I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 143: It's unpredictable

To be honest, when she woke up so many times, the most important question was the last to ask. When she asked, she already had a vague expectation in her heart.

Because whether it's in memory or in a dream...

The picture of Gu Juefei's arrow was stained with blood and lingered.

An arrow came from such a distance, and it even penetrated a person's body abruptly, and even the whole arrow came out from the chest!

What kind of terrifying power would that be?

Who can be safe from such an arrow?

At that time, Gu Juefei pushed himself off the horse. It should be out of desperation. He knew that he couldn't dodge the arrow, and he was afraid that the sword would hurt her after passing through him, so he took the last resort.


How did he judge the power of this arrow?

You must know that under the circumstances at that time, a mistake in judgment and pushing her off the horse might not necessarily save her, or it might shatter her bones.

But Gu Juefei pushed it, still without hesitation.

Even though he has traveled all over the world, as a literati, can he have such an understanding and certainty about swordsmanship?

Or, what were the details on the side that made him make this judgment?

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but think of the last moment, the sigh that was almost blown away by the wind, and the moment when he fell, the lightness on his face that shouldn't have appeared...


Numerous intricate clues and details are intertwined in my mind, but none of them can come together. I just feel more puzzled and incomprehensible than before.

The mouth is full of the bitter taste of medicine.

She frowned slightly and looked at the two close-fitting maids standing in front of her.

Obviously, they all knew she would ask this question, so there was no surprise on their faces. But still with a kind of apprehension and hesitation, they looked at each other, as if hesitating.

Lu Jinxi frowned slightly and said, "Is the person still alive?"

The egret replied: "Alive."

Lu Jinxi asked again, "Are you seriously injured?"

The egret nodded again: "very serious."

Lu Jinxi continued to ask, "Are you out of danger?"

Egret shook his head: "Still in a coma, didn't wake up."


Lu Jinxi fell silent for a moment, and only lowered his eyes, watching his palm cut a little by a stone when he fell from the horse and fell to the ground, before reopening after a long time.

"Where is he now? Taishifu?"

"No." Bailu shook his head again, but when he saw Lu Jinxi's eyes, he became even more worried, "As soon as the eldest son of Gu was taken back to the capital, he was sent to the Huisheng Hall for treatment by Doctor Zhang. He said that the eldest son was seriously injured. , it should not be moved, so people are still returning to life."

The ghost hand Zhang Zaizhi...

Even so, no one has woken up yet.

Lu Jinxi suddenly took a deep breath, as if he wouldn't be able to breathe if he didn't, and he couldn't move due to the sudden heavy pressure.

In just a short moment, she was able to fully outline the impact of this mountain bandit incident in her mind.

A general's wife of a general's mansion.

A young master Gu from the Grand Master's Mansion.

The mountain bandits have a little bit of involvement with the Xiongnu...

This thing is no small matter.

She slowly closed her eyes, as if she wanted to use this move to calm down the thoughts and emotions that were surging in her heart.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked.

"Apart from my robbery, has anything major happened recently?"


The egret nodded tremblingly, and when he talked about this matter, his voice was still a little trembling.

"Not long before you were robbed, news came from the west that it was a while ago, that is, the Xiongnu mission that left Beijing more than ten days ago, and was killed before it passed the customs."


She thought that there would be something related to the Huns, but she never thought that it would be so big!

When the cause and effect were linked together, Lu Jinxi only felt that his heart was immersed in the coldness of darkness, and was overwhelmed by a heavy haze.

The Xiongnu embassy had an accident in Daxia...

She suddenly thought of that mysterious man, that "Lord Lan".

"Prepare to drive, I'm going to Huishengtang."

She frowned tightly, only to feel that all the previous ominous guesses had become reality, and she was about to get up as soon as the quilt was lifted.

The green bird and egret were startled.

But at this special moment, how dare she get up? Not to mention a spare car.

"Husband, madam, madam, the madam has already issued an order, saying that if you wake up, you will recover in the house..."

The action stopped suddenly.

Lu Jinxi heard what was wrong in those words, and only raised her head and looked directly at the two maids. But they all lowered their heads with a bit of fear, not daring to look into her eyes.

