I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 170: abnormal

That night, the servant who set the meal and the dishes waited outside for more than an hour before he saw his eldest son and eldest young grandmother come out of the house and sit down to eat.

One is calm, and the other has a face like a peach blossom.

As for what happened? That's all...

The Buddha said: You can't say it, you can't say it.

In the middle of the night, when the two of them were lying on the bed together and slept together, Gu Juefei answered her in a low voice: "Whether it is a man or a woman, I hope that he will have enough wisdom in the future to face and solve the problems he faces. All the difficulties in the future, but at the same time, he can have a pure heart. I hope he will be happy, happy, and true in the future, without being hypocritical, just like us, it is difficult to even find a confidant..."

Lu Jinxi didn't answer.

She has fallen asleep.

After Gu Juefei finished speaking, he just hugged her like this, lying on the warm kang, looking at her long feathered eyelashes and quiet sleeping face, and finally slowly opened the corners of his lips.


When Lu Jinxi woke up the next day, he had disappeared.

The sun in winter is not very warm, but the silver charcoal has been burned in the house, and the bed is covered with softness, so it does not feel cold at all.

She stretched out her hand and lightly blocked the bright sky in front of her eyes, and when she saw the empty space beside her, she knew that Gu Juefei had gone into the palace again.

It's strange.

At the end of the new year, there are winks below, and he won't hand over too many things, but he is busier than usual.

Thinking of the things he learned yesterday, Lu Jinxi's brows could not help wrinkling, and he called out lazily, "Wind chimes—"

The wind chimes were outside early.

As soon as she heard the voice, she hurried in, and also called for people to prepare everything for washing and come up to wait for her to get dressed.

"You slept soundly this night. When the adults left, he said that it has been closed in recent years, and Xiaozhu's side is a little colder, so let's go back and move back to the main house. He also said that Xue Xiaogong will come over today, but He may not have time to come back, but he will let you help with his homework as usual."

Moving back to the main house?

This is a little strange.

There used to be some conflicts between Gu Juefei and the old master. He always didn't like living there, and he didn't pay attention to things there, but now he took the initiative to say that he wanted to move back?

She frowned slightly, and there was a doubt in her heart, but she didn't ask Xue Chi much—because she was used to it. However, after taking a shower and having a meal, when he walked downstairs, he saw Meng Ji who was leading people to move books.

In the past, he was a scholar in Tao'an.

But now his fame is only higher than it was back then.

Everyone knows that Gu Juefei is very powerful, but as a doorman beside him, he can even be said to be a strategist, Meng Ji's figure always comes into people's attention and is talked about with relish.

That stance was that of Cai Xiu, Xue Kuang's military advisor from a long time ago. I'm afraid he can't compare with him.

Today, Meng Ji was dressed in dark gray. Although he was asking people to move things, his brows were furrowed, and his face was solemn.

Lu Jinxi saw it while walking on the stairs.

She noticed that there was a little worry hidden in his eyes, as if he was worried about something.

"Mr. Meng, is this?"

She walked down and started talking, but her eyes fell on Meng Ji and didn't look away.

Meng Ji knew it was her when she heard the sound, so she turned around quickly, put on a slight smile, and bowed: "I have seen Mrs., reply to Mrs., this is to bring back some commonly used items in the eldest son's study, after all, it will be in the main house. I lived there for a while. But some official documents are not dared to be touched by ordinary servants, so I have to handle some."

"Oh, are you busy with anything else?"

Looking at the busy servants, Lu Jinxi asked again.

Meng Ji heard what she was saying, and said truthfully: "Besides that, he has handed me a special errand, which is related to the eldest son of Xue from the general's residence, so I need to check it carefully. "

"Exactly, just tell me what you're looking for when you look back." There was nothing to say when the greeting came here, but she suddenly remembered something and stopped Meng Ji again, "Wait a minute—"


When Meng Ji heard the last three words, the cold hair stood on end, and the bad premonition in his heart was born again, but he didn't dare to leave!

So he put on a cautious smile: "Do you have anything else to order?"

"That's not true, I just suddenly remembered and wanted to ask something."

Seeing his nervous appearance, Lu Jinxi smiled kindly, but Meng Ji didn't feel the slightest touch of the word "kindness" in the meaning of his words.

"Speaking of which, concubine Xian in the palace, how much do you know?"


Hearing this sentence, Meng Ji already had the urge to faint at this moment. In his mind pounding in a trance, he could only think of a scene that was very similar to today's three and a half years ago.

