I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 35: six years

General's birthday gift...

When his eyes fell on the copper lock, Gu Juefei had already recognized its origin, and even remembered the strange expressions of the couple when he asked for medicine from Huishengtang and left...

It turned out that someone had asked for medicine long ago?

Gu Juefei suddenly wanted to laugh, but not because he remembered the weird expression of Gui Shou Zhang when he left, but because Gu Chengqian pushed the brocade box in front of him.

have a look?

What else is there to look at?

When he heard Gu Chengqian's words, the last glimmer of hope in his heart was extinguished like the last spark on the wick, and there was no possibility of it coming back.

This old fool has not figured it out for six years.


He raised his hand, opened the brocade box, and saw the medicinal materials and prescriptions lying inside.

Although the prescription was written in handwriting, every herb written on it, whether it was the order of writing or the number of coins, was exactly the same as what he had obtained from Guishou Zhang before.

In the bottom of my heart, a great irony suddenly emerged.

But Gu Juefei's face was calm, and he just let go of his hand at will, letting the lid of the box fall back with a "smack", and said lightly: "In the end, it's still the general's mansion, congratulations, Master Taishi."

Flat to the extreme voice.

Can't hear the slightest "congratulations" at all.


And this unfamiliar "Master Taishi"!

Gu Chengqian's wrinkled palm suddenly trembled.

He could only see his unmoving expression, without the slightest ups and downs or waves, nor what he hoped for, that should have been...

A little bit of guilt.

The old voice contained a deep sense of disappointment: "Is it just like this?"

Gu Juefei pulled the chair over and sat down slowly, just opposite Gu Chengqian, looking at him flatly: "Otherwise, Master Taishi, what do you think of me?"


Gu Chengqian's hand was holding the armrest, and he pushed so hard that several blue veins protruded from the back of his hand!

But only in this way can he suppress the sudden anger!

"Six years..."

"Gu Juefei, six years have passed!"

Gu Chengqian's voice was vaguely hoarse. He opened his eyes wide, as if he wanted to see the son in front of him completely!

"Don't you feel any guilt in your heart?"


Gu Juefei sneered, as if he heard some ridiculous nonsense.

"I take care of Juefei, I'm not ashamed of my heart, I'm not ashamed of people, I'm not ashamed of myself, I have nothing to feel guilty about."

"Okay, the good one has nothing to be ashamed of, the good one is not ashamed of his heart, he is not ashamed of others, and he is not ashamed of himself!"

This time, Gu Chengqian's entire body trembled.

His whole face, tensed tightly, was actually stained with a bit of sadness and hatred under the shadow of the bright candlelight.

"I used to think that there are three types of people in the world."

"I learned later that the people who kill people in the world can be divided into three types..."

And he Gu Juefei is the most terrifying inside!

A person who is a swordsman, kills with integrity; a person who has a sharp blade in his heart, kills with traces to follow; he can't see the flesh and blood of swords, spears, swords, and halberds at all, but murders are silent and unscrupulous!

If it wasn't for the accidental crash that day, how could he know the hateful true face of this son!

"I taught you the etiquette of poetry and books, taught you how to behave in the world, and taught you to make peace with the country..."

"You have been at the Jokhang Temple for six years."

"His tablet was also offered at the Jokhang Temple for six years!"

"You are in the same place with the loyal ministers and generals you killed with your own hands. Don't you have nightmares when you come back in the middle of the night? Does your conscience never go against you?"

Gu Chengqian's question was louder than his voice.


"Loyal and good general?"

Gu Juefei almost didn't recognize these four words.

After six years, he can still hear this word from Gu Chengqian's mouth...

In the afternoon, when he stopped under the high wall, he heard the sound of "Ten meritorious deeds mistake the minister", and it kept echoing in his ears, making him feel like a fool!

"Loyal servant and good general..."

"A dignified **** of war, he is invincible in a hundred battles, and he has not suffered a defeat. Nayezha is a brave and resourceless waste, but he escaped from death six times under his hands and made a comeback again and again."

"The Huns at the border, a dozen for five years."

"The national treasury allocates military salaries, and it has never been interrupted in the past five years. Manchu civil and military, no matter how much money can be opened up and expenditures reduced, he can clean it up!"

"In exchange for what?"

"Five years ago, there was a locust plague in Shandong; six years ago, a drought in the south of the Yangtze River; seven years ago, a flood in the Huaihe River... Hundreds of thousands of victims were starving, waiting for the court to provide disaster relief with their mouths open. What about money? What about grain?!"

The tragic situation that he saw in the study tour in the past was replayed in front of his eyes...

Inside and outside the city walls are starving, women and children are in grief!

