I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 83: Hun envoy

This is the first time that Lu Jinxi has met Emperor Xiao Che of Qing'an.

He wore a black dragon robe, and the five-clawed golden dragon pattern embroidered with gold thread added a bit of dignity to him, and on his head was a majestic twelve-haired crown.

This emperor, who has been on the throne for thirteen years, is in his prime.

His long eyebrows reached his temples, his eyes flashed with wisdom, but his expression was somewhat kind.

After everyone knelt down and worshipped, he strode to the dragon chair placed in front of the hall and sat down. He just waved his hand peacefully: "All the ministers are flat, please take your seats."

So, the civil and military officials got up and took their seats.

The civil servants are on the left and the military officers are on the right. At first glance, they are two completely different styles.

When Lu Jinxi got up, he glanced over there from a distance, and found that Liu Jin was sitting at the forefront of the military officers; Gu Chengqian was the first among the civil officers, followed by Wei Binggan.

As for Gu Juefei, he could only accompany him in the last seat.

The two of them, father and son, were sitting very far apart, and they didn't even look at each other at all, and they didn't look sideways, like strangers who didn't know each other.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, got up and sat back.

After Princess Yongning stood up next to her, she took two steps in the direction of the civil and military officials, standing there watching not far or near.

Their viewing position, on the side under the emperor, was higher than that of civil and military officials.

Therefore, with the position of Princess Yongning at the moment, you can easily see the following situation clearly.

After the officials were seated, a team of honor guards came outside the palace gate.

Several guards from the forbidden army opened the way first, and walked towards the front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The man in the front was cold and stiff, and he went forward and knelt down on the long steps.

"Report to the emperor, the Xiongnu negotiated peace envoys!"


Xiao Che's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said loudly.

Zhou Dequan, who was beside him, immediately raised his voice and lengthened his voice, so that the voice of this most honorable person in the Xia Dynasty echoed in the entire palace.

"Xuan-Xiongnu envoys have an audience!"

So, the group of people who followed closely behind the guards of the Imperial Army came out.

There were eight people in total, all of them young and strong men.

Its dress is very different from the Central Plains. The thick cloth is basically inlaid with a few pieces of fur, and he wears a sturdy fur hat, with long agate strings hanging on his chest, and neat leather boots under his feet.

Typical nomadic dress.

Their statures seem to be taller and burlier than those of the Central Plains.

Especially the one at the front.

He had a messy black beard on his chin, dark skin, a scar on his face, and a pair of eyes that were faintly sharp.

This is a martial artist.

At a glance, Lu Jinxi noticed a silver chain hanging from the man's waist. This silver chain should be used to hang a knife on weekdays, but it is empty now.

It should be that the sword cannot be worn when entering the palace, so I took it off.

The burly man stepped forward, put his left hand on his shoulder, and bowed deeply.

"Holden was ordered by Maozhi Chanyu to lead the Xiongnu delegation to visit the Great Xia Emperor!"

The people behind him also saluted and bowed.

At this moment, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty swayed, and some civil servants who followed the old fashion couldn't hold back: "These Huns, they don't kneel when they see the emperor? How unreasonable!"

"Hey, don't worry, the etiquette of the Xiongnu is different from that of my Daxia."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Che himself didn't mind, and he didn't even see a bit of surprise on his face, as if he had known this kind of thing for a long time.

He smiled and waved his hands: "General Holden was sent by Lao Shanyu to negotiate peace, which shows that the Huns are sincere. All envoys, please get up quickly."

The Huns named Holden straightened up.

Behind him, another thinner Hun official with two curly mustaches took a step forward and took out a rolled up sheepskin scroll, which he held above his head with both hands.

Holden said: "I will play the Daxia Emperor. This is the summation book written by my Xiongnu Maozhi Chanyu. I also donate 1,000 cattle and sheep each, 300 mink furs and bear skins, and 10 dendrobiums. I wish to pray. Xiongnu Daxia, from now on, the friendship will be good, and the people of the two countries will be safe and healthy, and will never violate each other!"


