I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 97: Goodbye Song Zhiyan

The matter related to Gu Juefei spread all over the capital almost immediately.

Who doesn't sigh at his ups and downs in the past two days?

The day before, he was suppressed by his father, the old lady.

Everyone else's recommendation has been passed, and no one is stronger than Gu Juefei, but he will not let his own son live. That posture, it seems that he does not want to let him enter the office!

But who would have thought that Lu Jiuling, the old lady's good friend, would promote someone the next day.

In front of the emperor and in front of the civil and military people of the dynasty, he didn't say anything about his friends, and he almost tore his face because of the conflicting opinions on this matter.

After a lot of hard work, Gu Juefei finally joined the Ministry of Rites.

In all fairness, the official position of the head of the Lifan Hall is not high, and it is only a true sixth-rank. Compared with Gu Juefei's original sixth-rank when he was in the Qing Guihanlin Academy, it is actually only half a rank higher.

Victory is in power.

The matter of Lifantang, some people think it is fat, and some people think it is hard work. Overall, it looks pretty underwhelming.

Many people can't think of what they can do in this position.

The opinions of others are only out of ignorance.

Someone like Lu Jinxi who can see the depth at a glance, and who knows more about Gu Juefei's details, has already wisely shut his mouth.

On this day, there was actually quite a lot of news from the DPRK.

In addition to Gu Juefei's case, Fang Shaoxing's sudden gift is also worth pondering.

The matter has to start from the next court, when the emperor went to the paddock to hunt, I heard that he encountered a little danger, but was blocked by Fang Shaoxing, who was accompanying him.

So it was so plain, that he suddenly lost a "rescue power", so he transformed himself into a first-class bodyguard, and was specially given to the Ministry of War to walk, and he also rewarded a bunch of real money.

The old men who worked so hard to get Fang Shaoxing to participate in the past few days have their noses crooked.

This is not only hitting them in the face, but also hitting the Xiongnu envoys in the face.

You know, this guy only made trouble at the gate of the palace yesterday. The emperor fined him his salary on the spot, saying "small punishment and big admonition", and the next day he gave a more generous reward and even made him an official.

Even the Ministry of War was given a special gift, which made it clear that Fang Shaoxing wanted to join the Ministry of War in the future.

I heard that when Li Liang, Minister of War, received the decree, his face was all black, and he couldn't say a word. When the little father-in-law who passed the decree left, he immediately dropped the teacup.

But it's useless.

Who can change the emperor's idea?

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, it was called "broken teeth and swallowed blood in the stomach". For a while, he didn't even bother to pay attention to the matter before and after the discussion, and started to pick Fang Shaoxing's thorns with concentration.

Now Xiao Che can relax for a while.

Lu Jinxi only heard about the Egret when he was lying down at night. He only felt that his initial hunch was accurate, and Princess Yongning's judgment was more accurate.

Other than that, there is nothing else to feel.

She covered the quilt and slept, and after a while, she entered Heitian Township.

At dawn the next day, she got up.

After taking care of all the trivial things in the house, I looked at the list of gentlemen that Pan Quan'er ran errands to list, and circled a few reliable ones. I asked Pan Quan'er to prepare some gifts and invitations, and invite them to come to the house tomorrow. .

After that, he packed up and went out the door.

Mingyue Building is near Liulichang, outside the inner city.

There are basically places where literati gather, so the theater is very popular. In addition, there are many mansions of dignitaries in the inner city directly opposite, so people with status often come here.

Over time, it has become a prosperous and rich place in Beijing.

In the past, Lu Jinxi's car had been here, and he didn't care much, and passed by in a flash. Today, it was her first time here, and she saw it clearly.

The pillars outside the building were painted red.

The floor was swept clean and spotless, and the well-dressed maids walked among them, and there was also a little Er who added tea to entertain the guests warmly.

At this time, there are not many people.

As soon as Lu Jinxi brought people, the people who were waiting at the door immediately saw it.

Even if you don't recognize her, you can see that she is not an ordinary person just by looking at the dress and the style of these servant girls.

So the attitude was very respectful: "The theater is about to go on in the afternoon, and prepare a private room for you?"

I don't even ask if I'm sitting in the lobby, I just say "a private room", it's quite decent.

Lu Jinxi smiled and said, "Yesterday, let someone come to the number two with the yellow letter. Let's lead the way."

"Oh, it turned out to be a distinguished guest from the General's Mansion."

