I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 95: debt of favor

Xue Tingzhi's footsteps stopped suddenly.

He knew that Lu Jinxi entered the palace today, and he should be helping him to talk about the imperial examination, so he came to greet him today. Just seeing her dignified appearance, he didn't mention it at all, and he never asked.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, he stopped him.

His emotions were not very obvious. He turned around and didn't look at her. He just stood with his eyebrows lowered and called out, "Mother."

Everyone has gone clean.

In this room, there were only a few maids left in front of him, but Lu Jinxi didn't tell them to retire. I haven't had time before, and it's not easy to look at him.

Only then did I take a closer look.

The tall young man was wearing a blue robe. It seemed that the sickness had actually improved a lot, but it was still faint and did not dissipate.

Although her legs were slightly lame, she stood up straight under her gaze.

Although the person's eyebrows were lowered, she was sitting and could still see a little. Between the slightly cold eyebrows, there is a sharp edge.

A person who is extraordinary and unwilling to settle for ordinary.

He himself did not sit.

Lu Jinxi didn't tell him to sit.

Putting both hands in front of him, he somehow felt that this scumbag had some meaning, and wanted to scare him, but he was too lazy to do such a low-pitched thing.

So, she just smiled and said: "I entered the palace today and asked someone to ask about your matter. The emperor learned that it was the General's Mansion who wanted to make a special case, and he summoned me alone after the ceremony to ask about this. thing."

Xue Tingzhi's fingers on his side suddenly stiffened.

It can be seen that his heart should be suspended.

Lu Jinxi was thinking about the heads he kowtowed to the emperor today, and felt that he was at a loss, so he didn't talk about business, but asked him, "You know, how many times did I kowtow to the emperor today? ?"

These words were beyond Xue Tingzhi's expectations.

It didn't mention half of the words related to the exception of the imperial examination, and it even revealed a kind of meaning that made him extremely uncomfortable and disliked.

That premonition is vague.

He is taciturn, but his temperament is not humble, and there is an arrogance in his bones, but he rarely shows it.

That day, I bowed my head to Lu Jinxi and knelt down, which was almost the limit.

She mentions this word at this moment, obviously it doesn't seem to have any good intentions.

So Xue Tingzhi was silent for a moment, and after a while, he replied in a low voice, "Tingzhi doesn't know."

"You don't like to kowtow, neither do I."

This is a rare frank statement from Lu Jinxi. She lowered her eyes and used her transparent fingernails to gently hook the lines of the peacock embroidery on this gorgeous dress today, her voice soft.

"When you begged me, you only asked me to kowtow once; but I went to beg the emperor for you, and I knelt down three times for the peace ceremony, and I knelt twice when I saw the emperor alone..."

The count is clear, it is actually six times.

Later, when Fang Shaoxing was making trouble at the gate of the palace, the emperor also came, and she naturally knelt with everyone.

Even in his previous life, Lu Jinxi had never kneeled so much.

There was an indescribable smirk on her lips.

When he raised his eyes again, he met Xue Tingzhi's eyes.

The dark pupils were covered with dark light, and there was a little bit of hostility. There seems to be nothing on the face, which is an understatement, but the hand hanging by the side has been quietly clenched.

He didn't speak.

However, Lu Jinxi met his gaze and continued with a smile: "You remember clearly, if there is a next time, if you want to ask me again, I will go out to kowtow a few times, and you will kowtow to me a few times; what I paid, You owe me something. There is nothing in the world that you can eat for free, and this is because I am your first-mother. In the future, you will ask others, but you have to think clearly whether you can afford the price. "

The price of begging...

Face is often the lightest one.

What I am most afraid of is the debt that cannot be repaid, the debt of friendship that cannot be repaid.

In a sense, this is not only expressing his dissatisfaction, but also beating Xue Tingzhi.

But at his age, in such a situation...

It may sound embarrassing.

Xue Tingzhi replied in a low voice: "Yes, Tingzhi remember."

She had already kowtowed at the beginning, but Lu Jinxi actually had no idea of ​​asking people to kowtow to her according to the human head. When he begged her, she was just because she couldn't stand Xue Tingzhi's begging attitude.

Well now, the posture is low.

Instead, it made her feel that she shouldn't humiliate him.

But none of this matters.

Lu Jinxi didn't take this son to heart, just thought about half of his foreign blood and his father who treated him very well, and then he didn't sell anything.

"I reported the matter to the emperor, but the emperor did not give the right words."

In the end, it's still human.

Lu Jinxi lowered his eyes again, recalling what he said to the emperor in the Qianqing Palace before, and what he needed to do afterward, and then slowly talked about the history and origin.

