I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 196: each negative scheming

Did he see it?

Lu Jinxisu knew that he was very smart, but she always gave her the feeling that she was still young, not very wealthy, and not very restrained. Including the last time at Jinnixuan, it was the same.

But today...

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and she showed a somewhat surprised look on her face, only that he is not really calm now, but he is still sensitive in this small matter.

It's just that she doesn't think her acting skills are bad.

So when he turned his eyes, Lu Jinxi was calm, not at all embarrassed to be exposed, and smiled instead: "How do you see that I'm cheating on you?"


Because his eyes are full of her, he can easily detect the slightest strangeness. And he knew that she was more than polite to him, but far from being so tender.

But Xue Tingzhi would not be stupid enough to say this.

The corners of his lips pursed into a straight line, and there was no expression on his face, he only said: "You may not care about my marriage, and the general only confronted you in court yesterday, and you know that you and Gu Juefei are the same raccoon dog, why? Will I inform you of my plans?"

"Oh, is that really leaving the capital?"

Lu Jinxi rolled her eyes and laughed.

That expression was not concealed at all, and it was as bright as the dawn, as if it meant Xue Tingzhi's last sentence.

Xue Tingzhi's chest rose and fell, he glanced at her indifferently, and as soon as he lifted his footsteps, he was about to walk past her.

But as soon as he approached her, he was stopped by her.

There was only one, very rude: "Hello."

"What else do you have?"

The footsteps stopped again, and the palms hanging by his side were quietly clenched, as if trying to control something, but the emotional fluctuations in the voice were still clearly captured by Lu Jinxi.

She smiled: "Forget about it, you've reached the crown. You are in your twenties, why can't you hold your breath? Especially since I'm no longer your mother-in-law, it's faster than turning a book. Looking at the eldest son like this, I feel that it is a little different from before."

After all, Jin Nixuan had only seen it a while ago.

Lu Jinxi still clearly remembered the feeling at that time. Although Xue Tingzhi was still a little bit arrogant and self-willed, it was not like this now.

At this moment, it was as if he had finally released something he had been suppressing.

In the early years, I didn't doubt in some directions at all, so I don't think so.

But today, standing in front of Xue Tingzhi and looking at him again, only to find that these doubts have always been in front of her, but she has never noticed it, only because of the other half of his alien blood.

Or fear, this is the so-called "black light".

He was obviously just a talented young man, but the youthful air in his face had almost faded away, and she remembered that three and a half years ago, he was almost taller than her.

It doesn't look like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy at all.

And although the eyebrows and eyes are deep, thinking about it carefully, it is not the feeling of those exotic Huns she has seen. On the contrary, this face is really too good-looking.

Xue Tingzhi really has a secret.

The so-called "children born to Orchard", I'm afraid it is a cover to hide. Even his so-called talent and crown age is very doubtful.

Thinking of this, Lu Jinxi became more and more interested in him.

But at this time, Xue Tingzhi had already heard what she meant, and only said: "Tingzhi also thinks that Madam is very different from before. It's just that Tingzhi doesn't know, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, but I want to take care of you because of my old relationship." Lu Jinxi opened his eyes and said nonsense. He caught a glimpse of a fallen plum on his left shoulder, and he was like his elder. "But now I really want to know, who are you and what secrets do you have?"

It's really a cliché!

And he didn't even need the slightest bit of hypocrisy to cover up, just asked him face-to-face so bluntly and naked!

Who the **** does she think of him!

The pink and white plum petals fell to the ground leisurely.

A wisp of fragrance slipped away quietly.

Xue Tingzhi couldn't help but remembered the scene when he wanted to enter the office in the imperial examination and asked her to be in front of her, and the way she looked at her with those seemingly gentle but indifferent eyes.

Then a slightly twisted, revengeful impulse surged up.

He stared at him with those deep, slightly sullen eyes, as if he wanted to see every subtle expression on her face at the moment.

Then he said, "You once told me that you should have the attitude of asking for help."

Wanting to talk from him, but it's such a natural attitude, have you forgotten what you said at the beginning?