Xiao Er only woke up at this moment, guessed who Lu Jinxi was, and was startled secretly. The originally enthusiastic smile turned out to be a little more real, and he waved his hand to lead the way.

"Please come in."

Lu Jinxi took a step and followed.

Because there are a lot of dignitaries here, many people didn't think much of it when they saw her. After all, this is a place to listen to operas. Anyone can come, and it's not surprising that anyone can come.

So after a while, she was already sitting in the private room by the side of the stage.

Cranes and bamboo are carved on the railings, and there is a stage outside.

A beaded curtain hangs down, specially prepared for guests who don't want to be seen, to block the sight of outsiders. Of course Lu Jinxi didn't want to be seen too clearly, so the bead curtain was immediately put down.

After ordering a few things to eat, she sent away the outsiders who were serving, leaving only the green sparrow.

The time agreed with Song Zhiyan was in the afternoon, so she came early.

As for Song Zhiyan, there is no need to worry, Yin Liu'er, who had taken care of this matter for her at first, and had also received her favor, brought her.

No, in fact, it should be called "Lu Yin" now.

On the lacquered round table in front of the rosewood pear wood carving, there was a plate of melon seeds.

Lu Jinxi didn't even watch the Huangmei play of Lao Shizi on the stage, only in the babbling voices in the hall, he nibbled melon seeds one after another, as if he couldn't see Qingque's anxious expression at all.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Ma'am, someone has arrived."

It was Yin Liu'er's voice.

Since the end of the incident, he has entered the infantry falcon camp, and others have to call him "Lord Lu" respectfully when they see him, but when dealing with Lu Jinxi, his attitude is not high, and he is even overwhelmed. very low.

Just hearing this voice made Lu Jinxi appreciate him.

It is very valuable when you know yourself in your heart.

Qingque next to him was sweating on his palms, but Lu Jinxi remained calm, took the silk towel on the table and wiped his hands before saying, "Please come in."

The outside door opened a crack.

The one who came first was not Yin Liu'er who had just reported outside the door, but the man who stopped Lu Jinxi on the palace road after the peace conference that day was over.

Song Zhiyan.

After taking off his official uniform, he only wore a simple sky blue uniform today.

People are clean and refined.

Just the expression on his face, there is an indescribable trance. After seeing him in the palace the day before yesterday, he was absent-minded for the next two days, and even made frequent mistakes in doing things.

Today, he also doesn't know what Lu Jinxi, or the woman who is holding Lu Jinxi's body, came to find him.

The steps are slow, a little stagnant.

His eyes fell on Lu Jinxi's body, and the sad look on his face almost instantly surfaced.

If he returned to the mansion after the palace banquet that day, he still had a bit of luck and felt that he might have admitted his mistake, then at this moment, the gesture Lu Jinxi showed him had completely shattered this meager hope.

That's not the attitude Lu's should have.

She was clearly like an ordinary person, sitting at the desk as if nothing had happened, but the woman in front of her was very different from the Lu family.

A whole body of calm, a whole body of calm.

If Mrs. Lu was sitting here, she would be rigorous, with lowered eyebrows, and maybe a little bit of the shyness of a young daughter on her cheeks.

She doesn't look at people like that.

Such open, magnanimous, direct, even sharp eyes.

It is clearly not the eyes of some deep house woman.

The gaze that is watching him at the moment is so old-fashioned and so deep, it hides a bit of the aura of a superior, and there is also a touch of pity that makes people feel soft-hearted.

Then the next moment, a shallow smile disguised his entire body.

Lu Jinxi got up politely, and then waved his hand: "Sir Song is willing to come here, but I can't go out to greet you. It's really rude, and I hope you don't mind. Please take a seat."

Song Zhiyan's hand hanging by his side was already clenched into a fist.

He was vigilant, vigilant, and fearful of the woman in front of him who was the same as Lu's, so he didn't sit down, just gritted his teeth, and said coldly, "Who the **** are you?"

It seems that she has no intention of talking nonsense with her at all.

But it's fine.

As early as when he was seen through the palace road, Lu Jinxi had already thought about it: since he couldn't pretend to be the best in the first time, and he didn't feel that he should handle the matter of Song Zhiyan as the Lu family, he simply opened it up. Skylight speaks volumes.

"Master Song, please be patient and don't be impatient."

The other party didn't want to sit, and she didn't force it, she just walked to the hanging bead curtain on her own, then waved to Qing Que, motioning her to go out, while she looked at the lively stage outside with a rustling voice.

