I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 154: marry

The emperor bestowed marriage, Chrysostom said.

Back then, Lu Jiuling couldn't object, and today's General's Mansion and Taishi's Mansion can only hold back even if there are 10,000 grievances.

Lu Jinxi's marriage is a sure thing.

The news came out the day before, and the next day, Qin Tianjian planned a good day and auspicious day, and it was not dragged at all, so it was set on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

This is a coincidence, really catch up with Qiqiao.

Some people joked that the time was so urgent, so coincidental, that Gu Juefei would definitely intervene.

It is impossible to know whether this is true or not.

But what can be seen is that when the time of Qin Tianjian comes, everyone from the Taishi's mansion to the general's mansion to the Shangshu's mansion is busy.

After all, it was a widow getting married, and it involved too much.

The first thing to do is to move out of the General's Mansion.

Before Lu Jinxi got married, she was the wife of a general, and had a first-class official order from the imperial court.

Moreover, there are still her children and servants in the mansion, how to deal with it has become a problem.

Xue Mingli, Xue Minglang, and Xue Chi, including Xue Tingzhi, were actually her children, but the first three were born and raised by herself, which was especially important.

The widow remarried, and the children were all surnamed Xue, so she couldn't go with her.

Besides, even if she wanted to take it away, the General's Mansion would not be able to agree.

Almost everyone thought that when dealing with this matter, there would be an earth-shattering toss in the house.

But who would have thought?

Except for a few children who were reluctant and shed tears, they didn't cry out loud, they were all obedient like little sheep.

On the day that Lu Jinxi moved back from the General's Mansion to the Shangshu Mansion, the little guys insisted on sending their mother to the entrance of the Shangshu Mansion and stayed at their grandfather's house for a few days.

After returning to the General's Mansion, Wei Xian didn't understand.

She asked them suspiciously: "It's your mother who remarried, so let her go like this?"

Wei Xian was their third aunt, and Sister Li and Sister Lang knew that she would not deal with their mother, but at this time there was not much malice in her.

After all, Lu Jinxi was gone.

So she wiped her tears for a while, and then Sister Lang said: "My mother is also our mother when she remarries, and she won't leave us just because she married someone and gave birth to a baby, but just changed her place to live. Gu The gentleman must treat her well, we can't be happy yet. Besides, even when my mother is here, we don't stick to my mother every day."

The least stressful person here is Xue Chi.

After hearing that his husband made a confession to Lu Jinxi in the court, he was completely relieved.

After worshipping Mr. Gu, his admiration for Gu Juefei increased day by day, and even had a vague taste of admiration. Now the husband he admires wants to marry his favorite mother, isn't it just right?

He is a student of his husband, and he can go to the Taishifu any time he wants.

Not to mention that Mr. is such a talkative person, even if the sisters want to go to Master Tai to see their mother, he cannot refuse.

This place in the capital is not too small or too big, but it is just a remarriage.

Everything is as long as the mother is happy.

In the final analysis, they are still children of the General's Mansion, or Xue Kuang's children, and their mothers are also their mothers. Who would dare to bully them?

As for the gossip in the capital?

My mother also taught me a long time ago, "People say right and wrong, not me. If you care too much about other people's evaluations, you will forget yourself."

So to listen to those gossip, it is better to pay attention to your own heart.

It can be said that the answers given by these children are far beyond Wei Xian's expectations. She didn't even react: When did Lu's children become so obedient and sensible?

Even a little jealous.

After Sister Li and the others answered her question, they all held hands and bowed to say goodbye.

Wei Xian was standing behind them, watching their still-unraised figures, slowly crossing the courtyard, only to find that the hot summer had arrived when he raised his head in a trance.

The East Courtyard, which was not busy before, is now even more empty.

His wife, Mrs. Sun, obviously did not expect that the emperor would suddenly grant a marriage, and when she received the decree, she felt it was difficult to accept it for a while.

But on second thought, what is unacceptable?

