I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 216: Fan foreign party less line

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the days without war are getting more and more boring day by day. The border was stable, Xue Kuang also died, and Liu Jin was the only good old man left.

Fang Shaoxing felt that he was going to grow hair all over his body.

He doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, and he has the temperament to step in regardless of priorities. After enjoying all these years of happiness, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and made a decision that shocked the entire capital to drop his chin.

- Resign.

This year is the fourth year of Yongjia. Fang Shaoxing has just passed by and has a good future. He has been a first-rank military attache, and he resigns when he says he resigns.

The book was handed up, and everyone thought he was crazy.

Even the deeply rooted emperor Xiao Tingzhi asked him with a frown after turning over the memorial, "Master Fang really thought about it?"

Where can you think about it?

Or rather...

There is nothing that Fang Shaoxing has done after thinking about it.

In front of the full court of civil and military affairs, he stood casually, the old scar at the corner of his eye condensed with the evil of the past, which has not changed at all.

After listening to the emperor's question, he was not too serious.

Immediately, he replied: "It's no fun to be an official without a fight. Let me go to the border to guard the emperor, you and a few auxiliary ministers, and you look worried, for fear that something will happen to me. So I thought about it and prepared to go back. Planting, I hope your permission."




From Xiao Tingzhi to Gu Juefei to Ji Heng, even to Liu Jin, to a group of people who knew him or didn't know him in the past, when everyone heard the word "farming", the corners of their mouths twitched.

Now in this big summer, it is more reliable and credible to say that Gu Juefei went to the countryside to farm, such as going home and farming less!

Can Fang Shaoxing farm the land honestly?

Don't grow a monster out of the ground!

Civil and military officials all wanted to persuade him, but Fang Shaoxing was stunned, and it meant the same thing: I just want to resign, so give me permission, or I will make trouble!

have to.

No one can beat it.

In the end, Gu Juefei saw the slightest meaning, stood down and persuaded Xiao Tingzhi with a smile: "Your Majesty, since Mr. Fang wants to resign, you can accept it. The whole world knows that he is a restless man. Man, let him go back to play for a few days. In case he can't be idle one day and wants to go back to the court to toss, it won't be too late for you to issue an edict to announce his return. It's all about your imperial decree. , there is really no need to care about that.”

This also makes sense.

Xiao Tingzhi knew the other side of Shaoxing, and knew that this was a person who could not be bound by rules. When Xiao Che sent him to guard the palace gate, he was stunned to force a group of ministers to fail to go to court.

Where is he guarding the gate of the palace, he is simply an ancestor!

Thinking about it this way, in the end, it is still accurate to say that Fang Shaoxing wants to come back to be an official, or if he is locked up in a war in Japan, he will be summoned to return to the court.

So Fang Shaoxing took off his official uniform and became a magnanimous white robe.

Rumors spread all over the market, and some wandering Taoists swore to tell people that they had fallen into evil. After he heard about it, he found the Taoist priest and said to him, "Master Taoist, you're right, I'm a jerk." Then he beat the man into the hall of rejuvenation with an old fist.

Since then, the rumors in Beijing have been empty, and all kinds of talkative discussions have disappeared so fast that even the emperor's ban can't keep up!

During the whole second half of the four years of Yongjia, Fang Shaoxing was soaked in a wine jar and drunk in a pile of fat powder. The emperor rewarded a lot of gold and silver, enough for him to drink fine wine and see all the beauties.

He didn't return to his own mansion, so he slept in the hook bar.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, there were two famous prostitutes who quarreled for him, causing the whole city to be troubled.

Many ministers who were concerned about the country and the people shook their heads after hearing this.

But anyway, he has resigned now, and everyone can't care.

Fang Shaoxing was so happy that he never wanted to pay attention to them. He watched the year pass in the blink of an eye, and it was five years later in Yongjia, and he only woke up a lot after drinking.

This day is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhengyuan.

As soon as he woke up, he walked out of the Golden Cave, crossed the busiest street in front of Liulichang, and found the restaurant on the road.

Newly opened last year, selling the best prajna wine.

Fang Shaoxing was a frequent visitor, so when he entered the building, he randomly picked a seat by the window and sat down. The hall was still burning with charcoal, and the floor was covered with fleece blankets, so he didn't feel cold.

Xiao Er gave him two jars of wine first as he always did.

He didn't even need a cup, so he patted the mud seal and drank from the wine jar by the side of the wall, but his eyes casually looked out on the street.

On the night of Zhengyuan, there is a lantern festival in Beijing.

Although it was still daytime, there were already quite a few vendors selling lanterns in the streets and alleys.

The flower sellers and the sugar sellers are all crowded together.

In this capital, the blood-stained color of the past can no longer be seen at all.

Fang Shaoxing drank and felt the loneliness once again.

The small half jar of wine was poured down, and for some reason, he felt that there was no taste in his mouth, so he got up and wanted to leave.

