I Was Kicked Out By A Bear And The Organizing Committee Thought I Was Cheating.

Chapter 10 Quick, Get Him A Bear From The Zoo While There Is Still Time!

Qin Mo directly signed up to participate in this marathon in Qitan City.

He is a cyclist, and participating in a marathon can be regarded as completing a crossover.

Of course, it’s a cross.

But Qin Mo also knows.

To participate in this competition, he completely needs to rely on the system.

"I hope the system can give me a little help this time!"


Don't even think about winning the championship.

It doesn’t even work on my favorite bicycle.

Not to mention a marathon?

Just rely on the system.

In this regard, Qin Mo still has some self-awareness.

Of course, while relying on the system.

Qin Mo didn’t forget to complain.

"Don't be too cheating, don't be too cheating..."

If you are afraid of getting a bear or something like that during the marathon.

Then Qin Mo felt that he could just wait to die.


It is worth mentioning that the game is very fast.

Just three days later.

It can be said to be urgent!

Taking advantage of these two days, Qin Mo also deliberately ran for exercise.

Although cramming is of no use.

Three days later, Qin Mo appeared on the field!

It's different from bike racing.

The marathon was really crowded!

Participants were of all ages.

It was a lively anomaly.

There is such a scene, mainly because there are basically no restrictions in this kind of competition.

Essentially, anyone who wants to participate can do so.

It is worth mentioning that.

There will also be interviews and live broadcasts on local TV stations before the game.

The TV station interviewed many players.

However, he soon noticed Qin Mo.

After all, Qin Mo was very popular in the past two days.

Being recognized is considered normal.

So much so that the game hasn't even started yet.

The long spear and short cannon came in front of Qin Mo.

"Mr. Qin, may I ask why you came to participate in this marathon!"

"Mr. Qin, aren't you a cyclist?"

"Mr. Qin, what makes you, a cyclist, compete in cross-border competitions?"

"Are you going to challenge your limits? Mr. Qin?"

For these interviews, Qin Mo only gave vague answers.

"Sports itself is a matter for everyone to participate in! I also focus on participation..."

Wait until Qin Mo answers these questions.

He was even taken directly to take a photo by the event organizing committee.

no way.

Qitan City’s marathon is not well-known.

The only real celebrity is Qin Mo.

So much so in a short period of time.

News of Qin Mo's participation in the marathon appeared on the Internet.

‘Cycling champion takes on marathon! ’

‘The world record-breaking champion competes in the Kidan City Marathon! ’

‘Qin Mo crossed over to participate in the marathon. ’

‘Qin Mo…’

In a short period of time, one headline after another appeared on the Internet.

So when these messages appeared on the Internet.

"Qin Mo? Who is Qin Mo?"

“Damn it, you don’t even know this, you’re the one who was chased by a bear two days ago!!”

"Oh my gosh, it's him. He actually ran a marathon? Isn't he a cyclist?"

"Is this crossing a boundary? Do you think he will be chased by a bear this time..."

"Hahaha, are you kidding! That one is so bearish!"

"I didn't expect that bicycle racers could also participate in marathons..."

Suddenly, there was a lot of excitement on the Internet.

It was just a matter of discussion.

This marathon race, which originally received little attention, suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

For such a scene, the organizing committee was very happy.

Of course, the appearance of Qin Mo has attracted a lot of attention.


But no one thought he could win the championship!

"Do you think he can still win the championship?"

"Haha, what are you thinking? He is a cyclist, not a marathon runner!"

"Not only that, but his cycling ability is actually not particularly good. He was able to win the championship and break the world record, mainly because he was in a hurry!"

"Isn't that right! If I didn't win the championship last time, my life would have been lost!"

"This fully illustrates the explosion of people in extreme environments..."

"It's so funny, if you say that... Where's the organizing committee? Come on, get him a bear from the zoo while there's still time!"

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