I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 167: gale will rise

Vinegar jar?

Gu Juefei listened and pondered for a while, but did not reject the title of the new crown at all, just gently shook her cold hand, still smiling.

"Who makes my wife so good, not only coveted, but also coveted by others?"


Just this sentence completely blocked everything Lu Jinxi was about to say.

When she raised her head, she could only see Gu Juefei's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. They were peaceful and seemed to contain a little deep meaning.

have to.

The sins of the early years.

She was helpless for a while: "I shouldn't have shown some of my true nature in front of you long ago, and you have been running on a handle for more than three years..."

Of course, it means that Lu Jinxi just wanted to sleep and he didn't want to marry him.

Gu Juefei is magnanimous about some things, but some things...

Small belly chicken intestines.

It's just that for the two of them, the occasional small belly chicken intestines will not cause any contradictions. On the contrary, it is an innocuous and interesting adjustment in the tasteful days.

Gu Juefei wouldn't really think that Lu Jinxi would have any unreasonable thoughts about Ji Heng, nor would Lu Jinxi really think that Gu Juefei would impeach Ji Heng because of these little things.

The two forgot each other for a moment.

Immediately after, the words were dropped.

Gu Juefei's slender, slightly ink-stained palm covered her cool fingertips, and glanced outside again, her two sharp eyebrows frowned slightly: "Going to Shenglongchang again? Why did you come back at this time? It’s not as cold as the snow, and what Dr. Zhang said, you forgot…”

"After reconciling the accounts, I thought that it would be closed in recent years, so I wanted to buy some things for Xue Chi, so I went for a walk around Liulichang again. When I encountered something, I delayed a little."

Lu Jinxi honestly explained her itinerary.

It's just that when he mentioned "something happened", his eyebrows twitched a little.

Gu Juefei saw it at a glance, guessing that she had something to say.

After three and a half years together, he knew everything about her like the back of the hand.

But at the moment he didn't ask, just took her hand, untied her waistcoat, handed it to the wind chime on one side, and instructed: "Go and serve the hot soup."


The wind chimes took over the waistcoat, and walked down familiarly, seeing that the direction was to the small kitchen.

Lu Jinxi walked into the study with Gu Juefei.

With the promotion of his official position over the years, there are more and more things related to the court in this study. Including some unused blank memorials, memorials from various provinces, official uniforms, and even some ministers' memorials...

There are also a few more desks on the corners, with pen and ink.

Most of the time on weekdays, Juefei was not the only one in the room, but also his staff, mainly Meng Ji.

The affairs of the government are complicated, and Gu Juefei alone will definitely not be able to solve it.

Not to mention that he has always been a person who likes to listen to other people's opinions and always takes things into consideration.

"What happened?"

It was not until he pulled her to sit on the heated kang by the window that Gu Juefei brought a plate of candied fruit, put it on the small table, and then asked her.

Lu Jinxi didn't care that this was his study, and just leaned lazily on the throw pillow, the waistline of the brocade robe tightened, clinging to the waist, the thin section was not enough to hold.

She reached for the candied fruit.

Gu Juefei patted her hand away from the side, and gave her a light look: "I haven't taken the medicine yet, so eat less sweets. What about you?"

Don't eat, don't eat!

The moment he was photographed, the words "ruthless" popped up in Lu Jinxi's mind, and pressed it on Gu Juefei's forehead.

At the same time, he secretly scolded him for not serving it so early if he didn't eat it for himself.

Of course, the expression on his face was calm and ordinary, as if the person who was habitually reaching for the candied fruit just now was not her.

The tone is also light.

"There are a lot of things that happened today, let's all three."

Gu Juefei raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Then I might as well guess, the first one must be related to Sheng Longchang. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming in a few days, the plan for next year should have been finalized. But the recent situation of the Xiongnu Not sure, he must have hesitated."


How can I praise Gu Juefei's brain?

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but straighten up and leaned forward, folded the palms of his hands together, and put his elbows on the small square table, and looked at him closer: "So, the situation is really a bit tricky?"