But he didn't expect that just as he got up, there was an anxious shout from below, which sounded familiar to him.

So he fixed his eyes on the past.

Coincidentally, it was Xue Chi.

The fourteen-fifteen-year-old young man's eyebrows and eyes were very similar to his father's, but he inherited his mother's delicacy in subtleties. He carried a heroic spirit without making people feel rude, and wore a sword on his waist.

Fang Shaoxing looked at it, it should be the Hong Lujian.

It's just that the boy's behavior is not so calm at this moment, and he hurriedly ran to the stall where there was a noodle kneader on the street, shouting, "Tangtang, Tangtang, come back!"

Beside the table, there stood a little girl carved in pink and jade, her chubby little hands like snow rested on the edge of the table, a pair of black Ruifeng eyes widened, Baba stared at a The face of a fairy.

Xue Chi ran over to apologize to the stall owner and wanted to take the little girl back.

But the little girl is still very angry, she just doesn't leave, clings to the edge of the table and refuses to let go, and shouts in a milky voice: "Tangtang doesn't want to leave, Tangtang wants a little fairy, wants a little fairy!"

Xue Chi suddenly became one big and two big.

Fang Shaoxing above looked at it, but he burst out laughing: It is said that both the husband and wife of the first assistant in the cabinet are both human beings, but the pair of children, in addition to being much smarter than others, do not seem to inherit the temperament of the two A little bit, it's a rare pair of silly white sweets.

Among them, the eldest Miss Gu Yitang is the most.

For example, at this moment.

Seeing one of the seven fairies, she couldn't move her legs, so she stuck to the side and didn't leave. Xue Chi couldn't pull her, so she dared to cry out for people to see when she pulled her.

The little one is really pitiful.

The master of the noodle maker looked at her with tears in her eyes, and she was really delicate. Since he started doing this craft, he had never seen such a good-looking one, so he turned his hand and squeezed a noodle and handed it to her. : "Little girl don't cry or cry, come on, this is the most beautiful little fairy, here, who do you look like?"


The red eyes blinked, the little girl looked at the old master, but she felt that he was kind and kind, and he was definitely not a bad person as her mother said, so she reached out and took the man over, said "thank you", and then stared carefully. Look at the face.

She didn't take a second glance, and she said "Oops": "Brother Chi, brother Chi, look! Does it look like my mother? Eh, it looks a bit like my father! But why does it wear the same clothes as me? Woolen cloth?"

Xue Chi had the urge to roll his eyes.

He knows what it means to be a wicked person. He thinks that he was also a little overlord who was famous in the capital when he was a child, but today he was tossed around by a little girl.


With his eyesight, he recognized at a glance that the stall owner was pinching Tangtang, but Tangtang was so stupid that he didn't see it for a long time.

Thanks to her reading, she can still remember it!

Xue Chi simply stood aside and did not answer.

Gu Yitang stared at those big eyes, staring at the man in the face, the more he looked, the more he felt like he looked in the mirror, so he raised his hand and wanted to say something.

But when he looked up, he saw a figure walking out of the store.

So her eyes lit up at once, and she threw Xue Chi aside, ran over, threw herself into the soft arms, and held up the face person to show her: "Mother Look, fairies! Fairies!"

"Yes, yes, it's a fairy, or a little fairy."

With a somewhat helpless voice, it was Lu Jinxi.

Next to her was a little boy who looked exactly like Gu Yitang. He also looked like a pink and jade carving. He leaned his head and looked at that person.

Xue Minglang was wearing a pair of small red leather boots under his feet, wearing a nice red suit, and finally walked out of the shop with his hands behind his back. Seeing the chaotic situation in front of him, he helplessly raised his hand to gently touch his forehead and sighed.

The next scene was really chaotic for a while.

Gu Yitang had a noodle maker, and Gu Yitang also looked like he wanted it very much, so Lu Jinxi had to ask the noodle maker's master to make one too, and then paid Gu Yitang's noodle maker's money.

After such a lot of tossing, it was considered that the two troublesome spirits were taken away.

There are servants in the house.

Fang Shaoxing watched from upstairs, and saw that the maid named Fengling came up, and together with a few old ladies, first carried the young lady and the son into the carriage.

Lu Jinxi raised the corner of her skirt and came to the restaurant from the street.

Fang Shaoxing raised his eyebrows immediately, looked away from the street below, and landed on the stairs on the second floor. Not long after he heard the sound of small footsteps, he saw Lu Jinxi coming up. The pleated skirt of lake blue and gold all over, draped on the ermine skin waistcoat, with both hands tucked into the fluffy hand cage, dignified and demure, and revealing an indescribable beauty and easy-going.

Astonishing as ever.

He still remembered that at that time he was dissatisfied with being slandered by the concubine Wei Yi, and urged Liu Jin to lead his troops to block Changshun Street during the old lady's birthday banquet, so that those dignitaries in Beijing were not allowed to pass by. The princess reasoned with them.

