Ye Xiaohan leaned against the door, in this way, Li Chen really wanted to hit himself, and he still had the opportunity to run out.

Seeing Ye Xiaohan's panicked expression, Li Chen couldn't help but feel sorry for this poor woman.

He hated himself more and more, how could he be such a bastard, let a woman who loved him so much be so afraid of himself.

"Xiao Han, don't think about it, it's windy now, I just don't want your stomach to be blown cold by the wind." If you're afraid, you don't have to close the door.

Li Chen explained calmly.

"Then I don't care."

Ye Xiaohan still didn't quite believe that this man really changed suddenly, so for her own safety, she did not choose to close the door.

Li Chen knew that now Ye Xiaohan was still wary of himself, he didn't blame her, he was too much of a bastard before, too unhuman.

He had to make a change to make this woman believe in herself again.

"Xiao Han, you just went to the shore to blow a cold wind, I'll go and pour you a cup of boiling water to warm up."

After that, Li Chen turned around and went to find electrical appliances that could boil water.

But after looking for a while, I remembered that this was 1998, and ordinary families did not have such a thing as water boilers.

"Forgot, we don't have the tools to boil water at home. You wait, I'll go get some firewood, and then boil some water for you. "

In this era, ordinary people want to drink boiled water, only by burning firewood, and then putting the boiled water into a traditional thermos flask.

Ye Xiaohan saw that this man seemed to be really boiling water for himself, and his heart was stunned again.

Which one is he going to do?

Or do you really change and want to be nice to yourself?

"No need to burn it, there is still in the thermos, if you really want to be nice to me, just pour it out there."

Ye Xiaohan reminded.

Li Chen nodded, and then went to find a thermos.

This thermos flask was sent by Ye Xiaohan's mother's family as a dowry when she got married.

The epidermis has been damaged.

All this is a masterpiece of Li Chen's return home to smash things after losing money.

If it weren't for Ye Xiaohan's deathly protection, it is estimated that the inner tank inside would have been broken long ago and could not be used.

"Xiao Han, give, you first sit and drink a bowl of boiling water, I'll go buy you some meat to make something delicious."

Seeing Li Chen sincerely bring a bowl of boiling water in front of him, Ye Xiaohan dared to believe that all this was true.

Has he really changed?

If so, then all the hardships suffered before are worth it.

If not, she knew that the harm that awaited her would be even more terrible.

Two voices began to appear in the depths of her heart, she was tangled, she wandered, she was confused, she was all kinds of guesses, she was overwhelmed....

"There's no money left in that family."

Ye Xiaohan saw Li Chen rummaging through something at the end of the bed, and then said with a trembling voice.

In the past, she would be beaten up when she said this.

Therefore, she already has psychological sequelae for this sentence.

"It's okay, I'll figure it out. You first rest well at home.

But Li Chen did not hit himself this time, but simply cleaned up the bed quilt that had just been turned over, and then went out, and closed the door by the way.


Ye Xiaohan had a feeling of escaping a catastrophe.

No, he went out and went out, why did he close the door?

Shouldn't it be that you deliberately made an excuse and then went to find something to come back and beat yourself up?

Thinking of Li Chen's various things in the past, Ye Xiaohan began to panic again in his heart.

"Li Chen, if you still don't change, I swear I will never forgive you again."

She bit her lower lip and said silently in her heart.

After Li Chen went out, he had to face a problem. That is how to get some money to buy some meat for pregnant Ye Xiaohan.

If memory serves, Ye Xiaohan's health has been very poor since she became pregnant, because she took all the family's money to gamble.

As a result, Ye Xiaohan had no money to eat meat, and could only eat cabbage gruel.

What about this fetus and two treasures, can the body be good without eating meat?

Thinking of this, Li Chen once again scolded in his heart that he was really not a person before.

"Li Chen, I said you really won't be crazy, right? Just now you ran out of the casino, but it scared us to death. At

this time, the dog also returned from the casino on Tuesday, and after seeing Li Chen, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"You're crazy, I'm so decent." By the way, do you still have money in your pocket? Lend me some meat to buy for my wife to eat first. Li

Chen can only think of this trick now, otherwise, he can't go to the pork stall to get credit.

"I have fart money, and if I had money, I would come out of the casino? I just lost my money and came back.

When Li Chen heard it, he thought about it, and the dog on Tuesday was the same as before, he didn't lose and didn't go home. To borrow money from him, it is better to borrow money from the land public.

"Okay, then you go home. I'll think of a way again.

Li Chen waved his hand at him helplessly, intending to think of other ways.

"Wait, what did you just say? Buy your wife some meat to eat? Are you sure you're not crazy? Do you still know how to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade? Tuesday

Dog suddenly thought of something, and then had an incredulous expression on his face.

Yes, Li Chen is a well-known person in the village who beats his wife out of anger when he has nothing to do, so hearing him say that he is going to get money to buy meat for his wife to eat, Tuesday dog has to suspect that Li Chen in front of him is really crazy.

", you're crazy. Lao Tzu normal person. Isn't it normal to hurt your wife!

Li Chen scolded rudely.

"It's normal to change this thing to other men, but it's not normal to change it to you." Who doesn't know that the person who beats his wife in three days and two heads still hurts his wife? I'm afraid the sun is coming out of the west.

Tuesday Dog scoffed.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'll find a way to get some meat for my wife to eat."

Li Chen knew that his previous image was too bad, so he did not continue to explain to the Tuesday dog.

He turned around and planned to leave.

"Yo, you kid is still proud of me. I see you still don't want to borrow money, no one will lend you. You might as well go to the mountains to find game yourself. Tuesday

Dog said sarcastically behind his back.

That is, this sentence can be regarded as a complete reminder of Li Chen.

"Yes! I can go hunting a hare or pheasant in the mountains! "

It's '98 and the hills in the countryside are full of game.

Although Li Chen was a jerk before, he grew up in the countryside and has a good hand in catching wild game.

Besides, his previous image was too bad, and it was indeed as the dog said on Tuesday, even if he asked the whole village, no one would lend it to him.

It's better to go to the mountain to hunt a few wild game and let Ye Xiaohan make up for it.

"Xiao Han, don't worry, I will definitely let you eat delicious broth."

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