I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 3: Before Buddha

In the Zen courtyard after the snow, the walls and tiles are still covered with white, but there are already traces of melting and dampness on the ground.

In the slightly cold air, there is a faint scent of sandalwood, floating gently.

Lu Jinxi was led by the Zhike monk and walked all the way through the Zen courtyard to a secluded small Buddhist hall behind.

Before entering, she took off the rabbit fur hand cage that she had been carrying, handed it to the egret, and instructed: "Wait outside, I will come out after incense, don't worry."

rest assured…

Egret was a little stunned, took the hand cage she handed over, and wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, Lu Jinxi had already turned around and walked towards the Buddhist hall.

That back, thin and straight.

The egret watched, and the doubts and worries of the past few days gradually came up again.

She was assigned to serve in Lu Jinxi's room with Qingque three years ago.

It didn't take long for a few capable maids who were serving in the house to be released from the house to be matched with others. Their two little girls were very lucky, and they were pulled up in a confused way, becoming first-class maids, holding a tael of silver per month.

Everyone said that the second grandmother, Lu Jinxi, was kind and kind, and even if the servant did something wrong, she would not beat or scold her easily.

Mixed into the big maid serving in her house, life should be easy, right?

But actually…

Quite the opposite.

Thinking of this, Egret couldn't help sighing.

As a lady, their bad temper is too "good".

During the three years of serving by her side, they have never seen Lu Jinxi lose his temper in front of anyone, no matter what grievances they have suffered, they all go back to the house to wipe their tears and never cry outside.

In the beginning, they felt distressed as servants. Knowing that her widow lived at home and raised her children alone, it was very difficult, so they sincerely comforted her, gave her advice, and hoped that she could stand up.

But later, they realized that it was useless to say anything.

The interests of master and servant are one, and there are so many maids, how could they be the only ones who persuaded them?

One or the other has passed, what should this one be, or what.

Being wronged by her mother-in-law, she kept silent;

Being bullied by the third grandmother and sneering at her door, she didn't say a word;

It's just that the maids and old ladies inside and outside the house didn't behave well and made a mistake. They pretended to cry twice in front of her, but she didn't even bother to forgive them...

Qingque Huihui was so angry that she shed tears, but Lu Jinxi was still the master, so they didn't dare to say a word.

Nominally, the second grandmother is the wife of the Xue family, holding the central feeder, but in reality, life is a torture.

She felt that she was suffering, and the maids also felt that there was no hope for life.

It's the egret, secretly thinking about letting him go, just find a master who can handle it clearly, and the monthly money will be a little less.

However, she didn't make it.

Not long ago, Lu Jinxi was seriously ill by the third grandmother Wei Shi.

I don't know if she walked before the gate of hell, and some of them were broken. After waking up, she was a lot more transparent, and her words and actions became organized, and the melancholy between her brows and eyes gradually disappeared. .

At first, she and Qingque were still delusions, until the day before yesterday...

The weather was overcast, just before the snow.

Lu Jinxi recovered from her illness, barely able to get out of bed, and asked them to help them put on their clothes and sit in the room to drink medicine.

Just halfway through the drink, someone from the cashier came over and stood outside the door, saying that the third grandmother didn't have the right card, and took away the best three of the batch of satin that had just entered.

The egret turned pale with anger at that time.

Qing Que sighed, her eyes darkened, and she was ready to get the keys and money.

Because this is not the first time.

The second grandmother would always be embarrassed for a long time, looking like a good-natured person, saying that she would not be held accountable for what she said was harmonious, and she would use her own money to fill this hole.

After all, the good stuff is for the old lady.

But they didn't expect that this time, it was different from usual.

When Lu Jinxi heard the voice, she lifted her eyelids, glanced outside the curtain, put down the medicine bowl slowly, and laughed.

"If you don't have the right cards, you can have people take things away. What do you feed you? It's for the old lady, so be careful."

Qingque, who just touched the key, almost dropped the key on the ground.

The maids in the room, including Bailu, looked at her as if they had seen a ghost, not believing that these words came from Lu Jinxi's mouth.