Xiao Che burst into laughter immediately. He sat high on the throne of the emperor, looking down at the civil and military officials, and also at the Xiongnu envoys below, and there was a bit of pride in his chest.

"Zhou Dequan, took the Xiongnu and the book and read it to Baiguan."


Zhou Dequan was thinner than his apprentice Sun Jiu, but his wrinkled face had a long smile on his face, and was called "the honey knife" by the people in the palace.

But when he walked up to take the book from the bearded Hun envoy, he was sincere.

He slowly opened the scroll of Heshu with some care, cleared his throat secretly, stood beside Xiao Che, and read the book aloud.

"Emperor Daxia, reverence, the Xiongnu have lived outside Hanshan Pass since ancient times.

It is a matter of peace between the two countries, and this book is naturally written in great detail.

It was only after Lu Jinxi heard a few words that she felt a little strange in her heart, and she could not help frowning slightly.

Princess Yongning didn't care about the peace book written by the Xiongnu. She only saw that several military attachés in the court, including Liu Jin, didn't have any drastic reactions, and her heart was relieved.

She turned around and walked back, and saw Lu Jinxi's expression.

"What's wrong with you?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with my niece, it's just a little accident."

Lu Jinxi shook his head, but his eyes swept across the body of Zhou De, the chief **** who read the book, and then fell on Holden, the Hun envoy, with unabated doubts in his eyes.

"I have always heard that the Xiongnu in Daxia have been at war for a long time, and the customs of the two countries are very different, but it is probably because the niece is ignorant and does not know that the Xiongnu Shanyu knows much about Daxia. Daxia's documents are quite similar."

"So you're wondering about this."

Princess Yongning smiled, but did not show any strange expression.

"The story of the Xiongnu is far from heaven, so I don't blame you for not knowing it. The book says it was written by the Xiongnu Shanyu himself, but Maozhi is over 60 years old this year, and he is a soldier and only knows how to write. and books, he did not do it."


Lu Jinxi was suddenly surprised.

Princess Yongning said: "It is rumored that Lao Shanyu has five sons and one daughter. Since his eldest son, Prince Yikun, died on the battlefield, the other princes have not been able to help them. On the contrary, his youngest daughter, Princess Lanqu, is wise, intelligent, resolute and resolute. I'm quite interested in my Daxia Sinology. I don't know what I learned later, but reading this book, it's probably the work of this princess."

Princess Lanqu?

I see.

Lu Jinxi nodded, he understood, and only said, "It's a nice name."

"She also changed the name herself later. Where did the Xiongnu come from such an elegant saying?"

Princess Yongning didn't take it seriously, she was more concerned about the situation on the Xiongnu side.

"The brothers can't help them very much. This little girl is so powerful. Now that the Huns are negotiating peace, I don't know if it has something to do with this situation."

There must be some relationship.

However, even if there are various external causes, peace is the general trend of the world, and wars will not last long.

This is the truth of long-term unity, and long-term separation.

Lu Jinxi didn't have as many questions as Princess Yongning. After that little question was answered patiently by Princess Yongning, she continued to listen quietly.

Soon, the letter of peace from the Xiongnu was read out.

So Da Xia also took out the peace book drafted by the officials of the Ministry of Rites earlier, and read it out again, and also gave a lot of gold, silver, cloth and silk to express his feelings.

During the whole process, there was silence in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony except for the sound of the reading.

Gu Chengqian at the top left listened, his face extremely gray.

Every time Zhou Dequan recited that Heshu sentence, a blood-stained picture flashed before his eyes, and a loud drum horn sounded in his ears.

The snow is dark and the flag is painted, and the wind is full of drums.

Years of war, food and grass deployment. The soldiers led the expedition and sprinkled blood on the frozen and cracked land at the border, dyeing the snow that fell and the flags flying red.

