Li Wu has now completely transformed into a lemon essence, and his speech is even more sour.

Before the villagers could speak, he continued:

"He may not have obtained the money by some means, and then deliberately said that he had dug up wild dendrobium and caught yellow eels to sell it in order to hide his eyes." So, don't trust him too much. "

Li Wu, what are you talking nonsense, my brother Chen is not that kind of person!" At

this moment, Li Huamei happened to pass by and heard him slandering Li Chen, so she couldn't help but scold behind her back.

"Li Huamei, is Li Chen that kind of person, and you are not a roundworm in his stomach? Besides, who in the entire Nanliu Village does not know your relationship with him, of course you speak for him.

When Li Wu heard someone behind him speak loudly, he first panicked, and then saw that it was Li Huamei, and quickly calmed down.

"I see that you are red-eyed, my brother Chen has recently made money, and then he goes around saying bad things about him. My brother Chen's money is all obtained from selling dendrobium and yellow eel, and I know best. If you don't believe it, you can confront him. He still has a list of purchases and sells.

Li Huamei tried her best to explain for Li Chen.

"Che, I'm too lazy to tell you. He's your cousin, and your relationship is so good, of course you speak for him.

In the end, Li Wu, who knew his own loss, did not dare to argue with Li Huamei.

After saying a word, he left in a hurry.

Li Huamei felt aggrieved for her brother Chen in her heart.

She came to Li Chen's house and walked in.

"Brother Chen, that Li Wu is really a red eye disease. Seeing that you are making money now, go around saying bad things about you. "

Okay, Flower Girl, I see. You don't have to be angry about people like that. Let him say whatever he loves. Anyway, as long as we do right and do well, we are not afraid of what others say.

Li Chen comforted.

"But I really can't get used to his red-eyed face, you don't know, I really wanted to give him two slaps just now."

"You guy, it's not right to hit someone. Besides, if you are a girl, you have to learn to be gentle.

"But Brother Chen, aren't you angry at all, you finally made a good impression on the villagers, but he said bad things about you everywhere. Seeing

Li Chen so calm, Li Huamei was also confused.

Can you still shut his mouth and prevent him from saying it, and now that our life is getting better, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous and red-eyed, which is normal. As long as we do it with a clear conscience. "

Li Chen has the memory of a reborn, so he also looks at some things relatively lightly.

And the reason why he is still red-eyed, jealous, and talked about by people now.

It is also because I am not successful enough and do not make enough money.

When you are successful enough and make enough money, they can only hope to exist, and these negative things will be much less.

"Okay, you can do what you want.

Li Huamei could only say helplessly.

"Thank you Flower Girl for defending me, you are my best Flower Girl.

"Don't, don't say such meaty words, I'm not used to it." You better keep these meaty words for your sister-in-law,"

Li Huamei smiled, and then said.

"Flower sister, don't say it, since your brother Chen has changed, it is quite meaty to speak sometimes.

Ye Xiaohan on the side also said with a smile.

"Haha, in this way, my brother Chen must have said a lot of meaty words in my sister-in-law's ear. "

Well, you kid, you can really laugh. Let's stay for lunch at noon, and we'll make steamed fish later.

Ye Xiaohan invited warmly.

"Thank you sister-in-law, but I don't need lunch." I'm going to go outside with my mom later. I won't bother you to continue to talk about hemp, I'll go back first."

After that, Li Huamei turned around and went back with a smile on her face.

At noon, Li Chen made Ye Xiaohan a steamed tilapia.

This cooking skill is due to his memories of his past life, after all, in his previous life, he made his fortune in restaurants, and later relied on the money earned from restaurants to invest in other industries, and gradually became the richest entrepreneur in Asia.

Although he was reborn, he has not lost these cooking skills.

Li Chen, when did you become so good at cooking?" When

the steamed tilapia was poured with hot oil, a clear fragrance wafted out.

Ye Xiaohan sniffed it, and immediately couldn't help but praise.

"I've always cooked, but I used to be too jerked, so I didn't show it to you. You can rest assured that you and your children will be able to eat fragrant meals every day in the future.

Li Chen replied with a smug look.

As soon as Ye Xiaohan heard this, another warm current appeared in his heart.

Her face was full of happiness, and she said gently:

"I am very happy that you can recognize the mistakes you made before. But that's all in the past, and you don't have to feel too guilty. As long as we live well in the future.

"What a silly woman, I made you suffer so many grievances and suffered so much before, and you can still forgive me now."

Li Chen felt more and more sorry for this woman.

She is really a vulgar woman in the world, she is too rare.

"Those grievances and sufferings have passed, and if you can think about getting better now, I will be very content in my heart." Okay, let's stop talking about that, I'll go get you a meal and eat steamed fish.

After that, Ye Xiaohan went to give Li Chen a full bowl of rice with a happy smile.

Li Chen also put a piece of fragrant fish meat in her bowl for the first time.

After this tilapia was steamed by you, it was really fragrant, and the fishy smell was gone.

After taking a bite, Ye Xiaohan couldn't help but praise again.

"Xiang, eat more fish, come, this is all for you."

Li Chen directly clamped most of the fish meat into Ye Xiaohan's bowl, and he only left the part of the fish's tail.

"Fool, I'm not a cat again, I can't eat so much. Listen to me, every fish is half of everyone.

Ye Xiaohan knew that Li Chen was good to herself, but she couldn't bear to eat all the meat.

So, she clamped part of the fish meat into Li Chen's bowl.

The two of them "you come and go" for a while, and finally couldn't help but laugh more.

"Okay, if we continue like this, it is estimated that the food will be cold."

Ye Xiaohan said with a happy face.

"Also, let's eat then. When I'm full, I'll feed the hens later.

Li Chen also said with a smile.

"By the way, speaking of your hens, I suddenly had an idea, that orchard is a bit far from where we live, how about we put a dog there to help us take care of it?"

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