I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 201: calm tide

Gu Juefei fell ill.

It was as if he had held on for many years before being crushed by a sudden torrent and mixed into the icy tide.

Can't stand, can't stand.

In the past, the Taishi Mansion, which used to be a city, was covered with a solemn white overnight, trembling in the bleak cold wind of the capital.

For seven days in a row, Gu Juefei did not go to court.

The imperial court issued an indictment against Xue Kuang, claiming that Xue Kuang had confounded right and wrong, especially in the matter of the seventh prince. One is that Xiao Tingzhi's identity cannot be proved; the other is that the former emperor's edict is in the name of the last edict, but the last edict is in his hands; the third is that if the previous emperor really established the edict, the seventh prince should have a name instead of the "Tingzhi" that he used to endure humiliation in Xue's house. " name.

As soon as the decree came out, it also saved a lot of people's hearts.

It's just that Xue Kuang cares so much about it?

He didn't even take a look at the so-called "really-challenging" remarks by the court, and he had no plans to respond. On the 17th of the first lunar month, they raised their troops in Baoding, and on the 18th of the first lunar month, they sent troops in two directions at the same time to attack Bazhou and Rongcheng to the north.

In just five days, the troops are coming to Zhuozhou!

Zhuozhou is very close to the capital, and the journey of an hour can be called a step away. The capture of Zhuozhou is equivalent to strangling the capital by the throat!

As soon as the news reached the capital, the people of the civil and military people of the whole dynasty panicked.

Emperor Qing'an Xiao Che's face was as dark as a gloomy rainy day, and almost instantly all the reports on the imperial case were lifted.

At this moment, he looked like a trapped beast who was furious and on the verge of collapse, breathing rapidly, his eyes bloodshot due to the worries and troubles of the past few days.

He stared at the minister who fell to his knees in fright.

"Trash, trash! It's all trash! Even a mere Xue Kuang can't stop it, so what else is there to worry about! What use do you have?!"

The ministers below knew that the emperor was angry. Although they felt that the accusation came without reason, they did not dare to provoke him, so they gritted their teeth and endured it.

But there are also those who are irritable and unbearable.

At the moment when the emperor's accusation landed, someone crouched on the ground and retorted: "Your Majesty, Xue Kuang can't be described by 'district'. He fought against the vicious Xiongnu for several years without losing. , and the important place in Baoding was choked early in the morning, how could ordinary soldiers be able to stop it? Although Wei Chen and others did not use troops to fight, but a few days ago, he proposed to let Master Fang lead troops to block it, but you refused to allow it! Just think Xue Kuangzhi is strong, Who else can resist except Mr. Fang? I hope the emperor will make a decision quickly, so as not to delay the fighter!"

"What nonsense!"

It's okay if he doesn't speak, but when he speaks, Xiao Che is even more angry, and his eyes seem to be burning with fire. With a wave of his wide sleeved robe, he pointed at the minister's nose and cursed!

"Send Fang Shaoxing? Who will guard the capital when he is sent out? You, you, or you?!"

"The capital has its own imperial guards to guard it. If you don't stop Xue Kuang first, the territory will be lost, the people's hearts will be scattered, and only if he is allowed to nibble and grow, my capital will be in more and more danger!" The minister almost fainted from anger, and the voice They all trembled, "And the generals like Admiral Liu have been able to lead troops for many years. After sending Lord Fang to block Xue Kuang, the defense of the capital can be handed over to him. Isn't it better than doing nothing now and waiting to die?!"

Xiao Che's gloomy eyes glanced at Liu Jin, the nine-door admiral who was standing quietly among the military attachés to the right. Instead of feeling clear, he became more and more irritable.

He supported the imperial case with both hands, but he no longer responded to this.

Instead, he asked impatiently: "Where's Gu Juefei? Why haven't you come to court yet? Is the Princess Yongning not here?!"

The courtiers below heard this and all whispered.

It's not that there is some discussion about the fact itself, but that Xiao Che's appearance of a chaotic appearance at the moment is really not good-looking as the monarch of a country.

The big **** standing beside Xiao Che was also panicking, leaning over and reminding in a low voice: "Your Majesty, you have forgotten, the Grand Master passed away, it's only the seventh day, and Master Gu is still alive. As for Princess Yongning, it's not clear yet."

For the past few days, Gu Juefei has not been there.

The minister of military affairs in the court of China had also heard about the Taishi Mansion for a long time, and he secretly guessed whether the matter was related to Xue Kuang's letter, suspecting that the above accusations forced Gu Chengqian to kill.

Most of them are Gu Chengqian's colleagues, and they have all gone to the incense in the past few days, but very few people have seen Gu Juefei. I heard from the steward in the house that it was a serious illness, but the specific situation is unknown.

In the past, when Gu Juefei was there, he basically said nothing about matters in the courtroom, and he was also righteous when he spoke. Now that he is not there, and the eldest princess Yongning is also not there, the emperor suddenly becomes like a fly with no head, not only can't find his way, he is even irritable and irritable, unable to suppress the evil fire in his heart caused by excessive anxiety .