There was no good bark to be found in the forest, and even the Guanyin soil on the mountain was dug up. But at that time, people's eyes, especially children's eyes, will become extraordinarily bright...

It's so bright that he still has nightmares when he thinks about it!

Gu Juefei's eyes suddenly became a little sore.

He blinked, raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, as if he wanted to force something down.

But he found that he couldn't hold back!

Gu Chengqian even asked him if he would have nightmares...

Is Xue Kuang, a traitorous scoundrel and thief, worthy of giving him nightmares? !

Looking up at Gu Chengqian, his voice was as calm as a deep well that didn't flow, but it contained a terrifying thrill.

"Master Taishi, you are in charge of half of the imperial court, and the treasury is in charge. You know everything. Please answer me—"

"Where has the money from the treasury and disaster relief gone?"

Gu Chengqian was speechless and slowly closed his eyes.

Gu Juefei laughed.

He really didn't want to let the old fool go.

Every sentence is crueler than every sentence, and every sentence is bloody!

"You don't remember, do you?"

"One month before the flood, general Xue Kuang came to the border to report that he was going to fight again. You and that old Wei Wei, fighting Xiao Che, gave the last few cents in the treasury to loyal ministers and good generals!"

"Every sum of money has been taken from the account."

"How much money flowed out of your hands at that time, how many people died in Jiangnan a month later..."

"Master Taishi, come and tell me: Who is it that has blood on his hands?!"

"Did you raise the money for the disaster relief later? Was it by Mrs. Wei? Or was it raised by the famous hero and general Xue Kuang?!"

This is the question!

Louder than louder!

A sentence is more like a sword than a sentence!

Gu Chengqian's body trembled.

The light and shadow of the bright and extinguished fell on his face, dividing a painful boundary: he knew better than anyone, the things that were reported back then. He also knows better than anyone where the money for the disaster relief finally came from...

Gu Juefei felt that he didn't even have the strength to laugh.

"In the city of Quzhou, the people changed their sons to eat, and the bones were piled up into high mountains; on the yellow sand field, Xue Kuang's army of 100,000 people, armored and cold, with flags and flags fluttering..."

"This is the hero you want."

"This is the loyal minister and general you want."

In the house, it was quiet for a while.

The day was coming to an end, and the setting sun outside actually emerged from the clouds, illuminating the snow-white window paper, a golden-red color, like blood.

Gu Juefei watched, but did not speak.

After a long time, Gu Chengqian opened his eyes and suppressed everything so that he could come back and look at this sharp-edged son.

This is his true nature.

He has been an official for too many years.

Many things are already clear.

Right and wrong are not so clear-cut in this situation where interests are intertwined. He knew this; Gu Juefei, who had copied more than half of Cangzhou's officialdom to fill the treasury, also knew it.

But this does not mean that they are qualified, behind the back of a malicious hand!

"Zhongliang from the Xue family, I have known him since General Xue."

"In this country, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. You say that Xue Kuang uses battle to raise his soldiers, I believe it."

"Who can predict what will happen in a month when the payment can be made?"

"If Xue Kuang can predict, he would rather starve the whole army to death than open his mouth to the court!"

"If it weren't for Xue Kuang, how could Daxia be so peaceful now?"

"He was on the battlefield, throwing his head and spitting blood, but you and Xiao Che secretly murdered him behind the scenes!"

Gu Chengqian finally had red eyes.

Xue Kuang was watching.

Every time he returned to the court, he always had to talk for a long time, who he was, he couldn't be more clear!

But six years ago, they even accused him of treason!

Also count him dead!

And his son, whom he has always been proud of, is the one behind the scenes!

Always treat people and things, without mistakes; graceful, elegant gentleman; strategizing, seamless...

But that's all painting!

"Twenty-three years..."

"You pretended to be for 23 years, and you also made a name for yourself for 23 years..."

"Deliberately, accusing him of embezzling army salaries, falsely reporting accounts, framing him to secretly raise soldiers, and finding someone to fabricate evidence that he colluded with foreigners, and that he had rebellion!"

"Do you think I don't know?"

"If it wasn't for you who knew the Xiongnu, where would they have the ability to besiege Xue Kuang?!"

"The Xue family is loyal and fierce, leaving orphans and widowed mothers, how can you do it?!"

Tears rolled, and finally fell from the eyes of this old lady.

At his age, he couldn't help but burst into tears!

One after another, they were all accusations, and finally a kind of despair was born: "How could I teach you such a terrible son..."

The father and son, one inside and the other outside, sat on opposite ends of the desk, as if they were in a court of law, and they seemed to be **** for tat...

Gu Juefei sat, listening and watching.

The ridicule on his face disappeared, the anger disappeared, and only the bottom of his eyes showed a deep sadness.

