ged helplessly, and for the sake of Lu Qi saving him, he would not argue with him today.

The group soon began to return. Lu Qi looked at a mountaintop in the distance, where there were some figures.

Ethan looked at the plane going away, “Okay, Tony, I don’t want to lie to you, but that guy was a little too cruel.” Thinking of

a group of ninjas hacking a group of people to death in three strikes, even Not many people had successful counterattacks, and Ethan had goosebumps.

He can guarantee that even those special forces do not have this kind of coordination and strength, however. . . . . .

“He seems to have left you to me, right?” Ethan looked back at the fifty shadow ninjas behind him.

“Then let’s save more people. I can’t just save people on the operating table.”

Ethan picked up the gun in his hand and thought of his lost family members.

“Don’t waste your life, yes, that’s it.”

Lu Qi looked at Ethan. These fifty shadow ninjas were given to Ethan after Lu Qi communicated with him.

However, after these ninjas return to the shadow realm, Lu Qi will not give Ethan any more shadow ninjas. If Ethan wants to save more people, he cannot just rely on these fifty shadow ninjas, but should recruit the local people.

These people have a strong hatred for KB elements and can be easily mobilized to resist those KB elements. The 50 shadow ninjas given by Lu Qi are more like a guarantee to prevent Ethan from being killed by the soldiers, and they can also help train the masses.

Although I don’t know what you can achieve, I hope you can achieve your goals.

Lu Qi thought silently.

Chapter 18 Tony’s Naughty Three Thousand Questions

Not long after staying in the base, the military sent a transport plane to take Tony back at Tony’s strong request.

Lu Qi also took advantage of the situation and boarded this flight.

“Hey, Lu Qi, how long did it take for you to find me?” Tony was now sitting in a wheelchair, which was mandatory by Rhodes.

After a series of events, he didn’t trust many people very much, and Lu Qi’s appearance was so suspicious that he had to pay attention.

“Huh? Just before you came out, I was planning to ask the military for help, but you ran out on your own.” Lu Qi found a cloth for two shadow ninjas to carry and lay on it as a hammock.

“Yeah.” Tony nodded thoughtfully. The main reason was that Lu Qi’s appearance was too coincidental. He appeared just when he was just coming out, which made him suspect that Lu Qi actually planned all this.

Moreover, Lu Qi appeared next to him many times before the kidnapping, which made Lu Qi’s suspicion even greater. However, everyone seemed to know that Lu Qi was a member of some bureau. Tony had never heard of that bureau, but after searching on the Internet, he still found a lot of news about SHIELD.

Why don’t you know any information about this bureau? As the top rich man and a super genius in the Lighthouse Country, he has interacted with almost all departments in the Lighthouse Country, but why has he never dealt with this department?

“Did your department just set up recently? I don’t remember any department in the Lighthouse Country having superpowers.” Tony showed a slightly sarcastic face, but Lu Qi still heard what he meant.

“Are you doubting me? I planned all this and kidnapped you?” Lu Qi put down the mobile phone in his hand.

Tony’s face gradually became serious.

“Okay, let me answer your question.” Lu Qi spread his hands.

“The Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is a cutting-edge technology organization established after World War II, led by top scientists from the Lighthouse Country, and drawing on some German scientists and resources.” Lu Qi told some information about S.H.I.E.L.D., “After World War II , what a coincidental point in time?”

“At that time, almost all the top scientists in the Lighthouse Country joined the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau, but at that time this bureau was called the Strategic Science Corps.” “Okay, let me ask the question

, Who were the top scientists in the Lighthouse Country during World War II? Tell me which one you are most familiar with and have the deepest impression on!” Lu Qi jumped off the hammock and came to Tony.

Tony looked shocked.

“The top scientist during World War II…Howard Stark, my dad.”

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Lu Qi nodded, “The Strategic Science Corps was founded by your dad and a group of people who were active on the battlefield of World War II, including That Ms. Carter.”

Lu Qi looked at Tony who was deep in thought and continued: “You are Howard’s son, so after you were caught, SHIELD was fully activated. Even I, a security consultant who just joined SHIELD, Nearly four hundred ninjas were sent to look for you.”

As he said that, countless ninjas appeared behind Lu Qi.

Rhodes was arranging things in the cabin in front of the transport plane, and ran out after seeing what was happening on the monitor.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Lu Qi turned around and shouted, “It’s nothing. Tony wants to see my ninjas, because it was these ninjas who rescued him from there. I guess he wants to invite these ninjas to open fire.” A big party.”

Rhodes was a little skeptical, but not too excited. He was not very shocked by these ninjas. When Lu Qi came to the base before, he let hundreds of ninjas out. They were all shocked at that time. Now he is just like Lu Qi. Qi is a mutant.

“Oak, keep a low profile and don’t play too aggressively. We are now at an altitude of 33,000 feet. If we fall, we may not be able to separate our body tissues.” Lu Qi gave a thumbs up and asked the Shadow

Ninja to go back .

“Okay, great genius, regarding your doubts about me.”

Lu Qi paused, “You can think of me as a traveler who just left his hometown and came here, and was recruited by the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. Security consultant. Then I met some bastard while playing at the annual Top Person Award Ceremony, and then ran to a desert for half a month to rescue a bastard because of that bastard. The timing of my appearance was coincidental, but that was it Such a coincidence, I can’t explain it, it depends on who you believe, maybe it was arranged by God.” “Are you

satisfied now?” Lu Qi said unceremoniously, jumping back on the hammock.

Tony’s face was livid, he suddenly knew too much and was called a bastard again.

This nickname is usually only heard in bed. I didn’t expect to be scolded by a man now, but the most annoying thing is that the wrong person is him.

Tony is not a messy person. You can say that he has an arrogant personality and a vicious mouth, but he is an extremely reasonable person.

After being silent there for a long time, Tony glanced at Lu Qi and said something very quietly.


Lu Qi couldn’t believe his ears. Tony, this guy, would actually say sorry?

“Well, okay, it’s okay. Since you gave me thirty million dollars, I forgive you.”

Lu Qi said uncomfortably. In the end, all this was actually because he didn’t save Tony. Although It’s a bit far-fetched to say that, but he was indeed present at the time and watched Tony being taken away.

I didn’t know what to say next, and the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

Lu Qi was also a little uncomfortable and thought about it for a while.

“Want to lie down for a while?”

Lu Qi patted the hammock.

“I don’t go to men’s beds.” Tony said with a disgusted look on his face.

“It’s like you never accept anything from others, but you took the cheeseburger directly from my hand before, instead of letting me throw it on the ground for you to pick up.” Looking at Tony’s awkward expression, Lu Qi spread his

hands .

“Come on, I don’t just have these two frames.”

He waved and two more shadow ninjas appeared, and they consciously found a piece of cloth to form a hammock.

“Want to carry you up?” Lu Qi said to Tony in the wheelchair.

“Okay.” Tony tried, but failed.

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