Liu Shen's words were a guide to Shi Chen.

She hoped that Shi Chen could be like he was in the Virtual God Realm.

Participate in more actual combat and defeat the heroes.

Don’t just think about improving your realm.

Actual combat is always the best way to consolidate and improve your strength!

Only by constantly tempering yourself in actual combat.

Only then can your state of mind change.

Only when you have an invincible mind can you be fearless of any enemy.

Shi Chenming understood the meaning of Liu Shen's words.

He thanked Liu Shen.

Immediately, he turned around and took Huo Lin'er straight to the battlefield outside the village.

When he arrived outside the village.

I happened to see Xiao Shihao leading everyone in Shicun to fight.

The opponent is a group of fierce bandits.

Such bandits are very common in the wilderness.

They have no fixed location.

They make a living by robbing tribes and villages in the wilderness.

Burning, looting, and committing all kinds of evil.

Shi Hao has strong skills and runs quickly among the crowd, as graceful as a swimming dragon.

With the strength of the extreme blood-moving realm, one punch can be used.

The killings made the bandits scream in agony.

If you encounter some powerful bandits.

He would bombard them with magic without hesitation.

Pre-emptive strike.

At a young age, he has already shown his invincibility. but...

As more and more bandits gathered around.

Shi Hao also gradually felt the pressure.

Injuries began to appear on his body.

But even so.

He was still fighting bloody battles.

No intention of backing down

"Xiao Shizi, brother is here to help you."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded.

Along with the fireballs falling from the sky, it was Shi Chen and Huo Lin'er who joined the battlefield.

Shi Chen punched out.

The terrifying fist wind actually stirred up the surrounding air.

Knocked several bandits away directly

"Brother Shi Chen!"

Seeing Shi Chen coming back, Shi Hao was very excited.

Others in Shicun also became excited.

Shi Chen is the only monk in the cave heaven realm in their village.

With him joining,

Shicun will definitely be able to repel these bandits.

Sure enough.

As Shi Chen and Huo Lin'er joined the battle, the bandits were quickly maimed.

They were dead and wounded.

They were completely defeated.

"Boy, you're looking for death."

At this moment, a bearded man suddenly jumped out of the crowd and stopped in front of Shi Chen!

"Brother Shi Chen, this guy is the leader of this group of bandits and a master of the Cave Heaven Realm."

Shi Hao reminded loudly.

But Shi Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"It's just a Cave Heaven realm. Have you forgotten that I can kill wild beasts in the Cave Heaven realm in the Blood Moving Realm?"

After saying that, he punched out.

Before the bandit leader could react, he had already hit the cliff hundreds of meters away, causing the rocks on the cliff to collapse.

"The leader is dead, run!"

"Damn it, how could there be a monster in this stone village!"

"It seems like this time I hit a brick wall."

"Go quickly......"

The other bandits panicked when they saw their leader being punched to death by Shi Chen.

They no longer had the courage to continue fighting.

Just run away

"Stone Village is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want."

Shi Chen held up with one hand.

As a beam of golden light shot straight into the sky, a mysterious runic array suddenly appeared in mid-air.

The array expanded rapidly.

Then, a huge blue dragon suddenly appeared. Emerged from the rune circle.

The giant dragon rolled its majestic body, like a holy beast coming, and sent all the fleeing bandits back to their hometown.

This is the treasure bone that Shi Chen rewarded from the Void God Realm. One of the treasures obtained from

——《"Chilong Treasure".

He has a dozen more treasures like this.

All systems have been strengthened.

Very powerful

"Little bastard, you are so cruel. Those bandits have already planned to escape, but you still don't let them go."

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Huo Lin'er couldn't help but sigh.

She felt that since these bandits had chosen to escape, it meant they had admitted defeat.

Shi Chen should not kill them again.

But Shi Chen did. The corner of his mouth curled up and he said with a smile:"You have been held in the hands of your father since childhood. You don't know how cruel the wilderness is. If I don't kill them, Shicun will never have peace.

Xiao Shi Hao also nodded:"Brother Shi Chen is right. These bandits usually burn, kill, loot, and do all kinds of evil. We kill them. This is to eliminate harm for the people and is a good thing.""

After hearing what the two brothers Shi Chen said, Huo Lin'er did not continue to argue.

She did not grow up in a deserted village. She does not know the situation here.

The more she talks, the more she will make mistakes.


At this moment, a huge ancient relic suddenly fell from the sky and appeared outside Shicun.

This ancient relic looked like a large pangolin, with a layer of rock-like armor on its body and majestic horns.

"No, this is the spirit sacrifice of those bandits."

Shi Yunfeng's expression changed.

He didn't expect that these bandits would summon the sacrificial spirits to bless them before they died.

"This sacrificial spirit almost has the strength of the spirit transformation realm."

Huo Lin'er also looked solemn.

She knew that Shi Chen was very powerful and invincible in the Cave Heaven Realm.

But when facing the ancient relics with the strength of the Transformation Realm, I'm afraid,......

"It's just in the spirit realm, watch me kill it."

Huo Lin'er was still thinking about the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves.

Unexpectedly, Shi Chen had already carried a halberd and rushed directly towards the sacrificial spirit........

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