Her son Xue Kuang is gone, and Lu Jinxi's life has not been very good for the past few years.

Mrs. Sun herself is a woman, how can she not feel the pain in it?

What's more, she also walked with men on the battlefield in her early years. After years of sparring in the house, although some edges and corners were smoothed out, she did not follow the rules of the secular etiquette.

So when Lu Jinxi went to say goodbye to her, he was very peaceful.

She even gave Lu Jinxi some advice from people who came over, and allowed her to take away the maids, servants, and even capable servants.

It's just that Lu Jinxi didn't take anyone with him.

Of course, she could hold on to her own convenience and take away the egrets and bluebirds, but after taking them away, what will happen to the children?

In the end, it's still for the kids.

When she left, she took almost nothing with her except her private library.

The children will be taken care of by Mrs. Sun in the future, and at the same time, the Egret Green Sparrow and a few maids will take care of them as usual, everything is the same as when she was still here.

In an environment like the General's Mansion, it's not easy to cause trouble.

Wei Xian just regarded her as a thorn in the flesh, but he would not do anything to a few children. What's more, they are Xue Kuang's children, she remarried, Xue Kuang a dead person can't help them marry their stepmother.

In this way, the children can not bear the grievances.

As for Xue Tingzhi, there is no need to worry.

He has already entered Jixia Academy and started studying, and the houses outside have also been found. Even if she's not there, he may have no one to take care of him, but as long as he has the skills, he can make it out within three years.

So Lu Jinxi's move was really a no-brainer.

The General's Mansion was peaceful, but the Shangshu Mansion was full of lanterns.

When her daughter was married for eleven years and she still returned home, Lu Jiuling couldn't be more happy. After getting the wedding date determined by Qintian, she hurriedly asked people to clean up the house where her daughter originally lived.

Everything seemed to go back to when she hadn't married Xue Kuang.

This was the first time that Lu Jinxi was so close to Lu's original family.

After seeing the environment she used to live in, she also served at the knees of her parents, told jokes to make the second old man happy, read the books that Mrs Lu had read, and lived in the house Mrs Lu used to live in.

It's easy to feel what kind of person Lu was originally.




It is the pearl that her parents dote on in their palms. Any unpleasant things are blocked from the door, and she will never know.

It's just a pity, such a Lu family has disappeared in the long river of time. He was sparred by those lonely and dim days in the general's mansion, and became a smoke and dust that dissipated in the rolling red dust...

Instead, she was a mature, hypocritical, and sophisticated woman.

For Lu Jinxi, everything about Shangshu's mansion is actually unfamiliar, but everyone knows that Lu's family has been married for eleven years, and he has not returned to the mansion many times and has changed a lot.

In addition, she is not an ordinary person at all, so she is not revealing any flaws in the concealment.

Everyone knew that "Ms. Lu" had really grown up, and regardless of how unpleasant the outside world was, she complimented her and praised her for her good life.

Lu Jinxi didn't care too much.

Without the trivial matters of the General's Mansion, she is not the kind of person who wants to embroider a dowry for herself, so during the time when she was preparing to get married, her life became leisurely and boring.

The daily pastime is nothing more than reading books and listening to the interesting stories of the outside world passed down by the maids.

For example, Mr. Fang Shaoxing, who had just been promoted to officialdom, was very proud of his spring, and he got drunk in a brothel, but he also attracted several famous prostitutes to compete for him.

For example, the imperial censor Zhao Xian, who had not succeeded in impeaching Gu Juefei, but instead contributed to this marriage, was probably stimulated by this incident. After the failure of the impeachment of the i Dynasty meeting that day, he joined a bunch of ministers for three consecutive days, which made people miserable. Word;

For example, the results of the current science and technology examination have come out. Ji Heng, the talented person who is missing an arm, is among the best, won the second place, and has been selected for the Hanlin Academy;

Another example……

Gu Juefei, the head of Lifan Hall, who was supposed to prepare for his marriage, was actually dispatched to deal with the Xiongnu the day after he was given marriage by the emperor.