"The body of the childish old Shanyu was not very good two years ago. In these years, seeing the sons and daughters fighting for power and profits, the mood is depressed, and of course he will die sooner."

They may not have respect for the emperors of this dynasty, but for Shanyu and Gu Juefei's tone towards the Xiongnu, their tone is even more common, with a calm and indifferent smile.

"In recent days, there have been frequent reports from the border. It was reported half a month ago that Lao Shanyu was critically ill."

"Half a month ago?"

Lu Jinxi's pupils could not help shrinking slightly, and a storm had already set off in her heart. Sheng Longchang has been dealing with the Xiongnu all these years. She will not be clear. From the Xiongnu to the capital, the transmission of news relies on fast horses, and a round trip can take a month!

"what do you mean……"

"Now Lao Shanyu may be alive or dead."

Gu Juefei closed his eyes, stretched out his fingers, and gently fiddled with the cold tea cup on the table, but his voice was colder than this cup.

"The court civil and military are now in chaos..."

When Lao Shanyu was still alive, he was a veritable ruler of the Xiongnu. In addition, he was so powerful that all the battles between his children were under water.

All these years, Daxia has secretly supported Prince Ixian of the Huns.

Princess Lanqu is quite filial, and because Lao Shanyu loves her, she is more afraid to reveal her ambitions in front of her, and has never fought against Yi Xian on the bright side.

But once Lao Shan dies...

Where does Princess Lanqu have any scruples?

All battles will be put on the table. With both ambition and means, Princess Lanqu's chances of winning in this battle are really not small.

And Daxia, because the distance from the Xiongnu is too far, even if they want to dispatch troops, they are beyond the reach of the whip, so they do not take the initiative in this incident.

"So, when the next news comes from the Xiongnu, not only the old Shanyu may have died, but a new one from the Xiongnu will also be born..."

The wind chimes came in with a small bowl of medicine, and Gu Juefei took it.

Although he said that, he didn't delay in his hands. He just stirred the bowl with a spoon and tasted the temperature before handing it to Lu Jinxi: "It's not hot."

After his analysis, Lu Jinxi completely understood and didn't have any illusions - because the situation she learned from Gu Juefei was even more serious than what Sheng Xuan was worried about before!

The business of the Huns was impossible.

She frowned slightly and took the medicine bowl over, not knowing whether it was because of this incident or because she wanted to drink medicine.

Ondol facing the window, small building facing the lake.

The glued window paper was snow-white, and the whimpering wind blew from the outside at night, shaking the layer of window paper, and gradually shaking down the bright sky light in the sky.

Lu Jinxi sat next to him, her skin as smooth as dark snow.

Gu Juefei naturally noticed her slightly wrinkled brows, and there was a trace of inconspicuous distress in his eyes, but he smiled on his face, shook her hand with his own, and said with a smile: "You can drink the medicine that you should drink. , I have prepared the candied fruit for you. Doctor Zhang said, it should be almost the same after a while."

The recipes for conditioning the body are all opened by ghost hands.

After all, Lu Jinxi had a serious illness and turned around in front of the gate of hell, but he was pulled back by the ghost's hand. To talk about her physical condition, of course, he knows better.

Married for three and a half years and have no children.

In Gu Juefei's opinion, this matter is nothing. After all, there are so many women in the palace, and I don't see how many children Xiao Che has.

It's just that Lu Jinxi's body needs to be conditioned.

Lu Jinxi knew it too.

In the early years, Lu's mood was depressed, and she often suffered from illness, not to mention the serious illness when she first came. Although she recovered miraculously, it also left the root of the disease.

After the diagnosis, Guishou Zhang said that she was weak and cold, and it would be difficult to conceive a child until she was well conditioned.

But this is not impossible to solve.

One is that Gu Juefei is very calm in this matter; the other is that in this huge grand master's mansion, her father-in-law, the old master, Gu Chengqian, stood by her unconditionally, and he didn't say a word about the matter of the children, let alone She said that her mother-in-law Tang was not Gu Juefei's biological mother, so of course she never asked these questions; three...