In the end, he pulled into the car and pulled out Lu Jinxi.

It was really beautiful. Whether it was in the capital or at the border, he had never seen a woman with such an appetite in his more than 20 years of life.


She is married, and it is not him.

It's also a pity.

She later remarried, but it was still not him.

Fang Shaoxing is not a woman who must be a woman. Compared with women, he likes to fight, so although he regrets not being able to kiss Fangze, he doesn't think he can't live.

Seeing people at this moment, he did not shy away at all.

On the second floor, she called out to her, "Ma'am, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Hearing the voice, Lu Jinxi reacted for a while, followed the prestige, and when she saw it was him, she smiled, but she walked over generously: "This is really rare. I heard that Mr. Fang resigned, Liu Mian spent the night. , I can't find half of them, but I bumped into them today."

"Madam Hegai met me today. I just came out from somewhere else, and I didn't bring enough money for the wine. Madam, I can have a good drink now."

Fang Shaoxing took a sip of wine from the wine jar with a smile on his face.

"Don't forget, you forced me to borrow a jar of wine to drink four years ago, and you haven't paid it back yet."

Others are getting older, the more calm, how many edge, will gradually converge after the age.

But it is not easy to do so.

The wickedness between his brows and eyes is the same as before, and he is not stingy. He doesn't look like a general fighting on the battlefield, nor a high-level courtier, but rather like...

Like a ranger.

Born with a sloppy temperament, no matter how you look at it, it is different from others.

Lu Jinxi looked at his eyes, and it was a little more strange. He didn't take the so-called wine money in his eyes, and only asked him curiously: "Everyone else said that you resigned, but no one in the court and the public knows who you are. What's your plan? I really want to know, how does Mr. Fang see his future at his age? Well, what are you doing with your resignation?"

"What's the limitless future?" Fang Shaoxing shook the wine jar and sneered, the corners of his eyes and brows were frivolous, "I have killed Xue Kuang, as a military general, it's just like that. At that time, I was not convinced by him, and always thought that one day I would surpass him. But if he died, there would be no more battles. Besides, no one could win me even if we fought, so it’s boring.”


If this word spreads out, I am afraid that Fang Shaoxing will be beaten to death for ten lives.

The corners of Lu Jinxi's eyes twitched slightly, barely maintaining the calm on her face, she also sat down, opened another jar of wine, touched him, took a sip, and then suppressed the urge to curse, and continued to ask : "Then do you have any plans for the future? Get a family and start a business? You won't just eat, drink, prostitute, prostitute, gamble, and gamble for the rest of your life, right?"

Why does the word "prostitution" sound so harsh?

Fang Shaoxing lifted his eyelids, raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, thinking of his kennel-like mansion, and having no interest in the so-called "married family".

"My Fang Shaoxing was born only for the situation, and a stable life is not suitable for me."

"Looks like you have plans?"

Lu Jinxi has always been very keen at such times.

Fang Shaoxing smiled and didn't say it clearly. He only sold her the key that he had rarely sold in his life, and said, "If you don't have a goal in your life, and you don't have someone you want to defeat, it will be very boring. I plan, Madam will be able to guess it next year."

To be honest, at this moment, Lu Jinxi just wanted to walk away and let Fang Shaoxing be beaten to death in the restaurant because he had no money to pay the bill, but after thinking about it for a while, he finally thought that he was a good person, so he sat and drank with him for a while before saying goodbye. the government.

In the spring of the following year, she finally knew what Fang Shaoxing meant.

In the sixth year of Yongjia's Golden Palace Examination, Fang Shaoxing, who had resigned for nearly two years, was ranked among the top three, and he was selected as the second place by Xiao Tingzhi under the condition of obscuring his name, shocking the court and the public.

When he came back that day, Gu Juefei laughed for a long time.

After hearing the news, Lu Jinxi felt that in a dream, he couldn't believe his ears: "Is his plan like this..."

Xue Kuang, who had lost the number one general, finally set his sights on Gu Juefei, the number one civil servant.

"You can still laugh, and you're not worried at all?"

She glanced at Gu Juefei and couldn't help asking.

Gu Juefei was silent for a moment, but then shook his head, with a light smile on his lips, and his eyes had a kind of lofty and distant taste, and only said: "The world is so big that there are people outside people. In the past, people were only other people. Shaoxing is a reckless man, and he is pretentious. Now I know that he is a real genius. After careful calculation, if this person is really absurd and arrogant, I may not be able to match him. But it is not necessary. The thing to worry about. People live in the world, and there is no opponent who can match you, so they seem lonely..."

To live is to fight forever.

He doesn't know what kind of opponents he will encounter in the future, what kind of difficulties he will face, but no matter in the past or in the future, he will not want to back down.

Fang Shao's behavior was born, and Gu Juefei was never ordinary.

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