I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 45: red mole

Still, alright?

Xiuhan was dumbfounded.

She is also someone who has seen the world. She usually cooks some intriguing things in the court of the Princess Yongning. She can understand eight of ten sentences in the hidden words, and she can be regarded as smart and alert.

Now Lu Jinxi's simple sentence "It's okay" is so reluctant to say!

She remembered how Princess Yongning was under the influence of Gu Juefei, how she looked at the book and how it was not pleasing to the eye, and also remembered the whole story before and after this incident, and then looked at Lu Jinxi's attitude...

For a time, there was only one thought in my heart that was the same as that of Princess Yongning——

to finish.

She stared at Lu Jinxi, only to feel that cold sweat broke out on her head, she was stunned for a while, but she didn't know what to answer.

Seeing her reaction, Lu Jinxi felt it was expected.

So he bowed his head slightly, as if he was embarrassed, as if he just realized that what he just said was inappropriate, and said hurriedly: "Look at me, I accidentally said the wrong thing again. The roster prepared by my aunt is naturally not bad. When I flipped through it hastily, I must not have been able to see it clearly. I also asked Miss Xiuhan to go back to my aunt, and said that I would look back and see each other, and I would call her back when I came to the door in two days."

The expression on Xiuhan's face suddenly became indescribable.

Of course she couldn't really forget the sentence "It's okay", but since Lu Jinxi said so, she naturally wouldn't dwell on the previous sentence.

At the moment, he just smiled reluctantly: "Then the servant will go back to the mansion, to the eldest princess Yongning. When you come to visit in the future, just send someone to report to the servant first, and the servant will take care of you."

"Then there will be Miss Lao Xiuhan."

Lu Jinxi held the roster, politely.

Xiuhan then said "farewell", and under the guidance of the maids, he withdrew and returned to the palace of the eldest princess.

As for the expression of Princess Yongning...

Lu Jinxi thought about it carefully and couldn't help but laugh. She casually threw the roster back on the table, and didn't intend to take a closer look for the time being, she only looked up behind the screen.

She just talked to Xiuhan, but she didn't avoid it.

Guishou Zhang had already seen Xue Tingzhi before, but he knew that Lu Jinxi was talking to someone, so he stood behind. He didn't come out until Xiuhan left.

With a concerned smile on her face, Lu Jinxi stepped forward and asked, "Why didn't you see the eldest son come out? How does Doctor Zhang look?"

Guishou Zhang was in the back just now, and he actually heard the conversation between Lu Jinxi and Xiuhan clearly, but only vaguely felt that this general's wife had a lot of secrets.

But he was an outsider after all.

So he just glanced at her calmly, and replied, "The eldest son is still inside, he has trouble with his legs."

Lu Jinxi nodded: "Please also talk about the disease."

"The eldest son's leg disease is a congenital legacy. The hamstring of the left foot is at the ankle. Because the cold air invades the body, it curls up. Maybe his mother was injured during pregnancy, so it affects the fetus."

"If you delay the appointment of a famous doctor in the early years and take care of it, your instinct will get better."

Guishou Zhang felt that he was lying, and it was also a set.

Because he understands Xue Tingzhi's experience and is proficient in medical theory, even nonsense makes sense.

"It's just that the border is bitter and cold, and the cold is invading again. In addition, when the eldest son returned to the capital, he was not too young, so this part of the hamstrings has already grown. To this day, it has been regarded as a chronic disease."

"If you want to heal, it's also a long-term effort for water droplets to pass through stones."

"Acupuncture and moxibustion in the right position, medicated bath soothing, supplemented by diet therapy, may relieve the pain..."

Speaking of this, his voice gradually decreased, and there was a heavy cloud on his face, and he didn't seem to be very happy.

Xue Tingzhi's "chronic illness" in his legs and feet, he knows better than anyone else.

The hamstrings were broken and then reconnected, which was the pinnacle of his medical skills back then, barely allowing Xue Tingzhi to walk on the ground. But to be completely indistinguishable from ordinary people, it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

For so many years, although he did not give up, he even stubbornly healed.

But he was actually very clear in his heart that there was little hope for a complete recovery as before.

Lu Jinxi of course saw the ghostly hand Zhang's expression in his eyes.

It's just that she doesn't know what the other party is thinking, and the second is that the doctor is benevolent. When ordinary people see this expression, they only think that he is pity for the patient, sighing and hurting.

Therefore, Lu Jinxi couldn't really think deeply.

She heard the hidden meaning in Guishou Zhang's words, and remembered Xue Tingzhi's expression, her heart was a little complicated, and she only said: "Elder Zhang is very skilled in medicine, and there is no second one in the capital. After all, the eldest son is the bloodline left by the general, but there is a glimmer of hope for healing, and we are willing to try."

