I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 190: face to face

Seriously, if it was in the past, who would come out at such a time and say that he was a girl who had something to say, Zhao Mingde might have called her with a slap: If you have something to say, what kind of onion are you?

But now...

"You say, you say."

Having been in the officialdom for so many years, he still has some idea of ​​who can be offended and who can't be offended, not to mention that Gu Juefei is the one who is pestering in the hall.

Lu Jin is not a bully, but Gu Jue is not a bully.

In fact, he wished that they would pinch them below, and it would be better if he could directly understand the result, so as not to throw everything to him and ask him to make up his own mind, it would be bad.

Therefore, Zhao Mingde was very smart at this time, and his attitude was extremely humble, and he looked like he was listening.

Lu Jinxi was satisfied when he saw him being so obedient.

Standing in the sight of everyone, she turned her footsteps slightly and turned to face Xue Kuang first. At this moment, her eyes were like a cloudless cloud, and there was a hint of melancholy.

The people who joined in the fun could only see her silhouette, but just the slightest hint of her eyes made them quiet for a moment.

It was a look with a story.

And to tell the truth, many people in Beijing have scolded her privately over the years, but now that she really sees her appearance, who still thinks she is that kind of shameless slut?

People who love to join in the fun actually don’t just want to watch a simple fun. If they get involved in something, they would like to know more, learn more, find out more inside stories, dig more stories, and even ...

See more reversals.

What Lu Jinxi wants to give everyone now is what they have already prepared, which they may not realize, but have been yearning for unconsciously.

"Master Xue, you're polite." After staring for a while, she lowered her eyes, bowed and saluted, and then raised her head again, "Today, although the court is in court, the past relationship is not false. Therefore, Jinxi wants to ask You say - married for eleven years, do you love me?"

Straightforward enough!

The Han people do not like to express their love in their mouths, but always prefer to rely on other things, expressing it euphemistically and vaguely. Sometimes it's beautiful, but sometimes it lacks punch and is so ambiguous that it's easy to blur the point.

So Lu Jinxi abandoned all decorations and went straight to the point!

Inside and out, she was shocked.

At one point, the words "shameless" were about to pop out of their throats, but after looking at the scene, they didn't dare to say it.

Even Gu Juefei almost didn't hold back, his eyelids twitched.

Xue Kuang didn't even think about it.

He had already faintly realized that he was facing a difficult opponent today, and Gu Juefei should have realized his intentions. He avoided today's trial at all, and instead let Lu Jinxi speak.

And this new "Lu Shi" is by no means his weak and bullying wife.

She is intelligent, bold, and often unexpected.

At this moment, Xue Kuang thought of a lot of things, but the question was so straightforward that he couldn't avoid it at all. So he can only say: "Madame raises children, filial piety to elders, manages household chores, and respects and loves."


It's not that Lu Jinxi didn't know what happened to the Lu family in the past. I'm afraid that Xue Kuang has the word "respect", but the word "love" has no part in it!

She almost raised her eyebrows to ridicule, but she held back.

- The purpose of asking this question has been achieved.

What she wanted was for Xue Kuang to admit that she loved Lu, and faced with her problem, as long as Xue Kuang had a brain, he would not say that he didn't love him.

That is undoubtedly giving someone a handle, and this lawsuit can be dismissed.

Just as he dug this pit for Gu Juefei in court, Gu Juefei had to jump; the pit that Lu Jinxi dug for him, he also had to jump.

"Let's respect and love, with the words of your lord, Jin Xi's eleven years of youth are wrongly paid, and it is considered willing." She sighed lowly, but her eyes and brows were lightly outlined, but there was a faint bitterness. " It stands to reason that in the past 11 years, as a woman, I should work hard without complaining. After all, marrying a chicken follows a chicken, and a dog follows a dog, not to mention that I married a hero? Master Xue, who respects and loves Jinxi, do you know what I think?"

Xue Kuang was wearing a heavy dark blue suit today. Such a heavy color suppressed the excessive suffocating energy condensed by his hands full of blood and killing, but the ancient wind, frost and snow on the corners of his eyes and brows could not be reduced.

When Lu Jinxi spoke, he just listened silently.

Hearing the end, he fully understood the strategy of the woman in front of him.

Catch the thief first and capture the king first. In this so-called court case, his purpose is not to win back the so-called wife, nor her purpose to win back her freedom.

Every word she said was directed at him.

She is disintegrating other people's perception of this matter, and she is also forcing him to give up today's plan step by step.

Xue Kuang looked at her with an undisguised admiration in his eyes, and even in the face of her seemingly soft but aggressive words, he couldn't produce the kind of disgusting he wanted to get rid of. idea.

At this time, he only sighed: "I don't know."

