I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 23: mentally handicapped children

Twilight twilight.

On the streets of the capital, there were few pedestrians, and all of them hurried to their homes.

Pan Quan'er left Huishengtang, got on a horse, and ran all the way back to the General's Mansion, and hurriedly invited a woman to ask her whereabouts.

The old woman replied, seeing that the weather was fine, the second grandmother was walking in the small garden not far away, and asked if she wanted to help him deliver things.

Usually Pan Quan'er must have agreed, but this time, she only thanked the mother-in-law for her kindness, and only said that something was important, and wanted to show the second grandmother face to face.

So the news was reported to the egret.

At this moment, Lu Jinxi was holding the hand stove, standing in the garden pavilion, looking at the bare lake in front of him, and the sparse flowers and trees around him, but felt it was too monotonous.

Egret heard the old lady's story, and came up to tell her: "Wang Fu's family said that Pan Quan'er has done things. He just got the things and wanted to show them to you. Now they are waiting outside the garden."

When Lu Jinxi heard this, she stood on the side of the pavilion.

Her slender brows were slightly raised, and her eyes flashed a bit of divine light, and she laughed: "It's hard for him to have a heart, ask him to come and talk to him."


The egret then told the woman to let him in.

Today's Pan Quan'er is still wearing the half-new cyan straight patch, bent slightly, holding the brocade box brought back from Huishengtang in her arms, went up to the steps of the pavilion, and bowed and saluted below.

"Little Pan Quan'er, please give your second grandmother your best wishes."

"Get up."

Lu Jinxi stood on the top of the steps, just like when he stood at the entrance of the Jokhang Temple, there was a refined indifference in his composure.

"Have you got everything?"

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Pan Quan'er didn't talk nonsense, and raised the brocade box with both hands.

Lu Jinxi nodded.

Egret then took the brocade box up with wink, opened it, and let Lu Jinxi take a look.

With the doctor's order on top, Lu Jinxi picked it up and took a look, then looked into the brocade box.

A few newly made plasters, a few pairs of medicines that need to be decocted, and a special prescription for foot soaking, and a small line of small characters written at the back: "The medicine is expensive, I will make it myself!"

Lu Jinxi burst into laughter.

Guishou Zhang really has the temperament of an old urchin, but he has the kindness and kindness of the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has the heart of a child.

Match it yourself. Match it yourself.

Go back and transcribe the prescription and give it directly to the Taishifu.

She folded the prescription, put it back in the brocade box, and said to Pan Quan'er, "This errand can be regarded as halfway through life. You have worked hard these past few days, and I have seen it all. I will go to the East Court in a while and bring three The monthly monthly silver should be the reward money."

"Thank you for the second grandma!" Pan Quan'er immediately smiled happily, like picking up a bag of silver on the ground, "I will do my best to serve the second grandma in the future."

In fact, Lu Jinxi's heart is clear.

The brocade box could have been handed over by the wives, but he broke the rules and walked by himself, just to get familiar with her.

Sometimes, when things are done, you have to know how to show your credit.

If you do nothing but say it, you are a fool in the workplace.

Although the boss thinks you are good, the one who climbs high is always the one who does and can speak beautifully.

Lu Jinxi came here step by step, and she has used Pan Quan'er's method, so she doesn't reject him. Instead, she thinks that he can be made, and his face is much kinder.

"There's no need to look back. There's an errand you can do right now."

Pan Quan'er was stunned.

Lu Jinxi pointed to the lake in front of the pavilion: "In a while, you will get a pair of cards, find a few gardeners, and take care of this garden. You need to plant some birch lotus in the lake, and the surrounding area should not be too shabby. Things are the same as Huishengtang this time, you know?"

This is simply another pie smashed in the first place.

Compared with the previous Huishengtang, it was much bigger.

Previously, Pan Quan'er only thought that the second grandmother was weighing his weight, but now she arranges things for him, which is obviously to flatter him.

