I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 101: Reform of the imperial examination system

Gu Juefei drank too much and fell asleep.

This is actually not easy to do.

Sitting at the table, she just stared at him for a long time, seeing him like an ordinary person, and thinking about it, she could vaguely see his ambition from just a few words.

After a long time, she slowly lowered her gaze, then stood up and called Yin Liu'er softly outside, asking him to go to the Taishi's mansion and ask Meng Ji to come over.

Yin Liu'er took a look inside and knew what was going on.

He knew something in his heart, and after answering, he hurried to the Grand Master's mansion.

When Meng Ji came, it was already the end of Shen Shimo.

The people who listened to the opera in the afternoon had already left, and the next wave of people who listened to the opera at night had not come yet, so the whole Mingyue Building seemed a little cold.

As soon as he followed Yin Liu'er to the private room, he was stunned.

The general's wife, who was somewhat involved with her eldest son, sat there casually, fiddling with the melon seeds on the plate.

Next to the table not far away, Gu Juefei was crouched.

Looking at the cups and plates on the table and the dozen jugs next to him, he was not feeling well.

"Your eldest son is drunk, send him back."

Lu Jinxi's eyes widened, and her bright eyes came out. She glanced at Meng Ji and said something lightly.

Was drunk……

Meng Ji's eyelids jumped, and the look in Lu Jinxi's eyes was not right.

Gu Juefei's alcohol intake and self-control, he has been by his side for many years, will not be clear. It can be said that even when he fell out with the old master, he was never drunk.

The eldest son has always known where his bottom line is. He is almost drinking, and he will stop by himself without any persuasion.

Now it is lying here without any image...

The so-called "heroes are saddened by the beauty" is true!

Looking at the general's wife, who was a woman and a gentleman, sitting here well, but Gu Juefei had already drank and lay down, he knew that Lu Jinxi's method was really unusual.

At this moment, Meng Ji had "recognized" Lu Jinxi again.

He didn't say much, bowed and said "yes", then asked Yin Liu'er to take a hand, just as he was about to help Gu Juefei get up, he opened his eyes.

Meng Ji thought he was awake, so he called out, "Eldest son?"

Unexpectedly, he just opened his eyes, but didn't make a sound.

have to.

Still drunk.

Feeling a little helpless, Meng Ji had to help him out with Yin Liuer. Although the person was drunk, he didn't bother when he was drunk. On the surface, he seemed to be awake, half walking by himself, half being helped by others, but he walked out steadily.

There was a car waiting outside.

After Yin Liu'er called Meng Ji to the Grand Master's Mansion, Chen Fan followed along, and now he was waiting outside with the car. As soon as he saw someone coming out, he quickly replaced Yin Liu'er and helped Gu Juefei into the car.

It was getting late, Meng Ji also got into the car and said goodbye to Mingyuelou.

Lu Jinxi didn't send it out too far, and stopped at the corner of the corridor, just upstairs watching the car drive away in the twilight. When the person disappeared, she gradually came back to her senses——

Why do you always think that Meng Ji's eyes were so wrong just now?

Don't he think that Gu Juefei was poured down by her, right?

That's a big misunderstanding.

"Ma'am, shall we go back?"

This afternoon, Qing Que only felt confused. Song Zhiyan came first, and she had no idea what she said to her wife; later, Gu Juefei was fine when she went in, and she fell down after drinking two glasses.

Also strange.

Lu Jinxi put his hand on the railing, thought about it, and said, "I want to go back when I go back."

But at this point, when he turned his eyes, he looked at Yin Liu'er first, and waved to him directly, signaling him to come over.

Yin Liu'er was startled, because she felt guilty about being bumped into by Gu Juefei before, so she hurriedly came over: "What's your order, Madam?"

"You are now in the Falcon Battalion of the Infantry Army, so the information in all aspects is still well-informed?"

She asked directly.

Yin Liu'er patted his chest: "Don't worry, apart from the hard training, the Falcon Camp is okay, the news in all aspects has not been lost, and the network has been broadened a lot. I just don't know, you want to inquire. Which aspect?"


Lu Jinxi directly gave a clear direction.

"I want you to look for it. From the capital all the way to the northwest border, it was very prosperous at first, but now it encounters difficulties or poorly managed businesses, including those who used to trade with the army in the early years. I have two small money, and I want to do it recently. Do some business."

As soon as I opened my mouth, I was looking for a business!