"A good 'I don't know'..."

Lu Jinxi lowered her head, a few strands of hair fell down, swept the snow-white and fragile neck, and hung it gently on her cheeks. Her eyes became dim, but her voice was calm.

"In the second year of Qing'an, the emperor bestowed the marriage, can you ask Master Xue to tell me, and also tell Master Zhao in the hall, and even all the people who are listening in today, who did you bring back when you returned to Beijing to receive the decree to get married?"

All eyes immediately fell on Xue Kuang.

Xue Kuang lowered his eyes slightly and said after a moment of silence: "This matter is unreasonable. Orchid at the border, half of the concubines, I am Xue Kuang and I am sorry. But these things all happened before the emperor gave the marriage, which is absurd. After marrying his wife and entering the door, he didn't even take a concubine again. If the wife insisted on this, Gai Kuang would have no beginning and no end to his wife, and although he was willing to suffer, he would not accept it in the end."

As expected, it is also a generation of warriors who use soldiers like gods, and this mind turns really fast.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

Indeed, men of this era, especially men of high power, do not accept concubines, and they can simply stamp their true love for their wives.

It's a pity that the Lu family back then didn't really have such an honor.

on the contrary……

Her life was harder than anyone else's.

"Master Xue is dissatisfied, how can Jin Xi have no hatred in his heart? This marriage was not what my father wanted from the beginning. If it wasn't for the emperor's words that could not be changed, my Lu family's scholarly family would not dare to entrust my life to my life. To a man who had a concubine before marrying a proper wife."

Lu Jin didn't want to talk to him about his feelings, but just laid out the facts again.

"Besides, after 11 years of marriage, there are few meetings and more separations. The adults claim to be respectful and loving, but how much do you know about life in the back house?"


This time, Xue Kuang was speechless.

Because he really doesn't know, or even if there is a faint guess, he can't say it at this moment.

During this moment of silence, the voice of Yanei's whispers started.

Because in the early years, some rumors about the general's wife, the Lu family, had spread all over the capital. Who didn't know that the Lu family was a dough-like figure?

In the end, the general's mansion is a big family, and where can there be less private means?

The Lu family had a bad life in the General's Mansion, which is almost universally recognized in the capital.

But at this time, Lu Jinxi didn't say how hard he was. Many words came out of the victim's mouth, which would inevitably have too many subjective colors. If one can't say it well, it will make people doubt the authenticity of his words. Second, there are always some words that the onlookers must say to be the most shocking.

So at this moment, she just turned around and bowed to Zhao Mingde who was sitting in the hall, and said, "There are several witnesses, I wonder if you can ask an adult to call on your behalf?"

"A witness?"

Such a bizarre lawsuit has also drawn witnesses?

Zhao Mingde almost spit it out, but he held it back at the critical moment, coughing and hurriedly said: "Pass, pass, who does Mrs. want to pass to testify?"

Lu Jinxi directly reported a series of names: "The first is Mrs. Sun, the wife of the general's mansion, and the third is Mrs. Wei, the second is the first-class maidservants in the mansion, Bailu and Qingque; the third is the doctor Zhang Yuanzhi."

The voice of discussion among the people in the rear suddenly grew louder.

In the past, Xue Kuang's military advisor, Cai Xiu, was also standing in the crowd at this moment. When he heard this sentence, he immediately remembered the things he had heard when he was following the news of the capital, and his heart skipped a beat, and secretly said, "It's broken."

Ke Ren was outside the hall, but he was really powerless to stop him.

What can I do at this time?

Could it be that he was asked to go to the General's Mansion, to Huishengtang, and to send someone to stop the man from the mansion?

That's really wanting to cover up, looking for a dead end!

Up to now, Xue Kuang, who was standing in the hall, may not have any feeling, but Cai Xiu, who was standing on the sidelines, stumbled and sighed: Lost!

Sure enough, as soon as the summoned witnesses arrived and they were questioned again, there was an uproar in the audience!

Lu Jinxi first politely asked her former mother-in-law Sun and younger brother Wei how they treated herself in the mansion. In front of everyone, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law naturally argued that they treated her without merit. Although they were not particularly favored, they definitely did not feel sorry for her.

But then it was the turn of the two girls.

Since Lu Jinxi remarried, Bailu and Qingque have stayed in the mansion to serve their brothers and sisters. They were not the ones who served when Lu entered the general's mansion, but the time they served was the worst period for Lu's life. time!

The two maids are also loyal and loyal, and they saw a lot of scandalous things in the mansion that year. Although I know that there is also the reason for Lu's cowardly temperament, but if there is someone in the mansion who truly protects her, how can it be? so miserable?

At this time, both of them were a little choked up.