This is where Lu Jinxi gritted his teeth the most.

In the Shangshu Mansion, she found that it was inconvenient for her to even go out, not to mention that she would never see Gu Juefei even if she went out.

She didn't think about this person, but she was simply suppressed by the feeling of suffocation that she couldn't get back after being caught in a routine. She wished that she could find Gu Juefei and ask her a series of guesses clearly.

This is good.

It has become a real ancient man, and he is honestly waiting for marriage. Even if he is full of doubts, he can only wait until the day of marriage.

The only good news is from Shaanxi.

The business she went to Baoding to talk about two months ago has been advancing, and has not been affected by her robbery and subsequent events. Sheng Xuan rationally let go of the Baoding semicolon and devoted all his energy to border trade.

At present, the goods have been assembled in Shenglongchang, Shaanxi, and they are waiting to go to the border.

As long as the communication between Gu Juefei and the Xiongnu is unobstructed, the rest of the matter will be a matter of course. Whether it was him or Lu Jinxi, they were betting—

Gu Juefei's judgment is correct.

Bet that the relationship between the Huns and Daxia can maintain the stability at the time of the peace talks.

It can be said that this is a very risky decision.

Under the circumstance that all the Hun embassies were murdered in Daxia, the two countries could go to war at any time, and it was not easy to maintain this situation.

But "wealth comes in danger", how can you get rich without gambling?

It was Lu Jinxi who paid the money, and Sheng Xuan was not easy to stop the things she decided to take risks, so she did it with her gritted teeth.

Not doing is a death.

After doing it, there is hope to seize that slim opportunity and turn around in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, God is still on their side after all, or, after all, on Gu Juefei's side and the smart people's side.

On the fourth day of the seventh lunar month, three days before Lu Jinxi got married.

The Xiongnu royal court finally confirmed that the matter of the peace mission was not done by Daxia.

As soon as the news reached the capital, it immediately inspired the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

As an important civil servant who presided over this matter, Gu Juefei also received a lot of rich rewards. The Lifan Hall, which was originally under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites, was directly drawn by Xiao Che with a stroke of a pen and became an existence independent of the Sixth Ministry. .

At this point, Gu Juefei finally began to emerge in this court.

The people are immersed in the good news from the border, and the day is near the Qixi Qiqiao Festival. It can be said that the whole capital is full of laughter and prosperity.

Lu Jinxi and Gu Juefei got married on such a wonderful day.

It was a day with blue sky and white clouds, windy but no rain.

Hongzhuang Shili went from the Shangshu Mansion to the Taishi Mansion, and the team was greeted and sent to blow and beat, and the streets were crowded with men and women watching the fun; Congrats loudly in the hall...

Even the emperor attended the table and became a witness.

This is definitely the most lively and solemn marriage in the capital in the past ten years. Whether it is the dowry or the bride price, it is so rich that it is jaw-dropping, not to mention the grand pomp and the identity of the person attending the banquet.

Many years later, when someone recalled this wedding, there was only one sentence -

Gu Juefei didn't even think that he was marrying a married woman, but that he was marrying the sweetheart he loved with all his heart.

If anyone had suspected the relationship between Lu Jinxi and Gu Juefei in this marriage, then after witnessing the scene of that day with his own eyes, such doubts were dispelled like ice and snow.

Gu Juefei has always been a person who is easy to make people feel good about.

Even those who have a different position from him and eventually become opponents, as a bystander, cannot deny his dedication to this relationship.

So the originally jealous boudoir girls calmed down at this time, and stopped belittling Lu Jinxi as a widow who had married.

After all, to be able to get Gu Juefei's blue eyes...

What kind of outstanding person should such Lu Jinxi be?

Beijing's sky, from dawn to noon, from dusk to night.

Lu Jinxi's people also went from the Shangshu Mansion to the Taishi Mansion, from the lively and bustling Zhongtang to the new house where the red candles are shining brightly.

Everything went unbelievably smoothly, without the slightest mishap.

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