Thinking of Wei Xian who just walked away, she suddenly understood.

It seems...

Certain rumors must be running rampant these days.

If it were an ordinary person, or the original Lu Clan, there would be all kinds of distress at this moment, or as Wei Xian said, he would have committed suicide by being ashamed.

But to Lu Jinxi, it was really painless.

But it's just some rumors, nothing special.

Yu Qing, ever since she met and met, she has been wanting to sleep with him; Yu Li, it was for her that he was in danger, and he fell into this dangerous situation.

Even if she doesn't care, she can't be indifferent.

What's more, she consciously still has a heart, a fresh heart.

"It was the wife who spoke and didn't let me go out?"

Lu Jinxi still rolled over and got out of bed. There was some pain on his head and body, but there was no problem with his actions, and he felt that the injury was not particularly serious.

Qing Que stepped forward to support her, nodded and said, "Mrs. is very strict, and it's not nice to speak outside in recent days. Madam, you..."

"I can't go out, so go out."

Lu Jinxi waved his hand, not wanting to listen to Qingque's advice, but only in this moment had thought of a way to solve this problem.

"I immediately went to the eldest princess' mansion and said that I wanted to go out to visit the eldest son of Gu, who was kind to me, and asked the eldest princess if she could mediate for me."


Neither Qingque nor Egret thought of it, they only thought that Lu Jinxi was determined.

Seeing them dawdling, Lu Jinxi finally pulled her face down: "Don't go?"

"The servant will go here."

After all, she is the master, and they are servants, not to mention that they are just going to invite Princess Yongning. If the eldest princess is willing to agree, naturally there will be nothing to do with the Sun family.

So Qingque woke up, responded quickly, and went out to communicate.

It's already night.

After Qing Que left, Lu Jinxi pondered that if it happened by chance, he would get a reply tonight.

So she doesn't wait.

During the evening, she brought in the egret and learned about all the big and small things that happened when she left the capital.

The outline of the matter suddenly became clear.

At the end of the fifth hour, there was finally no question.

In the kitchen, there was a warm soup prepared for the body, and after Lu Jinxi drank it, he was ready to lie down. Unexpectedly, just as the back of the head touched the pillow, there was a hurried communication sound outside.

"Madam, Madam, the eldest princess is here!"


All the sleepiness disappeared in an instant.

Lu Jinxi was extremely surprised: "Aunt?"

She was busy getting dressed.

But the speed at which the eldest princess came was too fast.

Almost as soon as the voice from the front foot arrived, her back foot appeared outside the door, and the graceful voice also rang: "I heard that you want to go out and ask for help from this palace?"

The palace costumes are gorgeous, but somewhat complicated.

Long time no see, Princess Yongning is still as usual, with a calm gait and a slight smile on her face, but her eyes are a little tired at the moment.

Looking at this appearance, it seems that he just came out of the palace.

Lu Jinxi was stunned for a moment, then wanted to get up and salute.

But Princess Yongning came over, waved her hand, pushed her back to the bed, and sat down beside her bed naturally, sighing with a smile.

"Knowing that your injury is not light, you can avoid these customs and lie down."

"Thank you auntie."

The politeness in action was waived, but in words, Lu Jinxi was still respectful and respectful. She looked at Princess Yongning's expression, and she was inevitably puzzled.

"Why did my aunt come here this evening?"

"Didn't I hear that you're awake?" Princess Yongning laughed and her eyes flashed, "If such a big thing happened, you didn't say that you will be raised for a good life, and you still want to leave the house. Gu Juefei this time. Life is not dead, you should have heard, he is going to treat Guishou Zhang. He has his own disciples, and even the people from the Taishifu are worried, what are you going to do?"

Inexplicably, the words of Princess Yongning gave Lu Jinxi an extremely strange feeling.

She had thought...

The relationship between the eldest princess and Gu Juefei seems to be very good.

However, is it necessary for people who have a good relationship to wonder about her wanting to see Gu Juefei?