From the moment they first talked to Mrs. Lu, the details of the misery and resentment in the inner house became clear, so that many of the soft-hearted people in the audience sighed secretly, and some women quietly wiped their tears.

The Lu family had a good time back then, and had neither scheming nor shrewdness. Although there was a grand general's wife on her body, there were no things she had to face and people she wanted to communicate with that she could handle at that time.

In that mansion, she was alone.

She was a lost person who was walking in the dark, stumbled and fell all over her body, but she neither dared to be known to outsiders, nor dared to tell her family, so that my father was afraid of her.

I had to endure the pain, worry about it, and force myself to have nowhere to go.

The confessions of the two maids are obviously more powerful than the dry denials of the Sun and Wei, not to mention that Sun and Wei are also one of the promoters of Lu Jinxi's tragedy. Even if the maids didn't say too many bad things about them, the little clues were enough to make people imagine.

One bullied the second sister-in-law, and the other looked on coldly.

Although they are not the culprits, how can they be considered good people?

After hearing this, many people were already "bah", and even Xue Kuang, who was next to him, was slightly stunned. He glanced at Mrs. Sun and the first time at Mrs. Wei, and fell silent.

But Lu Jinxi still has witnesses.

And this last witness, what do you think, why do you feel a little strange.

There are very few people in the capital who don't recognize him——

Huishengtang's doctor ghost hand Zhang.

Today, he was summoned by the government and thought he had done something, but the officer told him that Lu Jinxi had invited him to testify.

To be honest, Guishou Zhang is actually not very reliable, and he doesn't really want to get involved in these crap. But just as he was about to refuse, their old lady came to scold him again, saying that she didn't remember the medicinal herbs that Mrs. Ren gave you, and it was convenient for you?

So it was unbearable, still here.

But in fact, others are standing in the hall now, and they are still a little confused. Why do they want to testify?

The old man in a simple gray cloth robe obviously didn't know how much reputation he had among the ordinary people in the capital, and he didn't even know that he had quietly stepped into this innocuous little trap that Lu Jinxi had set up for him.

He just stood in the hall and looked around.

When Lu Jinxi saw him, he suddenly remembered that he had come to this world, and when he first opened his eyes to "Borrow the Dead", he heard someone say in his ear, "There is no saving, no saving, everyone is dead, this is also true. It's pathetic..."

That voice was a ghost hand.

She was slightly absent-minded, but at this time, she was more solemn than ever before. She first bowed to the ghost hand, and then said: "Today's court hearing, disturbing the old doctor's business, is Jinxi's abruptness, and I will apologize to you first."

"No, no, no, how can I bear it?"

Didn't you see that the two men next to you were still stomping? Guishou Zhang sneered in his heart, hurriedly helped him, and asked straightforwardly.

"Just say what are you looking for me to do, I'm still rushing back to see a doctor!"

Someone behind him laughed softly.


Everyone obviously knows that Guishou Zhang has this temperament, and he really likes this old doctor who is willing to do his best to treat the poor.

Lu Jinxi didn't dare to waste his time, only smiled softly, but when he spoke again, his eyes were slightly red, and there was a little bit of a trembling in his calm voice: "Then please ask Dr. Zhang for you. Let's talk about the illness that Jin Xi saw in the winter of the thirteenth year of Qing'an..."

The ghost hand froze for a moment.

He didn't think that he was here to do this, no matter how slow he was, he should have reacted. It's just that he glanced at Lu Jinxi with a complicated look, then turned his head to look at Xue Kuang, and was silent for a long time.

At this moment, he recognized the three people in the hall.

Xue Kuang sent Xue Tingzhi to Huishengtang for treatment, and he found out the clues and also knew the meaning of this general;

In the sixth year of Qing'an, there was a flood, and Gu Juefei ran for disaster relief, while he treated the epidemic patients in the city, so he understood the benevolence of the eldest son in those days;

At the beginning of the thirteenth year of Qing'an, the general's wife, Lu Shi, was seriously ill. The maid in the house begged to Huishengtang and asked him to be healed. From this, he learned of the sorrow and kindness of this woman in the deep house.

They are all very good people, how did they get to where they are now?

In fact, Guishou Zhang did not understand in his heart.

It's just that the right and wrong are in everyone's heart, and there is an accurate measure, and he finally opened his mouth with a long sigh.

