Seeing that Li Chen bought a drowning bag for himself, Ye Xiaohan immediately showed surprise.

"I know you like to eat and I like to eat it, so I just buy it." But I also bought some for the flower girls by the way. I'll send it to them in a moment.

Li Chen said happily, so he took the drowning bag he bought into the kitchen, and then put some of it at home for himself and Ye Xiaohan to eat, and the rest was taken to Li Huamei and her family.

"Xiaochen, I just saw that you bought a new motorcycle, and seeing that you are now present, my uncle is really happy for you."

After Li Chunchun saw Li Chen coming, he said with a look of relief.

"Yes, I just bought it back, five thousand seven, I bought some drowning bags for you to eat by the way.

After that, Li Chen handed over the drowning bag he bought to Li Chun.

"Thank you Brother Chen, I haven't tasted the drowning bag for a long time. Li

Huamei just walked out of the room, and after hearing that there was a falling water bag, she really couldn't take care of so much, so she directly picked up one and ate it.

"You kid, you don't have any courtesy. This is not allowed in the future.

Li Chunchun taught a lesson.

"Uncle, it's okay, it's all a family, don't worry about this. And Hua Mei has helped me a lot recently.

Li Chen said.

"Return my brother Chen's kindness to me, yesterday bought me Baisan, and today bought me a sinking bag. Li

Huamei was happy like a child at this time.

"Xiaochen, you really make money from stone climbing?"

Li Chunchun couldn't help but ask after tasting a drowning bag.

"In the past two days, I have made thousands of yuan by relying on stone climbers, why would my uncle suddenly ask about this?"

replied Li Chen.

"I just heard from the people in the village that today Li Wu took them to the town to sell stone climbers, but they didn't sell them. That's why I asked curiously.

Li Chunchun explained.

"Is there such a thing, are their stone climbers still there?" Li

Chen suddenly thought of something, and then his heart couldn't help but get excited.

That is, they can buy the stone climbers they caught in their hands and sell them to Lin Zhou.

Otherwise, these stone climbers cannot be sold in their hands, and they can still make a sum of money by selling them to themselves.

"It's all still there, I don't know.

Li Chunchun replied.

"Okay, I'll ask if their stone creep is still there, if they are, I'll have them all." Without

further ado, Li Chen said a word, and immediately turned around and went back.

"Yo, it's Xiaochen, you kid has a good time, and suddenly he bought a new motorcycle." "

At this time, I just happened to meet the sixth aunt.

"Thank you Sixth Aunt, that Sixth Aunt, there is something I want to trouble you.

You said, as long as I can help, I will help you. "

Although the sixth aunt sometimes has a broken mouth and talks a lot, her heart is still more warm-hearted.

"I heard that you caught some stone climbers, but none of them were sold. Then I want to buy it, and you go and talk to the other villagers, and they say that if there are stone climbers, they can be sold by me. If it is large, it will be 400 yuan a pound, and the small one will be 200 yuan a pound. "

The sixth aunt is a well-known "microphone" in Nanliu Village, as long as she knows something, basically the whole village will soon know.

Therefore, Li Chen had a clever move and planned to ask her to help him spread the news.

Well, I'll go tell them now. The

sixth aunt was very happy, because she also caught 2 stone crawlers in her hand, thinking that Li Wu fooled her, and was preparing to use it for dinner tonight.

Now that Li Chen said that four hundred yuan a pound was purchased, she immediately ran back.

"Everyone quickly take the stone climber to Li Chen, he bought it at a high price.

As soon as the sixth aunt's loud voice came out, the villagers immediately received the news, and then came to Li Chen's door with their stone climbers.

"Li Chen, are you really willing to buy our stone climber?" The

villagers were still a little unconvinced, after all, they followed Li Wu to the town today and did not sell it.

"Of course, as long as it weighs more than one pound of stone climbers, I have unified four hundred yuan, and less than one pound of stone climbers, it is two hundred yuan a pound. But there is a prerequisite here, that is, you must live. Half-dead, don't want it.

Li Chen replied in the affirmative.

At this price, he can earn a hundred yuan per catty.

"Well, we'll sell it to you. We are too lazy to toss, it is better to sell it to you more conveniently.

"Yes, yes, I will sell it to you too." "


After hearing the price Li Chen said, the villagers were very moved, and they all clamored to sell it to Li Chen.

"Don't worry, come one by one, as long as there is any, I will accept it."

After Li Chen finished speaking, he went back and took a handful of scales out, and then weighed the stone climbers they took over one by one.

In the end, the big stone climber received a total of 4 pounds, and 1,600 yuan was removed here.

The small stone climber received 10 pounds, and three thousand yuan was removed here.

That's 4,600 yuan together.

However, Li Chen will eventually earn 1,400 yuan. The deal is still worth it.

After these villagers saw that Shi Chuangzi could really make money, they all went back to continue to catch in the Nanliu River.

Li Chen did not dare to rest, and after putting the stone climbers into the bucket uniformly, he planned to continue to the town.

"Li Chen, do you really need to transport them to the county seat today, but you just came back, so you don't have to wait until tomorrow?"

suggested Ye Xiaohan.

"Xiao Han, these stone climbers can't wait. They leave the Nanliu River to increase the risk of death, so they must be transported to the county seat as soon as possible. Otherwise, if some of them die tonight, we will lose.

Li Chen explained.

"Okay, then you go back quickly. Remember to stay safe on the road.

Ye Xiaohan said gently, Li Chen nodded, started the motorcycle, and rushed to the town again.

On the other side, after Li Wu woke up from sleep, he heard that the villagers had taken the stone crawler and sold it to Li Chen, and his face immediately turned black with anger.

"Wang Baegg, did not expect that not only could not rob him of the doorway to make money, but also made it easier for him to earn.

Li Wu couldn't help but scold.

Yes, in this way, Li Chen does not need to catch the stone climber himself, directly buy the villagers to catch, and then sell it to earn a wave.

Especially now, after people in other villages knew that Li Chen bought it at a high price, they once again went to capture Shi Crezi.

Li Chen can make a lot of money by waiting for a wave of acquisitions.

He felt the urge to vomit blood when he thought about it.

"I don't believe it, how can you keep being so lucky." Li

Wu naturally didn't die yet, and said fiercely in his heart, and then began to think of other tricks to stop Li Chen from making money...

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