Not to mention the accountant who stood outside to complain.

You can see people being stupid for a long time through the curtain!

After regaining his senses, those two legs trembled, and they kept raising their hands to wipe the sweat.

From start to finish, Lu Jinxi never gave a pair of cards.

In other words, if she didn't pay for this shortfall by herself, the incident happened. Although the third grandma took the material privately, the accountant didn't ask the third grandma to get the right card!

When the old lady looked back, she had nothing to do with Lu Jinxi.

This pot is not carried by the third grandmother, or by the accountant!

Who can do things in the accounting room, who doesn't understand? In the past, it was customary to come here to ask for money. This time, Lu Jinxi actually played the cards out of common sense.

The important thing is that the voice is heard, it is cold, like snow that is about to fall outside.

The accountant didn't even dare to put a fart, and quickly begged Lu Jinxi to forgive him, promising that he would deal with the matter properly.

Lu Jinxi gave a lukewarm "um" and waved it casually.

The other party just burned his butt, and went to the yard of the third grandmother Wei Wei next door, presumably to get the three satin back.

Seeing this, everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

Only their "very good-tempered" wife in charge took the medicine bowl again and took a sip, carefully drinking the remaining half bowl of medicine.

At the end, she asked Qing Que to bring a plate of candied fruit, she pinched a petal on the tip of her finger, and said lightly: "I have walked once before the gate of hell. Even the Lord of Hell dare not take my life, and it will be in the future. They won't be cheap. Don't worry."

"rest assured…"

Holding the rabbit fur hand cage and standing outside the Buddhist hall, the egret is very confused.

In the past three years, how many times have they persuaded them hard?

The lips are all torn, but Madam is still the same, with no effect at all.

Now that she has recovered from her illness, she not only beat the accountant who stepped on the low and held the high, but also took a game back from the third grandma Wei Shi, and told them "don't worry"?

So unreal, like a dream.

Why don't they want to worry?

But as soon as I feel relieved, I wake up from the dream: Madam is still the old lady, the days are the same, the top and bottom are dark, not even a hope is left behind...

Now that such a big thing has happened in the house, whether the lady should come to offer incense or to offer incense, although she told her to leave after incense, the egret is always uncertain.

After all, for Lu Jinxi in the past, Shang Xiang was always in the Buddhist hall. After staying for an hour or two, her eyes were reddish when she came out, and anyone could see that she had cried again.

Even if he returns to the mansion, he will not be a director for three to five days, and no one will be seen when he comes.

Now the matter of Brother Chi is imminent, the British government is provoked, and there is a third grandma with ulterior motives...

If she's still the same...

That is really going to be a dream come true.

Looking up at the sky, nothing has changed.

The second grandmother only went in for a while, but she felt as if it had been a long time, and her heart was suffering, as if someone had put it into a frying pan.

With a wry smile in his heart, Egret is only looking forward to not waking up from the dream, and the second grandmother has managed to figure it out and come out earlier.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but looked inside.

In the hall, the light is a little dim.

Three futons were placed on the ground, with an incense table in front, offering fresh melons and fruits, and a copper lotus incense burner. Above, there is a memorial tablet for rebirth and transcendence. The foundation is solemn black black, with nine big characters.

"General Wuwei Zhenguo, Xue Kuang."

Everything seems simple.

Lu Jinxi looked up, a little embarrassed.

In just nine words, it seems to have written a man's life.

Perhaps, there is another woman's life.

From the few words she heard in the past few days, she has been able to piece together the great achievements of this great general.

For the original Lu family, this should not be regarded as a good husband.

But to the people of the world, he should be considered a hero, right?

It's just that she is not Lu's family after all, and she doesn't hurt the spring and autumn. Apart from sighing "the wrong marriage and the wrong love", and lamenting "the heaven is jealous of talents", she can only burn incense sticks.

She is realistic and utilitarian.

It's better to care more about the living than to be ignorant and waste time on the dead.

Lu Jinxi walked to the incense table, twisted three sticks of incense, leaned against the fire, and slowly pointed it out, only to take three steps back, holding the incense in both hands and holding it above his head.