He found that Gu Chengqian believed in Xue Kuang sincerely and felt that the evidence was forged, and felt sorry for him.

Even because of his death, he hated his son who "mutilated Zhongliang" for six full years...

It's as if his poetry, book and etiquette were not taught by him; how to treat people and things was not what he asked for; he did not teach step by step planning.

As if he had never admired pride for his seamlessness.

Twenty-three years of fame and fame!

What a good eight words.

"Therefore, in the view of Master Taishi, 'heart' is more important than 'trace', and 'process' is more important than 'result'."

"Even if Xue Kuang let go of the Xiongnu general Nayezha several times, raised his troops in battle, emptied the treasury, and put tens of thousands of lives in the south of the Yangtze River on his back, the evidence of raising his troops to rebel is an unintentional mistake."

"He's still a hero"

"I am a sinister, cunning, vicious villain, who has saved thousands of people, and is also a hypocrite who seeks fame..."

Gu Juefei's voice was very slow, very slow, and seemed to require a lot of force.

He remembered that rainy night six years ago.

He took the secret letter intercepted from the border and questioned him why he had tipped Xue Kuang about it.

What can be exchanged?

In exchange for being kicked out of the house!

Others say that he Gu Juefei is a **** in the sky;

Gu Chengqian thought that he was a monster in painted skin;

But only he, believing it to be true, cut open his own flesh and blood to see clearly: what was huddled inside was just a poor worm, a bereaved dog!

Finally, a smile slowly hung on his lips.

Gu Juefei felt that he was a very interesting person: "It is said that Xue Kuang was cut into pieces by random knives, and no bones were left. But now, I have unprecedented hope that he is still alive. Somewhere, waiting for a comeback and rebellion. Okay. Tell you an old fool, open your eyes and see clearly."

His voice was as ethereal as the flying wind, neither in the sky nor in the ground, let alone any fireworks.

But at the moment when his voice fell, Gu Chengqian finally couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the soup bowl in front of the case, and smashed it at him!



A blast!

The soup bowl fell on Gu Juefei's body, and because the force was too strong, he held it on the carving of the red sandalwood backrest behind him.

Crashed, shattered instantly!

Sober soup poured all over.

On the left side of the neck, a shallow bloodstain was scratched by the sharp broken ceramic pieces.

Gu Juefei sat still and didn't dodge.

He looked at the old lady who was standing opposite, his chest heaving and he was too angry to speak, and suddenly found that his temples were really white.

like snow.

For a moment, I remembered what had happened in the past ten days.

There are a thousand and ten thousand words in my heart, but in the end I didn't say it.

Gu Juefei stood up without a word, stepped on the broken tiles all over the floor, and walked outside.

As soon as the door of the study was opened, a gust of cold wind "hula" poured in, blowing his green robe and the crane cloak.

He went out the door and never looked back.

Resolute, just like six years ago, that pouring rainy night—

Braving the cold rain, I went to the Jokhang Temple all the way, and lived in seclusion on the snow-green top.

Live for six years, and be silent for six years!

When he went up the mountain, he was still famous, and he was a weak young man; when he went down the mountain, the fame was still there, but he was already young...

six years...

How many six years can you wait?

Six years ago, he could have driven him out of the house.

Six years later, he still wants to support the Gu family, but he has no other choice!

But why...

Are you going to ask Xue Kuang when you come back?

Did he think that six years later, he would regret it?

There has never been a "pass", where does the "regret" come from?

Gu Juefei suddenly felt very tired and naive: as long as he was standing under the high wall, when he heard the play, he should have extinguished his last fantasy about Gu Chengqian.

Cracks, like the chasm, have long been irreparable.

Woshanju is not far ahead.

Gu Juefei could see it at a glance, and he could also see the figures wandering inside, but now he didn't even want to go back at all, so he simply turned around and headed west.

- He was afraid that if he stayed in the mansion, if he couldn't think of it, he would strangle the old fool to death!

The West Corner Gate is coming soon.

Not long after the banquet was over, the house was busy, and there were no servants nearby. Gu Juefei pursed his lips and kicked the door.


The two doors, which were hidden, opened at once.

outside the door.

Lu Jinxi just bent down, picked up the dirty prescription on the page, held it in his hand, and hadn't had time to look at it.

She had been waiting for Lu Jiuling at the front door.

It's just that a gust of wind just blew a page of paper. She saw that the handwriting was familiar, so she couldn't hold back and came out to check it.

The door opened defenselessly.

She heard the movement, startled, and looked back.

At this moment, Gu Juefei didn't even have time to put away the messy emotions, and there was only a coldness in his eyes, and he collided with her sight.

Xue Kuang's wife.

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