Lu Jinxi kept a small mind and sighed, "Auntie doesn't know anything. If Young Master Gu hadn't rescued me this time, I'm afraid I would have died in the den of the wolves, tigers and leopards. In the end, it was I who implicated the Young Master. It’s okay to be unconscious two days ago, but now that I’m awake, if I don’t go and take a look, I’ll feel uneasy.”

It sounds like this reason could not be more appropriate.

After all, Gu Juefei was her savior.

But what are the rumors out there now? Not to mention, Princess Yongning has also seen some extraordinary moments with her own eyes.

When she was going to choose a new husband for Lu Jinxi, what did Gu Juefei say beside her?

He even suggested himself and asked her: How am I?

This person is a scheming person who takes ten steps every step of the way. If he really talks about all kinds of conspiracy methods, I am afraid that the old lady Gu, who has been ups and downs in the court for many years, may not be able to fight against him!

This time, he suddenly appeared in the place of suppressing bandits, and he was also involved in various things on the Xiongnu side. It was really strange to the extreme.

The market only knew about the things between him and Lu Jinxi.

But Princess Yongning, and even the entire court, had doubts about something bigger.

It can be said that whether it is Lu Jinxi or Gu Juefei, the situation at the moment is very unfavorable.

In comparison, she was even more reluctant to see Lu Jinxi fall over.

So at this moment, Princess Yongning stared at her for a long time, her eyes were deep, and she only asked with a half smile: "He Gu Juefei appeared in Yanchi Mountain for no reason, and even took his life to save you, this is extraordinary. The two of you are actually just the right age. I ask you, answer me honestly, do you mean so much to him? "

This word...

It was a bit straightforward to ask.

Lu Jinxi's heart skipped a beat when she heard it, she raised her eyes silently, and stared at Eldest Princess Yongning, only to see a calm seriousness on her face.

It's like a kind-hearted elder, asking kindly. In addition, she did choose a husband for her before, the kind that was sincere, so it is easy to make people feel that what she said at the moment is not even half false.

It was as if she answered a "yes" and then she would match her.

Neither will she scold her for being out of the wall, nor will there be any contempt or disgust.

But in fact...

Lu Jinxi keenly noticed a little difference.

She will not forget the attitude of Princess Yongning to Gu Juefei that she accidentally revealed at the palace banquet, and the feeling that she vaguely objected to her visiting Gu Juefei.

At this moment, even Lu Jinxi didn't understand what he was thinking, but just relying on the instinct that suddenly popped up in his mind, he replied: "I'm afraid my aunt has misunderstood. Gratitude for the life-saving grace, there is absolutely no romance between men and women."

It was a calm and calm look.

Even those who have gone through ups and downs and have seen all kinds of human feelings like Princess Yongning, can't see any flaws from this hypocritical to perfect face.

Not to mention, her pale complexion and frail posture make it hard to doubt.

Think about it too, where did the many intersections between her and Gu Juefei come from?

How could someone like Gu Juefei choose to take risks and save her life just because of her identity, because she wants to marry her in order to avenge Xue Kuang's spirit in heaven?

Mostly by coincidence.


It was he, Gu Juefeizhen, who had an inexplicable relationship with this incident related to the Huns.

Princess Yongning blinked, and finally suppressed the faint suspicion in her heart, deepened the curvature of her lips without expression, and said warmly: "You are really pure-hearted, Yuanyuan Palace still wants to be able to match you. Match. But since you don't mean it, that's all. If you want to go out to see him, go out to see him. Ben Gong will support you. It's just that you need to take care of your body first. Don't worry about it. , come back and fall ill, that would be troublesome."

"My niece and aunt thank you for taking care of me."

Lu Jinxi showed some sincere gratitude on his face, and there was no regret for the word "matching" that Princess Yongning said.

She was like this, which naturally reassured Princess Yongning.

After talking about this, she dragged Lu Jinxi to chat about something else, and also mentioned what she experienced in Yanchi Mountain.

After chatting until the second hour of Hai Shi, she got up and left.

In many days and nights in the future, Princess Yongning will always remember this night, as well as Lu Jinxi's vowed words under the dim light.

Should she believe her.

It's a pity that she didn't wake up suddenly until half a month later, in the Golden Palace Hall...

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