"Hmph, you guys are willing to try, but I'm not willing to treat it yet."

Ghost Hand Zhang first snorted coldly, as if to vent his dissatisfaction with Lu Jinxi. But soon, he rolled his eyes and turned the conversation around.

"But looking at it, it's really pitiful. I am a kind-hearted person, but I don't treat him in the face of your general's residence. Don't put a high hat on yourselves."

Let's do it.

He's a doctor anyway, and everything he says is right.

Lu Jinxi has never been able to bend or stretch, and of course he doesn't care about such trivial matters. He just complimented with a smile on his face: "You are naturally good-natured and benevolent. It is me and other common people who always treat you with their own heart, and will definitely not dare to talk nonsense in the future. You are willing to rule, It is also a blessing that the eldest son has cultivated."

"That's more comfortable to hear."

Ghost Shouzhang's gray eyebrows were all picked, and he was very happy.

These two compliments from Lu Jinxi are really soft words, which make people feel comfortable when they hear it;

Second, the eldest son has not had a good life in the mansion in recent years. Now Lu Jinxi can calmly invite him to see the eldest son, and also ask him to treat the eldest son. Illness must be a good thing.

Adding the two together, Guishou Zhang actually felt that Lu Jinxi was much more pleasing to the eye.

He walked two steps in the room, thought for a while, and then said: "Now I will use acupuncture and moxibustion as a supplement to warm up with foreign medicines, the eldest son is inconvenient, and it is best to ask someone to massage his legs and feet for him on weekdays to keep the meridians and blood vessels. Smooth flow. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be done once every three days, and you can send the eldest son back to Shengtang. But massage to relax the meridians and activate the meridians needs to be done frequently..."

"It's easy."

Lu Jinxi's mind was quick, and she came up with a clever trick at once.

"It's best to leave this kind of daily massage to the people around you. The eldest son also has a few maids and servants. It's better for you to work hard and bring them back to Huishengtang, where you will learn a lot. Learn how to do it. Before you finish it, I will help you in Huishengtang and listen to your orders. What do you think?"


Ghost Hand Zhang thought about it carefully, but he couldn't find a better way than this.

He was already busy at Huishengtang, and he sent a few apprentices to serve the eldest son, but he didn't know how much he would delay in treating illnesses and saving people.

But if the General's Mansion sends someone here, it would be the best of both worlds.

The method of massage, Mr. Tang and his disciples know how to teach them. In addition, there are a few more people to help during this time.

Where is he not willing?

Guishou Zhang looked at Lu Jinxi, and for a while he was really impressed, and only said: "Before my mother-in-law said that you are a shrewd person with a heart of a bodhisattva, and I didn't believe the old man. Now I know that she is always more poisonous than me when looking at people. A little bit...but it's no wonder, she doesn't have poisonous eyes, how could she choose such a good person as me?"


Lu Jinxi listened to the first half and wanted to be humble, but when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help but twitch her mouth and almost fell to the ground.

This means that Mr. Tang has a high vision, so he can only see his ghost hand Zhang!

When someone sees a disease, they have to sprinkle a handful of dog food...

Guishou Zhang is actually not the same as what she thought at first.

It took a while for Lu Jinxi to relax, and he forced a smile: "You're right. So today, do you think it's for the eldest son to have a diagnosis and treatment first, or?"

"I've come here. Naturally, I will take this opportunity to have another diagnosis and treatment." Guishou Zhang waved his hand, as if he was responsible, "This matter of acupuncture and moxibustion will take a long time, madam, you..."

Lu Jinxi didn't mind: "It doesn't matter. I'm fine. You can just treat the eldest son. I'll read the book outside and wait."

Ghost Hand Zhang pondered for a while, but did not object.

Although he injected needles for the eldest son last night, but after all, it was a method he just researched, and he had to investigate again to see the situation.

Even if Lu Jinxi was by his side, as long as they didn't say anything, they wouldn't reveal it.

Therefore, Guishou Zhang immediately ordered a few maids to fetch water from below, and then brought the medical box, went behind the screen, opened the needle bag, and started acupuncture for Xue Tingzhi.

Lu Jinxi sat down outside.

She originally wanted to turn two pages of "Anti-Classics", but when she saw the brand-new blue book next to her, thinking of the matchmaker's business with Princess Yongning, she suddenly remembered something.

I simply took the roster again and looked carefully.

Unexpectedly, when she turned from the first page to the last page, she could not find the name she wanted to see, and her heart suddenly groaned.

This Young Master Gu is truly noble!

