Ye Xiaohan was even more confused in the face of Chen Shanfu's words.

When did he steal his family's money?

"Uncle Shanfu, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. When did our family go and steal your money?

"Don't admit it yet? It just so happened that the villagers were there. You can also see your face well. Everyone, come and see, Li Chen stole a hundred yuan from me, and then his wife still doesn't admit it, and she wants to shield him.

As soon as Chen Shanfu's voice increased, more people knew about it.

They started talking to each other and talking about it.

"Wouldn't you? Li Chen stole Chen Shanfu's money?

"If it were that Li Chen before, it was really possible, but I saw that Li Chen has become better in the past two days!"

"yes! Everyone can see what Li Chen has done in the past two days, and he doesn't look like someone who will do illegal things again.

"Chen Shanfu, there should be some misunderstanding in this, right? Now Li Chen has really become better, and it is unlikely that he will steal your money. "


Many villagers also expressed their belief in Li Chen and reminded Chen Shanfu that there may be some misunderstanding.

"Misunderstanding? My son saw with his own eyes that Li Chen always passed by my house in the past 2 days. Then I only found out last night that my hundred dollars was missing. If it wasn't for Li Chen stealing it, how could he have the money to pay back Liu Laosan's hundred yuan. So, he must have stolen the money.

Chen Shanfu said with an angry look.

Yes, last night when he heard the people in the village talking about Li Chen suddenly having money to pay Liu Laosan, Chen Shanfu felt incredible.

After all, he has always felt that it is difficult for dogs to change and eat.

Then, before going to bed, he found himself missing a hundred dollars.

This number was so coincidental that he even more identified Li Chen.

so, after finishing his morning work, he ran over angrily, intending to settle accounts with Li Chen.

Chen Shanfu's words also immediately stunned the onlookers.

"It can't really be that Li Chen stole a hundred yuan from Shanfu, right? How else could it be so coincidental. That's exactly a hundred dollars.

"It's really hard to say about this matter, if it was Li Chen before, it was indeed very likely to be him." But now Li Chen has really changed.

"But if Li Chen hadn't stolen Chen Shanfu's hundred yuan, how could he have earned a hundred yuan in one day?" And the Li family still has meat to eat in the past 2 days.

"When you say that, I don't know who to believe." I hope Li Chen can come out and explain clearly. "


At this time, the villagers have different ideas.

Some suspected that the hundred yuan that Chen Shanfu had disappeared might have been stolen by Li Chen.

Some believe that Li Chen has changed and will not be like before.

Some are centrists, waiting for Li Chen to come out and explain before making a judgment.

Ye Xiaohan listened, but he was very angry.

She knew very well how her man earned all this money.

She immediately took a few steps forward, and then explained loudly:

"Uncle Shanfu, you have no basis and no evidence, and it is too much to wronged my husband like this, right?"

"Wronged? What kind of person is he Li Chen, everyone in the village knows very well, do you still need me to be wronged?

"Yes, my husband wasn't good before, but it was before, and now he's willing to make a change." He doesn't do the improper things anymore.

Ye Xiaohan could not tolerate anyone's slander against his man, so he continued to defend hoarsely.

"I said Ye Xiaohan, I see that you are also a person who has read some books and knows the general situation. Your husband stole my money, and you don't have to defend him like that, do you?

"I'm telling you the truth, what evidence do you have that my husband stole your hundred dollars when your hundred dollars are missing?"

Ye Xiaohan asked rhetorically.


Chen Shanfu was suddenly speechless.

Because he really didn't have any evidence, the reason why he was sure that Li Chen stole his hundred yuan was nothing more than three reasons, one was that he knew from his son that Li Chen had always passed by his door recently, one was that Li Chen just returned Liu Laosan a hundred yuan yesterday, and the other was of course because Li Chen had too many bad examples before.

But these are only conjectures, and there is obviously no substantial evidence for him.

"Then how do you say he Li Chen made a hundred yuan in one day? Everyone must not be able to figure this out, right?

After reacting, Chen Shanfu immediately asked rhetorically.

"yes! Xiao Han, how did Li Chen earn this hundred yuan in one day?

"I was also curious yesterday, where did Li Chen get this hundred yuan?"

"Xiao Han, I see that you will directly tell Chen Shanfu how this hundred yuan came about, so that everyone can eliminate this misunderstanding."


The onlookers were indeed very curious about how their family suddenly earned a hundred yuan, so at this time, they also suggested that Ye Xiaohan could say it, and then let their curious hearts also have an answer.

"That hundred yuan is all obtained by my family Li Chen going to the mountains to dig dendrobium and sell it, if you don't believe it, you go and ask Hua Mei, she also knows about this."

Ye Xiaohan also knew at this time that he couldn't hide it, in order to prove Li Chen's innocence. She had to tell the secret.

"Yes, these money were earned by my brother Chen going to the mountains to dig up medicinal herbs and take them to the town to sell."

Li Huamei stood up at this time to prove Ye Xiaohan's words.

"Who are you fooling? Can you earn a hundred dollars in such a short period of time by selling medicinal herbs? Is it really that profitable, will it be his turn Li Chen? We have hollowed out the mountains long ago.

Chen Shanfu, who did not know the value of wild dendrobium, naturally did not believe Ye Xiaohan's explanation.

"I didn't lie to you, anyway, we earned all this money. If you want to call the police, call the police, I am not afraid.

Ye Xiaohan said righteously.

"Hehe, you really think I don't dare to call the police! If it weren't for the sake of a village, Lao Tzu would have called the police a long time ago.

After that, Chen Shanfu planned to go back and use the landline to call the police.

In this era, most villagers could not afford to use mobile phones, and even landlines were installed in only a few villagers' homes.

Therefore, if Chen Shanfu wants to call the police, he has to go home and call on the landline.

But just as he turned around, suddenly the roar of a motorcycle came out.

Yes, Li Chen just came back at this time.

The onlookers originally planned to disperse, but after seeing Li Chen return, they also immediately walked back again, intending to see how Li Chen explained to Chen Shanfu.

Li Chen was also confused when he saw that there were so many people watching in the house!

What's the situation?

Could it be that Liu Laosan's bully is making trouble again?

But yesterday I already paid him back the hundred yuan I owed!

He has no reason to come over and make trouble!

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