"Now that I take the body of Mrs. Zun, I have no choice but to be ordered to make my son take care of his mother. I feel very scared and feel ashamed."

"In the future, I will do my best to protect them and repay the kindness of Madam Zun's body."

After saying these two sentences, she felt a little sour in her heart.

Now that she is in Lu's body, how can she know that Lu's is not in her body?

The Lu family has four children to support, and she also has two living parents, who are very old.

Comparing her heart to her heart, she is willing to treat the Lu family's children well, and only hopes that if the Lu family is here, she will be able to take care of her parents well.

Slightly lowered his eyes, Lu Jinxi bowed and bowed three times reverently, with a low voice: "If the general is alive in the sky, I hope you forgive me, and I hope you bless me."

After bowing and getting up, she inserted the incense into the censer with her own hands.

The green smoke curled up, condensed into three thin lines, soared to the heights, and quickly spread out, making the words on the tablet a little blurry.

Lu Jinxi looked at it, thinking of her bizarre encounter, she felt somewhat complicated.

But all that has to be done has been done, and all that has to be said has been said.

There were still things in the house waiting for her to deal with, so she ordered Pan Quan'er, but after all, she didn't know the basics of this person, and she was not very relieved, so she still had to go back to the house to take a look.

After taking a last look at the tablet, Lu Jinxi turned around and walked out of the Buddhist hall. She said to the maid and servant who was waiting outside, "It's not early, go back to the manor."

The egret, who has been guarding outside the door, is still talking in his heart, thinking that if he can't come out for half an hour, it will be fine within an hour.

Unexpectedly, this voice sounded in my ear.


Like my wife's.

Egret looked up and saw that Lu Jinxi was already standing in front of him, looking at him.

Although the makeup is plain, you can easily see that there is no flower, no wet eyelashes, and no red eye circles!

She didn't cry!

And it really came out with the incense stick!

At that moment, Egret really couldn't tell how he felt.

If Madam didn't cry in front of the general's tablet, what could make her cowardly?

The dream of the past few days, not only has not been broken, it has actually become a reality...

Some couldn't believe it, some were moved, and even a little wanted to cry.

Egret blinked, and it took a long time to adjust. He hurriedly held the hand cage in his arms to Lu Jinxi, and then took the mink cloak handed over by a little maid next to her to tie it on, and then said: "It's a slave, **** it, just now. Waiting for you to come out, I was a little distracted."

"I haven't cried yet. Your eye circles turned red first, so don't be ashamed."

Lu Jinxi knew that this girl had a good heart. Sometimes she was cute and stupid, and she didn't hold her accountable. She just joked casually. After the cape was fastened, she stepped out first and walked on the path they came from.

"Have you added the sesame oil money?"

"It's all added according to Madam's instructions, as in the past."

Egret quickly followed Lu Jinxi's side and replied.

Lu Jinxi nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

A group of people followed behind her, and quickly passed through most of the Jokhang Temple and out of the mountain gate.

The bearers were still there, but the two people at the corner of the mountain road were gone.

Lu Jinxi glanced at it, then retracted his gaze, got on the sedan chair, was carried down the mountain by the sedan chairman, and then changed to the carriage of the General's Mansion, all the way back to the mansion.

The General's Mansion is located in the east of the city. This area is close to the palace, and it is convenient to go up and down. Therefore, it has become a place where dignitaries and nobles live together.

It's just that it is different from other high-profile families, the General's Mansion is a rare general's residence in this piece.

The Xue family is still a martial artist. In order to prepare for an urgent matter on weekdays, the east gate has not built any steps or built any thresholds.

Lu Jinxi's carriage entered directly from this gate, and it stopped about ten feet away.

This kind of thing happened in the house, and it was like a pot of porridge.

The servant girl who was serving in the room got the letter and came here early to wait. When the carriage stopped, she quickly brought the low stool and leaned against the carriage.

"Madam, be careful."

The egret came out first, stood below and took the hand handed out from the car, holding it carefully.

Lu Jinxi didn't hesitate at all, stepped down on the low stool, looked up and asked, "Where's Brother Chi?"

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