Gu Chengqian couldn't help but think of Xue Kuang.

Thinking of the solemnity and awe when he first took over the tiger talisman from the young emperor, the vaguely smiling eyes he looked at the soldiers when he was still in triumph, and the last time he set out on an expedition. , the back he saw standing on the tower...

The cloak is high, and the iron armor is light and cold.

The work of thousands of years.

No match for the thin scroll and book in Zhou Dequan's hand at this moment.

Zhou Dequan's voice continued.

But Gu Chengqian only felt that although those words were familiar, they turned into meaningless strokes when they passed by his ears.

He clenched his hands, and finally closed his eyes slowly.

Gu Juefei watched from behind.

Although he couldn't see Gu Chengqian's face, he could only see the back, but he knew that this old confused thought of Xue Kuang again.

Although the tremor was slight, he could see it too clearly.

So, when the whole country was celebrating and no one would notice, Gu Juefei had a sneer on his lips.

In the end, didn't he still win?


Xue Kuang, the former general of Wuwei who shook the country, will be buried under this paper and book from now on. People who remember him will slowly forget, because people's memory is not good. And he still has a long, long time...

On the azure blue sky, it is rare to find a cloud, and it is extremely clean.

The brilliant sunlight shone on the glazed tiles covering every palace in the Forbidden City, a dazzling golden light and magnificent momentum.

In front of the palace gate.

Fang Shaoxing sat casually on the ground with his back against the palace wall. I could still hear the loud voice from the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but my eyes were raised, looking at the sky that was completely different from the border gate, with a dazed expression.

That gun was obviously not the silver spear that Jin Wuwei was equipped with, and it was leaning on the side at this moment, as if it was going to fall at any moment.

With one hand on his knee, he carried a small wine jar with the other.

I don't know what I thought of, so I suddenly laughed, raised the wine jar, and took a sip of wine.

Jin Wuwei, who was guarding the palace gate on the side, looked at him curiously, listening to the sound of reading and writing inside, but finally did not hold back, and asked with some caution.

"Master Fang, I heard that among the envoys who came to negotiate peace with the Huns this time, the one who leads the envoys is also a general, what is Holden, who also fought on the battlefield. It's over!"


Fang Shaoxing raised his eyebrows, turned his eyes away, and glanced at Jin Wuwei, his eyes were full of evil for a while.

"However, if you have a wine bag and a rice bag, you dare to call yourself a general?"

They really fought each other back then.

Only, there is no victory or defeat.

Because at that time, he was only a young general under Xue Kuang, and he was about to win, but the call to retreat was coming.

That's why Fang Shaoxing didn't like Xue Kuang at all.

When you fight a war, you fight it heartily, and it's not that you can't win that battle. But the general chose to withdraw first and then attack in a roundabout way.

Therefore, Holden was able to pick up a dog's life from his hands and go.

Thinking of this, Fang Shaoxing sneered.

Just this idiot, I just hit the palace gate and I didn't recognize him. But it's okay, when the Hun envoy he brought with him left, he just gave a "surprise".


The small wine jar was raised again, and the mellow aroma of wine overflowed, with a particularly cruel taste.

Jin Wuwei, who was standing upright next to him, couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he heard it.

But he knows that Fang Shaoxing is a person who ignores anyone and acts willfully, and is still guarding the palace gate. Even if he borrows ten more courage from him, he will not dare to take a sip of wine.

However, when it comes to guarding the palace gate...

That Jin Wuwei was a little strange: "Speaking of which, isn't Mr. Fang used to guard the gate of the palace? Today, the Lord is here. Was it arranged by the commander?"

Fang Shao leaned against the palace wall, and the scar under the corner of his eye was particularly conspicuous under the sunlight.

Hooking the wine jar, he smiled freely and arbitrarily, only narrowed his eyes and said, "Guess."

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