I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 177: ruthless

A sweet-smelling sword with a ruthless heart.

Are these two words actually related to Gu Juefei in the eyes of the world?

Generally speaking, it is untouchable, and Lu Jinxi rarely hears anyone commenting this way, not to mention that it is Weiyi, a noble concubine who is rumored to have had an old relationship with Gu Juefei, who is questioning at this moment.

She vaguely felt that Wei Yi left herself to speak, fearing that it was not so simple.

According to legend, she had a good relationship with Gu Juefei in the early years, and she was regarded as Gu Juefei's friend. Naturally, she should be familiar with what kind of person Gu Juefei is.

It is true that the heart is ruthless, but the so-called "sweet belly sword" is a bit exaggerated.

Lu Jinxi listened, and couldn't help but squinted her eyes slightly, the dark light in her eyes flickered, but her expression did not change, she said calmly, "Who in the world doesn't know that Young Master Gu Guangfeng Jiyue is a rare magnanimous person in the world? It is too much to take it for granted to stir up discord and slander the eldest son here. People are in the court and can't help themselves. Even if his heart is benevolent, it is always necessary for him to be ruthless and savage. It's not like this moment. of you?"


Wei Yi couldn't help laughing, as if she couldn't help it at all, but also as if she felt that she was so sure and innocent that she had the same stupid demeanor back then.

"If this palace told you, then Xue Kuang was—"

"Empress Xianfei!"

Before Wei Yi's words were completely out of her mouth, an icy voice fell out of nowhere and suppressed her words abruptly.

Wei Yi heard the sound, turned her head, and saw the person coming.

Gu Juefei with a frosty face.

He was also wearing a majestic and heavy court dress, and he seemed to be in a hurry. He didn't hold an umbrella. Bai Xue fell over his shoulders, and his eyebrows became cold.

Rarely could not find the slightest smile on his normally noble and genial face, so he walked over from the lake shore.

Under Wei Yi's dazed gaze, he came to them.

With both hands folded in front of him, he said a salute: "Wei Chen pays respects to the empress, and greets empress."

The clear and smooth voice vaguely resembled the dazzling youth in her memory; Qing Jun's brows and eyes had lost all the gentleness and elegance of the past, facing her like a strong enemy, full of fear and vigilance.


Deep dislike!

Such an expression undoubtedly stabbed Wei Yi's heart. She just watched him walk half a step in front of Lu Jinxi, blocked her behind her with a gesture full of protection, and then faced He looked at her and said unfamiliar words.

As if they didn't know each other at all.

It was as if he had no idea that the woman in front of him had also deeply loved him...

Wei Yi blinked, but she didn't stand still for a while and took a step back.

Her eyes fell on Lu Jinxi.

This woman, who was looked down upon by her in the past and had no real ability, did not show any flattered expression on her face. On the contrary, it was flat, as if it was normal to receive such protection from Gu Juefei, and it was not worth her pretending what colour.

What you can't ask for, people take it as normal!

All the jealousy and injustice in this world just arise from this, and in the constant repetition, it becomes more and more turbulent.

At this moment, she was tormented, like Ling Chi's heart!

So she unconsciously pulled the corners of her lips and smiled: "I've known you for nearly 20 years, and I've never seen you care so much about a woman..."

"Jin Xi is Wei Chen's wife, Wei Chen naturally cares." Gu Juefei didn't seem to notice her somewhat sad expression, her tone was cold and unfamiliar, "The palace banquet is over, the emperor is in the front hall with several other adults. After speaking, I will return. Empress is newly pregnant, and the weather is cold, so it is better to return to the palace to rest early, so as not to worry about the emperor. If something goes wrong with you, no one can afford it."

A thousand gold phoenix body...

Hear how beautiful this is said!

The sneer on Wei Yi's lips reappeared, but her eyes went directly past Gu Juefei and landed on Lu Jinxi who was standing diagonally behind him: "I don't know this, but Master Gu cares so much about this palace, which makes me a little puzzled— Are you worried about Ben Gong, or are you afraid that your lady will hear something from Ben Gong that you think she should not hear?"

Of course Lu Jinxi heard the word "Xue Kuang" in her words without warning, but was interrupted by Gu Juefei almost immediately.

She didn't know what Wei Yi was going to say.

But her intuition told her that Wei Yi knew the secret Gu Juefei didn't want her to know.

To be honest, she was actually quite interested in continuing to talk.

It's just that Gu Juefei has come after all, and he is vigilant. It doesn't seem like he wants her to continue communicating with Wei Yi.

So at this moment, she can only show a polite smile outside of her doubts and not interrupt.

Gu Juefei's expression became completely cold because of this, and the corners of his straight lips taunted, and he said with a cold smile: "Then I just want to ask, what does the concubine Xian concubine want to say to Zhuo Jing?"

It was a look with no emotion at all.

Looking at her is not only like looking at a stranger, but even an opponent, an enemy who will be killed by his sword if he resists!

Almost all of Wei Yi's dreams when she was a girl were born because of him.

But she never thought that he would one day be stared at by him with such ruthless and even murderous eyes, but his figure with Lu Jinxi behind him was so tender.

Just not for her.

She once thought that Gu Juefei didn't love herself, but it was because his heart was not the human heart, he didn't have any mortal feelings, and he never learned to love others.

Even the year she entered the palace, in the face of his ruthlessness and cruelty, she still defended him in her heart.

She told herself:

I have no choice. Gu Juefei is right. He just doesn't love me. And whether he loves it or not, she must enter the palace. So whether it is voluntary or forced, the result is the same.

But today, Wei Yi realized how wrong she was!

Gu Juefei is a living person.

He has heart, affection, and love, but the woman who made him emotional, emotional and also fell in love with, is not her back then, nor is she who she is now.

At this moment, Wei Yi was in a trance and almost burst into tears.

But she held back.

She raised her head slightly, maintaining her fragile and pitiful pride, and calmly said to Gu Juefei, "I want you to help me."

I want you to help me.

Without the self-proclaimed honorable "Ben Gong", without the previous tit-for-tat calculations and ridicule with Gu Juefei, and without the real sadness and pity.

Wei Yi's words are straightforward.

Gu Juefei looked at her and said nothing.

Wei Yi laughed slowly, there was no trace of tears on his face, but there seemed to be a blood flowing out from the deepest part of his heart.

It hurts, heartbroken.

She didn't look at Lu Jinxi, but said, "Gu Juefei, you were the one who was sorry for me back then, and you owed me."

Gu Juefei's eyes were like snow drifting outside.

He listened to her and looked at her for a long time.

But just like the "help me" she just said, he didn't make any response to it, just turned around, pulled Lu Jinxi's hand behind him, and said with a crooked smile, "It's cold, you can't stand it. Han, let's go back."

Lu Jinxi was dragged away by him, step by step, out of the corridor.

Just when she stood under the stone pavilion by the lake, she finally couldn't hold back and glanced at the corridor on the lake.

Heavy snow.

The palace lanterns are bright.

In the eyes of the world, the noble woman who is the only favorite of the six palaces stands alone on the corridor, and a gorgeous and complicated palace costume seems to be heavy with a kind of fate, pressing heavily on her body.

In the gaze of her looking back, she only supported the corridor on the side and slowly stood firm, standing upright, all the weakness and embarrassment disappeared in her eyes with a few tears at this moment.

After a while, even the tears were gone.

On the lake locked by the heavy palace walls, is the wise, arrogant and unyielding concubine Wei Yi.

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