Isn't there a ghost hand?

Although he complained that a "Xinglin Sage" who "saved the dead and healed the wounded" became a gynecology master in vain, when he really asked him to prepare a conditioning recipe for Lu Jinxi, he did not refuse, instead he left a detailed doctor's order.

Gu Juefei doesn't know about other things, but he can see the changes in Lu Jinxi in the past two years.

Don't say anything about getting old...

His wife now has a ghost hand Zhang, she seems to be out of the influence of the years, her complexion is getting better and better, her skin is blemishable, and even a little wrinkle can't be found.

If it weren't for her being calm and indifferent, I'm afraid that she would dress up and go out and say that she was a young woman in her twenties, and some people would believe her.

Of course, this kind of news cannot be concealed.

Others didn't know that Lu Jinxi was conditioning her body, but thought she was looking for an expert to learn some kind of beauty-preserving technique.

Yes, the ghost hand Zhang became popular in the circle of ladies and gentlemen.

Those looking for medicine and conditioning have stepped through the threshold of Huishengtang with a lot of money.

can be useless.

Guishou Zhang is busy treating illness and saving people, how can he have the time to take care of them? So how many come and go, no one stays.

This has caused a lot of hatred for Lu Jinxi. Others say that she is a small belly, and some people are sour and ridiculed by the ghost hand Zhang Chiuyan.

But these are rumors.

Guishou Zhang didn't care, neither did Gu Juefei and Lu Jinxi.

At this moment, he just stared at Lu Jinxi and drank the medicine honestly, and then took the medicine bowl that was empty in her hand, and sent a candied fruit as a reward.

"The more you pay attention in this winter, the more you must not catch a cold."

"You talk more than ghosts."

The candied fruit pressed against her lips, and Lu Jinxi opened her mouth gently, biting her teeth lightly, but the separated lips accidentally touched his fingers.

Gu Juefei's fingertips trembled slightly, and his eyes dimmed a little, but it was only the old **** who was sitting on the ground opposite her and didn't move.

There may be turbulent waves in my heart, but there is always calm on the face.

Over the years, Lu Jinxi has learned his skills early, not only in terms of talent and resourcefulness, but also some things that should not be humane...


In short, the price of seducing Gu Juefei is definitely extremely tempting and extremely heavy.

So when she looked at it now, she knew what kind of mess he had in his mind, but because it wasn't nighttime, he just sat sanely.

He looks like a humble gentleman.

No matter from that angle, it is impossible to connect him with the gentle beast and the **** of the bed.

But Lu Jinxi knew it.

The tip of her tongue rolled, and she was already biting the sweet and sour candied fruit in her mouth, she only glanced at him coldly, and said, "The matter of Sheng Longchang, especially with the Xiongnu, seems to be a Gotta stop."

"That's right." Gu Juefei nodded lightly, and then asked, "I saw that your face was not quite right when you came back. What are the other two things?"

"One is that when I went to Jinnixuan, I heard Wei Yu from the Taifu's mansion speak rudely behind his back, and also met Xue Tingzhi." Lu Jinxi didn't hide it, but when he thought of Xue Ting, his brows were already wrinkled, and he raised his eyes and stared at Gu Juefei , "This is nothing unusual. The capital was originally this big. But right after he left, I ran into the old lady..."


Gu Juefei's fingers picking out the candied fruit for her lightly paused, and the drooping eyes were still for a moment, and then they lifted up, and the long eyebrows raised a vague sense of sharpness.

"Is he too?"

"The old lady was right next to her, and she saw Xue Tingzhi and asked me about his identity."

Lu Jinxi knew that he did not have a good relationship with Gu Chengqian, so he was not surprised by his expression. He just rescued the candied fruit from his clenched fingertips, put it into his mouth, and smiled inexplicably, but there was a bit of confusion and unpredictable flickering in the dark eyes.

"I don't think he's looking very good..."

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