I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 81 The sixth form! The giant crocodile of death in the rainstorm!

Luo Ji admits that he is not a person who likes to kill innocent people.

However, robbers must be killed, criminals must die, biochemical bases must be destroyed, and poisonous people must not be left!

It seems that Luo Ji's killing intent was sensed.


There was thunder in the clouds over South America, and blue-violet electric snakes could be seen wandering in the clouds from time to time.

Outside the beautiful manor, the wind was violent, whizzing and blowing, like a herd of galloping wild horses passing by, leaving a violent air current to stir! Moving! Thousands of miles high in the sky makes people stagger and stand unsteady.

"What's going on outside!" Guman asked sharply at this time.

"Boss, the sky has changed, it seems it's going to rain heavily!"

Guman nodded, as if he had been accustomed to it a long time ago: "Tropical rain forest climate is fickle, you two don't need to care."


It seems that the two neon people have also heard about it. The climate here is erratic. It was clear that the sun was still shining just now, and in a blink of an eye there was heavy rain.

The rain forest is even more strange. Venomous snakes and beasts haunt them. Even some trees and vines "kill people"... I can't help but feel creepy when I think of this.

"So, is Boss Guman satisfied with our goods?"

"Satisfied! Very satisfied!

Especially this kind of genetic medicine will not take away people's consciousness. Although it becomes a monster, the consciousness still belongs to you.

After all, in this world, who doesn't want to become a monster?

Especially powerful people.

It's just that Guman obviously won't be satisfied easily. He said: "10 billion dollars, buy your formula."


A man and a woman looked at each other and said, "Didn't you say it? The real technology is in the hands of Longguo. At first, it was in the hands of Wangjing Pharmaceutical Company. Later, after twists and turns, it fell into the research institute...

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

There was a thumping sound of falling to the ground from outside, and the people inside raised their heads in panic through the door panel.



A flash of lightning flashed through the window at this time, and with the heavy rain pouring down, the night looked even more dim and devouring.

"Hey! Go and see the situation!"

At this moment someone was walking towards the door, but shortly after he went out, others saw the shadow of a terrifying scissors monster.

"what happened?"

Guman glanced at the picture of the foot of the man from the corner of the eye, and the mouth of a shadow crocodile appeared in the dark and deep abyss color, and he approached the man almost silently, and then swallowed him.


Blood splattered on the wall, and the armed men who had lost their upper body thumped to the ground.

Everyone's feet are soft.


"Shadow. Cannibalized?!"

"What the hell is that!"

The local armed natives who had never seen the world backed up in panic, watching the shadow of a huge crocodile appearing in the hall moving strangely toward this side.

"Could it be that...is it an influence!"

At this moment, a man and a woman in Neon stood up suddenly and watched this scene in horror.


"Why does the shadow crocodile appear here?!"

"Wait, does it come from tracking cloned cells!"

The neon woman said subconsciously, but unexpectedly this sentence was heard by Guman, and she suddenly became furious: "Aren't you saying nothing is foolish! Why would you bring this kind of monster over!"

"I do not know either!"

She fell to the ground with a gunshot.

"You guys!" Guman hurriedly yelled at this time: "Kill it for me!"

After speaking, he grabbed the remaining potion, turned and fled, and at this time the terrifying shadow crocodile also chased up and harvested the shadow that was blocking it.

[System: When the host devours enough living shadows, it can evolve into a "shadow devil"!

[Current progress: 14.2%]

Now Luo Ji doesn't have the time to pay attention to the "Devil of Shadows". What he has to do is to hunt down the leader of the drug lord who took the cloned crocodile cells.

This thing can't just fall into nature like this.

Otherwise, wouldn't there be more and more monsters gaining the power of crocodile.

"Don't look back, run!"

"Boss, you go first!"

Guman hurriedly got into the off-road vehicle at this time, and the subordinates were holding AKs and firing at the ground, but there was no effect. Harvest it slowly.

"Drive fast!

"Something seems to be catching up behind!"

Keke, yeah.

The sound of the fascinated object being crushed, clear, came in the storm, like the footsteps of death, approaching little by little.

However, as the engine of the off-road vehicle screamed, the shadow crocodile stopped in place and began to gradually become three-dimensional, and the dark shadow gradually turned into a domineering and burly wolf king monster!