With such a big appetite, where is there two "little money", it's so simple to want to do some business?

Yin Liu'er's heart skipped a beat when she heard it, she vaguely guessed something, but she didn't dare to ask any more, she just said, "There is little news about this, then go back and check it out, I'll make a list for you and show it to you. ."


Lu Jinxi nodded, she had no opinion, and she was not going to spend too much time on this matter for the time being. If Yin Liuer can do it, then let him do it and wait for his list to come up.

It really doesn't work, it's not too late to think otherwise.

After explaining these few sentences, she asked Qingque to drive the car, and also took the car back to the General's Mansion.

Things in the mansion were lackluster, the same for several days.

But in the courtroom, in the next few days, it can be said to be turbulent, and every day there will be a different drama.

First, the aftermath of Gu Juefei's appointment as the director of Lifan Hall was still unresolved.

Mrs. Gu didn't know why, but she was so brooding about this matter that she made a case the next day, and even picked a trivial matter and wanted to impeach her son!

Even if the father and son are officials of the same dynasty, and their political views are not in harmony, it will not be like this!

The ministers of civil and military affairs were all dumbfounded.

Even Emperor Xiao Che of Qing'an was very puzzled.

He patiently talked with Taishi Gu for a long time, but in the end he didn't know why he quarreled. Xiao Che, who originally wanted to save face for the old lady, simply put a cruel word--

If anyone thinks that Gu Jue is not qualified, as long as he can recommend a person who is comparable to him to deal with matters such as Lifantang, then the position of the principal will be given to this person.

This time, everyone knew that the emperor was really angry.

Gu Chengqian didn't know if it was because he had quarreled with the emperor, and finally gave up because he was disheartened, and he didn't say anything about it since then.

Just facing up and down, of course Gu Juefei was a stranger.

Now the whole capital knows that the father and son are in trouble.

Everyone is guessing the reason, guessing and guessing and somehow guessing the body of Weiyi, the concubine and empress in the palace, which enriches the story of the storyteller under the bridge.

Fang Shao did a bunch of things, of course, needless to say.

He is someone who can make things happen, and no one talks about him all day, so he can't be considered a big deal.

In addition, the biggest, or perhaps the emperor's "whimsical".

On the seventh day after the peace ceremony, in front of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, Xiao Che actually said that he wanted to introduce the imperial examination system.

For a time, it was like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves!

Gu Juefei, Fang Shaoxing, all became trivial matters, and all the civil and military affairs of the dynasty were bombed!

So Xiao Che had to be patient and explain the whole story.

The general's wife, Lu Jinxi, and the concubine Xue Tingzhi, who was left behind by Xue Kuang, naturally became the most perfect shields and were dragged out of the tank.

Immediately, there were pedantic old officials angrily scolding women and Taoists for having long hair and short knowledge; they also said that Xue Ting's alien bloodline had bad intentions, and had the heart to destroy my Daxia.

Anyway, whatever hats are taller, they will be buckled on their heads.

After a few words, General Lu Jinxi's wife almost became a traitor.

In the end, it was that group of military officers and generals who couldn't listen anymore. Although they didn't agree with this matter, they came out and said a few fair words, which eased the situation.

But it is impossible to move the imperial examination system itself.

So someone came to the palace and passed on Xiao Che's words, asking Lu Jinxi to go out and "walk around".

When she asked the emperor in the palace, what she promised, the emperor knew it, she also knew it, and neither of them forgot.

As soon as the decree came, Lu Jinxi understood it and went to visit the houses of the military generals.

Within two days, when they went to court again, most of the military attachés and generals who spoke with great weight had already turned their backs. Not only did they praise the reform of the imperial examination system, but they also did not object to the reconciliation that they had been criticizing before.

The civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty simply suspected that they had seen a ghost.

It wasn't until very later that I found out that there was a shadow of Lu Jinxi's activities behind it. When I remembered it, I naturally cursed her in my heart, but I couldn't do anything about it.

This matter, the emperor is determined to do, and there are people doing it.

Who are you asking?

Manchu civil and military, who else?

Just a sense of nonsense.

The imperial examination system is a big thing, and it's not something that can be moved if you say it.

Many people are pedantic and do not change, and would rather be left paralyzed than change for the better.

Gu Juefei is not among them.

He is a person who has seen a lot, sees far, and has hills and valleys in his chest. He is only the same as Lu Jinxi at the beginning. He feels that this imperial examination will be braked, and if it is combined with the general trend of negotiation, it will have a wonderful and long-term effect.