Xue Tingzhi was unhappy, even angry.

He hated Lu Jinxi's attitude towards him, the attitude of always picking it up high and putting it down gently, which didn't take it seriously at all.

When she's happy, she teases her, and when she's unhappy, she doesn't even owe a smile. Help him ask him to beg her, not because she really cares about him, but because she cares more about her own face.

For him, Lu Jinxi has a very special place in his heart; for Lu Jinxi, he is nothing but dispensable in her heart.

This secret, one-sided relationship was in an unbalanced state from the very beginning, which often made Xue Tingzhi feel anxious and conflicted.

He tried to stab her with the words she had said, to get revenge on her.

Unexpectedly, in exchange, Lu Jinxi laughed softly.

Her sky-blue skirt was embroidered with cloud patterns like water waves, and swayed leisurely with her slow pace, which looked like the ripples swaying in a flat lake with a blue sky reflected in it.

"That's right, but I don't have to know who you are."

Xue Tingzhi's eyes moved with the movement of her figure, and she could vaguely smell a fragrance floating in the cold air.

After listening to her, he did not speak.

Lu Jinxi's voice changed quietly, becoming soothing and unpredictable: "Besides, you haven't thought about it yourself, have you?"

"What's the meaning?"

Xue Tingzhi's pupils shrank, and he became vigilant, staring at her as if he was staring at some enemy.

"What do you mean, don't you know?" Lu Jinxi laughed and looked back at him with a deep meaning in his eyes, "You said first that I was lying to you, and then explained it plainly. Me. Is it because you can't hold back your young mind, and you were deceived by me accidentally, or you have other thoughts in your heart, I don't know, but you must be clear in your own heart."


Xue Tingzhi lowered his eyes and said nothing.

It was an uncomfortable feeling: every little, seemingly inadvertent scheming of his was watched by the woman in front of him. And she not only saw it, but also exposed him in person and told him, so as to question him and shake him.

She is so smart.

I don't usually think that when it's time to use it, I will feel a tingling hole in her body.

In front of her, he had no secrets at all.

——Whether it is the little scheming or the secret feelings, she can see it clearly.

"What, is it wrong?"

Looking at his expression, Lu Jinxi felt a little amused.

But after all, there is still Gu Juefei waiting outside, thinking that although he had not completed the two bad plans today, he had unexpectedly gained another useful news, so he didn't care.

She leisurely put both of her hands in the warm cage, and before leaving, she only said something meaningful to Xue Tingzhi: "Although you are still very young, you should have more contact with generals than me. Before something happens, there is still room for repentance. If you are really hesitant, you have to think about the results as soon as possible, or you will not be able to turn back when you really open the bow."

After she finished speaking, she didn't look at Xue Tingzhi's expression, so she followed the way she came and went outside along the passage between the two courtyards.

Only he was left standing there.

A young man in his twenties, wearing a dark blue robe, his posture was slightly tilted due to the old disease of his left foot, his head was down, his eyes were down, the shadows covered the dim divine light, and no one knew him. What are you thinking.

Outside the gate of the General's Mansion, Gu Juefei has been waiting for a while.

He just felt that the time it took for his wife to pick up the book and leave the book was too long, and he was playing a scene in his heart that Xue Kuang had to entangle Lu Jinxi with Lu's old love, and he was thinking about whether to break in and have a look.

Fortunately, Lu Jinxi came out in time.

He threw the reins and walked up, only to look up when he realized that her expression was not quite right: "What's wrong?"

"Say in the car."

Lu Jinxi was calm when talking with Xue Tingzhi, and could not see the slightest clue. In the end, even without knowing what Xue Tingzhi's identity was and what his plans were, he released such a false but true word to fool each other, but In fact, after confirming that the Xue Mansion was going to leave the capital, her heart had already exploded!

Gu Juefei didn't know what happened yet, but after hearing her words and seeing her solemn expression, he didn't hesitate and just got into the carriage with her.

After ordering "Go home" to the outside, he turned to look at her.