Even young talents like Fang Shaoxing were boldly included in the list. But this 29-year-old Gu Juefei, who is still single and has no wives and concubines, couldn't even find a shadow.

It was a momentary omission of this roster that I forgot, or I still think...

Gu Juefei is such an existence, she is a widow and can't afford to climb high?

Lu Jinxi raised two thin long eyebrows, put the book aside, and stopped reading it.

In this world, what you can't get is always the best.

Men do it, women do it too.

There was a slightly meaningful smile on her lips, only to open the "Anti-sutra" again to look.

Inside, there was only movement behind the screen.

There are Guishou Zhang's inquiries from time to time, with a bit of solemnity, and there are Xue Tingzhi's enduring responses, and more often, they are silent.

The maids were nervous and went in with hot water and towels to serve.

About half an hour passed, and a relieved "Okay" came from the ghost hand.

Lu Jinxi heard it, pressed her fingers on the page, and looked up.

Ghost Shou Zhang came out from behind the screen, took the handbag handed over by the little maid, wiped the dense beads of sweat on his forehead, the cautiousness and solemnity on his face had not completely dissipated.

"In the first round of acupuncture, the old man has already applied it to the eldest son, and massaged it again to relax the meridians and activate the meridians. In addition, he also prescribed a few pairs of medicines to mix with each other. As for the after effects, you will send the eldest son in three days. Returning to Shengtang, the old man can only see one or two."

"Dr. Zhang has worked hard, and you are also tired. Sit down and have a cup of tea and take a break."

As Lu Jinxi said that, he hurriedly signaled the egret beside him to bring tea.

But Guishou Zhang waved his hand: "I don't need to drink any tea anymore. I'm getting older and my body is not as good as before. The acupuncture work on the meridians, muscles and bones is not as fast as before. At this moment, Madam's kindness can only be accepted."

He was rushing back.

Lu Jinxi heard it, and guessed that he was going back to work on the resurrection hall. He couldn't help but feel a little more admiration, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll ask the outside to arrange a carriage for you, and ask Pan Quan'er to take you back. , one is faster, and the other is that you can take a breath on the road."

"Then I would like to thank Mrs. Madam. The old man can't stay any longer, so I will leave."

The things that should be explained have also been explained to the maid, and now the eldest son is also served here, and even the furnishings in the house have been changed a lot.

In fact, Guishou Zhang was relieved a lot in his heart, so he handed over and said goodbye.

Lu Jinxi personally escorted him out, and then ordered Egret to lead people out, and arranged for Pan Quan'er's carriage by the way.

At this time, the sky was already a little dark.

There are no flowers or plants in the yard, so it looks a little dim. The only bright color comes from the greenery drilled out of the gaps in the slate.

Gale, who was blind in one left eye, stood quietly in the stable, eating the hay in the manger.

Standing under the steps of the eaves, Lu Jinxi looked at the horse, and a few thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Footsteps came from behind.

Only then did she regain her thoughts, and when she looked back, she was a little surprised: "Why did the eldest son come out?"

What matters is...

Looks bad.

Perhaps it was because he had just been acupuncture by Ghost Hand. Although the sweat on his forehead was dry, the strands of hair hanging down from his temples were still wet.

The originally fair face became paler and paler, and there was no trace of blood.

A pair of delicate peach blossom eyes concealed a little residual pain.

At this moment, the footsteps staggered out, and it seemed to be shaky. However, his eyebrows were full of coldness, and there was no expression on his face, which seemed silent and forbearance.

Hearing Lu Jinxi's words, Xue Tingzhi looked out the door.

"Doctor Zhang has just left." Lu Jinxi followed his gaze and explained, "It seems that there is still something to do in Huishengtang, so I didn't let him drink tea. How are you feeling now?"

Xue Tingzhi was actually a little dazed.

In this type of acupuncture, each needle stimulates the pain sensation. He has experienced it many times and has become accustomed to it—pain is common.

It's just that the source of this pain is not disease, but those deeply buried memories.

The entire left ankle, and even every meridian, had a tingling sensation.

He tried his best to endure it, withdrew his eyes, and then bowed back to Lu Jinxi's words: "Report to mother, Tingzhi is fine, but a little tired..."

At the end of the sentence, the numbness in the ankle suddenly reached its peak.

Xue Tingzhi's body suddenly became unstable and swayed.

Lu Jinxi was standing below, staring at him. Seeing this scene, Lu Jinxi couldn't help but quickly stretched out his hand, secretly startled: "Eldest son?"

She supported Xue Tingzhi and held his wrist——

The tentacles were actually sweaty and cold!