Finally, he said: "So this matter itself, the emperor agreed, but whether it can be done depends on the current court situation. On the military commander's side, because of your identity, if I go to talk about it, there should be no problem. ; On the side of Wenchen, it depends on the means of the emperor. But I pondered that the general trend should not be a problem. No matter what the final result of this matter is, I will do everything I can for you. You can rest assured. If you go back and read books for a few days, even if things change in the future and you cannot participate in the imperial examinations, you may not have the ability to settle down."

These remarks can be regarded as gentle words.

Her voice was originally soft, and when she spoke like this, it was such a quiet night that Xue Tingzhi felt as if she could hear the sound of flowers blooming.

For a moment, he raised his head, her eyes were faint and her words were flickering, and it was engraved in the bottom of her heart.

If in the past, she was the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara enshrined in the temple, at this moment, she was stained with a bit of red dust, as if she was close to people...

He clearly remembered that this first-mother didn't like him.

He should have been confused, alert, and even fearful of her changed attitude. But instead of not, he was even a little intoxicated, a little nostalgic, a little fascinated...

I just hope that the voice will continue, and the figure will not go away.

It's just that no matter how long it is, there is a time to finish it.

When it came to the end, Lu Jinxi only said: "The rest, if there is any further progress, I will send someone to inform you, or ask you to come over. It's getting late, so go back and rest."

So everything that has been created, or that can be unfolded in the future, is hidden in this moment.

All the divine light in the bottom of his eyes was covered up.

Xue Tingzhi listened to her faint voice, took a half step back, bowed and said: "Mother also rest early, Tingzhi retire."

Lu Jinxi nodded, didn't get up, just watched him back out.

When the waiter was gone, she turned to the side of the cup of tea that was already a little cold.

When Qingque saw this, she was about to come up and change her a hot one. She shook her head and refused to let her change, so she took a sip at will, but her eyes were a little dazed.

Qingque and Bailu knew that Lu Jinxi had agreed to Xue Tingzhi. Seeing that her expression was wrong, they only thought that something had happened, and they came up a little worried.

"Madam, are you okay? But what's wrong with the eldest son?"

"It's all trivial matters over there, nothing wrong with him."

Xue Tingzhi's matter has been settled, and the rest depends on how far she can achieve it. She is really not worried, she is just thinking about another thing.

"Draw water, take a shower, and think about it later.

So the blue bird and the egret were not good at asking any more questions, and they were busy with each other.

After taking a shower and lying down on the bed, Lu Jinxi called softly, "Qing Que—"

Tonight the egret is not here, the blue sparrow is on duty at night.

Hearing the voice, she walked in from the outside. The lights in the house had not been turned off. Lu Jinxi, who was lying in the embroidered tent, was a little vague and could not be seen clearly.


"Come here, I have something to explain."

Lu Jinxi didn't lie down completely, just leaned on the brocade pillow, propped her forehead with one hand, and closed her eyes slightly.

Qing Que didn't expect to call herself alone, and her heart skipped a beat.

Her mind is still transparent, and she has already thought of a possibility at this time.

You know, she only knows that one thing more than the egret, and now she just avoided the egret and called herself, which means...


She meekly knelt outside the tent and lowered her head.

But even across a layer of embroidered tent, Lu Jinxi could feel her apprehension and unease, and even laughed: "Relax, it's not a scary thing."

Qing Que thought to herself that her wife has become a lot calmer recently, and her way of dealing with things is also very old. The previous mess has been handled properly, so when she heard her reassuring words, she really put down a lot in her heart.

She forced a smile: "It's the servant who is too worried. If you have something to do, Madam, please instruct the servant."

"It's not a big deal, it's just a word."

Lu Jinxi pondered for a while, but after talking to Xue Tingzhi about that, he spent almost half the night thinking about the "unexpected" thing he encountered in the palace and the "uninvited guest" who broke his identity, so After a pause, the voice seemed a little slow.

"Do you still know how to contact Master Song? Find a time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I want to invite him out to meet."

What, what? !

After Qing Que heard her previous sentence, her heart had already given up most of the time, but the words "Sir Song" suddenly appeared in her mouth without warning, and she was immediately shocked that Qing Que's three souls were separated from her body, and her seven spirits came out. trick!

At this moment, she almost fainted from fright!

"You, you..."

There was a mess in his mind, and Qing Que couldn't even utter a sentence.

Lu Jinxi snorted, not knowing whether he was laughing at her or at himself, and after a while he only sighed: "What should be solved, let's solve it, so that he will not suffer endless troubles."

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