"The maid Xue Xue, who was beside Madam, begged to return to Shengtang in the night, saying that she had suffered from a severe cold and fever and was about to die. I rushed there to check the pulse, and concluded that Madam's exposure to the cold was a trivial matter, and the more serious thing was worry. After thinking for several years, I have accumulated depression in my heart, disorders of the five internal organs, and lack of sleep all the year round. Everyday minor illnesses, one day a flood bursts a dyke. Moreover, his body is weak and difficult to take strong medicines. Even if the old man has good medical skills, he is helpless. I could only feel that my wife lost her pulse and breath. At that time, I felt that my wife's soul had returned to the underworld, but I didn't expect God to take pity on her. Come back. Today, seeing that Madam is in good health and no longer sick and weak, as a doctor, the old man is very relieved. "

Having said that, I can't help but hide a bit of sigh and joy.

Guishou Zhang's words did not mean to accuse the General's Mansion at all, but he couldn't stand the cause and effect, and it was impossible for people not to think about some very bad aspects!

The good general's wife, how can she be so depressed that she almost died of a serious illness?

"It's really unreasonable, a good girl was almost killed, and she was not allowed to remarry! What a general's mansion, this is a wolf's den that eats people and doesn't spit out bones!"

In the crowd at the rear, I don't know who couldn't hold back, and sarcastically said a word.

Cai Xiu in the crowd twitched the corners of his eyes, and almost instantly turned his head to look for the person who was speaking, but the people behind him were crowded and crowded everywhere, how do you know who said it?

After he only heard this sentence, everyone exploded.

This kind of thing has always been that as long as someone takes the lead, someone follows the trend, and there are many people who follow suit, not to mention that Lu Jinxi is really pitiful?

In just a moment, the injustice, sarcasm, dissatisfaction, and even scolding, all came at once.

There was a lot of noise inside and outside the entire palace.

Lu Jinxi's play is now coming to an end.

She restrained her feelings that were floating in the memory of these old events, and respectfully bowed to the ghost hand again: "Thank you, Dr. Zhang."

Guishou Zhang sighed again, but did not speak.

The eyes of the audience almost fell on Xue Kuang.

Xue Kuang was a little lost for the first time.

Although he had always arranged for his eyes and ears to listen to news in Beijing, and also knew that Lu Shi had been seriously ill, he never knew it was so dangerous.


When he turned his eyes, it was already on Lu Jinxi's body.

At this moment, the woman who was standing on top of this government office, using a seemingly weak but actually tit-for-tat attitude to fight wit and courage with him, suddenly understood in her heart.

——That serious illness really took away the Lu family, took away the poor woman who had been in the general’s mansion for eleven years, and then brought this seemingly identical but diametrically opposite person in front of him. Lu Jinxi.

Just seeing his eyes, Lu Jinxi believed that this man had deduced the whole truth from the clues.

I just don't know, is he ashamed?

"Master Xue, you keep saying that you respect me and love me, but because of your respect and love that is far away from heaven, I was beaten and suffered in purgatory. Lord Yan did not take my life, but warned me Cherish yourself. Without this gift of marriage, you would still be that mighty general, and I would still be the jewel in the boudoir that my parents regarded as a treasure."

"It was six years after you 'death on the battlefield' that I lost my love."

"For eleven years, as you said, I gave birth to your children, took care of the housework, filial piety to my elders, and asked myself that there was nothing wrong with being a general's wife. But today, you are struggling."

When she said these words, she turned her body slightly, so that Xue Kuang could see her expression clearly, and of course everyone outside could see the sadness and loneliness that were true or false.

"You said you were there for those children, for the family reunion. But I'm no longer your family. What are you doing now, where are you putting your innocent flesh and blood?"

"They are still young, and they are not in trouble for their children."

"Young daughter and child, innocent, stupid, ignorant of world affairs, and still don't know what the rumors are today. When I remarried, even if there were rumors in Beijing, it didn't hurt them in the slightest. You are the strict and loving father they always admired. Why don't you give them a second thought?"

Although the words are soft, the meaning of accusation cannot be more obvious!

Even if you, Xue Kuang, argued that you didn't think so deeply at first, and didn't think about bringing these children to the forefront, but now that she has said it clearly, can he still turn a deaf ear and turn a blind eye?

If this is the case, I am afraid that the world will break the spine!

From start to finish, this was a well-laid and well-laid trap in her hands:

Makeup and clothing correct people's inherent impression of Lu's, making it impossible for people to judge every word she said based on their old cognition;

The beginning of questioning feelings is to open eyes for the back, and also cut off all the back roads for Xue Kuang;

Passing testimony of several people is a bittersweet drama that the good deeds love to hear and see, earning tears and sympathy. The testimony of Ghost Hand Zhang is an illusion under the principle of montage;

And what I just put forward is for the sake of children...

Undoubtedly, it is a perfect and flawless moral kidnapping!

In the end, Lu Jinxi made a final statement for himself and for the Lu family: "General, if you really respect me and love me as you said, please hold your hand high and let me go."

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