Although today is not a polder day, due to the peculiarities of the medicinal herb shop, it is not closed.

Li Chen directly parked the motorcycle at the door, then untied the wild dendrobium and walked in.

The old man recognized Li Chen at first glance as the person who came to sell wild dendrobium yesterday, so he immediately put down his work and walked out.

"Houshengzi, are you here again? Did you dig up wild dendrobium again?

"yes! This time it's full of ten plants, you see.

After that, Li Chen opened the bag and revealed the wild dendrobium.

"Good goods, really good goods."

The old man immediately became happy.

After buying Li Chen's wild dendrobium yesterday, he had contacted the people above and made an appointment with them to recycle it at a high price.

Now there are ten more plants, which means that he can earn an extra sum again.

"Since it is a good product, can you see if you can increase the price?"

Li Chen also took advantage of the trend and asked for a price increase.

"I can give you an extra dollar for each plant, but you have to promise me that you will sell all the good goods from me in the future." It is not allowed to be sold in other herbal stores. "

Although Bobai Town is not very big, there is more than one medicinal herb store. Therefore, the old man was also worried that Li Chen would sell it elsewhere next time.

"Okay, I promise you. So happily decided.

Li Chen also said boldly.

"Okay, I'll give you some money."

Add an extra dollar, that's a total of one hundred and ten dollars.

Li Chen counted the money in his hand, and after making sure that there was no problem, he happily turned and left.

Maybe I was too happy, just went out, and accidentally bumped the sixth aunt in the village.

"Sixth Aunt, are you all right?"

Li Chen immediately helped her up, and then asked with concern.

"It's okay, why did you kid come out here? Shouldn't it be another day, and now it's fooling around again?

"Sixth Aunt, what you said is that I am not the former Li Chen. I'm out to sell some medicinal herbs.

Li Chen replied.

"It's good if it's better, I won't tell you, I have to go buy green-shelled eggs." Otherwise, if you go late, you won't sell it. "

Green-shelled eggs?"

When Li Chen heard this word, he felt familiar and unfamiliar.

Just as he was about to inquire clearly from the sixth aunt, the sixth aunt had already hurriedly run away.

With a curious heart, Li Chen simply put the motorcycle aside, and then followed over to take a look.

Good fellow, I saw a long queue at the door of a shop selling agricultural products, and there were two queues of people.

What is the situation?

Wasn't it so lively yesterday?

"I haven't had a green-shelled egg for a long time, and today I finally waited."

"But no, this green-shelled egg is too rare and has high nutritional value. I hope to buy some today to replenish my daughter-in-law's body.

"I heard about it at noon and immediately took the bus, but fortunately I can still get in line." Otherwise, if it's late, it is estimated that there will be no place to stand.

"Although green-shelled eggs are many times more expensive than ordinary eggs, if nothing else, these green-shelled eggs may not be available for a while."

...... Li Chen walked in and took a look, only to find that these people were all lining up to buy green-shelled eggs.

"Li Chen, your family Xiaohan is pregnant now, do you want to buy some green-shelled eggs and go back to make up for her."

After seeing that Li Chen was also coming, the sixth aunt suggested.

Li Chen looked at it, there were obviously not many green-shelled eggs in the store, even if he followed the queue, there would definitely be no more of his turn.

So I don't plan to follow the queue.

"Thank you Sixth Aunt, I won't buy it." Let's think about it when I go back and ask my family Xiaohan's opinion.

Li Chen said tactfully.

And the sixth aunt, considering the current economic situation of Li Chen's family, thought that he had no money to buy it and deliberately said an excuse, so she did not continue to persuade him.

Li Chen was also ready to turn around and leave at this time, but suddenly thought of something and stopped again.

"Yes! Green-shelled eggs are so sought-after, why don't I breed some hens to lay eggs! "

The memories of the reborn suddenly came to mind.

He finally remembered why green-shelled eggs were so expensive and sought-after!

Because this green-shelled egg is different from ordinary eggs.

It is an egg that belongs to black chickens and has a very high nutritional value.

The main thing is that it is very rare.

Especially now that it's 1998, there are no hens with such green-shelled eggs in many places.

Green-shelled eggs cannot be popularized on a large scale.

But Li Chen's memory of the following decades clearly knows where to purchase this kind of hen, and he can also use this green-shelled egg to hatch the hen.

At that time, as long as you carry out large-scale breeding yourself, you can make a lot of money.

But now a problem in front of Li Chen is money.

After all, breeding hens with such green-shelled eggs requires a certain amount of money, and if there is no money, everything is!

If you plant wild dendrobium, the speed is relatively slow, and even if you plant wild dendrobium, you still have to pay to buy seedlings.

Therefore, at the moment, what is in front of Li Chen is still to get some capital as soon as possible.

The one hundred and ten yuan earned today must not be used indiscriminately. This is the money returned to Liu Laosan a week later.

Without this hundred yuan in hand, Ye Xiaohan would always be worried in his heart.

Li Chen also didn't want her to worry about this matter with a big belly. This is also not good for the health of the baby in the belly.

"Forget it, go back first, and then search your memories tonight to see if you can make a sum of money as quickly as possible."

Li Chen was walking back to the motorcycle, and then accidentally hit a person again.

Today is really a hell, bumped into the sixth aunt not to mention, and now bumped into other people.

Fortunately, this is a young man about his age, and he did not fall.

"This big brother, are you all right?"

Li Chen immediately went over to greet the other party.

"It's okay, why are you guys walking so unseriously. Fortunately, it hit me, and if I knocked someone else, I guess it would not be so good to talk.

The other party patted the dust on his body and said.

"I'm so sorry, I was just thinking about things, so I didn't pay attention. Where are you going? Look at you carrying a bucket.

Li Chen asked smoothly.

"Alas, don't say it, I'm also unlucky enough today. The yellow eels in the hotel were put down by the naughty ghosts at home with a handful of washing powder, and they all hung up. At night, many people want to eat yellow eel porridge, and they want to buy some back, but it is not a polder day, and now it is the afternoon time, and they can't find the whole street. Alas, it seems that yellow eel porridge cannot be sold tonight.

The other party replied helplessly.

"Yellow eel?"

Li Chen suddenly came to the inspiration, that is, to catch the yellow eel in exchange for a sum of money.

Memory tells him that there were not so many farmed yellow eels in this era, so the price of wild yellow eels is more expensive and more sought-after.

In Nanliu Village, where it is located, there are many small streams and rivers, and yellow eels are especially infested at night.

I grew up here, and I'm so good at catching this stuff.

Usually, it is not that no one catches yellow eels to sell, but most of them are taken to the market for unified acquisition.

The price in that place is relatively cheap.

And the words of this person in front of him made Li Chen suddenly have a new idea, that is, to sell directly to restaurants or supper stalls.

The same thing, placed in different places, the value is completely different.

It's like a big cabbage, in the market, you can only pay a few cents, but in the hotel it is different.

Thinking of this, Li Chen immediately spoke: "

This big brother, does your hotel often need to go to the yellow eel?"

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