At that time...

It was Lu Jinxi, who had just become the eldest young mistress, who lightly extended his sinful palm to the innocent, forcing him to hand over the letter that the eldest son had told him to deal with.

Meng Ji didn't know what happened afterward.

He only knew that he hadn't heard any rumors, let alone any disputes between Lu Jinxi and Gu Juefei.

It was as calm as if Lu Jinxi never took the letter from him.

Sometimes, Meng Ji would suspect that the scene that day was a nightmare that he had done, and there was no such thing as a letter from the palace...

It's just that every time he sees Lu Jinxi, he always thinks of it.

Three and a half years later, he still didn't know what was written in that letter, and Lu Jinxi never had anything happened because of it.

To be honest, Meng Ji felt that she should have forgotten.

But today...

He was so kind and smiling again, like the expression swaying in the spring breeze, he didn't feel the slightest comfort, only the urge to go dark.

Another half an hour.

Lu Jinxi asked, Meng Ji answered.

In the end, when Meng Ji walked out of Xiaozhu, he almost fell on the steps, but fortunately he helped the column standing beside him to avoid the danger of being broken.

Lu Jinxi stood behind and watched with interest, the smile on his lips didn't fall for a long time, he just stood wearily in front of the window, and then sent someone to find out when Xue Chi from the General's Mansion would come over.

As for what you just asked...

Xian Fei Weiyi.

After all, this one has a good reputation. It would be a lie to say that she has not paid attention to it in the past two years, but it is not necessarily true to say how much she cares.

After all, she is not a general's wife, and nothing major has happened in the palace in recent years, and there are very few banquets, and the quality of life women is extremely high.

Lu Jinxi married Gu Juefei, and she was no longer a first-class official, so naturally she couldn't go.

The only few times he entered the palace were to visit the emperor from a distance with other people, and he could not enter the palace.

So after all, the only time she had contact with Wei Yi was the palace banquet held during the three-and-a-half-year peace talks with the Xiongnu.

Now, seeing the palace banquet that will be held on New Year's Eve...

It would be the second time she saw Wei Yi.

Last time, Wei Yi was the favorite concubine in the palace, and Lu Jinxi was the first-class official; this time, Wei Yi was still the favorite concubine in the palace, and Lu Jinxi was also the first-class official.

The favored concubine in the palace is still the favored concubine in the palace.

The first-grade official life is not the same as the original first-grade official life.

Occasionally, when I think about it, Lu Jinxi will also remember the dazed and unconcerned look of this concubine virtuous concubine when she said "a fool has a foolish blessing".

I don't know...

Goodbye myself, what should she look like?

Can't figure it out.

So it's interesting.

Lu Jinxi recalled the three words on the letter she had seen, and became really curious about the matter between her and Gu Juefei.

Just waited for another half an hour.

Xue Chi finally came.

Wuduan Xiaodouding, who was originally five or six years old, seems to have matured a lot after three and a half years. The childish baby fat on his face has begun to disappear. Shenghui, but without the delicate slackness of the ordinary Beijing son and brother, Xue Chi has a kind of perseverance and toughness that is probably inherited from his father.

The nine-year-old child, because he has already started to practice martial arts, has grown rapidly and looks very tall.

He was wearing a royal blue robe, with a piece of exquisite white jade hanging from his waist. When he walked, the wind was blowing under his feet, but his face was still full of smiles.

The talent walked in from the door and called out, "Mother!"

Lu Jinxi saw his figure from a distance by the window, and when he knew he came in, he turned around quickly, so he saw his energetic face at a glance.

It was a little red, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

It's winter. Although it's not snowing, you shouldn't sweat.

Xue Chi was saluting, she pulled him up, held his face and looked at him, then she couldn't help frowning, wondering: "What's wrong with you? Your head is covered in sweat..."

The wind chimes on the side handed the Jinpa.

Lu Jinxi took it and wiped his sweat.

Xue Chi has grown to the height of her chest now, and she has lost the naughty and mischievousness of the little bully period. She was taught by Gu Juefei to be a smart and polite boy, and she only looked up with a young face and let her wipe the sweat for herself. .

Hearing her question, he only smiled happily.

"I just came over from Uncle Liu. My son learned how to hold a sword today, and Uncle Fang taught him personally! By the way, I saw Mr. Cai before he left, and he just came back from the trip, and the boy talked to him. . As you mentioned before, the 'Mr. Cai's clever tricks'..."

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