The ministers all sighed secretly.

Xiao Che also immediately realized his gaffe, especially when he asked Gu Juefei why he didn't go to court.

So he sat down again, calmed his breath, and said, "I'm in a hurry. Let's continue the discussion."

The discussion continued.

It was only because the emperor was still undecided about sending people to meet Xue Kuang, and the whole morning passed without any results.

When they left the hall, all the ministers shook their heads and sighed.

Xiao Che, who left first after the dispersal of the dynasty, even felt that there was a fire burning in his chest. After leaving the Golden Palace without thinking about Xue Kuang's rebellion, he thought he could calm down a lot, but the result was just the opposite.

As long as he thinks of what happened in the Grand Master's mansion, he is uneasy.

All the way back to the Qianqing Palace, Wei Yi, the noble concubine, was already in the palace and other places.


Seeing Xiao Che come in, she recovered from her trance, stood up, and called out.

Xiao Che sat down on the chair, almost collapsed, and only looked up at her tiredly: "How is Concubine Ai looking, but have you come up with any countermeasures against the enemy?"


Wei Yi really couldn't tell how she felt at this moment. In addition to her powerlessness, there was a sudden absurdity. She still wore the most delicate makeup on her face, but she was no longer the radiant concubine of the past.

"Does the emperor really think that the concubine can come up with any countermeasures against the enemy?"

"The civil and military affairs of the whole dynasty are all waste! After Gu Juefei is gone, he can't even think of a way to deal with Xue Kuang! Concubine Ai, you are the only one. When you were in the boudoir, everyone said that you were wise and worthy. Comparing with Gu Juefei. Over the years, I have occasionally asked you for advice, and you can speak the truth. In today’s capital, only Concubine Ai can save me from fire and water, and overcome the enemy in danger!”

Perhaps sensing that Wei Yi was wrong, Xiao Che sat up again.

He looked a little nervous, but he put on a forced smile, trying to cheer Wei Yi up.

But Wei Yi felt even more ridiculous in her heart.

In ordinary life, it is actually difficult to feel the gap between people, because all that is done is simple; but once faced with a very crisis, the gap between the strong and the weak, the wise and the fool, is easily revealed.

Xiao Che is such a weakling, a fool.

This is who she married.

That's who she had to marry.

Wei Yi's graceful phoenix eyes stared at Xiao Che, but a complex and incomprehensible sadness emerged from the bottom of her eyes: "The wisdom of my concubine and concubine is better than that of Gu Rang, but the world's reputation is too high. A wise man who lacks discernment, why don't you go to Gu Juefei? Although he is in the period of filial piety, if the emperor comes to visit in person and asks about him, how can he turn the emperor away..."

Xiao Che fell silent and did not speak for a while.

So Wei Yi's heart sank quietly.

She thought about his lingering thoughts in the past few days, and also thought about some news that she secretly found in the palace, and looking at Xiao Che's silence at the moment, she couldn't even laugh at the moment.

With an unknown fear, she opened her mouth very calmly and asked Xiao Che: "Your Majesty, did you send someone to the Taishi Mansion that day?"

"you shut up!"

Xiao Che, who had been pleasant to Wei Yi before, suddenly became furious after hearing this question, and the veins on his forehead protruded, mercilessly scolding Wei Yi for overstepping!

"How can you inquire about everything in private?! Concubine Xiangui, do you still know your duty?!"


What is duty?

After so many years, this is the first time Wei Yi has heard such stern words from Xiao Che's mouth, and it is still so stern, full of a guilty conscience for fear of being exposed!

So she burst out laughing and burst into tears.

The absurdity in her heart completely swept her whole body, making her feel that the palace was so oppressive that people could not breathe.

She had to go out, go out.

Leave Xiao Che behind.

Leave the Qianqing Palace behind.

He stumbled out of the palace like this, walked staggeringly on the long road between the heavy palace gates, and looked at the gloomy sky above his head. For the first time, he felt full of despair.

She knew Gu Juefei too well.


Xiao Che doesn't understand, this Xiao Che who is the emperor doesn't understand.

The palace gate of Zhaoyang Palace is right in front of you. It is her bedroom today, and it is also the bedroom of her aunt Weiqiang in the past.

Wei Yi suddenly felt a sad sense of fate.

The palace maid Sheng Lan has followed her for many years. Seeing her in such a state at this moment, she didn't dare to disturb her at all, but her eyes were filled with heavy worries.

Wei Yi is more than three months pregnant.

But because of her slender body, she could only see a slight bulge, which was not noticeable.

She raised her head and stared at the red lacquered gate of Zhaoyang Palace, looking at the eaves and corners flying through the palace wall, and finally slowly lowered her eyes, and said in a trance voice: "Tomorrow, Master Taishi. The first seven days are over, you take my warrant, go out of the palace at dawn, and go to the great scholar's wife Lu Jinxi."

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