The boy's wrist is still a little thin, but the bones are firm, and there is already a faint sense of calm strength, but there is no temperature.

Her palms face upwards, holding the inside of Xue Tingzhi's wrist.

Xue Tingzhi's palm is down. The cold fingertips touched Lu Jinxi's warm wrist just by accident.

It was as if ice cubes were lit on fire.

At that moment, Xue Tingzhi seemed to be scalded, and his fingertips trembled!

The pain in his ankle had almost made him lose the sense of the rest of his body. But at this moment, he could clearly perceive the touch of her wrist as smooth as milk, the slightly beating pulse, and the scalding temperature of the two relatives...

Weird feeling.

Xue Tingzhi was indescribable, but felt unfamiliar to the extreme.

Lu Jinxi looked at him, only to feel that his demeanor was strange, extremely pale, and he could not help frowning slightly, suspecting that there was something wrong with Guishou Zhang.

"Eldest son, are you okay?"


Only then did Xue Tingzhi regain his senses, with a hoarse voice, he replied half a sentence.

Because Lu Jinxi was standing on the steps below, and he was originally taller, she looked up at him slightly.

Dai frowned, her eyes soft.

At this time, his attitude seemed very submissive.

He was condescending, and when he lowered his eyes, he could see her slender and snow-white neck.



Also dangerous.

Xue Tingzhi's Adam's apple couldn't help rolling, and he didn't know if it was because of tension or pain...

He just felt a little guilty.

Because Lu Jinxi was staring at him without looking away, there was a kind of penetrating depth in the calm, like a pool of still water.

She remained calm and smiled slightly, but slowly withdrew the palm that was supporting him.

"I just had acupuncture and moxibustion. I'm afraid that the eldest son is a little weak, so why bother to come out? It's better to go into the room and rest first, and it's not too late to visit Dr. Zhang another day."

The warm touch leaves.

The fingertips felt cold again, so Xue Tingzhi couldn't help curling his fingers.

Because she reached out to support him, the first-mother's sleeves were turned up a bit, but the embroidered green calyx plum on the top made her wrists frosty and snowy, thin and slender.

A small red mole just fell on her wrist.

Like red plum falling into the snow.

In the boundless plain and desolate, there is actually a section of sultry and charming color...

That's exactly where his fingers touched earlier...

A strange feeling came densely.

Xue Tingzhi forcibly endured it, rationally and restrained, with a calm smile on his pale face: "Mother said it very well, it was Tingzhi who didn't think about it and almost scared you."

"It doesn't matter if you scare me, I'm afraid I won't hold you, what should you do if you fall?"

Lu Jinxi's hand has been retracted into his sleeve, and only pointed fingers are exposed.

"It's not too early. After the acupuncture, I see that Dr. Zhang is exhausted, and you are not much worse. You can rest well today, and you don't have to come again to greet me."

As she said that, she turned her head and instructed Qingque: "Help the eldest son in, and take out the Anti-Scripture and the roster along the way, we should go now."


Qingque then stepped forward, helped Xue Tingzhi into the room, collected the "Anti-Classics" that had been spread on the table and the roster sent by the eldest princess' mansion, and gave Xue Tingzhi a salute to retire, and then came out again.

Lu Jinxi stood outside, saw her come out, and went out.

When she was out of the courtyard, she asked, "When you went in to get the book, do you remember how the roster was kept?"

Qingque was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, she replied: "The co-authored one is placed on the corner of Fangji's east window, and a small half of the "Anti-Jing" is spread out."

"A little half..."

A faint smile appeared on Lu Jinxi's lips.

She remembered that when she was reading, the "Anti-Jing" that was spread out overwhelmed most of the roster. When Qing Que went to get the book, it was different. It should have been when she sent the ghost hand out, someone turned it over.

This son of a bitch...

He really is still a young man. Although his mind is deep, he has nowhere to grow old, and he is still young.

How could she be so kind to put the roster there for him to look through?

Squinting slightly, Lu Jinxi had a bit of thought on her face, raised her hand to put her neck and throat, and slowly put it down.

In the end young man.

Spring is sprouting, it is inevitable.

There is a saying that goes well, "rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of the nest". Although she is not a rabbit, she can't say anything about the tender grass that is nominally her son's nest.

not to mention……

She just wanted to nibble on that old grass right now.

Just how to get in touch has become a problem again...

At the moment, Lu Jinxi smiled inexplicably, and only said to Qingque: "The eldest son's affairs related to Huishengtang will be arranged by you. As for the matter of Admiral Liu, since the eldest princess has responded, nothing can go wrong. You And contact Yin Liu'er, tomorrow we will find a way out of the house and see him."

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