Immediately, Pan Quan'er knelt down and kowtowed: "Little Second Grandma Xie rewarded her for her work."

"There's nothing to be rewarded, it's all earned by your ability."

Lu Jinxi waved his hand and motioned for Pan Quan'er to get up, but he didn't plan to say anything more, he just said, "You are tired after being busy these few days. If you have nothing to do today, go back and rest first."

"The little one left first."

Pan Quan'er's heart was pounding, and she only felt that the second grandmother's sentence "you earned it all" really had a strange taste that made him boil.

He stepped back respectfully, while Lu Jinxi stood on the pavilion and looked ahead.

As soon as the egret saw the person leaving, he finally touched his chest with relief, with a fluke appearance: "It's done, the slave almost thought that he would not be able to catch up. Tomorrow is the birthday banquet of the Grand Master's Mansion. It's really time to prepare."

"Ghost hands must practice what they say, but it's just a bit annoying..." Lu Jinxi squinted and smiled, glanced at the brocade box, and she was in a good mood, "Let's go back. It's almost time to pass the meal, and then Go back home and see if there's anything else going on."


Below the pavilion, there is a garden path paved with cobblestones, and the surface of the stone has been stepped on a little smooth. In the distance, you can see the Chashou veranda at the end of the garden.

Lu Jinxi went down the steps, went up the garden path, and went to the porch.

But before she got close, she suddenly made a "huh", looked ahead, and paused.

On the left side of the veranda, a slender woman walked up.

Wearing a daisy-colored and gold-colored Bijia on her body, her waist was slender and her body was graceful, with only a simple round bun on her head and plain white jade round bead earrings hanging on her ears.

Too far apart, Lu Jinxi couldn't see the other's facial features clearly, but only vaguely felt that she was beautiful and graceful.

She had never seen or recognized this person.

On the other hand, the egret also stopped, a little surprised: "It's actually a big grandma."

Lu Jinxi was stunned for a moment: Her eldest sister-in-law, He's?

Xue's family is not very busy, and there are five men and women together.

The uncle Xue Leng, the second master Xue Kuang, the third master Xue Rin, the fourth master Xue Zhun, and the youngest girl Xue Dai.

Xue Leng, Xue Kuang and Xue Rin, all three of them are the direct descendants of the wife Sun.

Xue Leng and Xue Kuang were both very talented. They had already followed their father to fight with their father at a young age.

Both died young.

The remaining third master, Xue Rin, seemed mediocre.

Perhaps it was the luck of the Xue family, all of which were concentrated on his two older brothers.

Even though he married Wei Xian, the daughter of Grand Master Wei, now at the age of twenty-six, he was only able to secure a position at the sixth-grade cavalry school in Beijing because of the shadow of his family.

Lu Jinxi actually wondered: Wei Xian, such a noble daughter from a noble family, who is not good to marry, why did he choose Xue Rin?

As for the fourth master, Xue Zhun, it was the concubine of the master Xue Yuan's concubine Zhou.

The little girl Xue Dai, Lu Jinxi's sister-in-law, just got married, and heard that she was about to talk about marriage.

Counting it carefully, the current situation of Xue's family room is indeed not very good.

If Lu Jinxi remembered the flower correctly, this eldest sister-in-law, Mrs. He, was originally the real daughter-in-law of the family.

It's just that Xue Leng went early, and she only had a young daughter, Xue Mingzhu, under her knees, and there was no son-in-law by her side. In addition, Xue Kuang's achievements and status have been rising steadily. He has already surpassed his older brother by a large margin and married Lu Jinxi. Therefore, his wife Sun, naturally, there is no reason to hand over the central feed to the He family.

I heard that this widowed sister-in-law, since she has been a widow, has closed the door and guarded Xue Mingzhu to live her life. The outside affairs are almost ignored.

I didn't expect to see it here.

Lu Jin thought for a moment, and then said, "Let's go up and say hello."