"The shadow crocodile is good with everything, but the moving speed is too slow!

Luo Ji twisted his neck at this time, groaning inside. Compared with the werewolf, the shadow crocodile moved at the same speed as the tortoise.

Just, can you escape?

Luo Ji in the form of a werewolf monster stared at the off-road vehicle in front of him. When he was about to chase him up, he heard the whip cracking sound from behind.

"Wow? I almost forgot you."

The werewolf king slowly turned his head to look at the tall snake-man tyrant, showing a bloodthirsty smile.


The mutant snake-man tyrant-like monster strode over at this time, and it seemed to be much stronger than the "Abyss Prototype" in the deepest part of the biochemical base in the first area.

"Stop me...!"

At this moment, the mutant snake-man monster roared, calling out the negative energy that had been hidden deep in his heart.

The evil, tyrannical breath exudes.

"Do you feel that you are very powerful now, capable of shredding everything? Do you feel that you are omnipotent, invulnerable, and invincible?"

The werewolf slowly turned around, showing a ferocious smile, and then said domineeringly: "It's just a coincidence, I think so too!

The distance between him and it is less than ten meters.

For the explosive and terrifying werewolf, this distance is almost indistinguishable from zero distance.It is almost the moment when the ground on the soles of the feet cracks.His figure disappears in place, and then the huge wolf claws locked the snakeman's throat and lifted it all at once. Fell to the ground.


The terrifying ton of power caused spider-web-like cracks on the ground, and then the snake-man screamed, and the muscle cells all over his body trembled.

Continue again.

Luo Ji held the giant with one hand effortlessly. In the torrential rain, the mane of the wolf king was still swaying, and his claws pierced the snake-man monster's neck little by little.

But even so, it hasn't died yet, instead it entangled like a python.

It seems that the clonal cells of the alligator have strengthened the ancient parasite virus of ouroboros a lot, and the heart damage and brain damage can't completely kill it.


To deal with this kind of monster, it is not necessary to let the X-01 battleship King Kong take action.

"Life draw!

The werewolf activated a type of dark power, and the body of the mutant snake man seemed to have encountered something terrible, and the vitality began to be quickly extracted.


Immediately after the scream, the mutant snakeman fell limply under the werewolf's feet, leaving only a thousand-scarred snake skin.

"Prey, did you escape?"

Luo Ji looked up in the direction of the exit of the manor, and said coldly.

The next moment.

Boom! A bolt of lightning fell nearby, faintly illuminating the short night!

Immediately, the werewolf's figure suddenly disappeared.

[System reminder: The non-mandatory transformation period is over, and the new form of transformation begins. Since this is the host’s sixth transformation, after the number of transformations has been accumulated enough, a "God-level transformation" can be activated, so stay tuned!)

After the lightning fell.

The werewolf disappeared.

In the heavy rain, what replaced it was a more massive and domineering prehistoric monster!

"It looks like that monster-like body is full of power, muscles are bulging, and the eyes are as red as burning fire, and he makes a hiss (Qian Zhao Zhao). "This is my new form!"

"Da da da!!"

The gunfire suddenly sounded, and a group of people chased over, looking at this side in horror, shouting "monster", and shooting frantically.


The monster in the torrential rain raised the Crescent Long Blade, suddenly blocked the bullet, and then swung the giant blade to cut off the armored vehicle on the side mercilessly.

He stepped forward and moved closer to the position of the group of drug dealers and others who shot at him.

In the fearful eyes of those people, the picture that emerged was--

A majestic crocodile behemoth with a crescent moon and axe in his hand!

He has a strong muscular body!

His skin is as hard as a copper armor!

With the flash of lightning in the dark, that terrifying face can be clearly seen!

"I'm Renekton." He showed a terrifying smile like a devil. "I am a death butcher!"

(PS: Ask for flowers and ask for a monthly ticket~ Evaluation! It’s the beginning of the month tomorrow, and ask the big guys for a lot of support. If you have any favorite monster shapes and plot suggestions, the book reviews will tell you, every author will read it! If you feel that the current plot is more aggressive If you have more, then you can arrange daily monster transformations, such as Pokemon series, Digimon series, etc. If you have suggestions, it would be better.),

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "illustration" button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

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