"What happened?"

Lu Jinxi's heartbeat was still a little fast, and even his palms were faintly sweating, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Xue Kuang has already sent Brother Chi and the others out of the capital, and I just met Xue Tingzhi. I'm about to leave the city. I suspect that Xue Kuang will do something in the near future!"


The corners of Gu Juefei's eyes twitched slightly, and his deep pool-like eyes suddenly dimmed a little, but as he looked at Lu Jinxi, he didn't speak.

The expression is rather subtle.

Lu Jinxi thought that when he heard the news, he was bound to be just like him. Even if he didn't show too much on his face, he would be a little horrified in his heart, but he didn't expect this reaction.

Strange for a while.

At the same time as the heartbeat turned sharply, he had already asked: "Don't you think there is a problem?"

The carriage has already started, and the borrowed janitorial guards are also neatly lined up, following behind the carriage, the hard thick-soled boots on the road have a clear and loud sound.

Gu Juefei listened, but smiled faintly.

He didn't panic, took out a white stone from the chess box beside him, and placed it lightly on the empty chessboard on the rook, but said, "What could be wrong?"

She looks so calm and relaxed!

As if what she said just now was not a shocking event, and he was not worried that Xue Kuang was going to do something or rebel!


At this time, Lu Jinxi didn't turn around, but felt that Gu Juefei's reaction was completely different from what she expected.

She opened her mouth slightly and wanted to ask something.

But Gu Juefei just laughed, put another chess box next to her, and persuaded her: "The soldiers will block, the water will cover. Now General Xue is the king side by side, and his status is precious, but it's not you or me who can do it. It's provocative. Why should we worry about this trivial matter of not going out of Beijing or not in Beijing?


Lu Jinxi didn't understand, and wanted to ask.

But Gu Juefei didn't let her ask, just gave her a cool look, tapped on the chess box with his long fingers, and the majesty of the authoritative official on his body came out: "Don't ask, play chess."


Lu Jinxi was almost suffocated by him!

But she also knew that Gu Juefei didn't want her to ask at the moment, which meant that he wouldn't say anything if she asked, so no matter how much she held her back, she simply shut up and had a random chat with him.

She only thought that Gu Juefei already knew about this, so he should have made some preparations. So even if she didn't know what else was involved, it wasn't for nothing.

Unexpectedly, Gu Juefei did nothing after returning.

At the beginning of the year, apart from the open and secret fight with Xue Kuang, he had few things to do. He even pulled Lu Jinxi, instructed her to play chess, and took time to let her take out the book Heli and take a look.

After reading it, I didn't have any other reaction, I just stared at the word "Xue Kuang" in the lower left corner for a long time, and then threw the paper away with a light finger, and mercilessly sneered: "This is The writing is so ugly."

In addition, it is to talk to her to sleep.

Neither did he go to discuss with Meng Ji, nor did anyone call Ji Hengfang, Shaoxing, etc., to the mansion to speak, or even go to the palace to warn the police or report a letter!

Gu Juefei really looks like a normal person.

Lu Jinxi felt incredible.

In her cognition, this is a shrewd master who can count ten steps in one step, and he will never be so mediocre and stupid that he doesn't know how to react when the knife hits his neck.

Not right, absolutely not right.

Gu Juefei's posture...

It only reminded her of the words she heard that day.

That was after Xue Kuang returned to court, she was pulled by the old lady to play chess, Gu Juefei rushed over with a black face and took her away, and then when talking about Xue Kuang:

"Even if he doesn't rebel, I will force him to rebel!"

So all the incomprehensions suddenly became clear.

But when he understood, Lu Jinxi also felt an unprecedented fear, a turbulent madness buried under Gu Juefei's calm exterior!

He really didn't do anything.

In the next ten days or so, he would fight against Xue Kuangming as usual, seemingly ignorant of Xue Kuang's secret deployment of troops and changes in the personnel of the Xue Mansion.

Just listen to it, let it go.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, a banquet was given in the palace, and Xue Kuang said that he was ill and did not arrive.

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