Saying that, he stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, just when she had just walked two steps, the other party saw her, and in those quiet eyes, there was something that Lu Jinxi couldn't understand.

Standing under the porch, Mrs He saw Lu Jinxi walking towards this side, she just nodded to Lu Jinxi from a distance, and continued to follow the hand porch and walked to the other end.


When the egret saw it, he didn't know what to say. After a long time, he finally reacted and said dissatisfiedly: "She looks like she doesn't want to see us. We don't want to see her yet!"

Lu Jinxi did not speak.

She was still thinking about the look He Shi had just looked at. There was a bit of injustice in her grief, and maybe she was unhappy.

Lu also died of her husband.

But she was lucky, and there was a posthumous child like Xue Chi. Therefore, it is justifiable to continue to be in charge of the central feeder at home, and there will be a close support in the future.

He obviously had the same experience, but he was the unlucky one.

She was He Shi, and seeing Lu Shi, she should be a little weird in her heart, right?

When Lu Jinxi thought about it, she didn't care much about the other party's perfunctory, and just said casually: "She is the elder sister-in-law, so there is nothing rude. It's fine if you don't say hello, you don't have to worry about how to speak."

The egret naturally disagreed with this.

She followed Lu Jinxi's footsteps and only muttered: "Grandma is locked at home all day long. In the past, our sister Li and Lang went to her place to play with Sister Zhu, but she didn't allow her, for fear that our sister would put her Sister Pearl is broken."

"How do you say that?"

Lu Jinxi frowned suddenly.

Egret pouted and said, "Because our sister has a study, she doesn't just read "Nv Jie" and "Nv Xun", and Sister Lang is not so demure, she runs around. At that time, the slave servant felt very uncomfortable when she heard that. "

It turned out to be an old grudge.

Lu Jinxi roughly understood the situation of this widowed sister-in-law, and she was afraid that she would set up an archway, for fear that Sister Pearl would not be able to marry in the future, right?

She didn't agree in her heart, but she didn't express her opinion. She took the hand of the egret and went slowly.

As soon as they entered the gate of the East Courtyard, Qingque greeted you: "You just came back, my sisters and brothers are all in the house, waiting to greet you. The servants are thinking that if you don't come back, please ask them to come back first."

Recently, Lu Jinxi helped the children do the math. It was too early to say goodbye in the morning.

Those who slept late couldn't even make it through the whole night. In addition, it was cold in the morning, so she avoided their morning greetings, and only asked them to come once a day, all at dusk.

After hearing Qing Que's words, Lu Jinxi didn't stop and walked inside, but she remembered that she was busy a few days ago and hadn't had time to spend time with the children.

They came to greet them today, but they had some leisure to talk.

But there are so many people that it is not convenient to ask some questions.

Lu Jinxi walked in front of the door for a while, and only ordered: "Go to Zhang Luo, let's set up a meal outside. I'll leave the children to have a meal together."

Qingque nodded, understood what she meant, and went to inform the small kitchen to add a few dishes that her brother and sister liked.

Lu Jinxi went directly into the house.

"Greetings to mother."

Several young children were there, and they all said goodbye to Lu Jinxi.

Lu Jinxi glanced at it.

Xue Mingli wore a flower-sprinkled coat and a stretch ink skirt, and she was peaceful and demure.

Xue Minglang was also wearing a white velvet jacket and a light emerald crepe dress with flowers and flowers. Compared to the way he was wearing red boots, he was much more obedient. It's just that she still bowed her head, and although she saluted, she buried her head very low.

The injuries that Xue Chi and Luo Dingfang suffered when they were fighting were already healed.

At this moment, a small face, clean, carved with pink and jade, the heroic spirit in the eyebrows is more prominent, and both eyes are shining.

What surprised Lu Jinxi was that...

Xue Tingzhi was also there.

Compared to the three nasty ones, he really looked quite young.

