Widow Wang was picking cucumbers in the room, and when she heard that someone saw her, she immediately put down the cucumber in her hand and walked out.

"It's you, young man, I'm worried you're not coming today." Seeing

that it was Li Chen who bought his wild dendrobium yesterday, Widow Wang was also very happy.

"Sister Wang, I am a trustworthy person, and if I say that I will continue to buy wild dendrobium, I will definitely come over. How about it, do you still have wild dendrobium today?"

Wait a minute, I'll go back and get it to you. "

Widow Wang went to find wild dendrobium yesterday afternoon, and because he went to find it earlier than the villagers in the same village, he had the advantage, and now she has ten wild dendrobium plants in her hand.

"Young man, I don't have a problem with these wild dendrobiums, I dug it up yesterday and was worried that it would wither, and I deliberately used some mud and water to put it."

"No problem, even if it is withered, I will collect it."

Li Chen said boldly.

Thank you so much.

Widow Wang was very happy, after all, these ten wild dendrobium plants meant that he could earn 80 yuan.

During this period, she was a widow, and it was not easy to go out and earn money. She is content to earn pocket money with her own hands.

"You're welcome, this is your eighty dollars, you take it."

Li Chen counted the eighty yuan and handed it to the other party.

"Thank you. Thank you so much.

Widow Wang took it and thanked her for two more words.

"You're welcome, we're happy working together. But why are you so red?" Li

Chen only found out at this time that Widow Wang's face was red, as red as shyness.

"Ah, am I red, why didn't I not know?" Li

Chen's words made Widow Wang think of what she was just picking cucumbers, and she was very embarrassed.

"Widow Wang, is the person who bought the wild dendrobium yesterday coming again?"

"Yes, he's coming to buy wild dendrobium again. Take all the wild dendrobium and sell it to him."

Widow Wang also replied by the way.

"Good, I'm here to finish the wild dendrobium, you all have wild dendrobium."

Li Chen also shouted loudly.

Then soon, the nearby villagers dug up wild dendrobium, and at this time they all got Li Chen's side to sell.

Li Chen was very happy when he saw the wild dendrobium held by the villagers.

This means that I will have a very good harvest in Santan Village today.

"Don't worry, as long as you have it, I will accept it." So everyone lined up, and I came one by one to count and give money.

Li Chen saw that these villagers seemed to be worried that they would buy and leave, and at this time, they were all trying to be the first to trade with him.

He immediately said it out loud.

With Li Chen's words, the villagers were naturally much more relieved.

Anyway, everyone is fine, so they will sit on the side first and let the first to trade first.

Finally, in the entire Santan Village, Li Chen received 60 wild dendrobium.

Fortunately, he made five hundred yuan today by selling hares, otherwise he really didn't have enough funds to pay these villagers.

To know 60 wild dendrobium, he had to remove the 480 yuan.

After coming out of Santan Village, Li Chen could no longer go to other villages to collect wild dendrobium so quickly.

Because he doesn't have much money at the moment, he has to make another trip to town and sell these 60 wild dendrobiums.

Although it is a bit troublesome to go back and forth like this, but there is no way, he has just been reborn back, the funds are limited, and he has to go through some efforts to earn enough funds.

And as long as there is money to earn, he is not afraid of trouble.

"Yo, Houshengzi, are you here again?" Wang

Agui from the medicinal herb store went out to greet him very enthusiastically after seeing Li Chen coming.

"yes, I got 60 wild dendrobium today. Look.

Li Chen proudly pointed to the wild dendrobium on the tricycle, and then said happily.

"Oh my God, you're too powerful, right? You honestly bought it directly from the villagers?" Wang

Agui is a very understanding person, he has been trading medicinal herbs in the local area for many years, and he knows the basic situation of wild dendrobium.

Normally, it is impossible for an individual to own so many wild dendrobium at the same time.

Therefore, he guessed that Li Chen's wild dendrobium must have been purchased from the villagers and then sold to himself.

I bought them from other people, and I just made the difference. But aren't you the same, you buy these wild dendrobium from me and sell them to the people above, so we are all the same. Since

he was guessed by the other party, Li Chen did not hide it, and directly said it publicly.


Wang Agui was also stunned.

Because he is indeed as Li Chen said, sell to the above at a high price, and then make a difference.

"You really can talk, yes, we all make the difference. I want all these wild dendrobium of yours. I don't care what means you got it, anyway, as long as it's wild, I want it.

Wang Agui felt that this was also a good thing, after all, in this way, he could also receive more wild dendrobium, and then he would be able to earn more.

"Okay, thank you Elder Wang. So these 60 plants, you take a good look.

Li Chen said happily.

"No problem, it's still 11 yuan a plant, a total of 660 yuan. Wang

Agui, who wanted to open, was not verbose, and immediately went back to the drawer to find 660 yuan to come out, and then handed it to Li Chen.

Li Chen took it and carefully looked at the hundred-dollar bill several times.

After all, during this period, there were still a lot of counterfeit money, and he had to pay more attention.

Otherwise, if you receive counterfeit money, it will be a big loss.

"How about it, Hou Shengzai, I don't have a problem with this money, right?" Seeing

that Li Chen was distinguishing the authenticity, Wang Agui also asked jokingly.

"No problem, it's all true. Thanks to Elder Wang.

Li Chen smiled, said a word, and put the money in his pocket.

"You can really make money, if you are not mistaken, you have made a lot of money!"

It's not like you make a lot of money.

Li Chen said modestly, and then left the herb shop with a smile on his face.

The cost is 480, and 660 is 660, which is equivalent to making one hundred and eighty yuan on this trip.

You know, this is just the purchase of wild dendrobium in the hands of the villagers of Santan Village, and there are eight other villages that have not yet been purchased.

If this comes down in a wave, you can quickly save a wave of funds for yourself.

However, Li Chen knew that this was not a long-term solution. At present, it can only make a wave of quick money.

The reason is also very simple, now just at the beginning, there are still a lot of wild dendrobium, but in the back, wild dendrobium will also decrease, or even appear no.

And these villagers will gradually know that they are selling it in the medicinal herb store, and they will also choose to sell it themselves later, and no longer sell it to themselves.

What Li Chen can do is to buy more and earn more as soon as possible, and make capital for investing in larger industries for himself.

So, after coming out of the herb shop, he continued to ride a tricycle to other villages.

"Harvest wild dendrobium, harvest wild dendrobium in large quantities. "

This time, there is no widow Wang in the village, so in order to let the villagers know that he has come to collect wild dendrobium, he can only pedal a tricycle and shout hard in the village.

"You come here, I have it at home.

Suddenly, a plainly dressed young woman came out of the house and said something to Li Chen....

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