

In a satellite surveillance base in a European country.

Minister Guo Qiang looked at the image scanned by the satellite on the screen. A huge spacecraft floated from the sea of ​​the aircraft carrier that sank a few days ago, and then transformed into a giant robot, turning the aircraft carrier twice its size. The wreckage was overturned and built into a large skateboard.


"Damn it! Have aliens really come to Earth!"

"Hurry up and send the nearest aircraft carrier formation to the sea area where space battleships and giant robots are located, and send two nuclear submarines to support it!"

In about ten minutes, the president gave the order.

The goal is to get in touch with that space starship, and if the opponent is hostile, then destroy it.

the other side.

When Luo Ji was about to surf on the aircraft carrier's skateboard, he caught the letter "Eight-Seven-Seven" in which many unknown ships appeared in the nearby waters hundreds of kilometers away.

All right.

He knew that he might be exposed under the satellite, but he didn't expect the human military to move so fast that he had already begun to encircle him.

"Laser scanning...nuclear submarine...scanning finished!"

Suddenly, Luo Ji headed towards the sea ahead, and at the moment when the metal giant fell into the sea, it changed into the appearance of a scanned nuclear submarine.

"Slid away!"

Before the besieged aircraft carrier formation and nuclear submarines were discovered, Luo Ji planned to leave this sea area.

Because the movement caused in the past few days is too great, my transformation time is almost over, there is no need to stay here.

As for the Countess Asena, it’s not too late to contact you later.

Luo Ji now has no intention of returning the energy matrix to her.

Because he intends to eat black in black,

But there is no way. It's not that the lady has not given enough, but that the energy matrix is ​​too tempting.

Without it, he couldn't maintain such a huge mechanical body at all.

In short.

Before being surrounded, dive into the ocean floor, rush out of the encirclement, and head to the Atlantic Ocean!

A few hours later.

The Atlantic Ocean, the bottom of the sea.

A nuclear-powered submarine that does not belong to any country is driving silently, heading in the direction of South America.

After arriving in South America, walk a little further and you will find the Pacific Ocean.

This road will pass many places, and Luo Ji's next goal is to rest in the Amazon River.

Because at the current speed, when you arrive near the Amazon River, your transformation form will end, and you will return to the non-mandatory transformation stage. At that time, you can use the form of a werewolf, shadow crocodile or other monsters to drive on your way.


Compared with normal people, Luo Ji has a habit.

That is that he is more "gou."

Before knowing what the next form of transformation is, he will not easily expose himself to unknown dangers.

Now the world, no, it can't be said to be the world, at least the entire Europe and the Dragon Kingdom are looking for him.

So South America has become the main battlefield of Luo Ji's next form.

In addition, most areas here are tropical rainforests, with various rare animals and plants. Towering trees and dense forests block satellite detection. Even if you become the next monster form, you will not be easily spotted. .

And this is where Panama, Brazil and other regions are located.

Not surprisingly, the mission trigger location of the [cursed Golden Township] is also here.

And there should be the next form of evolution or strengthening material in the cursed Golden Town, although Luo Ji doesn't know that it is.

that's all.

Some time later.

Night, early morning.

Somewhere in the rainforest of South America, with the bang of the reef, the sea suddenly sank, and then in the whirlpool of the water, a figure of a domineering werewolf with a sturdy body and thick hair appeared.

"It's time to transform..."

The werewolf trembled all over, shook off the drops of water on his body, and walked to the shore at this time.

"It seems that the surrounding things have become a lot bigger."

The deterioration of the field of vision made Luo Ji a little uncomfortable at this time. Perhaps it was because the huge trees in the virgin forest blocked most of the moonlight with dense branches and leaves, which made it look quite dark and huge.

The next moment, the werewolf's ears moved slightly, and he caught a sound.

"There is a situation!"

"On the other side of the sea, it seems that a ship has run aground!"

The flashlight lights up in the distance, and someone seems to be approaching, carrying an AK47 on his shoulders, looking alert.

Luo Ji watched this scene, and he wondered if he had entered the nest of a drug lord.

Is the folkway so sturdy here? AK can be used as a crutch.

In order not to be discovered, he changed his body. The werewolf's figure gradually turned into a dark shadow like a two-dimensional compression, which merged into the ground, and then the shape of the wolf began to twist into the appearance of a crocodile.

Gradually, Luo Ji escaped into the shadows and disappeared under the shadow of the woods reflected by the moonlight.

"Hey, did you find anything!"

"No, where's your side?"

"Nor, did you misheard it just now?"

"I think so too, are you drinking too much!"

Several South American men holding the AK47 looked from left to right and looked around.

After they left.

In the shadow, a tentacled and scissors-like shadow began to appear, and decisively followed the past, approaching a large manor all the way.

Good guys!

As soon as he entered the manor, Luo Ji, the "shadow crocodile", saw a medium-sized plane parked somewhere in the garden.

At the same time, there are two small passenger planes, three armed helicopters, an armored vehicle equipped with a 90mm tower gun, and a tank!

Is this f*ck a private estate?

Luo Ji almost thought he was still in the military base and didn't break out.

Not only that, in addition to these military equipment, there is also a private armed force of hundreds of people walking around in the manor.

"Who? Which big man is this, is it so powerful!

The shadow crocodile was sneaking at this time, gradually approaching the house of the manor, and then began to infiltrate from under the door, and invaded this strange armed manor against the wall.


somebody is coming.

Stopped moving, the alligator was hanging motionless from the ceiling.

Then I saw three armed men wearing tropical rain forest camouflage uniforms approaching, carrying M4 automatic rifles, and two people behind them, a man, a woman and a woman.

"Before meeting Boss Guman, please hand over all your mobile phones, radios and weapons, and we will keep them temporarily."

The 4.1 armed men began to exhort the two of them, and said: "This is our rule, please understand!"

The man and the woman nodded, then hesitated a little, and handed over everything on their bodies.

Then they held a virus potion protected by a metal lock and explained: "The things inside cannot be broken, otherwise life will be lost, and we will not be responsible at that time!

"I see!

The armed personnel carefully stored the glass bottle protected by the golden pressure in the suitcase, and then the others signaled the man and woman to enter it.

On the other side, Luo Ji, who was watching this scene from the ceiling, suddenly became puzzled.

He didn't know if he had an illusion. When the man and woman took out the glass bottle protected by the metal, he had a familiar feeling.

It's as if the liquid inside is like a virus, connected to its blood...

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