Standing taller than Lu Jinxi, she looks much more mature.

A simple white robe embroidered with wishful cloud patterns and an embroidered belt of the same color was worn, which was neatly arranged from top to bottom.

The bridge of the nose is high and the lips are thin.

The outline between the eyebrows is very deep.

Compared with Xue Chilai, Xue Tingzhi's body was not so heavy.

He is sharp from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Jinxi glanced at him.

When she looked at it alone, she didn't realize that now that he and Xue Chi were standing side by side, she realized that the two children didn't look alike at all.

Maybe Xue Chi looks like her, or Xue Kuang, but Xue Tingzhi looks like that Hu Ji?

But in this way, the beauty of Orchid must be earth-shattering.

Having bypassed such an unrelated thought, Lu Jinxi walked over and told them all to get up: "I just passed Mrs. Shizi, and seeing that the weather is not so cold, I went out for a walk. I forgot that you Come to say goodbye. Didn't you wait too long?"

The kang is warm and the tea cups are new.

Lu Jinxi sat down, while Egret put the brocade box given by the ghost hand on the high table beside him, and stood beside Lu Jinxi.

Xue Tingzhi didn't speak, just glanced at the brocade box, his eyes stayed on the copper lock unique to Huishengtang for a moment, and then retracted.

"When I got back to my mother, I didn't wait too long, and I just came."

Xue Mingli is the eldest sister, and after sitting down, she replied softly.

But Xue Chi looked at Lu Jinxi with anticipation, and Baba asked, "Have you ever seen Mrs. Shizi? Has she said when she will go to school? I'm going to die of boredom by myself."

In the last fight, Xue Chi was very happy when he heard that Luo Dingfang was not punished, and the adults of the two families were not held accountable.

Ever since he returned to Xuezhai to go to school, he has been thinking about Luo Dingfang.

Hearing Lu Jinxi mentioning Mrs. Shizi at this moment, he couldn't hold back.

Lu Jinxi was helpless: "You have asked about 800 times these days. Mrs. Shizi said that the second son's injury is almost healed. Do you still need to worry about Doctor Zhang's medical skills? You can go to school in about two days. You haven't messed around in Xue Zhai for the past two days, have you?"


I don't even say it.

Xue Chi is a clever ghost. Knowing that Luo Dingfang will be coming to study in the next few days, he smiled brightly, but instead said to Lu Jinxi with a bit of flattery: "Mom, you are very busy these days, I will show you your homework tomorrow. Mr. Compliment me too!"


Is it?

Why do you think this is not believable?

Lu Jinxi glanced at him.

Xue Mingli sat aside and pursed her lips, showing a little smile.

Xue Minglang unceremoniously gave his brother a roll of eyes: "It's an old trick again!"

Xue Chi suddenly wilted like a deflated ball.

He snorted softly: "Second sister, you are so fierce, no one will marry you in the future!"

"That's all for the future." Xue Minglang wasn't even annoyed, and squinted at him, "It's better than some people going back and writing hard tonight!"

Xue Chi was dismantled, his hair exploded, and he jumped up and said, "You can't get married!"

"You go back to do your homework!"

Xue Minglang couldn't bear the temper, and immediately put the tea cup down and poked it back.

"You can't get married!"

"You go back to do your homework!"

You come and go, and you get pinched in this room.

Xue Mingli looked left and right, her head was big for a while, and both sides persuaded: "It's okay, it's just a momentary anger, stop arguing..."

"You can't get married!"

"You go back to do your homework!"

Still the magic sound pierces the ear.

Lu Jinxi looked at Sister Lang and Brother Chi who were about to fight, and Sister Li who was caught in the middle. For a moment, she had the illusion that she had entered a kindergarten for the mentally handicapped.

She didn't make a sound, she just watched.

The three sisters and brothers, although they were noisy, looked harmonious.