"On the palace road that day, you recognized it well. I am indeed not the original Lu family."

Not really!

At this moment, Song Zhiyan felt that the softest piece of flesh in his heart had been gouged out, almost giving birth to a feeling of suffocation.

If he hadn't helped the desk beside him, he would have been unable to stand.

Lu Jinxi didn't look behind him, but he knew that Song Zhiyan would never feel better.

After a while, I heard the man's sad and dazed voice behind him: "You're not, where did she go?"

I didn't ask who she really was, or what kind of monster she was, and I didn't ask the whole story, but asked: Where is Mrs. Lu.

Lu Jinxi felt a heavy heart.

After being silent for a long time, she shook her head: "I don't know either. Speaking of which, this matter is a bit strange. Regardless of whether Master Song believes it or not, my name was Lu Jinxi in my last life, but I lived in a very different place from Daxia. The place. Something happened, and when I opened my eyes, I was already living in this skin. You should have heard that Lu Shi was seriously ill a few years ago. There are rumors that 'I' was dead. , The doctors said that she could not be saved, but she survived. If she is lucky, she should be in the next world, in my body; if she is unlucky, she should have disappeared in this world."



Song Zhiyan listened to her every word, and felt that every bit was incredible. If it was in the past, he would have long ago angrily scolded others for pretending to be ghosts.


The woman in front of him, and the completely different changes he felt, are definitely not something that can be done by pretending to be a ghost.

Lu's temperament may change drastically, but no matter how people change, there will be certain traces of that temperament on her body. But he couldn't see the slightest familiarity in this woman who claimed to be also called "Lu Jinxi".

When she saw through it on the palace road, she still had a bit of disguise.

But now there are only the two of them in the private room.

It can be said that everything Lu Jinxi showed was not something that the kind and cowardly Lu would have - these are two completely different people.

There are thousands of words in his heart, but at this time, he can't even say it.

Lu Jinxi couldn't bear it anymore, she turned around and faced him with Lu's face, and put the fact that she was not Lu's in front of Song Zhiyan cruelly.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Song Zhiyan's body trembled a little, and he opened his mouth. It took a while before he asked, "Was that letter written by you or by her?"

Refers to the last letter.

Lu Jinxi found it in the box, gained insight into the origins and exchanges between the two, and also knew about Lu's mental journey in this matter.

She finally chose to send this letter to Song Zhiyan, breaking his relationship with the Lu family.

At this moment, Song Zhiyan asked, although Lu Jinxi was not very patient, he still told the truth: "She left it. Princess Yongning saw through the connection between you and her, and warned me face to face, only then did I know your relationship with her. I found this letter in the box, along with your letters from the past. I thought that was the answer she was going to give you in the end, so I sent it to you on her behalf."

"Her answer..."

At this moment, Song Zhiyan's strength seemed to be drained, he staggered, and finally sat down slowly. That feeling of slump, like the whole person has collapsed.

"In this life, it was me who made the mistake of her..."

"None of you have blamed anyone, it's just that this world is messing with people."

Even if they can meet again, the kind Lu family is not willing to break up Song Zhiyan's current family, let alone let another woman who has become Song Zhiyan's wife suffer all the pain she has endured.

Therefore, the decision to cut off the love silk was made.

For the cowardly Mr. Lu, how much courage and how much heartbreak does such a decision require?

"She was enjoined to marry into the general's mansion, and she was not happy. When she left, all she cared about was her children and her family. Although I am an outsider, I am not a demon. I have lent her a body, and I should repay her. This kind of grace. So I raised my children for her and filial piety to her parents. It's just that I can hide it from everyone in the world, but I shouldn't hide it from you alone."

Lu Jinxi wanted to come, and sighed slightly.

As a bystander, she could only stand from an outsider's point of view and stare at Song Zhiyan who was sitting there in a trance with a kind of helpless pity.

"It's just that I'm not her. Master Song loves her so much, you should be able to see that I don't have her dignified and virtuous, nor her kind-heartedness, and I won't sit still and let others be slaughtered. These words today, Just tell you, Master Song, I won't recognize a word if you leave this door."

She smiled slightly, raised the jug beside her, and poured a glass of wine for Song Zhiyan.

"Although I didn't remonstrate in the past, people who come here can still be chased. I only hope that in the future, Master Song will let go of the past and let go of herself. I think this is her greatest wish."

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