Therefore, when the matter came to court on the fifth day, he actually handed over a thick letter.

The pros and cons of the reform of the imperial examination system are detailed, and a very clever method of persuasion is used.

——Lu Jinxi didn't see this story at the time. It was passed on to her after the event was completed.

The pros and cons of the statement are well-founded, and there is no need to elaborate.

What attracts the most attention is his citation of historical materials of the previous dynasty and the enumeration of various data.

Before Daxia, it was not that there were no other dynasties, and it was not that there were no other ethnic groups. Among them, there were foreign barbarians who entered the Central Plains generation. But the final result is that these barbarians have been assimilated by the customs of the Central Plains, and the Central Plains have not lost their original foundation.

Compared to the present, naturally there is no need to worry about the Huns.

On the contrary, if you can bring in all ethnic groups to the Central Plains, learn the culture of the Central Plains, even participate in the imperial examinations in the Central Plains, and also serve as officials in the Central Plains, there will undoubtedly be a new wave of blood, and the surrounding ethnic groups will be attached.

The emperor of Daxia will also become the emperor of all races.

So, how can you not be excited?

Not to mention, those reassuring numbers.

He speculated in the book that the number of foreigners who participated in the imperial examinations in the first few years could be said to be very few, because there were not many foreigners in the Central Plains in the past two years, and even fewer were able to read and hyphenate words. The literati compete.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the introduction of barbarians into the imperial examination system did not have much impact on Daxia.

But from a long-term perspective, it is to gather all the talents from all over the world for the use of Daxia, and if the style of emphasizing literature can be carried out, it can also infect all ethnic groups in the Western Regions and reduce the calamity of border wars.

After such a refutation, although the court officials still have quite a few criticisms, there is really no way to object.

They seldom traveled around with Gu Juefei, not to mention that he made friends with the entire Jiangnan Shilin back then. After his statement, Wanmin Umbrella, who supported the reform of the imperial examination, wrote it up.

What else have the guts to oppose?

The introduction of foreigners was passed, and the other one, allowing literati with disabilities to participate in the imperial examinations, was originally expected, and there was no resistance at all, and it was passed easily.

The matter of the reform of the imperial examinations came to an end with such vigour and vigour.

When the news reached Lu Jinxi, she was sitting in the garden drinking tea with Wei Xian, and when she heard that Xue Rin had the opportunity to be promoted, she felt no change in her heart.

She didn't raise her head until the egret came up with a blushing face in excitement.

"It's done?"

In the past few days, all kinds of discussions in the capital have not stopped, Lu Jinxi saw that the egret was so excited, he had a few, and asked directly.

The egret can't wait to jump up.

A few days ago, when Lu Jinxi went to the military attache to "sell miserable", she followed and saw with her own eyes what she paid for.

Now that there is a result, how can you not be happy?

With a beaming face, she nodded directly: "It's done! The streets and alleys have spread, and the royal horse has passed on the street, and the slaves can hear it clearly! Our eldest son can also participate in the imperial examination!"

As expected.

Since she heard about Gu Juefei's involvement, she actually hadn't paid much attention to it: if there is Gu Juefei, nothing will go wrong. This is obviously a done deal, so don't worry at all.

So at this moment, she took a sip of her tea and said with a faint smile: "Why don't you ask someone to go to the eldest son's yard to announce the good news? Go to the warehouse and pick up a few sets of the four excellent study treasures and send them to him. Anyway, I want to participate. People who have taken the imperial examination, can't be too shabby."

"Yes, the slaves are going!"

The egret had a big smile on his face, agreed crisply, and went away excitedly.

Wei Xian watched coldly from the side, and only felt that Lu Jinxi was getting better and better for the concubine born by Hu Ji. And recently, I looked left and right, but I didn't even go out. I just stayed at home to cook some trivial things. It was really annoying to watch.

She really wanted to strangle her neck and ask her—

When, when do you pack up your bedroll and find someone to remarry? Don't really die and still occupy the tablet next to Xue Kuang!

But it's just an idea after all.

The vicious thoughts in her heart are ten thousand plus ten thousand, and she is not directly expressing them at this moment.

He just gave Lu Jinxi a cool look, and said yin and yang strangely: "I know that he is not your own, but a son of a bitch; I don't know, seeing that you are so good to people, I'm afraid I don't know where to go!"

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