The siblings scolded each other, and knew each other's faults and little secrets like the back of their hands. It could be seen that the relationship was very close on weekdays, but they were mixed together.

Xue Tingzhi was also watching, and did not make a sound.

The house was noisy, but it was very lively.

After listening to it for a while, Lu Jinxi has already written down some little secrets of Sister Lang and Brother Chi. Looking at Sister Li now, she thinks this is a smart one.

And things are old.

Don't intervene, in front of the eldest sister, and don't have to be dismantled by the other two to reveal the secret.

She thought, and smiled.

Xue Tingzhi looked back at her and felt that she was in a good mood. Something flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and he said slowly, "Mother... don't you persuade?"

"It's good to be arguing like this, it's a family that is noisy."

As soon as the words came out, Lu Jinxi paused.

This is not quite right.

Because Xue Tingzhi looks like an outsider.

He just sits here.

Lu Jinxi put down the tea cup and said apologetically, "I said unintentionally, don't take it to your heart."

In fact, Xue Tingzhi never regarded himself as a "family member".

He shook his head: "You're right. Noisy is a family, and that's fine."

He just sat there, respectfully and neatly.

Lu Jinxi didn't know what to say to him for a while, but only remembered his recipe, but he didn't thank him, let alone ask.

After a while, Qing Que, who had just gone out to show off, came back.

"Ma'am, the food outside is ready."

Lu Jinxi nodded. Seeing that they were arguing on their tails, he got up and said, "Okay, stop arguing. You should be exhausted after talking about this call. It happens that I am here to pass the meal, so let's stay for a meal."

"I don't..."

Xue Minglang glared at Xue Chi, "I don't want to eat with him" and blurted out.

Xue Mingli, who was next to her, hurriedly pulled her sleeve, and she sullenly held back her words, and simply did not speak.

When children quarrel, they are arguing to the point of anger.

You'll be fine in no time.

Of course Lu Jinxi understood this, but he took them outside as if he didn't hear it.

Only Xue Tingzhi, a little hesitant, stood there and didn't move.

Lu Jinxi stopped and looked back at him: "What's wrong?"

"If I go back to my mother, the court has already prepared meals, and I will go back to feed the horses later."

Xue Tingzhi lowered his hands, and the narrow peach blossom eyes drooped down, and there was a little silence, only a little smile.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to accept my mother's kindness today..."

In fact, Lu Jinxi also thought it would be strange to have dinner with him.

After all, he is not Lu's child.

Therefore, hearing this sentence, Lu Jinxi was noncommittal and only said, "Since you have something to do, let's go to another day."

"Yes." Xue Tingyi bowed, "That Tingzhi will come back another day to greet my mother."

"It's okay."

Lu Jinxi stood there, watching him leave.

I don't know if it was a psychological reason, but looking at his back, his footsteps staggered a little, and he went out alone without anyone with him, so he felt a little lonely.

Lu Jinxi frowned, and the little maid next to her said, "You go out to see the eldest son, it's dark outside, so make a lantern."

The little maid was immediately surprised, obviously feeling that Lu Jinxi's order was beyond her expectations.

It's just that she didn't dare to say more, she quickly responded and chased out.

Lu Jinxi didn't know why Xue Tingzhi didn't stay for dinner.

Maybe it's really something, maybe it's not good to stay.

The latter is likely to be quite high.

So she didn't go any further and went to eat with the children.

Sister Lang and Brother Chi are both picky eaters, but they are both at an age when they are growing up. Except for a few dishes that were left untouched, they used a lot.

She waited until it was dark, the meal was done, and tea was drank, and then she had someone send them back one by one.

Nothing at night.

Tomorrow, he was going to Gu Taishi's mansion to pay birthday wishes to the old Taishi Gu, who would shake the whole officialdom by stomping his feet, so Lu Jinxi didn't read the books or books, so he took a break early.

The next morning, she got up and went to Sun's house, planning to save her wife and set off.

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